/** * This file mirrors `crates/rust-analyzer/src/lsp_ext.rs` declarations. */ import * as lc from "vscode-languageclient"; // rust-analyzer overrides export const hover = new lc.RequestType< HoverParams, (lc.Hover & { actions: CommandLinkGroup[] }) | null, void >(lc.HoverRequest.method); export type HoverParams = { position: lc.Position | lc.Range } & Omit; export type CommandLink = { /** * A tooltip for the command, when represented in the UI. */ tooltip?: string; } & lc.Command; export type CommandLinkGroup = { title?: string; commands: CommandLink[]; }; // rust-analyzer extensions export const analyzerStatus = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/analyzerStatus", ); export const cancelFlycheck = new lc.NotificationType0("rust-analyzer/cancelFlycheck"); export const clearFlycheck = new lc.NotificationType0("rust-analyzer/clearFlycheck"); export const expandMacro = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/expandMacro", ); export const memoryUsage = new lc.RequestType0("rust-analyzer/memoryUsage"); export const openServerLogs = new lc.NotificationType0("rust-analyzer/openServerLogs"); export const relatedTests = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/relatedTests", ); export const reloadWorkspace = new lc.RequestType0("rust-analyzer/reloadWorkspace"); export const rebuildProcMacros = new lc.RequestType0("rust-analyzer/rebuildProcMacros"); export const runFlycheck = new lc.NotificationType<{ textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier | null; }>("rust-analyzer/runFlycheck"); export const shuffleCrateGraph = new lc.RequestType0("rust-analyzer/shuffleCrateGraph"); export const syntaxTree = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/syntaxTree", ); export const viewCrateGraph = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/viewCrateGraph", ); export const viewFileText = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/viewFileText", ); export const viewHir = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/viewHir", ); export const viewMir = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/viewMir", ); export const interpretFunction = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/interpretFunction", ); export const viewItemTree = new lc.RequestType( "rust-analyzer/viewItemTree", ); export type DiscoverTestParams = { testId?: string | undefined }; export type RunTestParams = { include?: string[] | undefined; exclude?: string[] | undefined; }; export type TestItem = { id: string; label: string; kind: "package" | "module" | "test"; canResolveChildren: boolean; parent?: string | undefined; textDocument?: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier | undefined; range?: lc.Range | undefined; runnable?: Runnable | undefined; }; export type DiscoverTestResults = { tests: TestItem[]; scope: string[] | undefined; scopeFile: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier[] | undefined; }; export type TestState = | { tag: "failed"; message: string } | { tag: "passed" } | { tag: "started" } | { tag: "enqueued" } | { tag: "skipped" }; export type ChangeTestStateParams = { testId: string; state: TestState }; export const discoverTest = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/discoverTest", ); export const discoveredTests = new lc.NotificationType( "experimental/discoveredTests", ); export const runTest = new lc.RequestType("experimental/runTest"); export const abortRunTest = new lc.NotificationType0("experimental/abortRunTest"); export const endRunTest = new lc.NotificationType0("experimental/endRunTest"); export const appendOutputToRunTest = new lc.NotificationType( "experimental/appendOutputToRunTest", ); export const changeTestState = new lc.NotificationType( "experimental/changeTestState", ); export type AnalyzerStatusParams = { textDocument?: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier }; export interface FetchDependencyListParams {} export interface FetchDependencyListResult { crates: { name?: string; version?: string; path: string; }[]; } export const fetchDependencyList = new lc.RequestType< FetchDependencyListParams, FetchDependencyListResult, void >("rust-analyzer/fetchDependencyList"); export interface FetchDependencyGraphParams {} export interface FetchDependencyGraphResult { crates: { name: string; version: string; path: string; }[]; } export const fetchDependencyGraph = new lc.RequestType< FetchDependencyGraphParams, FetchDependencyGraphResult, void >("rust-analyzer/fetchDependencyGraph"); export type ExpandMacroParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; position: lc.Position; }; export type ExpandedMacro = { name: string; expansion: string; }; export type TestInfo = { runnable: Runnable }; export type SyntaxTreeParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; range: lc.Range | null; }; export type ViewCrateGraphParams = { full: boolean }; export type ViewItemTreeParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier }; // experimental extensions export const joinLines = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/joinLines", ); export const matchingBrace = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/matchingBrace", ); export const moveItem = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/moveItem", ); export const onEnter = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/onEnter", ); export const openCargoToml = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/openCargoToml", ); export interface DocsUrls { local?: string; web?: string; } export const openDocs = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/externalDocs", ); export const parentModule = new lc.RequestType< lc.TextDocumentPositionParams, lc.LocationLink[] | null, void >("experimental/parentModule"); export const runnables = new lc.RequestType( "experimental/runnables", ); export const serverStatus = new lc.NotificationType( "experimental/serverStatus", ); export const ssr = new lc.RequestType("experimental/ssr"); export const viewRecursiveMemoryLayout = new lc.RequestType< lc.TextDocumentPositionParams, RecursiveMemoryLayout | null, void >("rust-analyzer/viewRecursiveMemoryLayout"); export type JoinLinesParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; ranges: lc.Range[]; }; export type MatchingBraceParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; positions: lc.Position[]; }; export type MoveItemParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; range: lc.Range; direction: Direction; }; export type Direction = "Up" | "Down"; export type OpenCargoTomlParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; }; export type Runnable = { label: string; location?: lc.LocationLink; kind: "cargo"; args: { workspaceRoot?: string; cargoArgs: string[]; cargoExtraArgs: string[]; executableArgs: string[]; expectTest?: boolean; overrideCargo?: string; }; }; export type RunnablesParams = { textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; position: lc.Position | null; }; export type ServerStatusParams = { health: "ok" | "warning" | "error"; quiescent: boolean; message?: string; }; export type SsrParams = { query: string; parseOnly: boolean; textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier; position: lc.Position; selections: readonly lc.Range[]; }; export type RecursiveMemoryLayoutNode = { item_name: string; typename: string; size: number; alignment: number; offset: number; parent_idx: number; children_start: number; children_len: number; }; export type RecursiveMemoryLayout = { nodes: RecursiveMemoryLayoutNode[]; }; export const unindexedProject = new lc.NotificationType( "rust-analyzer/unindexedProject", ); export type UnindexedProjectParams = { textDocuments: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier[] };