// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! A double-ended queue implemented with a growable ring buffer. //! //! This queue has `O(1)` amortized inserts and removals from both ends of the //! container. It also has `O(1)` indexing like a vector. The contained elements //! are not required to be copyable, and the queue will be sendable if the //! contained type is sendable. #![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] use core::cmp::Ordering; use core::fmt; use core::iter::{repeat, FromIterator, FusedIterator}; use core::mem; use core::ops::Bound::{Excluded, Included, Unbounded}; use core::ops::{Index, IndexMut, RangeBounds}; use core::ptr; use core::ptr::NonNull; use core::slice; use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use core::cmp; use alloc::CollectionAllocErr; use raw_vec::RawVec; use vec::Vec; const INITIAL_CAPACITY: usize = 7; // 2^3 - 1 const MINIMUM_CAPACITY: usize = 1; // 2 - 1 #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] const MAXIMUM_ZST_CAPACITY: usize = 1 << (32 - 1); // Largest possible power of two #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] const MAXIMUM_ZST_CAPACITY: usize = 1 << (64 - 1); // Largest possible power of two /// A double-ended queue implemented with a growable ring buffer. /// /// The "default" usage of this type as a queue is to use [`push_back`] to add to /// the queue, and [`pop_front`] to remove from the queue. [`extend`] and [`append`] /// push onto the back in this manner, and iterating over `VecDeque` goes front /// to back. /// /// [`push_back`]: #method.push_back /// [`pop_front`]: #method.pop_front /// [`extend`]: #method.extend /// [`append`]: #method.append #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub struct VecDeque { // tail and head are pointers into the buffer. Tail always points // to the first element that could be read, Head always points // to where data should be written. // If tail == head the buffer is empty. The length of the ringbuffer // is defined as the distance between the two. tail: usize, head: usize, buf: RawVec, } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Clone for VecDeque { fn clone(&self) -> VecDeque { self.iter().cloned().collect() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T> Drop for VecDeque { fn drop(&mut self) { let (front, back) = self.as_mut_slices(); unsafe { // use drop for [T] ptr::drop_in_place(front); ptr::drop_in_place(back); } // RawVec handles deallocation } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Default for VecDeque { /// Creates an empty `VecDeque`. #[inline] fn default() -> VecDeque { VecDeque::new() } } impl VecDeque { /// Marginally more convenient #[inline] fn ptr(&self) -> *mut T { self.buf.ptr() } /// Marginally more convenient #[inline] fn cap(&self) -> usize { if mem::size_of::() == 0 { // For zero sized types, we are always at maximum capacity MAXIMUM_ZST_CAPACITY } else { self.buf.cap() } } /// Turn ptr into a slice #[inline] unsafe fn buffer_as_slice(&self) -> &[T] { slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr(), self.cap()) } /// Turn ptr into a mut slice #[inline] unsafe fn buffer_as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [T] { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.ptr(), self.cap()) } /// Moves an element out of the buffer #[inline] unsafe fn buffer_read(&mut self, off: usize) -> T { ptr::read(self.ptr().offset(off as isize)) } /// Writes an element into the buffer, moving it. #[inline] unsafe fn buffer_write(&mut self, off: usize, value: T) { ptr::write(self.ptr().offset(off as isize), value); } /// Returns `true` if and only if the buffer is at full capacity. #[inline] fn is_full(&self) -> bool { self.cap() - self.len() == 1 } /// Returns the index in the underlying buffer for a given logical element /// index. #[inline] fn wrap_index(&self, idx: usize) -> usize { wrap_index(idx, self.cap()) } /// Returns the index in the underlying buffer for a given logical element /// index + addend. #[inline] fn wrap_add(&self, idx: usize, addend: usize) -> usize { wrap_index(idx.wrapping_add(addend), self.cap()) } /// Returns the index in the underlying buffer for a given logical element /// index - subtrahend. #[inline] fn wrap_sub(&self, idx: usize, subtrahend: usize) -> usize { wrap_index(idx.wrapping_sub(subtrahend), self.cap()) } /// Copies a contiguous block of memory len long from src to dst #[inline] unsafe fn copy(&self, dst: usize, src: usize, len: usize) { debug_assert!(dst + len <= self.cap(), "cpy dst={} src={} len={} cap={}", dst, src, len, self.cap()); debug_assert!(src + len <= self.cap(), "cpy dst={} src={} len={} cap={}", dst, src, len, self.cap()); ptr::copy(self.ptr().offset(src as isize), self.ptr().offset(dst as isize), len); } /// Copies a contiguous block of memory len long from src to dst #[inline] unsafe fn copy_nonoverlapping(&self, dst: usize, src: usize, len: usize) { debug_assert!(dst + len <= self.cap(), "cno dst={} src={} len={} cap={}", dst, src, len, self.cap()); debug_assert!(src + len <= self.cap(), "cno dst={} src={} len={} cap={}", dst, src, len, self.cap()); ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.ptr().offset(src as isize), self.ptr().offset(dst as isize), len); } /// Copies a potentially wrapping block of memory len long from src to dest. /// (abs(dst - src) + len) must be no larger than cap() (There must be at /// most one continuous overlapping region between src and dest). unsafe fn wrap_copy(&self, dst: usize, src: usize, len: usize) { #[allow(dead_code)] fn diff(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize { if a <= b { b - a } else { a - b } } debug_assert!(cmp::min(diff(dst, src), self.cap() - diff(dst, src)) + len <= self.cap(), "wrc dst={} src={} len={} cap={}", dst, src, len, self.cap()); if src == dst || len == 0 { return; } let dst_after_src = self.wrap_sub(dst, src) < len; let src_pre_wrap_len = self.cap() - src; let dst_pre_wrap_len = self.cap() - dst; let src_wraps = src_pre_wrap_len < len; let dst_wraps = dst_pre_wrap_len < len; match (dst_after_src, src_wraps, dst_wraps) { (_, false, false) => { // src doesn't wrap, dst doesn't wrap // // S . . . // 1 [_ _ A A B B C C _] // 2 [_ _ A A A A B B _] // D . . . // self.copy(dst, src, len); } (false, false, true) => { // dst before src, src doesn't wrap, dst wraps // // S . . . // 1 [A A B B _ _ _ C C] // 2 [A A B B _ _ _ A A] // 3 [B B B B _ _ _ A A] // . . D . // self.copy(dst, src, dst_pre_wrap_len); self.copy(0, src + dst_pre_wrap_len, len - dst_pre_wrap_len); } (true, false, true) => { // src before dst, src doesn't wrap, dst wraps // // S . . . // 1 [C C _ _ _ A A B B] // 2 [B B _ _ _ A A B B] // 3 [B B _ _ _ A A A A] // . . D . // self.copy(0, src + dst_pre_wrap_len, len - dst_pre_wrap_len); self.copy(dst, src, dst_pre_wrap_len); } (false, true, false) => { // dst before src, src wraps, dst doesn't wrap // // . . S . // 1 [C C _ _ _ A A B B] // 2 [C C _ _ _ B B B B] // 3 [C C _ _ _ B B C C] // D . . . // self.copy(dst, src, src_pre_wrap_len); self.copy(dst + src_pre_wrap_len, 0, len - src_pre_wrap_len); } (true, true, false) => { // src before dst, src wraps, dst doesn't wrap // // . . S . // 1 [A A B B _ _ _ C C] // 2 [A A A A _ _ _ C C] // 3 [C C A A _ _ _ C C] // D . . . // self.copy(dst + src_pre_wrap_len, 0, len - src_pre_wrap_len); self.copy(dst, src, src_pre_wrap_len); } (false, true, true) => { // dst before src, src wraps, dst wraps // // . . . S . // 1 [A B C D _ E F G H] // 2 [A B C D _ E G H H] // 3 [A B C D _ E G H A] // 4 [B C C D _ E G H A] // . . D . . // debug_assert!(dst_pre_wrap_len > src_pre_wrap_len); let delta = dst_pre_wrap_len - src_pre_wrap_len; self.copy(dst, src, src_pre_wrap_len); self.copy(dst + src_pre_wrap_len, 0, delta); self.copy(0, delta, len - dst_pre_wrap_len); } (true, true, true) => { // src before dst, src wraps, dst wraps // // . . S . . // 1 [A B C D _ E F G H] // 2 [A A B D _ E F G H] // 3 [H A B D _ E F G H] // 4 [H A B D _ E F F G] // . . . D . // debug_assert!(src_pre_wrap_len > dst_pre_wrap_len); let delta = src_pre_wrap_len - dst_pre_wrap_len; self.copy(delta, 0, len - src_pre_wrap_len); self.copy(0, self.cap() - delta, delta); self.copy(dst, src, dst_pre_wrap_len); } } } /// Frobs the head and tail sections around to handle the fact that we /// just reallocated. Unsafe because it trusts old_cap. #[inline] unsafe fn handle_cap_increase(&mut self, old_cap: usize) { let new_cap = self.cap(); // Move the shortest contiguous section of the ring buffer // T H // [o o o o o o o . ] // T H // A [o o o o o o o . . . . . . . . . ] // H T // [o o . o o o o o ] // T H // B [. . . o o o o o o o . . . . . . ] // H T // [o o o o o . o o ] // H T // C [o o o o o . . . . . . . . . o o ] if self.tail <= self.head { // A // Nop } else if self.head < old_cap - self.tail { // B self.copy_nonoverlapping(old_cap, 0, self.head); self.head += old_cap; debug_assert!(self.head > self.tail); } else { // C let new_tail = new_cap - (old_cap - self.tail); self.copy_nonoverlapping(new_tail, self.tail, old_cap - self.tail); self.tail = new_tail; debug_assert!(self.head < self.tail); } debug_assert!(self.head < self.cap()); debug_assert!(self.tail < self.cap()); debug_assert!(self.cap().count_ones() == 1); } } impl VecDeque { /// Creates an empty `VecDeque`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let vector: VecDeque = VecDeque::new(); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn new() -> VecDeque { VecDeque::with_capacity(INITIAL_CAPACITY) } /// Creates an empty `VecDeque` with space for at least `n` elements. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let vector: VecDeque = VecDeque::with_capacity(10); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn with_capacity(n: usize) -> VecDeque { // +1 since the ringbuffer always leaves one space empty let cap = cmp::max(n + 1, MINIMUM_CAPACITY + 1).next_power_of_two(); assert!(cap > n, "capacity overflow"); VecDeque { tail: 0, head: 0, buf: RawVec::with_capacity(cap), } } /// Retrieves an element in the `VecDeque` by index. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(3); /// buf.push_back(4); /// buf.push_back(5); /// assert_eq!(buf.get(1), Some(&4)); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T> { if index < self.len() { let idx = self.wrap_add(self.tail, index); unsafe { Some(&*self.ptr().offset(idx as isize)) } } else { None } } /// Retrieves an element in the `VecDeque` mutably by index. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(3); /// buf.push_back(4); /// buf.push_back(5); /// if let Some(elem) = buf.get_mut(1) { /// *elem = 7; /// } /// /// assert_eq!(buf[1], 7); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut T> { if index < self.len() { let idx = self.wrap_add(self.tail, index); unsafe { Some(&mut *self.ptr().offset(idx as isize)) } } else { None } } /// Swaps elements at indices `i` and `j`. /// /// `i` and `j` may be equal. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if either index is out of bounds. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(3); /// buf.push_back(4); /// buf.push_back(5); /// assert_eq!(buf, [3, 4, 5]); /// buf.swap(0, 2); /// assert_eq!(buf, [5, 4, 3]); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn swap(&mut self, i: usize, j: usize) { assert!(i < self.len()); assert!(j < self.len()); let ri = self.wrap_add(self.tail, i); let rj = self.wrap_add(self.tail, j); unsafe { ptr::swap(self.ptr().offset(ri as isize), self.ptr().offset(rj as isize)) } } /// Returns the number of elements the `VecDeque` can hold without /// reallocating. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let buf: VecDeque = VecDeque::with_capacity(10); /// assert!(buf.capacity() >= 10); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize { self.cap() - 1 } /// Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to be inserted in the /// given `VecDeque`. Does nothing if the capacity is already sufficient. /// /// Note that the allocator may give the collection more space than it requests. Therefore /// capacity can not be relied upon to be precisely minimal. Prefer [`reserve`] if future /// insertions are expected. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the new capacity overflows `usize`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf: VecDeque = vec![1].into_iter().collect(); /// buf.reserve_exact(10); /// assert!(buf.capacity() >= 11); /// ``` /// /// [`reserve`]: #method.reserve #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn reserve_exact(&mut self, additional: usize) { self.reserve(additional); } /// Reserves capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted in the given /// `VecDeque`. The collection may reserve more space to avoid frequent reallocations. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the new capacity overflows `usize`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf: VecDeque = vec![1].into_iter().collect(); /// buf.reserve(10); /// assert!(buf.capacity() >= 11); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) { let old_cap = self.cap(); let used_cap = self.len() + 1; let new_cap = used_cap.checked_add(additional) .and_then(|needed_cap| needed_cap.checked_next_power_of_two()) .expect("capacity overflow"); if new_cap > old_cap { self.buf.reserve_exact(used_cap, new_cap - used_cap); unsafe { self.handle_cap_increase(old_cap); } } } /// Tries to reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional` more elements to /// be inserted in the given `VecDeque`. After calling `reserve_exact`, /// capacity will be greater than or equal to `self.len() + additional`. /// Does nothing if the capacity is already sufficient. /// /// Note that the allocator may give the collection more space than it /// requests. Therefore capacity can not be relied upon to be precisely /// minimal. Prefer `reserve` if future insertions are expected. /// /// # Errors /// /// If the capacity overflows, or the allocator reports a failure, then an error /// is returned. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(try_reserve)] /// use std::collections::CollectionAllocErr; /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// fn process_data(data: &[u32]) -> Result, CollectionAllocErr> { /// let mut output = VecDeque::new(); /// /// // Pre-reserve the memory, exiting if we can't /// output.try_reserve_exact(data.len())?; /// /// // Now we know this can't OOM in the middle of our complex work /// output.extend(data.iter().map(|&val| { /// val * 2 + 5 // very complicated /// })); /// /// Ok(output) /// } /// # process_data(&[1, 2, 3]).expect("why is the test harness OOMing on 12 bytes?"); /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "try_reserve", reason = "new API", issue="48043")] pub fn try_reserve_exact(&mut self, additional: usize) -> Result<(), CollectionAllocErr> { self.try_reserve(additional) } /// Tries to reserve capacity for at least `additional` more elements to be inserted /// in the given `VecDeque`. The collection may reserve more space to avoid /// frequent reallocations. After calling `reserve`, capacity will be /// greater than or equal to `self.len() + additional`. Does nothing if /// capacity is already sufficient. /// /// # Errors /// /// If the capacity overflows, or the allocator reports a failure, then an error /// is returned. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(try_reserve)] /// use std::collections::CollectionAllocErr; /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// fn process_data(data: &[u32]) -> Result, CollectionAllocErr> { /// let mut output = VecDeque::new(); /// /// // Pre-reserve the memory, exiting if we can't /// output.try_reserve(data.len())?; /// /// // Now we know this can't OOM in the middle of our complex work /// output.extend(data.iter().map(|&val| { /// val * 2 + 5 // very complicated /// })); /// /// Ok(output) /// } /// # process_data(&[1, 2, 3]).expect("why is the test harness OOMing on 12 bytes?"); /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "try_reserve", reason = "new API", issue="48043")] pub fn try_reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) -> Result<(), CollectionAllocErr> { let old_cap = self.cap(); let used_cap = self.len() + 1; let new_cap = used_cap.checked_add(additional) .and_then(|needed_cap| needed_cap.checked_next_power_of_two()) .ok_or(CollectionAllocErr::CapacityOverflow)?; if new_cap > old_cap { self.buf.try_reserve_exact(used_cap, new_cap - used_cap)?; unsafe { self.handle_cap_increase(old_cap); } } Ok(()) } /// Shrinks the capacity of the `VecDeque` as much as possible. /// /// It will drop down as close as possible to the length but the allocator may still inform the /// `VecDeque` that there is space for a few more elements. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::with_capacity(15); /// buf.extend(0..4); /// assert_eq!(buf.capacity(), 15); /// buf.shrink_to_fit(); /// assert!(buf.capacity() >= 4); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "deque_extras_15", since = "1.5.0")] pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) { self.shrink_to(0); } /// Shrinks the capacity of the `VecDeque` with a lower bound. /// /// The capacity will remain at least as large as both the length /// and the supplied value. /// /// Panics if the current capacity is smaller than the supplied /// minimum capacity. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// #![feature(shrink_to)] /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::with_capacity(15); /// buf.extend(0..4); /// assert_eq!(buf.capacity(), 15); /// buf.shrink_to(6); /// assert!(buf.capacity() >= 6); /// buf.shrink_to(0); /// assert!(buf.capacity() >= 4); /// ``` #[unstable(feature = "shrink_to", reason = "new API", issue="0")] pub fn shrink_to(&mut self, min_capacity: usize) { assert!(self.capacity() >= min_capacity, "Tried to shrink to a larger capacity"); // +1 since the ringbuffer always leaves one space empty // len + 1 can't overflow for an existing, well-formed ringbuffer. let target_cap = cmp::max( cmp::max(min_capacity, self.len()) + 1, MINIMUM_CAPACITY + 1 ).next_power_of_two(); if target_cap < self.cap() { // There are three cases of interest: // All elements are out of desired bounds // Elements are contiguous, and head is out of desired bounds // Elements are discontiguous, and tail is out of desired bounds // // At all other times, element positions are unaffected. // // Indicates that elements at the head should be moved. let head_outside = self.head == 0 || self.head >= target_cap; // Move elements from out of desired bounds (positions after target_cap) if self.tail >= target_cap && head_outside { // T H // [. . . . . . . . o o o o o o o . ] // T H // [o o o o o o o . ] unsafe { self.copy_nonoverlapping(0, self.tail, self.len()); } self.head = self.len(); self.tail = 0; } else if self.tail != 0 && self.tail < target_cap && head_outside { // T H // [. . . o o o o o o o . . . . . . ] // H T // [o o . o o o o o ] let len = self.wrap_sub(self.head, target_cap); unsafe { self.copy_nonoverlapping(0, target_cap, len); } self.head = len; debug_assert!(self.head < self.tail); } else if self.tail >= target_cap { // H T // [o o o o o . . . . . . . . . o o ] // H T // [o o o o o . o o ] debug_assert!(self.wrap_sub(self.head, 1) < target_cap); let len = self.cap() - self.tail; let new_tail = target_cap - len; unsafe { self.copy_nonoverlapping(new_tail, self.tail, len); } self.tail = new_tail; debug_assert!(self.head < self.tail); } self.buf.shrink_to_fit(target_cap); debug_assert!(self.head < self.cap()); debug_assert!(self.tail < self.cap()); debug_assert!(self.cap().count_ones() == 1); } } /// Shortens the `VecDeque`, dropping excess elements from the back. /// /// If `len` is greater than the `VecDeque`'s current length, this has no /// effect. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(5); /// buf.push_back(10); /// buf.push_back(15); /// assert_eq!(buf, [5, 10, 15]); /// buf.truncate(1); /// assert_eq!(buf, [5]); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "deque_extras", since = "1.16.0")] pub fn truncate(&mut self, len: usize) { for _ in len..self.len() { self.pop_back(); } } /// Returns a front-to-back iterator. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(5); /// buf.push_back(3); /// buf.push_back(4); /// let b: &[_] = &[&5, &3, &4]; /// let c: Vec<&i32> = buf.iter().collect(); /// assert_eq!(&c[..], b); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter { Iter { tail: self.tail, head: self.head, ring: unsafe { self.buffer_as_slice() }, } } /// Returns a front-to-back iterator that returns mutable references. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(5); /// buf.push_back(3); /// buf.push_back(4); /// for num in buf.iter_mut() { /// *num = *num - 2; /// } /// let b: &[_] = &[&mut 3, &mut 1, &mut 2]; /// assert_eq!(&buf.iter_mut().collect::>()[..], b); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut { IterMut { tail: self.tail, head: self.head, ring: unsafe { self.buffer_as_mut_slice() }, } } /// Returns a pair of slices which contain, in order, the contents of the /// `VecDeque`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut vector = VecDeque::new(); /// /// vector.push_back(0); /// vector.push_back(1); /// vector.push_back(2); /// /// assert_eq!(vector.as_slices(), (&[0, 1, 2][..], &[][..])); /// /// vector.push_front(10); /// vector.push_front(9); /// /// assert_eq!(vector.as_slices(), (&[9, 10][..], &[0, 1, 2][..])); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "deque_extras_15", since = "1.5.0")] pub fn as_slices(&self) -> (&[T], &[T]) { unsafe { let buf = self.buffer_as_slice(); RingSlices::ring_slices(buf, self.head, self.tail) } } /// Returns a pair of slices which contain, in order, the contents of the /// `VecDeque`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut vector = VecDeque::new(); /// /// vector.push_back(0); /// vector.push_back(1); /// /// vector.push_front(10); /// vector.push_front(9); /// /// vector.as_mut_slices().0[0] = 42; /// vector.as_mut_slices().1[0] = 24; /// assert_eq!(vector.as_slices(), (&[42, 10][..], &[24, 1][..])); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "deque_extras_15", since = "1.5.0")] pub fn as_mut_slices(&mut self) -> (&mut [T], &mut [T]) { unsafe { let head = self.head; let tail = self.tail; let buf = self.buffer_as_mut_slice(); RingSlices::ring_slices(buf, head, tail) } } /// Returns the number of elements in the `VecDeque`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut v = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(v.len(), 0); /// v.push_back(1); /// assert_eq!(v.len(), 1); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn len(&self) -> usize { count(self.tail, self.head, self.cap()) } /// Returns `true` if the `VecDeque` is empty. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut v = VecDeque::new(); /// assert!(v.is_empty()); /// v.push_front(1); /// assert!(!v.is_empty()); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.tail == self.head } /// Create a draining iterator that removes the specified range in the /// `VecDeque` and yields the removed items. /// /// Note 1: The element range is removed even if the iterator is not /// consumed until the end. /// /// Note 2: It is unspecified how many elements are removed from the deque, /// if the `Drain` value is not dropped, but the borrow it holds expires /// (eg. due to mem::forget). /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the starting point is greater than the end point or if /// the end point is greater than the length of the vector. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut v: VecDeque<_> = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect(); /// let drained = v.drain(2..).collect::>(); /// assert_eq!(drained, [3]); /// assert_eq!(v, [1, 2]); /// /// // A full range clears all contents /// v.drain(..); /// assert!(v.is_empty()); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] pub fn drain(&mut self, range: R) -> Drain where R: RangeBounds { // Memory safety // // When the Drain is first created, the source deque is shortened to // make sure no uninitialized or moved-from elements are accessible at // all if the Drain's destructor never gets to run. // // Drain will ptr::read out the values to remove. // When finished, the remaining data will be copied back to cover the hole, // and the head/tail values will be restored correctly. // let len = self.len(); let start = match range.start() { Included(&n) => n, Excluded(&n) => n + 1, Unbounded => 0, }; let end = match range.end() { Included(&n) => n + 1, Excluded(&n) => n, Unbounded => len, }; assert!(start <= end, "drain lower bound was too large"); assert!(end <= len, "drain upper bound was too large"); // The deque's elements are parted into three segments: // * self.tail -> drain_tail // * drain_tail -> drain_head // * drain_head -> self.head // // T = self.tail; H = self.head; t = drain_tail; h = drain_head // // We store drain_tail as self.head, and drain_head and self.head as // after_tail and after_head respectively on the Drain. This also // truncates the effective array such that if the Drain is leaked, we // have forgotten about the potentially moved values after the start of // the drain. // // T t h H // [. . . o o x x o o . . .] // let drain_tail = self.wrap_add(self.tail, start); let drain_head = self.wrap_add(self.tail, end); let head = self.head; // "forget" about the values after the start of the drain until after // the drain is complete and the Drain destructor is run. self.head = drain_tail; Drain { deque: NonNull::from(&mut *self), after_tail: drain_head, after_head: head, iter: Iter { tail: drain_tail, head: drain_head, ring: unsafe { self.buffer_as_mut_slice() }, }, } } /// Clears the `VecDeque`, removing all values. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut v = VecDeque::new(); /// v.push_back(1); /// v.clear(); /// assert!(v.is_empty()); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] #[inline] pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.drain(..); } /// Returns `true` if the `VecDeque` contains an element equal to the /// given value. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut vector: VecDeque = VecDeque::new(); /// /// vector.push_back(0); /// vector.push_back(1); /// /// assert_eq!(vector.contains(&1), true); /// assert_eq!(vector.contains(&10), false); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "vec_deque_contains", since = "1.12.0")] pub fn contains(&self, x: &T) -> bool where T: PartialEq { let (a, b) = self.as_slices(); a.contains(x) || b.contains(x) } /// Provides a reference to the front element, or `None` if the `VecDeque` is /// empty. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut d = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(d.front(), None); /// /// d.push_back(1); /// d.push_back(2); /// assert_eq!(d.front(), Some(&1)); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn front(&self) -> Option<&T> { if !self.is_empty() { Some(&self[0]) } else { None } } /// Provides a mutable reference to the front element, or `None` if the /// `VecDeque` is empty. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut d = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(d.front_mut(), None); /// /// d.push_back(1); /// d.push_back(2); /// match d.front_mut() { /// Some(x) => *x = 9, /// None => (), /// } /// assert_eq!(d.front(), Some(&9)); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn front_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { if !self.is_empty() { Some(&mut self[0]) } else { None } } /// Provides a reference to the back element, or `None` if the `VecDeque` is /// empty. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut d = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(d.back(), None); /// /// d.push_back(1); /// d.push_back(2); /// assert_eq!(d.back(), Some(&2)); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn back(&self) -> Option<&T> { if !self.is_empty() { Some(&self[self.len() - 1]) } else { None } } /// Provides a mutable reference to the back element, or `None` if the /// `VecDeque` is empty. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut d = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(d.back(), None); /// /// d.push_back(1); /// d.push_back(2); /// match d.back_mut() { /// Some(x) => *x = 9, /// None => (), /// } /// assert_eq!(d.back(), Some(&9)); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn back_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { let len = self.len(); if !self.is_empty() { Some(&mut self[len - 1]) } else { None } } /// Removes the first element and returns it, or `None` if the `VecDeque` is /// empty. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut d = VecDeque::new(); /// d.push_back(1); /// d.push_back(2); /// /// assert_eq!(d.pop_front(), Some(1)); /// assert_eq!(d.pop_front(), Some(2)); /// assert_eq!(d.pop_front(), None); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option { if self.is_empty() { None } else { let tail = self.tail; self.tail = self.wrap_add(self.tail, 1); unsafe { Some(self.buffer_read(tail)) } } } /// Prepends an element to the `VecDeque`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut d = VecDeque::new(); /// d.push_front(1); /// d.push_front(2); /// assert_eq!(d.front(), Some(&2)); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn push_front(&mut self, value: T) { self.grow_if_necessary(); self.tail = self.wrap_sub(self.tail, 1); let tail = self.tail; unsafe { self.buffer_write(tail, value); } } /// Appends an element to the back of the `VecDeque`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(1); /// buf.push_back(3); /// assert_eq!(3, *buf.back().unwrap()); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn push_back(&mut self, value: T) { self.grow_if_necessary(); let head = self.head; self.head = self.wrap_add(self.head, 1); unsafe { self.buffer_write(head, value) } } /// Removes the last element from the `VecDeque` and returns it, or `None` if /// it is empty. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(buf.pop_back(), None); /// buf.push_back(1); /// buf.push_back(3); /// assert_eq!(buf.pop_back(), Some(3)); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option { if self.is_empty() { None } else { self.head = self.wrap_sub(self.head, 1); let head = self.head; unsafe { Some(self.buffer_read(head)) } } } #[inline] fn is_contiguous(&self) -> bool { self.tail <= self.head } /// Removes an element from anywhere in the `VecDeque` and returns it, replacing it with the /// last element. /// /// This does not preserve ordering, but is O(1). /// /// Returns `None` if `index` is out of bounds. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(buf.swap_remove_back(0), None); /// buf.push_back(1); /// buf.push_back(2); /// buf.push_back(3); /// assert_eq!(buf, [1, 2, 3]); /// /// assert_eq!(buf.swap_remove_back(0), Some(1)); /// assert_eq!(buf, [3, 2]); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "deque_extras_15", since = "1.5.0")] pub fn swap_remove_back(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option { let length = self.len(); if length > 0 && index < length - 1 { self.swap(index, length - 1); } else if index >= length { return None; } self.pop_back() } /// Removes an element from anywhere in the `VecDeque` and returns it, /// replacing it with the first element. /// /// This does not preserve ordering, but is O(1). /// /// Returns `None` if `index` is out of bounds. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// assert_eq!(buf.swap_remove_front(0), None); /// buf.push_back(1); /// buf.push_back(2); /// buf.push_back(3); /// assert_eq!(buf, [1, 2, 3]); /// /// assert_eq!(buf.swap_remove_front(2), Some(3)); /// assert_eq!(buf, [2, 1]); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "deque_extras_15", since = "1.5.0")] pub fn swap_remove_front(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option { let length = self.len(); if length > 0 && index < length && index != 0 { self.swap(index, 0); } else if index >= length { return None; } self.pop_front() } /// Inserts an element at `index` within the `VecDeque`, shifting all elements with indices /// greater than or equal to `index` towards the back. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `index` is greater than `VecDeque`'s length /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut vec_deque = VecDeque::new(); /// vec_deque.push_back('a'); /// vec_deque.push_back('b'); /// vec_deque.push_back('c'); /// assert_eq!(vec_deque, &['a', 'b', 'c']); /// /// vec_deque.insert(1, 'd'); /// assert_eq!(vec_deque, &['a', 'd', 'b', 'c']); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "deque_extras_15", since = "1.5.0")] pub fn insert(&mut self, index: usize, value: T) { assert!(index <= self.len(), "index out of bounds"); self.grow_if_necessary(); // Move the least number of elements in the ring buffer and insert // the given object // // At most len/2 - 1 elements will be moved. O(min(n, n-i)) // // There are three main cases: // Elements are contiguous // - special case when tail is 0 // Elements are discontiguous and the insert is in the tail section // Elements are discontiguous and the insert is in the head section // // For each of those there are two more cases: // Insert is closer to tail // Insert is closer to head // // Key: H - self.head // T - self.tail // o - Valid element // I - Insertion element // A - The element that should be after the insertion point // M - Indicates element was moved let idx = self.wrap_add(self.tail, index); let distance_to_tail = index; let distance_to_head = self.len() - index; let contiguous = self.is_contiguous(); match (contiguous, distance_to_tail <= distance_to_head, idx >= self.tail) { (true, true, _) if index == 0 => { // push_front // // T // I H // [A o o o o o o . . . . . . . . .] // // H T // [A o o o o o o o . . . . . I] // self.tail = self.wrap_sub(self.tail, 1); } (true, true, _) => { unsafe { // contiguous, insert closer to tail: // // T I H // [. . . o o A o o o o . . . . . .] // // T H // [. . o o I A o o o o . . . . . .] // M M // // contiguous, insert closer to tail and tail is 0: // // // T I H // [o o A o o o o . . . . . . . . .] // // H T // [o I A o o o o o . . . . . . . o] // M M let new_tail = self.wrap_sub(self.tail, 1); self.copy(new_tail, self.tail, 1); // Already moved the tail, so we only copy `index - 1` elements. self.copy(self.tail, self.tail + 1, index - 1); self.tail = new_tail; } } (true, false, _) => { unsafe { // contiguous, insert closer to head: // // T I H // [. . . o o o o A o o . . . . . .] // // T H // [. . . o o o o I A o o . . . . .] // M M M self.copy(idx + 1, idx, self.head - idx); self.head = self.wrap_add(self.head, 1); } } (false, true, true) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, insert closer to tail, tail section: // // H T I // [o o o o o o . . . . . o o A o o] // // H T // [o o o o o o . . . . o o I A o o] // M M self.copy(self.tail - 1, self.tail, index); self.tail -= 1; } } (false, false, true) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, insert closer to head, tail section: // // H T I // [o o . . . . . . . o o o o o A o] // // H T // [o o o . . . . . . o o o o o I A] // M M M M // copy elements up to new head self.copy(1, 0, self.head); // copy last element into empty spot at bottom of buffer self.copy(0, self.cap() - 1, 1); // move elements from idx to end forward not including ^ element self.copy(idx + 1, idx, self.cap() - 1 - idx); self.head += 1; } } (false, true, false) if idx == 0 => { unsafe { // discontiguous, insert is closer to tail, head section, // and is at index zero in the internal buffer: // // I H T // [A o o o o o o o o o . . . o o o] // // H T // [A o o o o o o o o o . . o o o I] // M M M // copy elements up to new tail self.copy(self.tail - 1, self.tail, self.cap() - self.tail); // copy last element into empty spot at bottom of buffer self.copy(self.cap() - 1, 0, 1); self.tail -= 1; } } (false, true, false) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, insert closer to tail, head section: // // I H T // [o o o A o o o o o o . . . o o o] // // H T // [o o I A o o o o o o . . o o o o] // M M M M M M // copy elements up to new tail self.copy(self.tail - 1, self.tail, self.cap() - self.tail); // copy last element into empty spot at bottom of buffer self.copy(self.cap() - 1, 0, 1); // move elements from idx-1 to end forward not including ^ element self.copy(0, 1, idx - 1); self.tail -= 1; } } (false, false, false) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, insert closer to head, head section: // // I H T // [o o o o A o o . . . . . . o o o] // // H T // [o o o o I A o o . . . . . o o o] // M M M self.copy(idx + 1, idx, self.head - idx); self.head += 1; } } } // tail might've been changed so we need to recalculate let new_idx = self.wrap_add(self.tail, index); unsafe { self.buffer_write(new_idx, value); } } /// Removes and returns the element at `index` from the `VecDeque`. /// Whichever end is closer to the removal point will be moved to make /// room, and all the affected elements will be moved to new positions. /// Returns `None` if `index` is out of bounds. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(1); /// buf.push_back(2); /// buf.push_back(3); /// assert_eq!(buf, [1, 2, 3]); /// /// assert_eq!(buf.remove(1), Some(2)); /// assert_eq!(buf, [1, 3]); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option { if self.is_empty() || self.len() <= index { return None; } // There are three main cases: // Elements are contiguous // Elements are discontiguous and the removal is in the tail section // Elements are discontiguous and the removal is in the head section // - special case when elements are technically contiguous, // but self.head = 0 // // For each of those there are two more cases: // Insert is closer to tail // Insert is closer to head // // Key: H - self.head // T - self.tail // o - Valid element // x - Element marked for removal // R - Indicates element that is being removed // M - Indicates element was moved let idx = self.wrap_add(self.tail, index); let elem = unsafe { Some(self.buffer_read(idx)) }; let distance_to_tail = index; let distance_to_head = self.len() - index; let contiguous = self.is_contiguous(); match (contiguous, distance_to_tail <= distance_to_head, idx >= self.tail) { (true, true, _) => { unsafe { // contiguous, remove closer to tail: // // T R H // [. . . o o x o o o o . . . . . .] // // T H // [. . . . o o o o o o . . . . . .] // M M self.copy(self.tail + 1, self.tail, index); self.tail += 1; } } (true, false, _) => { unsafe { // contiguous, remove closer to head: // // T R H // [. . . o o o o x o o . . . . . .] // // T H // [. . . o o o o o o . . . . . . .] // M M self.copy(idx, idx + 1, self.head - idx - 1); self.head -= 1; } } (false, true, true) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, remove closer to tail, tail section: // // H T R // [o o o o o o . . . . . o o x o o] // // H T // [o o o o o o . . . . . . o o o o] // M M self.copy(self.tail + 1, self.tail, index); self.tail = self.wrap_add(self.tail, 1); } } (false, false, false) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, remove closer to head, head section: // // R H T // [o o o o x o o . . . . . . o o o] // // H T // [o o o o o o . . . . . . . o o o] // M M self.copy(idx, idx + 1, self.head - idx - 1); self.head -= 1; } } (false, false, true) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, remove closer to head, tail section: // // H T R // [o o o . . . . . . o o o o o x o] // // H T // [o o . . . . . . . o o o o o o o] // M M M M // // or quasi-discontiguous, remove next to head, tail section: // // H T R // [. . . . . . . . . o o o o o x o] // // T H // [. . . . . . . . . o o o o o o .] // M // draw in elements in the tail section self.copy(idx, idx + 1, self.cap() - idx - 1); // Prevents underflow. if self.head != 0 { // copy first element into empty spot self.copy(self.cap() - 1, 0, 1); // move elements in the head section backwards self.copy(0, 1, self.head - 1); } self.head = self.wrap_sub(self.head, 1); } } (false, true, false) => { unsafe { // discontiguous, remove closer to tail, head section: // // R H T // [o o x o o o o o o o . . . o o o] // // H T // [o o o o o o o o o o . . . . o o] // M M M M M // draw in elements up to idx self.copy(1, 0, idx); // copy last element into empty spot self.copy(0, self.cap() - 1, 1); // move elements from tail to end forward, excluding the last one self.copy(self.tail + 1, self.tail, self.cap() - self.tail - 1); self.tail = self.wrap_add(self.tail, 1); } } } return elem; } /// Splits the `VecDeque` into two at the given index. /// /// Returns a newly allocated `VecDeque`. `self` contains elements `[0, at)`, /// and the returned `VecDeque` contains elements `[at, len)`. /// /// Note that the capacity of `self` does not change. /// /// Element at index 0 is the front of the queue. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if `at > len`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf: VecDeque<_> = vec![1,2,3].into_iter().collect(); /// let buf2 = buf.split_off(1); /// assert_eq!(buf, [1]); /// assert_eq!(buf2, [2, 3]); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "split_off", since = "1.4.0")] pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> Self { let len = self.len(); assert!(at <= len, "`at` out of bounds"); let other_len = len - at; let mut other = VecDeque::with_capacity(other_len); unsafe { let (first_half, second_half) = self.as_slices(); let first_len = first_half.len(); let second_len = second_half.len(); if at < first_len { // `at` lies in the first half. let amount_in_first = first_len - at; ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(first_half.as_ptr().offset(at as isize), other.ptr(), amount_in_first); // just take all of the second half. ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(second_half.as_ptr(), other.ptr().offset(amount_in_first as isize), second_len); } else { // `at` lies in the second half, need to factor in the elements we skipped // in the first half. let offset = at - first_len; let amount_in_second = second_len - offset; ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(second_half.as_ptr().offset(offset as isize), other.ptr(), amount_in_second); } } // Cleanup where the ends of the buffers are self.head = self.wrap_sub(self.head, other_len); other.head = other.wrap_index(other_len); other } /// Moves all the elements of `other` into `Self`, leaving `other` empty. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the new number of elements in self overflows a `usize`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf: VecDeque<_> = vec![1, 2].into_iter().collect(); /// let mut buf2: VecDeque<_> = vec![3, 4].into_iter().collect(); /// buf.append(&mut buf2); /// assert_eq!(buf, [1, 2, 3, 4]); /// assert_eq!(buf2, []); /// ``` #[inline] #[stable(feature = "append", since = "1.4.0")] pub fn append(&mut self, other: &mut Self) { // naive impl self.extend(other.drain(..)); } /// Retains only the elements specified by the predicate. /// /// In other words, remove all elements `e` such that `f(&e)` returns false. /// This method operates in place and preserves the order of the retained /// elements. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.extend(1..5); /// buf.retain(|&x| x%2 == 0); /// assert_eq!(buf, [2, 4]); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "vec_deque_retain", since = "1.4.0")] pub fn retain(&mut self, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(&T) -> bool { let len = self.len(); let mut del = 0; for i in 0..len { if !f(&self[i]) { del += 1; } else if del > 0 { self.swap(i - del, i); } } if del > 0 { self.truncate(len - del); } } // This may panic or abort #[inline] fn grow_if_necessary(&mut self) { if self.is_full() { let old_cap = self.cap(); self.buf.double(); unsafe { self.handle_cap_increase(old_cap); } debug_assert!(!self.is_full()); } } } impl VecDeque { /// Modifies the `VecDeque` in-place so that `len()` is equal to new_len, /// either by removing excess elements from the back or by appending clones of `value` /// to the back. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::collections::VecDeque; /// /// let mut buf = VecDeque::new(); /// buf.push_back(5); /// buf.push_back(10); /// buf.push_back(15); /// assert_eq!(buf, [5, 10, 15]); /// /// buf.resize(2, 0); /// assert_eq!(buf, [5, 10]); /// /// buf.resize(5, 20); /// assert_eq!(buf, [5, 10, 20, 20, 20]); /// ``` #[stable(feature = "deque_extras", since = "1.16.0")] pub fn resize(&mut self, new_len: usize, value: T) { let len = self.len(); if new_len > len { self.extend(repeat(value).take(new_len - len)) } else { self.truncate(new_len); } } } /// Returns the index in the underlying buffer for a given logical element index. #[inline] fn wrap_index(index: usize, size: usize) -> usize { // size is always a power of 2 debug_assert!(size.is_power_of_two()); index & (size - 1) } /// Returns the two slices that cover the `VecDeque`'s valid range trait RingSlices: Sized { fn slice(self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self; fn split_at(self, i: usize) -> (Self, Self); fn ring_slices(buf: Self, head: usize, tail: usize) -> (Self, Self) { let contiguous = tail <= head; if contiguous { let (empty, buf) = buf.split_at(0); (buf.slice(tail, head), empty) } else { let (mid, right) = buf.split_at(tail); let (left, _) = mid.split_at(head); (right, left) } } } impl<'a, T> RingSlices for &'a [T] { fn slice(self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self { &self[from..to] } fn split_at(self, i: usize) -> (Self, Self) { (*self).split_at(i) } } impl<'a, T> RingSlices for &'a mut [T] { fn slice(self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self { &mut self[from..to] } fn split_at(self, i: usize) -> (Self, Self) { (*self).split_at_mut(i) } } /// Calculate the number of elements left to be read in the buffer #[inline] fn count(tail: usize, head: usize, size: usize) -> usize { // size is always a power of 2 (head.wrapping_sub(tail)) & (size - 1) } /// An iterator over the elements of a `VecDeque`. /// /// This `struct` is created by the [`iter`] method on [`VecDeque`]. See its /// documentation for more. /// /// [`iter`]: struct.VecDeque.html#method.iter /// [`VecDeque`]: struct.VecDeque.html #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub struct Iter<'a, T: 'a> { ring: &'a [T], tail: usize, head: usize, } #[stable(feature = "collection_debug", since = "1.17.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Iter<'a, T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple("Iter") .field(&self.ring) .field(&self.tail) .field(&self.head) .finish() } } // FIXME(#26925) Remove in favor of `#[derive(Clone)]` #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> Clone for Iter<'a, T> { fn clone(&self) -> Iter<'a, T> { Iter { ring: self.ring, tail: self.tail, head: self.head, } } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> { type Item = &'a T; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a T> { if self.tail == self.head { return None; } let tail = self.tail; self.tail = wrap_index(self.tail.wrapping_add(1), self.ring.len()); unsafe { Some(self.ring.get_unchecked(tail)) } } #[inline] fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { let len = count(self.tail, self.head, self.ring.len()); (len, Some(len)) } fn fold(self, mut accum: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc where F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc { let (front, back) = RingSlices::ring_slices(self.ring, self.head, self.tail); accum = front.iter().fold(accum, &mut f); back.iter().fold(accum, &mut f) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> DoubleEndedIterator for Iter<'a, T> { #[inline] fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a T> { if self.tail == self.head { return None; } self.head = wrap_index(self.head.wrapping_sub(1), self.ring.len()); unsafe { Some(self.ring.get_unchecked(self.head)) } } fn rfold(self, mut accum: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc where F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc { let (front, back) = RingSlices::ring_slices(self.ring, self.head, self.tail); accum = back.iter().rfold(accum, &mut f); front.iter().rfold(accum, &mut f) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> ExactSizeIterator for Iter<'a, T> { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.head == self.tail } } #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")] impl<'a, T> FusedIterator for Iter<'a, T> {} /// A mutable iterator over the elements of a `VecDeque`. /// /// This `struct` is created by the [`iter_mut`] method on [`VecDeque`]. See its /// documentation for more. /// /// [`iter_mut`]: struct.VecDeque.html#method.iter_mut /// [`VecDeque`]: struct.VecDeque.html #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub struct IterMut<'a, T: 'a> { ring: &'a mut [T], tail: usize, head: usize, } #[stable(feature = "collection_debug", since = "1.17.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for IterMut<'a, T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple("IterMut") .field(&self.ring) .field(&self.tail) .field(&self.head) .finish() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> { type Item = &'a mut T; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> { if self.tail == self.head { return None; } let tail = self.tail; self.tail = wrap_index(self.tail.wrapping_add(1), self.ring.len()); unsafe { let elem = self.ring.get_unchecked_mut(tail); Some(&mut *(elem as *mut _)) } } #[inline] fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { let len = count(self.tail, self.head, self.ring.len()); (len, Some(len)) } fn fold(self, mut accum: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc where F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc { let (front, back) = RingSlices::ring_slices(self.ring, self.head, self.tail); accum = front.iter_mut().fold(accum, &mut f); back.iter_mut().fold(accum, &mut f) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> DoubleEndedIterator for IterMut<'a, T> { #[inline] fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> { if self.tail == self.head { return None; } self.head = wrap_index(self.head.wrapping_sub(1), self.ring.len()); unsafe { let elem = self.ring.get_unchecked_mut(self.head); Some(&mut *(elem as *mut _)) } } fn rfold(self, mut accum: Acc, mut f: F) -> Acc where F: FnMut(Acc, Self::Item) -> Acc { let (front, back) = RingSlices::ring_slices(self.ring, self.head, self.tail); accum = back.iter_mut().rfold(accum, &mut f); front.iter_mut().rfold(accum, &mut f) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> ExactSizeIterator for IterMut<'a, T> { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.head == self.tail } } #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")] impl<'a, T> FusedIterator for IterMut<'a, T> {} /// An owning iterator over the elements of a `VecDeque`. /// /// This `struct` is created by the [`into_iter`] method on [`VecDeque`][`VecDeque`] /// (provided by the `IntoIterator` trait). See its documentation for more. /// /// [`into_iter`]: struct.VecDeque.html#method.into_iter /// [`VecDeque`]: struct.VecDeque.html #[derive(Clone)] #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] pub struct IntoIter { inner: VecDeque, } #[stable(feature = "collection_debug", since = "1.17.0")] impl fmt::Debug for IntoIter { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple("IntoIter") .field(&self.inner) .finish() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Iterator for IntoIter { type Item = T; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.inner.pop_front() } #[inline] fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { let len = self.inner.len(); (len, Some(len)) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl DoubleEndedIterator for IntoIter { #[inline] fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option { self.inner.pop_back() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl ExactSizeIterator for IntoIter { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.inner.is_empty() } } #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")] impl FusedIterator for IntoIter {} /// A draining iterator over the elements of a `VecDeque`. /// /// This `struct` is created by the [`drain`] method on [`VecDeque`]. See its /// documentation for more. /// /// [`drain`]: struct.VecDeque.html#method.drain /// [`VecDeque`]: struct.VecDeque.html #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] pub struct Drain<'a, T: 'a> { after_tail: usize, after_head: usize, iter: Iter<'a, T>, deque: NonNull>, } #[stable(feature = "collection_debug", since = "1.17.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Drain<'a, T> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple("Drain") .field(&self.after_tail) .field(&self.after_head) .field(&self.iter) .finish() } } #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] unsafe impl<'a, T: Sync> Sync for Drain<'a, T> {} #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] unsafe impl<'a, T: Send> Send for Drain<'a, T> {} #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a> Drop for Drain<'a, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.for_each(drop); let source_deque = unsafe { self.deque.as_mut() }; // T = source_deque_tail; H = source_deque_head; t = drain_tail; h = drain_head // // T t h H // [. . . o o x x o o . . .] // let orig_tail = source_deque.tail; let drain_tail = source_deque.head; let drain_head = self.after_tail; let orig_head = self.after_head; let tail_len = count(orig_tail, drain_tail, source_deque.cap()); let head_len = count(drain_head, orig_head, source_deque.cap()); // Restore the original head value source_deque.head = orig_head; match (tail_len, head_len) { (0, 0) => { source_deque.head = 0; source_deque.tail = 0; } (0, _) => { source_deque.tail = drain_head; } (_, 0) => { source_deque.head = drain_tail; } _ => unsafe { if tail_len <= head_len { source_deque.tail = source_deque.wrap_sub(drain_head, tail_len); source_deque.wrap_copy(source_deque.tail, orig_tail, tail_len); } else { source_deque.head = source_deque.wrap_add(drain_tail, head_len); source_deque.wrap_copy(drain_tail, drain_head, head_len); } }, } } } #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a> Iterator for Drain<'a, T> { type Item = T; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.iter.next().map(|elt| unsafe { ptr::read(elt) }) } #[inline] fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { self.iter.size_hint() } } #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Drain<'a, T> { #[inline] fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option { self.iter.next_back().map(|elt| unsafe { ptr::read(elt) }) } } #[stable(feature = "drain", since = "1.6.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a> ExactSizeIterator for Drain<'a, T> {} #[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a> FusedIterator for Drain<'a, T> {} #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl PartialEq for VecDeque { fn eq(&self, other: &VecDeque) -> bool { if self.len() != other.len() { return false; } let (sa, sb) = self.as_slices(); let (oa, ob) = other.as_slices(); if sa.len() == oa.len() { sa == oa && sb == ob } else if sa.len() < oa.len() { // Always divisible in three sections, for example: // self: [a b c|d e f] // other: [0 1 2 3|4 5] // front = 3, mid = 1, // [a b c] == [0 1 2] && [d] == [3] && [e f] == [4 5] let front = sa.len(); let mid = oa.len() - front; let (oa_front, oa_mid) = oa.split_at(front); let (sb_mid, sb_back) = sb.split_at(mid); debug_assert_eq!(sa.len(), oa_front.len()); debug_assert_eq!(sb_mid.len(), oa_mid.len()); debug_assert_eq!(sb_back.len(), ob.len()); sa == oa_front && sb_mid == oa_mid && sb_back == ob } else { let front = oa.len(); let mid = sa.len() - front; let (sa_front, sa_mid) = sa.split_at(front); let (ob_mid, ob_back) = ob.split_at(mid); debug_assert_eq!(sa_front.len(), oa.len()); debug_assert_eq!(sa_mid.len(), ob_mid.len()); debug_assert_eq!(sb.len(), ob_back.len()); sa_front == oa && sa_mid == ob_mid && sb == ob_back } } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Eq for VecDeque {} macro_rules! __impl_slice_eq1 { ($Lhs: ty, $Rhs: ty) => { __impl_slice_eq1! { $Lhs, $Rhs, Sized } }; ($Lhs: ty, $Rhs: ty, $Bound: ident) => { #[stable(feature = "vec-deque-partial-eq-slice", since = "1.17.0")] impl<'a, 'b, A: $Bound, B> PartialEq<$Rhs> for $Lhs where A: PartialEq { fn eq(&self, other: &$Rhs) -> bool { if self.len() != other.len() { return false; } let (sa, sb) = self.as_slices(); let (oa, ob) = other[..].split_at(sa.len()); sa == oa && sb == ob } } } } __impl_slice_eq1! { VecDeque, Vec } __impl_slice_eq1! { VecDeque, &'b [B] } __impl_slice_eq1! { VecDeque, &'b mut [B] } macro_rules! array_impls { ($($N: expr)+) => { $( __impl_slice_eq1! { VecDeque, [B; $N] } __impl_slice_eq1! { VecDeque, &'b [B; $N] } __impl_slice_eq1! { VecDeque, &'b mut [B; $N] } )+ } } array_impls! { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl PartialOrd for VecDeque { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &VecDeque) -> Option { self.iter().partial_cmp(other.iter()) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Ord for VecDeque { #[inline] fn cmp(&self, other: &VecDeque) -> Ordering { self.iter().cmp(other.iter()) } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Hash for VecDeque { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.len().hash(state); let (a, b) = self.as_slices(); Hash::hash_slice(a, state); Hash::hash_slice(b, state); } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Index for VecDeque { type Output = A; #[inline] fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &A { self.get(index).expect("Out of bounds access") } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl IndexMut for VecDeque { #[inline] fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut A { self.get_mut(index).expect("Out of bounds access") } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl FromIterator for VecDeque { fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> VecDeque { let iterator = iter.into_iter(); let (lower, _) = iterator.size_hint(); let mut deq = VecDeque::with_capacity(lower); deq.extend(iterator); deq } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl IntoIterator for VecDeque { type Item = T; type IntoIter = IntoIter; /// Consumes the `VecDeque` into a front-to-back iterator yielding elements by /// value. fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter { IntoIter { inner: self } } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a VecDeque { type Item = &'a T; type IntoIter = Iter<'a, T>; fn into_iter(self) -> Iter<'a, T> { self.iter() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a mut VecDeque { type Item = &'a mut T; type IntoIter = IterMut<'a, T>; fn into_iter(self) -> IterMut<'a, T> { self.iter_mut() } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl Extend for VecDeque { fn extend>(&mut self, iter: T) { for elt in iter { self.push_back(elt); } } } #[stable(feature = "extend_ref", since = "1.2.0")] impl<'a, T: 'a + Copy> Extend<&'a T> for VecDeque { fn extend>(&mut self, iter: I) { self.extend(iter.into_iter().cloned()); } } #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl fmt::Debug for VecDeque { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_list().entries(self).finish() } } #[stable(feature = "vecdeque_vec_conversions", since = "1.10.0")] impl From> for VecDeque { fn from(mut other: Vec) -> Self { unsafe { let other_buf = other.as_mut_ptr(); let mut buf = RawVec::from_raw_parts(other_buf, other.capacity()); let len = other.len(); mem::forget(other); // We need to extend the buf if it's not a power of two, too small // or doesn't have at least one free space if !buf.cap().is_power_of_two() || (buf.cap() < (MINIMUM_CAPACITY + 1)) || (buf.cap() == len) { let cap = cmp::max(buf.cap() + 1, MINIMUM_CAPACITY + 1).next_power_of_two(); buf.reserve_exact(len, cap - len); } VecDeque { tail: 0, head: len, buf, } } } } #[stable(feature = "vecdeque_vec_conversions", since = "1.10.0")] impl From> for Vec { fn from(other: VecDeque) -> Self { unsafe { let buf = other.buf.ptr(); let len = other.len(); let tail = other.tail; let head = other.head; let cap = other.cap(); // Need to move the ring to the front of the buffer, as vec will expect this. if other.is_contiguous() { ptr::copy(buf.offset(tail as isize), buf, len); } else { if (tail - head) >= cmp::min(cap - tail, head) { // There is enough free space in the centre for the shortest block so we can // do this in at most three copy moves. if (cap - tail) > head { // right hand block is the long one; move that enough for the left ptr::copy(buf.offset(tail as isize), buf.offset((tail - head) as isize), cap - tail); // copy left in the end ptr::copy(buf, buf.offset((cap - head) as isize), head); // shift the new thing to the start ptr::copy(buf.offset((tail - head) as isize), buf, len); } else { // left hand block is the long one, we can do it in two! ptr::copy(buf, buf.offset((cap - tail) as isize), head); ptr::copy(buf.offset(tail as isize), buf, cap - tail); } } else { // Need to use N swaps to move the ring // We can use the space at the end of the ring as a temp store let mut left_edge: usize = 0; let mut right_edge: usize = tail; // The general problem looks like this // GHIJKLM...ABCDEF - before any swaps // ABCDEFM...GHIJKL - after 1 pass of swaps // ABCDEFGHIJM...KL - swap until the left edge reaches the temp store // - then restart the algorithm with a new (smaller) store // Sometimes the temp store is reached when the right edge is at the end // of the buffer - this means we've hit the right order with fewer swaps! // E.g // EF..ABCD // ABCDEF.. - after four only swaps we've finished while left_edge < len && right_edge != cap { let mut right_offset = 0; for i in left_edge..right_edge { right_offset = (i - left_edge) % (cap - right_edge); let src: isize = (right_edge + right_offset) as isize; ptr::swap(buf.offset(i as isize), buf.offset(src)); } let n_ops = right_edge - left_edge; left_edge += n_ops; right_edge += right_offset + 1; } } } let out = Vec::from_raw_parts(buf, len, cap); mem::forget(other); out } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use test; use super::VecDeque; #[bench] fn bench_push_back_100(b: &mut test::Bencher) { let mut deq = VecDeque::with_capacity(101); b.iter(|| { for i in 0..100 { deq.push_back(i); } deq.head = 0; deq.tail = 0; }) } #[bench] fn bench_push_front_100(b: &mut test::Bencher) { let mut deq = VecDeque::with_capacity(101); b.iter(|| { for i in 0..100 { deq.push_front(i); } deq.head = 0; deq.tail = 0; }) } #[bench] fn bench_pop_back_100(b: &mut test::Bencher) { let mut deq = VecDeque::::with_capacity(101); b.iter(|| { deq.head = 100; deq.tail = 0; while !deq.is_empty() { test::black_box(deq.pop_back()); } }) } #[bench] fn bench_pop_front_100(b: &mut test::Bencher) { let mut deq = VecDeque::::with_capacity(101); b.iter(|| { deq.head = 100; deq.tail = 0; while !deq.is_empty() { test::black_box(deq.pop_front()); } }) } #[test] fn test_swap_front_back_remove() { fn test(back: bool) { // This test checks that every single combination of tail position and length is tested. // Capacity 15 should be large enough to cover every case. let mut tester = VecDeque::with_capacity(15); let usable_cap = tester.capacity(); let final_len = usable_cap / 2; for len in 0..final_len { let expected: VecDeque<_> = if back { (0..len).collect() } else { (0..len).rev().collect() }; for tail_pos in 0..usable_cap { tester.tail = tail_pos; tester.head = tail_pos; if back { for i in 0..len * 2 { tester.push_front(i); } for i in 0..len { assert_eq!(tester.swap_remove_back(i), Some(len * 2 - 1 - i)); } } else { for i in 0..len * 2 { tester.push_back(i); } for i in 0..len { let idx = tester.len() - 1 - i; assert_eq!(tester.swap_remove_front(idx), Some(len * 2 - 1 - i)); } } assert!(tester.tail < tester.cap()); assert!(tester.head < tester.cap()); assert_eq!(tester, expected); } } } test(true); test(false); } #[test] fn test_insert() { // This test checks that every single combination of tail position, length, and // insertion position is tested. Capacity 15 should be large enough to cover every case. let mut tester = VecDeque::with_capacity(15); // can't guarantee we got 15, so have to get what we got. // 15 would be great, but we will definitely get 2^k - 1, for k >= 4, or else // this test isn't covering what it wants to let cap = tester.capacity(); // len is the length *after* insertion for len in 1..cap { // 0, 1, 2, .., len - 1 let expected = (0..).take(len).collect::>(); for tail_pos in 0..cap { for to_insert in 0..len { tester.tail = tail_pos; tester.head = tail_pos; for i in 0..len { if i != to_insert { tester.push_back(i); } } tester.insert(to_insert, to_insert); assert!(tester.tail < tester.cap()); assert!(tester.head < tester.cap()); assert_eq!(tester, expected); } } } } #[test] fn test_remove() { // This test checks that every single combination of tail position, length, and // removal position is tested. Capacity 15 should be large enough to cover every case. let mut tester = VecDeque::with_capacity(15); // can't guarantee we got 15, so have to get what we got. // 15 would be great, but we will definitely get 2^k - 1, for k >= 4, or else // this test isn't covering what it wants to let cap = tester.capacity(); // len is the length *after* removal for len in 0..cap - 1 { // 0, 1, 2, .., len - 1 let expected = (0..).take(len).collect::>(); for tail_pos in 0..cap { for to_remove in 0..len + 1 { tester.tail = tail_pos; tester.head = tail_pos; for i in 0..len { if i == to_remove { tester.push_back(1234); } tester.push_back(i); } if to_remove == len { tester.push_back(1234); } tester.remove(to_remove); assert!(tester.tail < tester.cap()); assert!(tester.head < tester.cap()); assert_eq!(tester, expected); } } } } #[test] fn test_drain() { let mut tester: VecDeque = VecDeque::with_capacity(7); let cap = tester.capacity(); for len in 0..cap + 1 { for tail in 0..cap + 1 { for drain_start in 0..len + 1 { for drain_end in drain_start..len + 1 { tester.tail = tail; tester.head = tail; for i in 0..len { tester.push_back(i); } // Check that we drain the correct values let drained: VecDeque<_> = tester.drain(drain_start..drain_end).collect(); let drained_expected: VecDeque<_> = (drain_start..drain_end).collect(); assert_eq!(drained, drained_expected); // We shouldn't have changed the capacity or made the // head or tail out of bounds assert_eq!(tester.capacity(), cap); assert!(tester.tail < tester.cap()); assert!(tester.head < tester.cap()); // We should see the correct values in the VecDeque let expected: VecDeque<_> = (0..drain_start) .chain(drain_end..len) .collect(); assert_eq!(expected, tester); } } } } } #[test] fn test_shrink_to_fit() { // This test checks that every single combination of head and tail position, // is tested. Capacity 15 should be large enough to cover every case. let mut tester = VecDeque::with_capacity(15); // can't guarantee we got 15, so have to get what we got. // 15 would be great, but we will definitely get 2^k - 1, for k >= 4, or else // this test isn't covering what it wants to let cap = tester.capacity(); tester.reserve(63); let max_cap = tester.capacity(); for len in 0..cap + 1 { // 0, 1, 2, .., len - 1 let expected = (0..).take(len).collect::>(); for tail_pos in 0..max_cap + 1 { tester.tail = tail_pos; tester.head = tail_pos; tester.reserve(63); for i in 0..len { tester.push_back(i); } tester.shrink_to_fit(); assert!(tester.capacity() <= cap); assert!(tester.tail < tester.cap()); assert!(tester.head < tester.cap()); assert_eq!(tester, expected); } } } #[test] fn test_split_off() { // This test checks that every single combination of tail position, length, and // split position is tested. Capacity 15 should be large enough to cover every case. let mut tester = VecDeque::with_capacity(15); // can't guarantee we got 15, so have to get what we got. // 15 would be great, but we will definitely get 2^k - 1, for k >= 4, or else // this test isn't covering what it wants to let cap = tester.capacity(); // len is the length *before* splitting for len in 0..cap { // index to split at for at in 0..len + 1 { // 0, 1, 2, .., at - 1 (may be empty) let expected_self = (0..).take(at).collect::>(); // at, at + 1, .., len - 1 (may be empty) let expected_other = (at..).take(len - at).collect::>(); for tail_pos in 0..cap { tester.tail = tail_pos; tester.head = tail_pos; for i in 0..len { tester.push_back(i); } let result = tester.split_off(at); assert!(tester.tail < tester.cap()); assert!(tester.head < tester.cap()); assert!(result.tail < result.cap()); assert!(result.head < result.cap()); assert_eq!(tester, expected_self); assert_eq!(result, expected_other); } } } } #[test] fn test_from_vec() { use super::super::vec::Vec; for cap in 0..35 { for len in 0..cap + 1 { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(cap); vec.extend(0..len); let vd = VecDeque::from(vec.clone()); assert!(vd.cap().is_power_of_two()); assert_eq!(vd.len(), vec.len()); assert!(vd.into_iter().eq(vec)); } } } #[test] fn test_vec_from_vecdeque() { use super::super::vec::Vec; fn create_vec_and_test_convert(cap: usize, offset: usize, len: usize) { let mut vd = VecDeque::with_capacity(cap); for _ in 0..offset { vd.push_back(0); vd.pop_front(); } vd.extend(0..len); let vec: Vec<_> = Vec::from(vd.clone()); assert_eq!(vec.len(), vd.len()); assert!(vec.into_iter().eq(vd)); } for cap_pwr in 0..7 { // Make capacity as a (2^x)-1, so that the ring size is 2^x let cap = (2i32.pow(cap_pwr) - 1) as usize; // In these cases there is enough free space to solve it with copies for len in 0..((cap + 1) / 2) { // Test contiguous cases for offset in 0..(cap - len) { create_vec_and_test_convert(cap, offset, len) } // Test cases where block at end of buffer is bigger than block at start for offset in (cap - len)..(cap - (len / 2)) { create_vec_and_test_convert(cap, offset, len) } // Test cases where block at start of buffer is bigger than block at end for offset in (cap - (len / 2))..cap { create_vec_and_test_convert(cap, offset, len) } } // Now there's not (necessarily) space to straighten the ring with simple copies, // the ring will use swapping when: // (cap + 1 - offset) > (cap + 1 - len) && (len - (cap + 1 - offset)) > (cap + 1 - len)) // right block size > free space && left block size > free space for len in ((cap + 1) / 2)..cap { // Test contiguous cases for offset in 0..(cap - len) { create_vec_and_test_convert(cap, offset, len) } // Test cases where block at end of buffer is bigger than block at start for offset in (cap - len)..(cap - (len / 2)) { create_vec_and_test_convert(cap, offset, len) } // Test cases where block at start of buffer is bigger than block at end for offset in (cap - (len / 2))..cap { create_vec_and_test_convert(cap, offset, len) } } } } }