//! Implement thread-local storage. use std::collections::btree_map::Entry as BTreeEntry; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry as HashMapEntry; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use log::trace; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc_middle::ty; use rustc_target::abi::{HasDataLayout, Size}; use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi; use crate::*; pub type TlsKey = u128; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct TlsEntry<'tcx> { /// The data for this key. None is used to represent NULL. /// (We normalize this early to avoid having to do a NULL-ptr-test each time we access the data.) data: BTreeMap>, dtor: Option>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct RunningDtorsState { /// The last TlsKey used to retrieve a TLS destructor. `None` means that we /// have not tried to retrieve a TLS destructor yet or that we already tried /// all keys. last_dtor_key: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TlsData<'tcx> { /// The Key to use for the next thread-local allocation. next_key: TlsKey, /// pthreads-style thread-local storage. keys: BTreeMap>, /// A single per thread destructor of the thread local storage (that's how /// things work on macOS) with a data argument. macos_thread_dtors: BTreeMap, Scalar)>, /// State for currently running TLS dtors. If this map contains a key for a /// specific thread, it means that we are in the "destruct" phase, during /// which some operations are UB. dtors_running: FxHashMap, } impl<'tcx> Default for TlsData<'tcx> { fn default() -> Self { TlsData { next_key: 1, // start with 1 as we must not use 0 on Windows keys: Default::default(), macos_thread_dtors: Default::default(), dtors_running: Default::default(), } } } impl<'tcx> TlsData<'tcx> { /// Generate a new TLS key with the given destructor. /// `max_size` determines the integer size the key has to fit in. pub fn create_tls_key( &mut self, dtor: Option>, max_size: Size, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, TlsKey> { let new_key = self.next_key; self.next_key += 1; self.keys.try_insert(new_key, TlsEntry { data: Default::default(), dtor }).unwrap(); trace!("New TLS key allocated: {} with dtor {:?}", new_key, dtor); if max_size.bits() < 128 && new_key >= (1u128 << max_size.bits() as u128) { throw_unsup_format!("we ran out of TLS key space"); } Ok(new_key) } pub fn delete_tls_key(&mut self, key: TlsKey) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { match self.keys.remove(&key) { Some(_) => { trace!("TLS key {} removed", key); Ok(()) } None => throw_ub_format!("removing a non-existig TLS key: {}", key), } } pub fn load_tls( &self, key: TlsKey, thread_id: ThreadId, cx: &impl HasDataLayout, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar> { match self.keys.get(&key) { Some(TlsEntry { data, .. }) => { let value = data.get(&thread_id).copied(); trace!("TLS key {} for thread {:?} loaded: {:?}", key, thread_id, value); Ok(value.unwrap_or_else(|| Scalar::null_ptr(cx).into())) } None => throw_ub_format!("loading from a non-existing TLS key: {}", key), } } pub fn store_tls( &mut self, key: TlsKey, thread_id: ThreadId, new_data: Scalar, cx: &impl HasDataLayout, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { match self.keys.get_mut(&key) { Some(TlsEntry { data, .. }) => { if new_data.to_machine_usize(cx)? != 0 { trace!("TLS key {} for thread {:?} stored: {:?}", key, thread_id, new_data); data.insert(thread_id, new_data); } else { trace!("TLS key {} for thread {:?} removed", key, thread_id); data.remove(&thread_id); } Ok(()) } None => throw_ub_format!("storing to a non-existing TLS key: {}", key), } } /// Set the thread wide destructor of the thread local storage for the given /// thread. This function is used to implement `_tlv_atexit` shim on MacOS. /// /// Thread wide dtors are available only on MacOS. There is one destructor /// per thread as can be guessed from the following comment in the /// [`_tlv_atexit` /// implementation](https://github.com/opensource-apple/dyld/blob/195030646877261f0c8c7ad8b001f52d6a26f514/src/threadLocalVariables.c#L389): /// /// // NOTE: this does not need locks because it only operates on current thread data pub fn set_macos_thread_dtor( &mut self, thread: ThreadId, dtor: ty::Instance<'tcx>, data: Scalar, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { if self.dtors_running.contains_key(&thread) { // UB, according to libstd docs. throw_ub_format!( "setting thread's local storage destructor while destructors are already running" ); } if self.macos_thread_dtors.insert(thread, (dtor, data)).is_some() { throw_unsup_format!( "setting more than one thread local storage destructor for the same thread is not supported" ); } Ok(()) } /// Returns a dtor, its argument and its index, if one is supposed to run. /// `key` is the last dtors that was run; we return the *next* one after that. /// /// An optional destructor function may be associated with each key value. /// At thread exit, if a key value has a non-NULL destructor pointer, /// and the thread has a non-NULL value associated with that key, /// the value of the key is set to NULL, and then the function pointed /// to is called with the previously associated value as its sole argument. /// The order of destructor calls is unspecified if more than one destructor /// exists for a thread when it exits. /// /// If, after all the destructors have been called for all non-NULL values /// with associated destructors, there are still some non-NULL values with /// associated destructors, then the process is repeated. /// If, after at least {PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS} iterations of destructor /// calls for outstanding non-NULL values, there are still some non-NULL values /// with associated destructors, implementations may stop calling destructors, /// or they may continue calling destructors until no non-NULL values with /// associated destructors exist, even though this might result in an infinite loop. fn fetch_tls_dtor( &mut self, key: Option, thread_id: ThreadId, ) -> Option<(ty::Instance<'tcx>, Scalar, TlsKey)> { use std::ops::Bound::*; let thread_local = &mut self.keys; let start = match key { Some(key) => Excluded(key), None => Unbounded, }; for (&key, TlsEntry { data, dtor }) in thread_local.range_mut((start, Unbounded)) { match data.entry(thread_id) { BTreeEntry::Occupied(entry) => { if let Some(dtor) = dtor { // Set TLS data to NULL, and call dtor with old value. let data_scalar = entry.remove(); let ret = Some((*dtor, data_scalar, key)); return ret; } } BTreeEntry::Vacant(_) => {} } } None } /// Set that dtors are running for `thread`. It is guaranteed not to change /// the existing values stored in `dtors_running` for this thread. Returns /// `true` if dtors for `thread` are already running. fn set_dtors_running_for_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId) -> bool { match self.dtors_running.entry(thread) { HashMapEntry::Occupied(_) => true, HashMapEntry::Vacant(entry) => { // We cannot just do `self.dtors_running.insert` because that // would overwrite `last_dtor_key` with `None`. entry.insert(RunningDtorsState { last_dtor_key: None }); false } } } /// Delete all TLS entries for the given thread. This function should be /// called after all TLS destructors have already finished. fn delete_all_thread_tls(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) { for TlsEntry { data, .. } in self.keys.values_mut() { data.remove(&thread_id); } } } impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextPrivExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {} trait EvalContextPrivExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> { /// Schedule TLS destructors for the main thread on Windows. The /// implementation assumes that we do not support concurrency on Windows /// yet. fn schedule_windows_tls_dtors(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let active_thread = this.get_active_thread(); assert_eq!(this.get_total_thread_count(), 1, "concurrency on Windows is not supported"); // Windows has a special magic linker section that is run on certain events. // Instead of searching for that section and supporting arbitrary hooks in there // (that would be basically https://github.com/rust-lang/miri/issues/450), // we specifically look up the static in libstd that we know is placed // in that section. let thread_callback = this.eval_path_scalar(&[ "std", "sys", "windows", "thread_local_key", "p_thread_callback", ])?; let thread_callback = this.get_ptr_fn(this.scalar_to_ptr(thread_callback))?.as_instance()?; // The signature of this function is `unsafe extern "system" fn(h: c::LPVOID, dwReason: c::DWORD, pv: c::LPVOID)`. let reason = this.eval_path_scalar(&["std", "sys", "windows", "c", "DLL_THREAD_DETACH"])?; let ret_place = MPlaceTy::dangling(this.machine.layouts.unit).into(); this.call_function( thread_callback, Abi::System { unwind: false }, &[Scalar::null_ptr(this).into(), reason.into(), Scalar::null_ptr(this).into()], Some(&ret_place), StackPopCleanup::Root { cleanup: true }, )?; this.enable_thread(active_thread); Ok(()) } /// Schedule the MacOS thread destructor of the thread local storage to be /// executed. Returns `true` if scheduled. /// /// Note: It is safe to call this function also on other Unixes. fn schedule_macos_tls_dtor(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, bool> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let thread_id = this.get_active_thread(); if let Some((instance, data)) = this.machine.tls.macos_thread_dtors.remove(&thread_id) { trace!("Running macos dtor {:?} on {:?} at {:?}", instance, data, thread_id); let ret_place = MPlaceTy::dangling(this.machine.layouts.unit).into(); this.call_function( instance, Abi::C { unwind: false }, &[data.into()], Some(&ret_place), StackPopCleanup::Root { cleanup: true }, )?; // Enable the thread so that it steps through the destructor which // we just scheduled. Since we deleted the destructor, it is // guaranteed that we will schedule it again. The `dtors_running` // flag will prevent the code from adding the destructor again. this.enable_thread(thread_id); Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } /// Schedule a pthread TLS destructor. Returns `true` if found /// a destructor to schedule, and `false` otherwise. fn schedule_next_pthread_tls_dtor(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, bool> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let active_thread = this.get_active_thread(); assert!(this.has_terminated(active_thread), "running TLS dtors for non-terminated thread"); // Fetch next dtor after `key`. let last_key = this.machine.tls.dtors_running[&active_thread].last_dtor_key.clone(); let dtor = match this.machine.tls.fetch_tls_dtor(last_key, active_thread) { dtor @ Some(_) => dtor, // We ran each dtor once, start over from the beginning. None => this.machine.tls.fetch_tls_dtor(None, active_thread), }; if let Some((instance, ptr, key)) = dtor { this.machine.tls.dtors_running.get_mut(&active_thread).unwrap().last_dtor_key = Some(key); trace!("Running TLS dtor {:?} on {:?} at {:?}", instance, ptr, active_thread); assert!( !ptr.to_machine_usize(this).unwrap() != 0, "data can't be NULL when dtor is called!" ); let ret_place = MPlaceTy::dangling(this.machine.layouts.unit).into(); this.call_function( instance, Abi::C { unwind: false }, &[ptr.into()], Some(&ret_place), StackPopCleanup::Root { cleanup: true }, )?; this.enable_thread(active_thread); return Ok(true); } this.machine.tls.dtors_running.get_mut(&active_thread).unwrap().last_dtor_key = None; Ok(false) } } impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {} pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> { /// Schedule an active thread's TLS destructor to run on the active thread. /// Note that this function does not run the destructors itself, it just /// schedules them one by one each time it is called and reenables the /// thread so that it can be executed normally by the main execution loop. /// /// Note: we consistently run TLS destructors for all threads, including the /// main thread. However, it is not clear that we should run the TLS /// destructors for the main thread. See issue: /// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/28129. fn schedule_next_tls_dtor_for_active_thread(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let active_thread = this.get_active_thread(); trace!("schedule_next_tls_dtor_for_active_thread on thread {:?}", active_thread); if !this.machine.tls.set_dtors_running_for_thread(active_thread) { // This is the first time we got asked to schedule a destructor. The // Windows schedule destructor function must be called exactly once, // this is why it is in this block. if this.tcx.sess.target.os == "windows" { // On Windows, we signal that the thread quit by starting the // relevant function, reenabling the thread, and going back to // the scheduler. this.schedule_windows_tls_dtors()?; return Ok(()); } } // The remaining dtors make some progress each time around the scheduler loop, // until they return `false` to indicate that they are done. // The macOS thread wide destructor runs "before any TLS slots get // freed", so do that first. if this.schedule_macos_tls_dtor()? { // We have scheduled a MacOS dtor to run on the thread. Execute it // to completion and come back here. Scheduling a destructor // destroys it, so we will not enter this branch again. return Ok(()); } if this.schedule_next_pthread_tls_dtor()? { // We have scheduled a pthread destructor and removed it from the // destructors list. Run it to completion and come back here. return Ok(()); } // All dtors done! this.machine.tls.delete_all_thread_tls(active_thread); this.thread_terminated()?; Ok(()) } }