// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. // rustpkg - a purely function package manager and build system #[link(name = "rustpkg", vers = "0.6", uuid = "25de5e6e-279e-4a20-845c-4cabae92daaf", url = "https://github.com/mozilla/rust/tree/master/src/librustpkg")]; #[crate_type = "lib"]; #[no_core]; #[allow(vecs_implicitly_copyable, non_implicitly_copyable_typarams)]; extern mod core(vers = "0.6"); extern mod std(vers = "0.6"); extern mod rustc(vers = "0.6"); extern mod syntax(vers = "0.6"); use core::*; use io::{ReaderUtil, WriterUtil}; use std::getopts; use std::net::url; use send_map::linear::LinearMap; use rustc::metadata::filesearch; use rustc::driver::{driver, session}; use syntax::{ast, attr, codemap, diagnostic, parse, visit}; use semver::Version; mod api; mod usage; mod util; use util::Package; struct PackageScript { id: ~str, name: ~str, vers: Version, crates: ~[~str], deps: ~[(~str, Option<~str>)], input: driver::input, sess: session::Session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, crate: @ast::crate, custom: bool } impl PackageScript { static fn parse(parent: &Path) -> Result { let script = parent.push(~"package.rs"); if !os::path_exists(&script) { return result::Err(~"no package.rs file"); } let binary = os::args()[0]; let options: @session::options = @{ binary: binary, crate_type: session::bin_crate, .. *session::basic_options() }; let input = driver::file_input(script); let sess = driver::build_session(options, diagnostic::emit); let cfg = driver::build_configuration(sess, binary, input); let {crate, _} = driver::compile_upto(sess, cfg, input, driver::cu_parse, None); let mut id = None; let mut vers = None; let mut crates = ~[]; let mut deps = ~[]; fn load_pkg_attr(mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> (Option<~str>, Option<~str>) { let mut id = None; let mut vers = None; for mis.each |a| { match a.node { ast::meta_name_value(v, ast::spanned { node: ast::lit_str(s), span: _}) => { match v { ~"id" => id = Some(*s), ~"vers" => vers = Some(*s), _ => () } } _ => {} } } (id, vers) } fn load_pkg_dep_attr(mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> (Option<~str>, Option<~str>) { let mut url = None; let mut target = None; for mis.each |a| { match a.node { ast::meta_name_value(v, ast::spanned { node: ast::lit_str(s), span: _}) => { match v { ~"url" => url = Some(*s), ~"target" => target = Some(*s), _ => () } } _ => {} } } (url, target) } fn load_pkg_crate_attr(mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> Option<~str> { let mut file = None; for mis.each |a| { match a.node { ast::meta_name_value(v, ast::spanned { node: ast::lit_str(s), span: _}) => { match v { ~"file" => file = Some(*s), _ => () } } _ => {} } } file } for crate.node.attrs.each |a| { match a.node.value.node { ast::meta_list(v, mis) => { match v { ~"pkg" => { let (i, v) = load_pkg_attr(mis); id = i; vers = v; } ~"pkg_dep" => { let (u, t) = load_pkg_dep_attr(mis); if u.is_none() { fail ~"pkg_dep attr without a url value"; } deps.push((u.get(), t)); } ~"pkg_crate" => { let f = load_pkg_crate_attr(mis); if f.is_none() { fail ~"pkg_file attr without a file value"; } crates.push(f.get()); } _ => {} } } _ => {} } } let mut custom = false; // If we hit a function, we assume they want to use // the build API. for crate.node.module.items.each |i| { match i.node { ast::item_fn(_, _, _, _) => { custom = true; break; } _ => {} } } if id.is_none() || vers.is_none() { return result::Err(~"pkg attr without (id, vers) values"); } let id = id.get(); let name = match util::parse_name(id) { result::Ok(name) => name, result::Err(err) => return result::Err(err) }; let vers = match util::parse_vers(vers.get()) { result::Ok(vers) => vers, result::Err(err) => return result::Err(err) }; result::Ok(PackageScript { id: id, name: name, vers: vers, crates: crates, deps: deps, input: input, sess: sess, cfg: cfg, crate: crate, custom: custom }) } // Build the bootstrap and run a command // TODO: Use JIT once it works, it should be faster fn run(cmd: ~str) -> int { let work_dir = self.work_dir(); let input = self.input; let sess = self.sess; let cfg = self.cfg; let crate = util::ready_crate(sess, self.crate); let outputs = driver::build_output_filenames(input, &Some(work_dir), &None, sess); let exe = work_dir.push(~"package" + util::exe_suffix()); let root = filesearch::get_rustpkg_sysroot().get().pop().pop(); driver::compile_rest(sess, cfg, driver::cu_parse, Some(outputs), Some(crate)); run::run_program(exe.to_str(), ~[root.to_str(), cmd]) } fn hash() -> ~str { fmt!("%s-%s-%s", self.name, util::hash(self.id + self.vers.to_str()), self.vers.to_str()) } fn work_dir() -> Path { util::root().push(~"work").push(self.hash()) } } struct Ctx { cfgs: ~[~str], mut dep_cache: LinearMap<~str, bool> } impl Ctx { fn run(cmd: ~str, args: ~[~str]) { let root = util::root(); util::need_dir(&root); util::need_dir(&root.push(~"work")); util::need_dir(&root.push(~"lib")); util::need_dir(&root.push(~"bin")); util::need_dir(&root.push(~"tmp")); fn sep_name_vers(in: ~str) -> (Option<~str>, Option<~str>) { let mut name = None; let mut vers = None; let parts = str::split_char(in, '@'); if parts.len() >= 1 { name = Some(parts[0]); if parts.len() >= 2 { vers = Some(parts[1]); } } (name, vers) } match cmd { ~"build" => { self.build(&os::getcwd(), true, false, false); } ~"clean" => { self.clean(); } ~"do" => { if args.len() < 1 { return usage::do_cmd(); } self.do_cmd(args[0]); } ~"install" => { self.install(if args.len() >= 1 { Some(args[0]) } else { None }, if args.len() >= 2 { Some(args[1]) } else { None }, false); } ~"prefer" => { if args.len() < 1 { return usage::uninstall(); } let (name, vers) = sep_name_vers(args[0]); self.prefer(name.get(), vers); } ~"test" => { self.test(); } ~"uninstall" => { if args.len() < 1 { return usage::uninstall(); } let (name, vers) = sep_name_vers(args[0]); self.uninstall(name.get(), vers); } ~"unprefer" => { if args.len() < 1 { return usage::uninstall(); } let (name, vers) = sep_name_vers(args[0]); self.unprefer(name.get(), vers); } _ => fail ~"reached an unhandled command" } } fn do_cmd(cmd: ~str) -> bool { if cmd == ~"build" { util::error(~"the build cmd is reserved"); return false; } let cwd = &os::getcwd(); let script = match PackageScript::parse(cwd) { result::Ok(script) => script, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; let status = script.run(cmd); if status == 1 { util::error(~"no fns are listening for that cmd"); return false; } status == 0 } fn build(dir: &Path, verbose: bool, opt: bool, test: bool) -> Option { let cwd = &os::getcwd(); let script = match PackageScript::parse(dir) { result::Ok(script) => script, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return None; } }; let work_dir = script.work_dir(); let mut success = true; util::need_dir(&work_dir); if script.deps.len() >= 1 { util::note(~"installing dependencies"); for script.deps.each |&dep| { let (url, target) = dep; success = self.install(Some(url), target, true); if !success { break; } } if !success { util::error(fmt!("building %s v%s failed: a dep wasn't installed", script.name, script.vers.to_str())); return None; } util::note(~"installed dependencies"); } // Build imperative crates os::change_dir(dir); if script.custom && script.run(~"build") != 0 { util::error(fmt!("building %s v%s failed: custom build logic failed", script.name, script.vers.to_str())); return None; } os::change_dir(cwd); for script.crates.each |&crate| { let crate = &dir.push_rel(&Path(crate)).normalize(); util::note(fmt!("compiling %s", crate.to_str())); success = self.compile(crate, &work_dir, ~[], ~[], opt, test); if !success { break; } } if !success { util::error(fmt!("building %s v%s failed: a crate failed to compile", script.name, script.vers.to_str())); return None; } if verbose { util::note(fmt!("built %s v%s", script.name, script.vers.to_str())); } Some(script) } fn compile(crate: &Path, dir: &Path, flags: ~[~str], cfgs: ~[~str], opt: bool, test: bool) -> bool { util::compile_crate(None, crate, dir, flags, cfgs, opt, test) } fn clean() -> bool { let script = match PackageScript::parse(&os::getcwd()) { result::Ok(script) => script, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; let dir = script.work_dir(); util::note(fmt!("cleaning %s v%s (%s)", script.name, script.vers.to_str(), script.id)); if os::path_exists(&dir) { util::remove_dir_r(&dir); util::note(fmt!("removed %s", dir.to_str())); } util::note(fmt!("cleaned %s v%s", script.name, script.vers.to_str())); true } fn install(url: Option<~str>, target: Option<~str>, cache: bool) -> bool { let mut success = true; let mut dir; if url.is_none() { util::note(~"installing from the cwd"); dir = os::getcwd(); } else { let url = url.get(); let hash = util::hash(if !target.is_none() { url + target.get() } else { url }); if self.dep_cache.contains_key(&hash) { util::warn(~"already installed dep this run"); return true; } self.dep_cache.insert(hash, true); dir = util::root().push(~"tmp").push(hash); if cache && os::path_exists(&dir) { return true; } success = self.fetch(&dir, url, target); if !success { return false; } } let script = match self.build(&dir, false, true, false) { Some(script) => script, None => { return false; } }; let work_dir = script.work_dir(); let from_bin_dir = work_dir.push(~"bin"); let from_lib_dir = work_dir.push(~"lib"); let to_bin_dir = util::root().push(~"bin"); let to_lib_dir = util::root().push(~"lib"); let mut bins = ~[]; let mut libs = ~[]; for os::walk_dir(&from_bin_dir) |bin| { let to = to_bin_dir.push_rel(&bin.file_path()); os::copy_file(bin, &to); bins.push(to.to_str()); } for os::walk_dir(&from_lib_dir) |lib| { let to = to_lib_dir.push_rel(&lib.file_path()); os::copy_file(lib, &to); libs.push(to.to_str()); } let package = Package { id: script.id, vers: script.vers, bins: bins, libs: libs }; util::note(fmt!("installed %s v%s", script.name, script.vers.to_str())); util::add_pkg(&package); true } fn fetch(dir: &Path, url: ~str, target: Option<~str>) -> bool { let url = match url::from_str(if str::find_str(url, "://").is_none() { ~"http://" + url } else { url }) { result::Ok(url) => url, result::Err(err) => { util::error(fmt!("failed parsing %s", err.to_lower())); return false; } }; let str = url.to_str(); match Path(url.path).filetype() { Some(ext) => { if ext == ~".git" { return self.fetch_git(dir, str, target); } } None => {} } match url.scheme { ~"git" => self.fetch_git(dir, str, target), ~"http" | ~"ftp" | ~"file" => self.fetch_curl(dir, str), _ => { util::warn(~"unknown url scheme to fetch, using curl"); self.fetch_curl(dir, str) } } } fn fetch_curl(dir: &Path, url: ~str) -> bool { util::note(fmt!("fetching from %s using curl", url)); let tar = dir.dir_path().push(&dir.file_path().to_str() + ~".tar"); if run::program_output(~"curl", ~[~"-f", ~"-s", ~"-o", tar.to_str(), url]).status != 0 { util::error(~"fetching failed: downloading using curl failed"); return false; } if run::program_output(~"tar", ~[~"-x", ~"--strip-components=1", ~"-C", dir.to_str(), ~"-f", tar.to_str()]).status != 0 { util::error(~"fetching failed: extracting using tar failed (is it a valid tar archive?)"); return false; } true } fn fetch_git(dir: &Path, url: ~str, target: Option<~str>) -> bool { util::note(fmt!("fetching from %s using git", url)); // Git can't clone into a non-empty directory util::remove_dir_r(dir); if run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"clone", url, dir.to_str()]).status != 0 { util::error(~"fetching failed: can't clone repository"); return false; } if !target.is_none() { let mut success = true; do util::temp_change_dir(dir) { success = run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"checkout", target.get()]).status != 0 } if !success { util::error(~"fetching failed: can't checkout target"); return false; } } true } fn prefer(id: ~str, vers: Option<~str>) -> bool { let package = match util::get_pkg(id, vers) { result::Ok(package) => package, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; let name = match util::parse_name(package.id) { result::Ok(name) => name, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; util::note(fmt!("preferring %s v%s (%s)", name, package.vers.to_str(), package.id)); let bin_dir = util::root().push(~"bin"); for package.bins.each |&bin| { let path = Path(bin); let name = str::split_char(path.file_path().to_str(), '-')[0]; let out = bin_dir.push(name); util::link_exe(&path, &out); util::note(fmt!("linked %s", out.to_str())); } util::note(fmt!("preferred %s v%s", name, package.vers.to_str())); true } fn test() -> bool { let script = match self.build(&os::getcwd(), false, false, true) { Some(script) => script, None => { return false; } }; let work_dir = script.work_dir(); let test_dir = work_dir.push(~"test"); for os::walk_dir(&test_dir) |test| { util::note(fmt!("running %s", test.to_str())); let status = run::run_program(test.to_str(), ~[]); if status != 0 { os::set_exit_status(status); } } util::note(fmt!("tested %s v%s", script.name, script.vers.to_str())); true } fn uninstall(id: ~str, vers: Option<~str>) -> bool { let package = match util::get_pkg(id, vers) { result::Ok(package) => package, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; let name = match util::parse_name(package.id) { result::Ok(name) => name, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; util::note(fmt!("uninstalling %s v%s (%s)", name, package.vers.to_str(), package.id)); for vec::append(package.bins, package.libs).each |&file| { let path = Path(file); if os::path_exists(&path) { if os::remove_file(&path) { util::note(fmt!("removed %s", path.to_str())); } else { util::error(fmt!("could not remove %s", path.to_str())); } } } util::note(fmt!("uninstalled %s v%s", name, package.vers.to_str())); util::remove_pkg(&package); true } fn unprefer(id: ~str, vers: Option<~str>) -> bool { let package = match util::get_pkg(id, vers) { result::Ok(package) => package, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; let name = match util::parse_name(package.id) { result::Ok(name) => name, result::Err(err) => { util::error(err); return false; } }; util::note(fmt!("unpreferring %s v%s (%s)", name, package.vers.to_str(), package.id)); let bin_dir = util::root().push(~"bin"); for package.bins.each |&bin| { let path = Path(bin); let name = str::split_char(path.file_path().to_str(), '-')[0]; let out = bin_dir.push(name); if os::path_exists(&out) { if os::remove_file(&out) { util::note(fmt!("unlinked %s", out.to_str())); } else { util::error(fmt!("could not unlink %s", out.to_str())); } } } util::note(fmt!("unpreferred %s v%s", name, package.vers.to_str())); true } } pub fn main() { let args = os::args(); let opts = ~[getopts::optflag(~"h"), getopts::optflag(~"help"), getopts::optmulti(~"c"), getopts::optmulti(~"cfg")]; let matches = &match getopts::getopts(args, opts) { result::Ok(m) => m, result::Err(f) => { util::error(fmt!("%s", getopts::fail_str(f))); return; } }; let help = getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"h") || getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"help"); let cfgs = vec::append(getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"cfg"), getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"c")); let mut args = copy matches.free; args.shift(); if (args.len() < 1) { return usage::general(); } let cmd = args.shift(); if !util::is_cmd(cmd) { return usage::general(); } else if help { return match cmd { ~"build" => usage::build(), ~"clean" => usage::clean(), ~"do" => usage::do_cmd(), ~"install" => usage::install(), ~"prefer" => usage::prefer(), ~"test" => usage::test(), ~"uninstall" => usage::uninstall(), ~"unprefer" => usage::unprefer(), _ => usage::general() }; } Ctx { cfgs: cfgs, mut dep_cache: LinearMap() }.run(cmd, args); } pub use Crate = api::Crate; pub use build = api::build; pub use util = api::util; pub use Listener = api::Listener; pub use run = api::run;