use super::{get_span_of_entire_for_loop, IncrementVisitor, InitializeVisitor, MANUAL_MEMCPY}; use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_sugg; use clippy_utils::source::snippet; use clippy_utils::sugg::Sugg; use clippy_utils::ty::is_type_diagnostic_item; use clippy_utils::{get_enclosing_block, higher, path_to_local, sugg}; use if_chain::if_chain; use rustc_ast::ast; use rustc_errors::Applicability; use rustc_hir::intravisit::walk_block; use rustc_hir::{BinOpKind, Block, Expr, ExprKind, HirId, Pat, PatKind, StmtKind}; use rustc_lint::LateContext; use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty}; use rustc_span::symbol::sym; use std::iter::Iterator; /// Checks for for loops that sequentially copy items from one slice-like /// object to another. pub(super) fn check<'tcx>( cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, pat: &'tcx Pat<'_>, arg: &'tcx Expr<'_>, body: &'tcx Expr<'_>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>, ) -> bool { if let Some(higher::Range { start: Some(start), end: Some(end), limits, }) = higher::Range::hir(arg) { // the var must be a single name if let PatKind::Binding(_, canonical_id, _, _) = pat.kind { let mut starts = vec![Start { id: canonical_id, kind: StartKind::Range, }]; // This is one of few ways to return different iterators // derived from: let mut iter_a = None; let mut iter_b = None; if let ExprKind::Block(block, _) = body.kind { if let Some(loop_counters) = get_loop_counters(cx, block, expr) { starts.extend(loop_counters); } iter_a = Some(get_assignments(block, &starts)); } else { iter_b = Some(get_assignment(body)); } let assignments = iter_a.into_iter().flatten().chain(iter_b.into_iter()); let big_sugg = assignments // The only statements in the for loops can be indexed assignments from // indexed retrievals (except increments of loop counters). .map(|o| { o.and_then(|(lhs, rhs)| { let rhs = fetch_cloned_expr(rhs); if_chain! { if let ExprKind::Index(base_left, idx_left) = lhs.kind; if let ExprKind::Index(base_right, idx_right) = rhs.kind; if is_slice_like(cx, cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(base_left)); if is_slice_like(cx, cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(base_right)); if let Some((start_left, offset_left)) = get_details_from_idx(cx, idx_left, &starts); if let Some((start_right, offset_right)) = get_details_from_idx(cx, idx_right, &starts); // Source and destination must be different if path_to_local(base_left) != path_to_local(base_right); then { Some((IndexExpr { base: base_left, idx: start_left, idx_offset: offset_left }, IndexExpr { base: base_right, idx: start_right, idx_offset: offset_right })) } else { None } } }) }) .map(|o||(dst, src)| build_manual_memcpy_suggestion(cx, start, end, limits, &dst, &src))) .collect::>>() .filter(|v| !v.is_empty()) .map(|v| v.join("\n ")); if let Some(big_sugg) = big_sugg { span_lint_and_sugg( cx, MANUAL_MEMCPY, get_span_of_entire_for_loop(expr), "it looks like you're manually copying between slices", "try replacing the loop by", big_sugg, Applicability::Unspecified, ); return true; } } } false } fn build_manual_memcpy_suggestion<'tcx>( cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, start: &Expr<'_>, end: &Expr<'_>, limits: ast::RangeLimits, dst: &IndexExpr<'_>, src: &IndexExpr<'_>, ) -> String { fn print_offset(offset: MinifyingSugg<'static>) -> MinifyingSugg<'static> { if offset.as_str() == "0" { sugg::EMPTY.into() } else { offset } } let print_limit = |end: &Expr<'_>, end_str: &str, base: &Expr<'_>, sugg: MinifyingSugg<'static>| { if_chain! { if let ExprKind::MethodCall(method, _, len_args, _) = end.kind; if == sym::len; if len_args.len() == 1; if let Some(arg) = len_args.get(0); if path_to_local(arg) == path_to_local(base); then { if sugg.as_str() == end_str { sugg::EMPTY.into() } else { sugg } } else { match limits { ast::RangeLimits::Closed => { sugg + &sugg::ONE.into() }, ast::RangeLimits::HalfOpen => sugg, } } } }; let start_str = Sugg::hir(cx, start, "").into(); let end_str: MinifyingSugg<'_> = Sugg::hir(cx, end, "").into(); let print_offset_and_limit = |idx_expr: &IndexExpr<'_>| match idx_expr.idx { StartKind::Range => ( print_offset(apply_offset(&start_str, &idx_expr.idx_offset)).into_sugg(), print_limit( end, end_str.as_str(), idx_expr.base, apply_offset(&end_str, &idx_expr.idx_offset), ) .into_sugg(), ), StartKind::Counter { initializer } => { let counter_start = Sugg::hir(cx, initializer, "").into(); ( print_offset(apply_offset(&counter_start, &idx_expr.idx_offset)).into_sugg(), print_limit( end, end_str.as_str(), idx_expr.base, apply_offset(&end_str, &idx_expr.idx_offset) + &counter_start - &start_str, ) .into_sugg(), ) }, }; let (dst_offset, dst_limit) = print_offset_and_limit(dst); let (src_offset, src_limit) = print_offset_and_limit(src); let dst_base_str = snippet(cx, dst.base.span, "???"); let src_base_str = snippet(cx, src.base.span, "???"); let dst = if dst_offset == sugg::EMPTY && dst_limit == sugg::EMPTY { dst_base_str } else { format!( "{}[{}..{}]", dst_base_str, dst_offset.maybe_par(), dst_limit.maybe_par() ) .into() }; format!( "{}.clone_from_slice(&{}[{}..{}]);", dst, src_base_str, src_offset.maybe_par(), src_limit.maybe_par() ) } /// a wrapper of `Sugg`. Besides what `Sugg` do, this removes unnecessary `0`; /// and also, it avoids subtracting a variable from the same one by replacing it with `0`. /// it exists for the convenience of the overloaded operators while normal functions can do the /// same. #[derive(Clone)] struct MinifyingSugg<'a>(Sugg<'a>); impl<'a> MinifyingSugg<'a> { fn as_str(&self) -> &str { // HACK: Don't sync to Clippy! Required because something with the `or_patterns` feature // changed and this would now require parentheses. match &self.0 { Sugg::NonParen(s) | Sugg::MaybeParen(s) | Sugg::BinOp(_, s) => s.as_ref(), } } fn into_sugg(self) -> Sugg<'a> { self.0 } } impl<'a> From> for MinifyingSugg<'a> { fn from(sugg: Sugg<'a>) -> Self { Self(sugg) } } impl std::ops::Add for &MinifyingSugg<'static> { type Output = MinifyingSugg<'static>; fn add(self, rhs: &MinifyingSugg<'static>) -> MinifyingSugg<'static> { match (self.as_str(), rhs.as_str()) { ("0", _) => rhs.clone(), (_, "0") => self.clone(), (_, _) => (&self.0 + &rhs.0).into(), } } } impl std::ops::Sub for &MinifyingSugg<'static> { type Output = MinifyingSugg<'static>; fn sub(self, rhs: &MinifyingSugg<'static>) -> MinifyingSugg<'static> { match (self.as_str(), rhs.as_str()) { (_, "0") => self.clone(), ("0", _) => (-rhs.0.clone()).into(), (x, y) if x == y => sugg::ZERO.into(), (_, _) => (&self.0 - &rhs.0).into(), } } } impl std::ops::Add<&MinifyingSugg<'static>> for MinifyingSugg<'static> { type Output = MinifyingSugg<'static>; fn add(self, rhs: &MinifyingSugg<'static>) -> MinifyingSugg<'static> { match (self.as_str(), rhs.as_str()) { ("0", _) => rhs.clone(), (_, "0") => self, (_, _) => (self.0 + &rhs.0).into(), } } } impl std::ops::Sub<&MinifyingSugg<'static>> for MinifyingSugg<'static> { type Output = MinifyingSugg<'static>; fn sub(self, rhs: &MinifyingSugg<'static>) -> MinifyingSugg<'static> { match (self.as_str(), rhs.as_str()) { (_, "0") => self, ("0", _) => (-rhs.0.clone()).into(), (x, y) if x == y => sugg::ZERO.into(), (_, _) => (self.0 - &rhs.0).into(), } } } /// a wrapper around `MinifyingSugg`, which carries an operator like currying /// so that the suggested code become more efficient (e.g. `foo + -bar` `foo - bar`). struct Offset { value: MinifyingSugg<'static>, sign: OffsetSign, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum OffsetSign { Positive, Negative, } impl Offset { fn negative(value: Sugg<'static>) -> Self { Self { value: value.into(), sign: OffsetSign::Negative, } } fn positive(value: Sugg<'static>) -> Self { Self { value: value.into(), sign: OffsetSign::Positive, } } fn empty() -> Self { Self::positive(sugg::ZERO) } } fn apply_offset(lhs: &MinifyingSugg<'static>, rhs: &Offset) -> MinifyingSugg<'static> { match rhs.sign { OffsetSign::Positive => lhs + &rhs.value, OffsetSign::Negative => lhs - &rhs.value, } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum StartKind<'hir> { Range, Counter { initializer: &'hir Expr<'hir> }, } struct IndexExpr<'hir> { base: &'hir Expr<'hir>, idx: StartKind<'hir>, idx_offset: Offset, } struct Start<'hir> { id: HirId, kind: StartKind<'hir>, } fn is_slice_like<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'_>) -> bool { let is_slice = match ty.kind() { ty::Ref(_, subty, _) => is_slice_like(cx, subty), ty::Slice(..) | ty::Array(..) => true, _ => false, }; is_slice || is_type_diagnostic_item(cx, ty, sym::Vec) || is_type_diagnostic_item(cx, ty, sym::VecDeque) } fn fetch_cloned_expr<'tcx>(expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> &'tcx Expr<'tcx> { if_chain! { if let ExprKind::MethodCall(method, _, args, _) = expr.kind; if == sym::clone; if args.len() == 1; if let Some(arg) = args.get(0); then { arg } else { expr } } } fn get_details_from_idx<'tcx>( cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, idx: &Expr<'_>, starts: &[Start<'tcx>], ) -> Option<(StartKind<'tcx>, Offset)> { fn get_start<'tcx>(e: &Expr<'_>, starts: &[Start<'tcx>]) -> Option> { let id = path_to_local(e)?; starts.iter().find(|start| == id).map(|start| start.kind) } fn get_offset<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &Expr<'_>, starts: &[Start<'tcx>]) -> Option> { match &e.kind { ExprKind::Lit(l) => match l.node { ast::LitKind::Int(x, _ty) => Some(Sugg::NonParen(x.to_string().into())), _ => None, }, ExprKind::Path(..) if get_start(e, starts).is_none() => Some(Sugg::hir(cx, e, "???")), _ => None, } } match idx.kind { ExprKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => match op.node { BinOpKind::Add => { let offset_opt = get_start(lhs, starts) .and_then(|s| get_offset(cx, rhs, starts).map(|o| (s, o))) .or_else(|| get_start(rhs, starts).and_then(|s| get_offset(cx, lhs, starts).map(|o| (s, o))));|(s, o)| (s, Offset::positive(o))) }, BinOpKind::Sub => { get_start(lhs, starts).and_then(|s| get_offset(cx, rhs, starts).map(|o| (s, Offset::negative(o)))) }, _ => None, }, ExprKind::Path(..) => get_start(idx, starts).map(|s| (s, Offset::empty())), _ => None, } } fn get_assignment<'tcx>(e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> Option<(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>)> { if let ExprKind::Assign(lhs, rhs, _) = e.kind { Some((lhs, rhs)) } else { None } } /// Get assignments from the given block. /// The returned iterator yields `None` if no assignment expressions are there, /// filtering out the increments of the given whitelisted loop counters; /// because its job is to make sure there's nothing other than assignments and the increments. fn get_assignments<'a, 'tcx>( Block { stmts, expr, .. }: &'tcx Block<'tcx>, loop_counters: &'a [Start<'tcx>], ) -> impl Iterator, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>)>> + 'a { // As the `filter` and `map` below do different things, I think putting together // just increases complexity. (cc #3188 and #4193) stmts .iter() .filter_map(move |stmt| match stmt.kind { StmtKind::Local(..) | StmtKind::Item(..) => None, StmtKind::Expr(e) | StmtKind::Semi(e) => Some(e), }) .chain((*expr).into_iter()) .filter(move |e| { if let ExprKind::AssignOp(_, place, _) = e.kind { path_to_local(place).map_or(false, |id| { !loop_counters .iter() // skip the first item which should be `StartKind::Range` // this makes it possible to use the slice with `StartKind::Range` in the same iterator loop. .skip(1) .any(|counter| == id) }) } else { true } }) .map(get_assignment) } fn get_loop_counters<'a, 'tcx>( cx: &'a LateContext<'tcx>, body: &'tcx Block<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>, ) -> Option> + 'a> { // Look for variables that are incremented once per loop iteration. let mut increment_visitor = IncrementVisitor::new(cx); walk_block(&mut increment_visitor, body); // For each candidate, check the parent block to see if // it's initialized to zero at the start of the loop. get_enclosing_block(cx, expr.hir_id).and_then(|block| { increment_visitor .into_results() .filter_map(move |var_id| { let mut initialize_visitor = InitializeVisitor::new(cx, expr, var_id); walk_block(&mut initialize_visitor, block); initialize_visitor.get_result().map(|(_, initializer)| Start { id: var_id, kind: StartKind::Counter { initializer }, }) }) .into() }) }