use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::{Component, Path}; use crate::prelude::*; use rustc_span::FileName; use cranelift_codegen::binemit::CodeOffset; use gimli::write::{ Address, AttributeValue, FileId, LineProgram, LineString, LineStringTable, UnitEntryId, }; // OPTIMIZATION: It is cheaper to do this in one pass than using `.parent()` and `.file_name()`. fn split_path_dir_and_file(path: &Path) -> (&Path, &OsStr) { let mut iter = path.components(); let file_name = match iter.next_back() { Some(Component::Normal(p)) => p, component => { panic!("Path component {:?} of path {} is an invalid filename", component, path.display()); } }; let parent = iter.as_path(); (parent, file_name) } // OPTIMIZATION: Avoid UTF-8 validation on UNIX. fn osstr_as_utf8_bytes(path: &OsStr) -> &[u8] { #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; return path.as_bytes(); } #[cfg(not(unix))] { return path.to_str().unwrap().as_bytes(); } } fn line_program_add_file( line_program: &mut LineProgram, line_strings: &mut LineStringTable, file: &FileName, ) -> FileId { match file { FileName::Real(path) => { let (dir_path, file_name) = split_path_dir_and_file(path); let dir_name = osstr_as_utf8_bytes(dir_path.as_os_str()); let file_name = osstr_as_utf8_bytes(file_name); let dir_id = if !dir_name.is_empty() { let dir_name = LineString::new(dir_name, line_program.encoding(), line_strings); line_program.add_directory(dir_name) } else { line_program.default_directory() }; let file_name = LineString::new( file_name, line_program.encoding(), line_strings, ); line_program.add_file(file_name, dir_id, None) } // FIXME give more appropriate file names _ => { let dir_id = line_program.default_directory(); let dummy_file_name = LineString::new( file.to_string().into_bytes(), line_program.encoding(), line_strings, ); line_program.add_file(dummy_file_name, dir_id, None) } } } impl<'tcx> DebugContext<'tcx> { pub(super) fn emit_location(&mut self, entry_id: UnitEntryId, span: Span) { let loc = self.tcx.sess.source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.lo()); let file_id = line_program_add_file( &mut self.dwarf.unit.line_program, &mut self.dwarf.line_strings, &, ); let entry = self.dwarf.unit.get_mut(entry_id); entry.set( gimli::DW_AT_decl_file, AttributeValue::FileIndex(Some(file_id)), ); entry.set( gimli::DW_AT_decl_line, AttributeValue::Udata(loc.line as u64), ); // FIXME: probably omit this entry.set( gimli::DW_AT_decl_column, AttributeValue::Udata(loc.col.to_usize() as u64), ); } } impl<'a, 'tcx> FunctionDebugContext<'a, 'tcx> { pub(super) fn create_debug_lines( &mut self, context: &Context, isa: &dyn cranelift_codegen::isa::TargetIsa, source_info_set: &indexmap::IndexSet, ) -> CodeOffset { let tcx = self.debug_context.tcx; let line_program = &mut self.debug_context.dwarf.unit.line_program; line_program.begin_sequence(Some(Address::Symbol { symbol: self.symbol, addend: 0, })); let encinfo = isa.encoding_info(); let func = &context.func; let mut blocks = func.layout.blocks().collect::>(); blocks.sort_by_key(|block| func.offsets[*block]); // Ensure inst offsets always increase let line_strings = &mut self.debug_context.dwarf.line_strings; let mut last_file = None; let mut create_row_for_span = |line_program: &mut LineProgram, span: Span| { let loc = tcx.sess.source_map().lookup_char_pos(span.lo()); // line_program_add_file is very slow. // Optimize for the common case of the current file not being changed. let current_file_changed = if let Some(last_file) = &mut last_file { // If the allocations are not equal, then the files may still be equal, but that // is not a problem, as this is just an optimization. !Lrc::ptr_eq(last_file, &loc.file) } else { true }; if current_file_changed { let file_id = line_program_add_file(line_program, line_strings, &; line_program.row().file = file_id; last_file = Some(loc.file.clone()); } line_program.row().line = loc.line as u64; line_program.row().column = loc.col.to_u32() as u64 + 1; line_program.generate_row(); }; let mut end = 0; for block in blocks { for (offset, inst, size) in func.inst_offsets(block, &encinfo) { let srcloc = func.srclocs[inst]; line_program.row().address_offset = offset as u64; if !srcloc.is_default() { let source_info = *source_info_set.get_index(srcloc.bits() as usize).unwrap(); create_row_for_span(line_program, source_info.span); } else { create_row_for_span(line_program, self.mir.span); } end = offset + size; } } line_program.end_sequence(end as u64); let entry = self.debug_context.dwarf.unit.get_mut(self.entry_id); entry.set( gimli::DW_AT_low_pc, AttributeValue::Address(Address::Symbol { symbol: self.symbol, addend: 0, }), ); entry.set(gimli::DW_AT_high_pc, AttributeValue::Udata(end as u64)); self.debug_context .emit_location(self.entry_id, self.mir.span); end } }