use std::env; use std::hash::Hash; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::OnceLock; use rand::prelude::*; use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng; use crate::sort::zipf::ZipfDistribution; /// Provides a set of patterns useful for testing and benchmarking sorting algorithms. /// Currently limited to i32 values. // --- Public --- pub fn random(len: usize) -> Vec { // . // : . : : // :.:::.:: random_vec(len) } pub fn random_uniform(len: usize, range: R) -> Vec where R: Into> + Hash, { // :.:.:.:: let mut rng: XorShiftRng = rand::SeedableRng::seed_from_u64(get_or_init_rand_seed()); // Abstracting over ranges in Rust :( let dist: rand::distributions::Uniform = range.into(); (0..len).map(|_| dist.sample(&mut rng)).collect() } pub fn random_zipf(len: usize, exponent: f64) -> Vec { //'s_law let mut rng: XorShiftRng = rand::SeedableRng::seed_from_u64(get_or_init_rand_seed()); // Abstracting over ranges in Rust :( let dist = ZipfDistribution::new(len, exponent).unwrap(); (0..len).map(|_| dist.sample(&mut rng) as i32).collect() } pub fn random_sorted(len: usize, sorted_percent: f64) -> Vec { // .: // .:::. : // .::::::.:: // [----][--] // ^ ^ // | | // sorted | // unsorted // Simulate pre-existing sorted slice, where len - sorted_percent are the new unsorted values // and part of the overall distribution. let mut v = random_vec(len); let sorted_len = ((len as f64) * (sorted_percent / 100.0)).round() as usize; v[0..sorted_len].sort_unstable(); v } pub fn all_equal(len: usize) -> Vec { // ...... // :::::: (0..len).map(|_| 66).collect::>() } pub fn ascending(len: usize) -> Vec { // .: // .::: // .::::: (0..len as i32).collect::>() } pub fn descending(len: usize) -> Vec { // :. // :::. // :::::. (0..len as i32).rev().collect::>() } pub fn saw_mixed(len: usize, saw_count: usize) -> Vec { // :. :. .::. .: // :::.:::..::::::..::: if len == 0 { return Vec::new(); } let mut vals = random_vec(len); let chunks_size = len / saw_count.max(1); let saw_directions = random_uniform((len / chunks_size) + 1, 0..=1); for (i, chunk) in vals.chunks_mut(chunks_size).enumerate() { if saw_directions[i] == 0 { chunk.sort_unstable(); } else if saw_directions[i] == 1 { chunk.sort_unstable_by_key(|&e| std::cmp::Reverse(e)); } else { unreachable!(); } } vals } pub fn saw_mixed_range(len: usize, range: std::ops::Range) -> Vec { // :. // :. :::. .::. .: // :::.:::::..::::::..:.::: // ascending and descending randomly picked, with length in `range`. if len == 0 { return Vec::new(); } let mut vals = random_vec(len); let max_chunks = len / range.start; let saw_directions = random_uniform(max_chunks + 1, 0..=1); let chunk_sizes = random_uniform(max_chunks + 1, (range.start as i32)..(range.end as i32)); let mut i = 0; let mut l = 0; while l < len { let chunk_size = chunk_sizes[i] as usize; let chunk_end = std::cmp::min(l + chunk_size, len); let chunk = &mut vals[l..chunk_end]; if saw_directions[i] == 0 { chunk.sort_unstable(); } else if saw_directions[i] == 1 { chunk.sort_unstable_by_key(|&e| std::cmp::Reverse(e)); } else { unreachable!(); } i += 1; l += chunk_size; } vals } pub fn pipe_organ(len: usize) -> Vec { // .:. // .:::::. let mut vals = random_vec(len); let first_half = &mut vals[0..(len / 2)]; first_half.sort_unstable(); let second_half = &mut vals[(len / 2)..len]; second_half.sort_unstable_by_key(|&e| std::cmp::Reverse(e)); vals } pub fn get_or_init_rand_seed() -> u64 { *SEED_VALUE.get_or_init(|| { env::var("OVERRIDE_SEED") .ok() .map(|seed| u64::from_str(&seed).unwrap()) .unwrap_or_else(rand_root_seed) }) } // --- Private --- static SEED_VALUE: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); #[cfg(not(miri))] fn rand_root_seed() -> u64 { // Other test code hashes `panic::Location::caller()` and constructs a seed from that, in these // tests we want to have a fuzzer like exploration of the test space, if we used the same caller // based construction we would always test the same. // // Instead we use the seconds since UNIX epoch / 10, given CI log output this value should be // reasonably easy to re-construct. use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; let epoch_seconds = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs(); epoch_seconds / 10 } #[cfg(miri)] fn rand_root_seed() -> u64 { // Miri is usually run with isolation with gives us repeatability but also permutations based on // other code that runs before. use core::hash::{BuildHasher, Hash, Hasher}; let mut hasher = std::hash::RandomState::new().build_hasher(); core::panic::Location::caller().hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() } fn random_vec(len: usize) -> Vec { let mut rng: XorShiftRng = rand::SeedableRng::seed_from_u64(get_or_init_rand_seed()); (0..len).map(|_| rng.gen::()).collect() }