use core::cmp::PartialEq; use core::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; use core::fmt::Debug; use core::marker::Copy; use core::num::TryFromIntError; use core::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Rem, Sub}; use core::option::Option; use core::option::Option::{None, Some}; #[macro_use] mod int_macros; mod i16; mod i32; mod i64; mod i8; #[macro_use] mod uint_macros; mod u16; mod u32; mod u64; mod u8; mod bignum; mod dec2flt; mod flt2dec; mod nan; /// Adds the attribute to all items in the block. macro_rules! cfg_block { ($(#[$attr:meta]{$($it:item)*})*) => {$($( #[$attr] $it )*)*} } /// Groups items that assume the pointer width is either 16/32/64, and has to be altered if /// support for larger/smaller pointer widths are added in the future. macro_rules! assume_usize_width { {$($it:item)*} => {#[cfg(not(any( target_pointer_width = "16", target_pointer_width = "32", target_pointer_width = "64")))] compile_error!("The current tests of try_from on usize/isize assume that \ the pointer width is either 16, 32, or 64"); $($it)* } } /// Helper function for testing numeric operations pub fn test_num(ten: T, two: T) where T: PartialEq + Add + Sub + Mul + Div + Rem + Debug + Copy, { assert_eq!(ten.add(two), ten + two); assert_eq!(ten.sub(two), ten - two); assert_eq!(ten.mul(two), ten * two); assert_eq!(ten.div(two), ten / two); assert_eq!(ten.rem(two), ten % two); } #[test] fn from_str_issue7588() { let u: Option = u8::from_str_radix("1000", 10).ok(); assert_eq!(u, None); let s: Option = i16::from_str_radix("80000", 10).ok(); assert_eq!(s, None); } #[test] fn test_int_from_str_overflow() { assert_eq!("127".parse::().ok(), Some(127i8)); assert_eq!("128".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("-128".parse::().ok(), Some(-128i8)); assert_eq!("-129".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("32767".parse::().ok(), Some(32_767i16)); assert_eq!("32768".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("-32768".parse::().ok(), Some(-32_768i16)); assert_eq!("-32769".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("2147483647".parse::().ok(), Some(2_147_483_647i32)); assert_eq!("2147483648".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("-2147483648".parse::().ok(), Some(-2_147_483_648i32)); assert_eq!("-2147483649".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("9223372036854775807".parse::().ok(), Some(9_223_372_036_854_775_807i64)); assert_eq!("9223372036854775808".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("-9223372036854775808".parse::().ok(), Some(-9_223_372_036_854_775_808i64)); assert_eq!("-9223372036854775809".parse::().ok(), None); } #[test] fn test_leading_plus() { assert_eq!("+127".parse::().ok(), Some(127)); assert_eq!("+9223372036854775807".parse::().ok(), Some(9223372036854775807)); } #[test] fn test_invalid() { assert_eq!("--129".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("++129".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("Съешь".parse::().ok(), None); } #[test] fn test_empty() { assert_eq!("-".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("+".parse::().ok(), None); assert_eq!("".parse::().ok(), None); } #[test] fn test_infallible_try_from_int_error() { let func = |x: i8| -> Result { Ok(x.try_into()?) }; assert!(func(0).is_ok()); } macro_rules! test_impl_from { ($fn_name:ident, bool, $target: ty) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { let one: $target = 1; let zero: $target = 0; assert_eq!(one, <$target>::from(true)); assert_eq!(zero, <$target>::from(false)); } }; ($fn_name: ident, $Small: ty, $Large: ty) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { let small_max = <$Small>::MAX; let small_min = <$Small>::MIN; let large_max: $Large = small_max.into(); let large_min: $Large = small_min.into(); assert_eq!(large_max as $Small, small_max); assert_eq!(large_min as $Small, small_min); } }; } // Unsigned -> Unsigned test_impl_from! { test_u8u16, u8, u16 } test_impl_from! { test_u8u32, u8, u32 } test_impl_from! { test_u8u64, u8, u64 } test_impl_from! { test_u8usize, u8, usize } test_impl_from! { test_u16u32, u16, u32 } test_impl_from! { test_u16u64, u16, u64 } test_impl_from! { test_u32u64, u32, u64 } // Signed -> Signed test_impl_from! { test_i8i16, i8, i16 } test_impl_from! { test_i8i32, i8, i32 } test_impl_from! { test_i8i64, i8, i64 } test_impl_from! { test_i8isize, i8, isize } test_impl_from! { test_i16i32, i16, i32 } test_impl_from! { test_i16i64, i16, i64 } test_impl_from! { test_i32i64, i32, i64 } // Unsigned -> Signed test_impl_from! { test_u8i16, u8, i16 } test_impl_from! { test_u8i32, u8, i32 } test_impl_from! { test_u8i64, u8, i64 } test_impl_from! { test_u16i32, u16, i32 } test_impl_from! { test_u16i64, u16, i64 } test_impl_from! { test_u32i64, u32, i64 } // Bool -> Integer test_impl_from! { test_boolu8, bool, u8 } test_impl_from! { test_boolu16, bool, u16 } test_impl_from! { test_boolu32, bool, u32 } test_impl_from! { test_boolu64, bool, u64 } test_impl_from! { test_boolu128, bool, u128 } test_impl_from! { test_booli8, bool, i8 } test_impl_from! { test_booli16, bool, i16 } test_impl_from! { test_booli32, bool, i32 } test_impl_from! { test_booli64, bool, i64 } test_impl_from! { test_booli128, bool, i128 } // Signed -> Float test_impl_from! { test_i8f32, i8, f32 } test_impl_from! { test_i8f64, i8, f64 } test_impl_from! { test_i16f32, i16, f32 } test_impl_from! { test_i16f64, i16, f64 } test_impl_from! { test_i32f64, i32, f64 } // Unsigned -> Float test_impl_from! { test_u8f32, u8, f32 } test_impl_from! { test_u8f64, u8, f64 } test_impl_from! { test_u16f32, u16, f32 } test_impl_from! { test_u16f64, u16, f64 } test_impl_from! { test_u32f64, u32, f64 } // Float -> Float #[test] fn test_f32f64() { let max: f64 = f32::MAX.into(); assert_eq!(max as f32, f32::MAX); assert!(max.is_normal()); let min: f64 = f32::MIN.into(); assert_eq!(min as f32, f32::MIN); assert!(min.is_normal()); let min_positive: f64 = f32::MIN_POSITIVE.into(); assert_eq!(min_positive as f32, f32::MIN_POSITIVE); assert!(min_positive.is_normal()); let epsilon: f64 = f32::EPSILON.into(); assert_eq!(epsilon as f32, f32::EPSILON); assert!(epsilon.is_normal()); let zero: f64 = (0.0f32).into(); assert_eq!(zero as f32, 0.0f32); assert!(zero.is_sign_positive()); let neg_zero: f64 = (-0.0f32).into(); assert_eq!(neg_zero as f32, -0.0f32); assert!(neg_zero.is_sign_negative()); let infinity: f64 = f32::INFINITY.into(); assert_eq!(infinity as f32, f32::INFINITY); assert!(infinity.is_infinite()); assert!(infinity.is_sign_positive()); let neg_infinity: f64 = f32::NEG_INFINITY.into(); assert_eq!(neg_infinity as f32, f32::NEG_INFINITY); assert!(neg_infinity.is_infinite()); assert!(neg_infinity.is_sign_negative()); let nan: f64 = f32::NAN.into(); assert!(nan.is_nan()); } /// Conversions where the full width of $source can be represented as $target macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_always_ok { ($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target: ty) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { let max = <$source>::MAX; let min = <$source>::MIN; let zero: $source = 0; assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).unwrap(), max as $target); assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).unwrap(), min as $target); assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target); } }; } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u8, u8, u8 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u16, u8, u16 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u32, u8, u32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u64, u8, u64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u128, u8, u128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i16, u8, i16 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i32, u8, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i64, u8, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i128, u8, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u16, u16, u16 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u32, u16, u32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u64, u16, u64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u128, u16, u128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16i32, u16, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16i64, u16, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16i128, u16, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32u32, u32, u32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32u64, u32, u64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32u128, u32, u128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32i64, u32, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32i128, u32, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64u64, u64, u64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64u128, u64, u128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64i128, u64, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u128u128, u128, u128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i8, i8, i8 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i16, i8, i16 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i32, i8, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i64, i8, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i128, i8, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i16, i16, i16 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i32, i16, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i64, i16, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i128, i16, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32i32, i32, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32i64, i32, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32i128, i32, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i64i64, i64, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i64i128, i64, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i128i128, i128, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeusize, usize, usize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizeisize, isize, isize } assume_usize_width! { test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8usize, u8, usize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8isize, u8, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8isize, i8, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16usize, u16, usize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16isize, i16, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu64, usize, u64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu128, usize, u128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei128, usize, i128 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei64, isize, i64 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei128, isize, i128 } cfg_block!( #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] { test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu16, usize, u16 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei16, isize, i16 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu32, usize, u32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei32, usize, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei32, isize, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei64, usize, i64 } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] { test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16isize, u16, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu32, usize, u32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei32, isize, i32 } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32usize, u32, usize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32isize, i32, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei64, usize, i64 } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] { test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16isize, u16, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32usize, u32, usize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32isize, u32, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32isize, i32, isize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64usize, u64, usize } test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i64isize, i64, isize } } ); } /// Conversions where max of $source can be represented as $target, macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok { ($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { let max = <$source>::MAX; let min = <$source>::MIN; let zero: $source = 0; let neg_one: $source = -1; assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).unwrap(), max as $target); assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).is_err()); assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target); assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(neg_one).is_err()); } }; } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u8, i8, u8 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u16, i8, u16 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u32, i8, u32 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u64, i8, u64 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u128, i8, u128 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u16, i16, u16 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u32, i16, u32 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u64, i16, u64 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u128, i16, u128 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32u32, i32, u32 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32u64, i32, u64 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32u128, i32, u128 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i64u64, i64, u64 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i64u128, i64, u128 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i128u128, i128, u128 } assume_usize_width! { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8usize, i8, usize } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16usize, i16, usize } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu64, isize, u64 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu128, isize, u128 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeusize, isize, usize } cfg_block!( #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu16, isize, u16 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu32, isize, u32 } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu32, isize, u32 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32usize, i32, usize } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32usize, i32, usize } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i64usize, i64, usize } } ); } /// Conversions where max of $source can not be represented as $target, /// but min can. macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err { ($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { let max = <$source>::MAX; let min = <$source>::MIN; let zero: $source = 0; assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).is_err()); assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).unwrap(), min as $target); assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target); } }; } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u8i8, u8, i8 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u16i8, u16, i8 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u16i16, u16, i16 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32i8, u32, i8 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32i16, u32, i16 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32i32, u32, i32 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i8, u64, i8 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i16, u64, i16 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i32, u64, i32 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i64, u64, i64 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i8, u128, i8 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i16, u128, i16 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i32, u128, i32 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i64, u128, i64 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i128, u128, i128 } assume_usize_width! { test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64isize, u64, isize } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128isize, u128, isize } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei8, usize, i8 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei16, usize, i16 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizeisize, usize, isize } cfg_block!( #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] { test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u16isize, u16, isize } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32isize, u32, isize } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] { test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32isize, u32, isize } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei32, usize, i32 } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] { test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei32, usize, i32 } test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei64, usize, i64 } } ); } /// Conversions where min/max of $source can not be represented as $target. macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err { ($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { let max = <$source>::MAX; let min = <$source>::MIN; let zero: $source = 0; let t_max = <$target>::MAX; let t_min = <$target>::MIN; assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).is_err()); if min != 0 { assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).is_err()); } assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target); assert_eq!( <$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_max as $source).unwrap(), t_max as $target ); assert_eq!( <$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_min as $source).unwrap(), t_min as $target ); } }; } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u16u8, u16, u8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u32u8, u32, u8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u32u16, u32, u16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64u8, u64, u8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64u16, u64, u16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64u32, u64, u32 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u8, u128, u8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u16, u128, u16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u32, u128, u32 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u64, u128, u64 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i16i8, i16, i8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei8, isize, i8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i32i8, i32, i8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i32i16, i32, i16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64i8, i64, i8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64i16, i64, i16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64i32, i64, i32 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i8, i128, i8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i16, i128, i16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i32, i128, i32 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i64, i128, i64 } assume_usize_width! { test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu8, usize, u8 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128usize, u128, usize } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128isize, i128, isize } cfg_block!( #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] { test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u32usize, u32, usize } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64usize, u64, usize } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i32isize, i32, isize } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64isize, i64, isize } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] { test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64usize, u64, usize } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu16, usize, u16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64isize, i64, isize } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei16, isize, i16 } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] { test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu16, usize, u16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu32, usize, u32 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei16, isize, i16 } test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei32, isize, i32 } } ); } /// Conversions where neither the min nor the max of $source can be represented by /// $target, but max/min of the target can be represented by the source. macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err { ($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { let max = <$source>::MAX; let min = <$source>::MIN; let zero: $source = 0; let t_max = <$target>::MAX; let t_min = <$target>::MIN; assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).is_err()); assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).is_err()); assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target); assert_eq!( <$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_max as $source).unwrap(), t_max as $target ); assert_eq!( <$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_min as $source).unwrap(), t_min as $target ); } }; } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i16u8, i16, u8 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i32u8, i32, u8 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i32u16, i32, u16 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64u8, i64, u8 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64u16, i64, u16 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64u32, i64, u32 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u8, i128, u8 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u16, i128, u16 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u32, i128, u32 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u64, i128, u64 } assume_usize_width! { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu8, isize, u8 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128usize, i128, usize } cfg_block! { #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i32usize, i32, usize } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64usize, i64, usize } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64usize, i64, usize } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu16, isize, u16 } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] { test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu16, isize, u16 } test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu32, isize, u32 } } } } macro_rules! test_float { ($modname: ident, $fty: ty, $inf: expr, $neginf: expr, $nan: expr) => { mod $modname { #[test] fn min() { assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).min(0.0), 0.0); assert!((0.0 as $fty).min(0.0).is_sign_positive()); assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).min(-0.0), -0.0); assert!((-0.0 as $fty).min(-0.0).is_sign_negative()); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min(9.0), 9.0); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min(0.0), -9.0); assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).min(9.0), 0.0); assert!((0.0 as $fty).min(9.0).is_sign_positive()); assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).min(9.0), -0.0); assert!((-0.0 as $fty).min(9.0).is_sign_negative()); assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).min(-9.0), -9.0); assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).min(9.0), 9.0); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min($inf), 9.0); assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).min(-9.0), -9.0); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min($inf), -9.0); assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).min(9.0), $neginf); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min($neginf), $neginf); assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).min(-9.0), $neginf); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min($neginf), $neginf); assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).min(9.0), 9.0); assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).min(-9.0), -9.0); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min($nan), 9.0); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min($nan), -9.0); assert!(($nan as $fty).min($nan).is_nan()); } #[test] fn max() { assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).max(0.0), 0.0); assert!((0.0 as $fty).max(0.0).is_sign_positive()); assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-0.0), -0.0); assert!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-0.0).is_sign_negative()); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max(0.0), 0.0); assert!((-9.0 as $fty).max(0.0).is_sign_positive()); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max(-0.0), -0.0); assert!((-9.0 as $fty).max(-0.0).is_sign_negative()); assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0); assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0), 0.0); assert!((0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0).is_sign_positive()); assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0), -0.0); assert!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0).is_sign_negative()); assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).max(9.0), $inf); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max($inf), $inf); assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).max(-9.0), $inf); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max($inf), $inf); assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max($neginf), 9.0); assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).max(-9.0), -9.0); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max($neginf), -9.0); assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0); assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).max(-9.0), -9.0); assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max($nan), 9.0); assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max($nan), -9.0); assert!(($nan as $fty).max($nan).is_nan()); } #[test] fn rem_euclid() { let a: $fty = 42.0; assert!($inf.rem_euclid(a).is_nan()); assert_eq!(a.rem_euclid($inf), a); assert!(a.rem_euclid($nan).is_nan()); assert!($inf.rem_euclid($inf).is_nan()); assert!($inf.rem_euclid($nan).is_nan()); assert!($nan.rem_euclid($inf).is_nan()); } #[test] fn div_euclid() { let a: $fty = 42.0; assert_eq!(a.div_euclid($inf), 0.0); assert!(a.div_euclid($nan).is_nan()); assert!($inf.div_euclid($inf).is_nan()); assert!($inf.div_euclid($nan).is_nan()); assert!($nan.div_euclid($inf).is_nan()); } } }; } test_float!(f32, f32, f32::INFINITY, f32::NEG_INFINITY, f32::NAN); test_float!(f64, f64, f64::INFINITY, f64::NEG_INFINITY, f64::NAN);