import driver::session::session; import syntax::codemap::span; import ctypes::c_uint; import front::attr; import lib::llvm::{ llvm, TypeRef, ValueRef }; import syntax::ast; import back::link; import common::*; import build::*; import base::*; import type_of::*; import std::map::hashmap; export link_name, trans_native_mod, register_crust_fn, trans_crust_fn; fn link_name(i: @ast::native_item) -> str { alt attr::get_meta_item_value_str_by_name(i.attrs, "link_name") { none { ret i.ident; } option::some(ln) { ret ln; } } } type c_stack_tys = { arg_tys: [TypeRef], ret_ty: TypeRef, ret_def: bool, bundle_ty: TypeRef, shim_fn_ty: TypeRef }; fn c_arg_and_ret_lltys(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: ast::node_id) -> ([TypeRef], TypeRef, ty::t) { alt ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id)).struct { ty::ty_fn({inputs: arg_tys, output: ret_ty, _}) { let llargtys = type_of_explicit_args(ccx, arg_tys); let llretty = type_of::type_of(ccx, ret_ty); (llargtys, llretty, ret_ty) } _ { ccx.sess.bug("c_arg_and_ret_lltys called on non-function type"); } } } fn c_stack_tys(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: ast::node_id) -> @c_stack_tys { let (llargtys, llretty, ret_ty) = c_arg_and_ret_lltys(ccx, id); let bundle_ty = T_struct(llargtys + [T_ptr(llretty)]); ret @{ arg_tys: llargtys, ret_ty: llretty, ret_def: !ty::type_is_bot(ret_ty) && !ty::type_is_nil(ret_ty), bundle_ty: bundle_ty, shim_fn_ty: T_fn([T_ptr(bundle_ty)], T_void()) }; } type shim_arg_builder = fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llargbundle: ValueRef) -> [ValueRef]; type shim_ret_builder = fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llargbundle: ValueRef, llretval: ValueRef); fn build_shim_fn_(ccx: crate_ctxt, shim_name: str, llbasefn: ValueRef, tys: @c_stack_tys, cc: lib::llvm::CallConv, arg_builder: shim_arg_builder, ret_builder: shim_ret_builder) -> ValueRef { let llshimfn = decl_internal_cdecl_fn( ccx.llmod, shim_name, tys.shim_fn_ty); // Declare the body of the shim function: let fcx = new_fn_ctxt(ccx, [], llshimfn, none); let bcx = top_scope_block(fcx, none); let lltop = bcx.llbb; let llargbundle = llvm::LLVMGetParam(llshimfn, 0 as c_uint); let llargvals = arg_builder(bcx, tys, llargbundle); // Create the call itself and store the return value: let llretval = CallWithConv(bcx, llbasefn, llargvals, cc); // r ret_builder(bcx, tys, llargbundle, llretval); build_return(bcx); finish_fn(fcx, lltop); ret llshimfn; } type wrap_arg_builder = fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llwrapfn: ValueRef, llargbundle: ValueRef); type wrap_ret_builder = fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llargbundle: ValueRef); fn build_wrap_fn_(ccx: crate_ctxt, tys: @c_stack_tys, llshimfn: ValueRef, llwrapfn: ValueRef, shim_upcall: ValueRef, arg_builder: wrap_arg_builder, ret_builder: wrap_ret_builder) { let fcx = new_fn_ctxt(ccx, [], llwrapfn, none); let bcx = top_scope_block(fcx, none); let lltop = bcx.llbb; // Allocate the struct and write the arguments into it. let llargbundle = alloca(bcx, tys.bundle_ty); arg_builder(bcx, tys, llwrapfn, llargbundle); // Create call itself. let llshimfnptr = PointerCast(bcx, llshimfn, T_ptr(T_i8())); let llrawargbundle = PointerCast(bcx, llargbundle, T_ptr(T_i8())); Call(bcx, shim_upcall, [llrawargbundle, llshimfnptr]); ret_builder(bcx, tys, llargbundle); tie_up_header_blocks(fcx, lltop); // Make sure our standard return block (that we didn't use) is terminated let ret_cx = raw_block(fcx, fcx.llreturn); Unreachable(ret_cx); } // For each native function F, we generate a wrapper function W and a shim // function S that all work together. The wrapper function W is the function // that other rust code actually invokes. Its job is to marshall the // arguments into a struct. It then uses a small bit of assembly to switch // over to the C stack and invoke the shim function. The shim function S then // unpacks the arguments from the struct and invokes the actual function F // according to its specified calling convention. // // Example: Given a native c-stack function F(x: X, y: Y) -> Z, // we generate a wrapper function W that looks like: // // void W(Z* dest, void *env, X x, Y y) { // struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } args = { x, y, z }; // call_on_c_stack_shim(S, &args); // } // // The shim function S then looks something like: // // void S(struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } *args) { // *args->z = F(args->x, args->y); // } // // However, if the return type of F is dynamically sized or of aggregate type, // the shim function looks like: // // void S(struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } *args) { // F(args->z, args->x, args->y); // } // // Note: on i386, the layout of the args struct is generally the same as the // desired layout of the arguments on the C stack. Therefore, we could use // upcall_alloc_c_stack() to allocate the `args` structure and switch the // stack pointer appropriately to avoid a round of copies. (In fact, the shim // function itself is unnecessary). We used to do this, in fact, and will // perhaps do so in the future. fn trans_native_mod(ccx: crate_ctxt, native_mod: ast::native_mod, abi: ast::native_abi) { fn build_shim_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, native_item: @ast::native_item, tys: @c_stack_tys, cc: lib::llvm::CallConv) -> ValueRef { fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llargbundle: ValueRef) -> [ValueRef] { let llargvals = []; let i = 0u; let n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys); while i < n { let llargval = load_inbounds(bcx, llargbundle, [0, i as int]); llargvals += [llargval]; i += 1u; } ret llargvals; } fn build_ret(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llargbundle: ValueRef, llretval: ValueRef) { if tys.ret_def { let n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys); // R** llretptr = &args->r; let llretptr = GEPi(bcx, llargbundle, [0, n as int]); // R* llretloc = *llretptr; /* (args->r) */ let llretloc = Load(bcx, llretptr); // *args->r = r; Store(bcx, llretval, llretloc); } } let lname = link_name(native_item); // Declare the "prototype" for the base function F: let llbasefnty = T_fn(tys.arg_tys, tys.ret_ty); let llbasefn = decl_fn(ccx.llmod, lname, cc, llbasefnty); // Name the shim function let shim_name = lname + "__c_stack_shim"; ret build_shim_fn_(ccx, shim_name, llbasefn, tys, cc, build_args, build_ret); } fn build_wrap_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, tys: @c_stack_tys, num_tps: uint, llshimfn: ValueRef, llwrapfn: ValueRef) { fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llwrapfn: ValueRef, llargbundle: ValueRef, num_tps: uint) { let i = 0u, n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys); let implicit_args = first_tp_arg + num_tps; // ret + env while i < n { let llargval = llvm::LLVMGetParam( llwrapfn, (i + implicit_args) as c_uint); store_inbounds(bcx, llargval, llargbundle, [0, i as int]); i += 1u; } let llretptr = llvm::LLVMGetParam(llwrapfn, 0 as c_uint); store_inbounds(bcx, llretptr, llargbundle, [0, n as int]); } fn build_ret(bcx: block, _tys: @c_stack_tys, _llargbundle: ValueRef) { RetVoid(bcx); } build_wrap_fn_(ccx, tys, llshimfn, llwrapfn, ccx.upcalls.call_shim_on_c_stack, bind build_args(_, _ ,_ , _, num_tps), build_ret); } let cc = lib::llvm::CCallConv; alt abi { ast::native_abi_rust_intrinsic { ret; } ast::native_abi_cdecl { cc = lib::llvm::CCallConv; } ast::native_abi_stdcall { cc = lib::llvm::X86StdcallCallConv; } } for native_item in native_mod.items { alt native_item.node { ast::native_item_fn(fn_decl, tps) { let id =; let tys = c_stack_tys(ccx, id); alt ccx.item_ids.find(id) { some(llwrapfn) { let llshimfn = build_shim_fn(ccx, native_item, tys, cc); build_wrap_fn(ccx, tys, vec::len(tps), llshimfn, llwrapfn); } none { ccx.sess.span_bug( native_item.span, "unbound function item in trans_native_mod"); } } } } } } fn trans_crust_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, path: ast_map::path, decl: ast::fn_decl, body: ast::blk, llwrapfn: ValueRef, id: ast::node_id) { fn build_rust_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, path: ast_map::path, decl: ast::fn_decl, body: ast::blk, id: ast::node_id) -> ValueRef { let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id); let ps = link::mangle_internal_name_by_path( ccx, path + [ast_map::path_name("__rust_abi")]); let llty = type_of_fn_from_ty(ccx, t, []); let llfndecl = decl_internal_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, ps, llty); trans_fn(ccx, path, decl, body, llfndecl, no_self, [], none, id, none); ret llfndecl; } fn build_shim_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, path: ast_map::path, llrustfn: ValueRef, tys: @c_stack_tys) -> ValueRef { fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llargbundle: ValueRef) -> [ValueRef] { let llargvals = []; let i = 0u; let n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys); let llretptr = load_inbounds(bcx, llargbundle, [0, n as int]); llargvals += [llretptr]; let llenvptr = C_null(T_opaque_box_ptr(bcx.ccx())); llargvals += [llenvptr]; while i < n { let llargval = load_inbounds(bcx, llargbundle, [0, i as int]); llargvals += [llargval]; i += 1u; } ret llargvals; } fn build_ret(_bcx: block, _tys: @c_stack_tys, _llargbundle: ValueRef, _llretval: ValueRef) { // Nop. The return pointer in the Rust ABI function // is wired directly into the return slot in the shim struct } let shim_name = link::mangle_internal_name_by_path( ccx, path + [ast_map::path_name("__rust_stack_shim")]); ret build_shim_fn_(ccx, shim_name, llrustfn, tys, lib::llvm::CCallConv, build_args, build_ret); } fn build_wrap_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, llshimfn: ValueRef, llwrapfn: ValueRef, tys: @c_stack_tys) { fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llwrapfn: ValueRef, llargbundle: ValueRef) { let llretptr = alloca(bcx, tys.ret_ty); let i = 0u, n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys); while i < n { let llargval = llvm::LLVMGetParam( llwrapfn, i as c_uint); store_inbounds(bcx, llargval, llargbundle, [0, i as int]); i += 1u; } store_inbounds(bcx, llretptr, llargbundle, [0, n as int]); } fn build_ret(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys, llargbundle: ValueRef) { let n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys); let llretval = load_inbounds(bcx, llargbundle, [0, n as int]); let llretval = Load(bcx, llretval); Ret(bcx, llretval); } build_wrap_fn_(ccx, tys, llshimfn, llwrapfn, ccx.upcalls.call_shim_on_rust_stack, build_args, build_ret); } let tys = c_stack_tys(ccx, id); // The internal Rust ABI function - runs on the Rust stack let llrustfn = build_rust_fn(ccx, path, decl, body, id); // The internal shim function - runs on the Rust stack let llshimfn = build_shim_fn(ccx, path, llrustfn, tys); // The external C function - runs on the C stack build_wrap_fn(ccx, llshimfn, llwrapfn, tys) } fn register_crust_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, sp: span, path: ast_map::path, node_id: ast::node_id) -> ValueRef { let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, node_id); let (llargtys, llretty, _) = c_arg_and_ret_lltys(ccx, node_id); let llfty = T_fn(llargtys, llretty); register_fn_fuller(ccx, sp, path, "crust fn", node_id, t, lib::llvm::CCallConv, llfty) }