#include "rust_internal.h" #include "rust_util.h" #include "rust_scheduler.h" #define KLOG_(...) \ KLOG(this, kern, __VA_ARGS__) #define KLOG_ERR_(field, ...) \ KLOG_LVL(this, field, log_err, __VA_ARGS__) rust_kernel::rust_kernel(rust_srv *srv, size_t num_threads) : _region(srv, true), _log(srv, NULL), srv(srv), live_tasks(0), max_task_id(0), rval(0), env(srv->env) { sched = new (this, "rust_scheduler") rust_scheduler(this, srv, num_threads); live_schedulers = 1; } void rust_kernel::log(uint32_t level, char const *fmt, ...) { char buf[BUF_BYTES]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); _log.trace_ln(NULL, level, buf); va_end(args); } void rust_kernel::fatal(char const *fmt, ...) { char buf[BUF_BYTES]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); _log.trace_ln(NULL, (uint32_t)0, buf); exit(1); va_end(args); } void * rust_kernel::malloc(size_t size, const char *tag) { return _region.malloc(size, tag); } void * rust_kernel::realloc(void *mem, size_t size) { return _region.realloc(mem, size); } void rust_kernel::free(void *mem) { _region.free(mem); } int rust_kernel::start_schedulers() { I(this, !sched_lock.lock_held_by_current_thread()); sched->start_task_threads(); { scoped_lock with(sched_lock); // Schedulers could possibly have already exited if (live_schedulers != 0) { sched_lock.wait(); } return rval; } } rust_scheduler * rust_kernel::get_default_scheduler() { return sched; } void rust_kernel::release_scheduler() { I(this, !sched_lock.lock_held_by_current_thread()); scoped_lock with(sched_lock); delete sched; --live_schedulers; if (live_schedulers == 0) { // We're all done. Tell the main thread to continue sched_lock.signal(); } } void rust_kernel::fail() { // FIXME: On windows we're getting "Application has requested the // Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way" when trying to shutdown // cleanly. set_exit_status(PROC_FAIL_CODE); #if defined(__WIN32__) exit(rval); #endif sched->kill_all_tasks(); } void rust_kernel::register_task(rust_task *task) { uintptr_t new_live_tasks; { scoped_lock with(task_lock); task->user.id = max_task_id++; task_table.put(task->user.id, task); new_live_tasks = ++live_tasks; } K(srv, task->user.id != INTPTR_MAX, "Hit the maximum task id"); KLOG_("Registered task %" PRIdPTR, task->user.id); KLOG_("Total outstanding tasks: %d", new_live_tasks); } void rust_kernel::release_task_id(rust_task_id id) { KLOG_("Releasing task %" PRIdPTR, id); uintptr_t new_live_tasks; { scoped_lock with(task_lock); task_table.remove(id); new_live_tasks = --live_tasks; } KLOG_("Total outstanding tasks: %d", new_live_tasks); if (new_live_tasks == 0) { // There are no more tasks and there never will be. // Tell all the schedulers to exit. sched->exit(); } } rust_task * rust_kernel::get_task_by_id(rust_task_id id) { scoped_lock with(task_lock); rust_task *task = NULL; // get leaves task unchanged if not found. task_table.get(id, &task); if(task) { if(task->get_ref_count() == 0) { // this means the destructor is running, since the destructor // grabs the kernel lock to unregister the task. Pretend this // doesn't actually exist. return NULL; } else { task->ref(); } } return task; } #ifdef __WIN32__ void rust_kernel::win32_require(LPCTSTR fn, BOOL ok) { if (!ok) { LPTSTR buf; DWORD err = GetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &buf, 0, NULL ); KLOG_ERR_(dom, "%s failed with error %ld: %s", fn, err, buf); LocalFree((HLOCAL)buf); I(this, ok); } } #endif void rust_kernel::set_exit_status(int code) { scoped_lock with(rval_lock); // If we've already failed then that's the code we're going to use if (rval != PROC_FAIL_CODE) { rval = code; } } // // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: //