use rustc_mir::monomorphize::MonoItem; use cretonne_module::{Module, Backend, FuncId, Linkage}; use cretonne_simplejit::{SimpleJITBuilder, SimpleJITBackend}; use std::any::Any; use std::collections::HashMap; use prelude::*; pub fn trans_crate<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Box { let link_meta = ::build_link_meta(tcx.crate_hash(LOCAL_CRATE)); let metadata = tcx.encode_metadata(&link_meta); let mut module: Module = Module::new(SimpleJITBuilder::new()); let mut context = Context::new(); let mut def_id_fn_id_map = HashMap::new(); { let mut cx = CodegenCx { tcx, module: &mut module, def_id_fn_id_map: &mut def_id_fn_id_map, }; let cx = &mut cx; for mono_item in collector::collect_crate_mono_items( tcx, collector::MonoItemCollectionMode::Eager ).0 { match mono_item { MonoItem::Fn(inst) => match inst { Instance { def: InstanceDef::Item(def_id), substs, } => { let sig = tcx.fn_sig(def_id); let sig = cton_sig_from_fn_sig(tcx, sig, substs); let func_id = { let module = &mut cx.module; *cx.def_id_fn_id_map.entry(inst).or_insert_with(|| { module.declare_function(&tcx.absolute_item_path_str(def_id), Linkage::Local, &sig).unwrap() }) }; let mut f = Function::with_name_signature(ExternalName::user(0, func_id.index() as u32), sig); let mut mir = ::std::io::Cursor::new(Vec::new()); ::rustc_mir::util::write_mir_pretty(cx.tcx, Some(def_id), &mut mir).unwrap(); tcx.sess.warn(&format!("{:?}:\n\n{}", def_id, String::from_utf8_lossy(&mir.into_inner()))); trans_fn(cx, &mut f, inst); let mut cton = String::new(); ::cretonne::codegen::write_function(&mut cton, &f, None).unwrap(); tcx.sess.warn(&cton); let flags = settings::Flags::new(settings::builder()); match ::cretonne::codegen::verify_function(&f, &flags) { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { tcx.sess.fatal(&format!("cretonne verify error: {}", err)); } } context.func = f; cx.module.define_function(func_id, &mut context).unwrap(); context.clear(); } _ => {} } _ => {} } } } tcx.sess.warn("Compiled everything"); module.finalize_all(); tcx.sess.warn("Finalized everything"); for (inst, func_id) in def_id_fn_id_map.iter() { //if tcx.absolute_item_path_str(inst.def_id()) != "example::ret_42" { if tcx.absolute_item_path_str(inst.def_id()) != "example::option_unwrap_or" { continue; } let finalized_function: *const u8 = module.finalize_function(*func_id); /*let f: extern "C" fn(&mut u32) = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(finalized_function) }; let mut res = 0u32; f(&mut res); tcx.sess.warn(&format!("ret_42 returned {}", res));*/ let f: extern "C" fn(&mut bool, &u8, bool) = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(finalized_function) }; let mut res = false; f(&mut res, &3, false); tcx.sess.warn(&format!("option_unwrap_or returned {}", res)); } module.finish(); tcx.sess.fatal("unimplemented"); Box::new(::OngoingCodegen { metadata: metadata, //translated_module: Module::new(::cretonne_faerie::FaerieBuilder::new(, crate_name: tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE), }) } struct CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx: 'a, B: Backend + 'a> { tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, module: &'a mut Module, def_id_fn_id_map: &'a mut HashMap, FuncId>, } fn trans_fn<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(cx: &mut CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx, CurrentBackend>, f: &mut Function, instance: Instance<'tcx>) { let mir = cx.tcx.optimized_mir(instance.def_id()); let mut func_ctx = FunctionBuilderContext::new(); let mut bcx: FunctionBuilder = FunctionBuilder::new(f, &mut func_ctx); let start_ebb = bcx.create_ebb(); bcx.switch_to_block(start_ebb); let mut ebb_map: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for (bb, _bb_data) in mir.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() { ebb_map.insert(bb, bcx.create_ebb()); } let mut fx = FunctionCx { tcx: cx.tcx, module: &mut cx.module, def_id_fn_id_map: &mut cx.def_id_fn_id_map, instance, mir, bcx, param_substs: { assert!(!instance.substs.needs_infer()); instance.substs }, ebb_map, local_map: HashMap::new(), }; let fx = &mut fx; let ret_param = fx.bcx.append_ebb_param(start_ebb, types::I64); let _ = fx.bcx.create_stack_slot(StackSlotData { kind: StackSlotKind::ExplicitSlot, size: 0, offset: None, }); // Dummy stack slot for debugging let func_params = mir.args_iter().map(|local| { let layout = fx.layout_of(mir.local_decls[local].ty); let stack_slot = fx.bcx.create_stack_slot(StackSlotData { kind: StackSlotKind::ExplicitSlot, size: layout.size.bytes() as u32, offset: None, }); let ty = fx.cton_type(mir.local_decls[local].ty); (local, fx.bcx.append_ebb_param(start_ebb, ty.unwrap_or(types::I64)), ty, stack_slot) }).collect::, StackSlot)>>(); fx.local_map.insert(RETURN_PLACE, CPlace::Addr(ret_param)); for (local, ebb_param, ty, stack_slot) in func_params { let place = CPlace::from_stack_slot(fx, stack_slot); if ty.is_some() { CPlace::from_stack_slot(fx, stack_slot).write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(ebb_param), mir.local_decls[local].ty); //fx.bcx.ins().stack_store(ebb_param, stack_slot, 0); } else { place.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByRef(ebb_param), mir.local_decls[local].ty); } fx.local_map.insert(local, place); } for local in mir.vars_and_temps_iter() { let layout = fx.layout_of(mir.local_decls[local].ty); let stack_slot = fx.bcx.create_stack_slot(StackSlotData { kind: StackSlotKind::ExplicitSlot, size: layout.size.bytes() as u32, offset: None, }); let place = CPlace::from_stack_slot(fx, stack_slot); fx.local_map.insert(local, place); } fx.bcx.ins().jump(*fx.ebb_map.get(&START_BLOCK).unwrap(), &[]); for (bb, bb_data) in mir.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() { let ebb = fx.get_ebb(bb); fx.bcx.switch_to_block(ebb); for stmt in &bb_data.statements { trans_stmt(fx, stmt); } match &bb_data.terminator().kind { TerminatorKind::Goto { target } => { let ebb = fx.get_ebb(*target); fx.bcx.ins().jump(ebb, &[]); } TerminatorKind::Return => { fx.bcx.ins().return_(&[]); } TerminatorKind::Assert { cond, expected, msg: _, target, cleanup: _ } => { let cond_ty = cond.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx); let cond = trans_operand(fx, cond).load_value(fx, cond_ty); let target = fx.get_ebb(*target); if *expected { fx.bcx.ins().brz(cond, target, &[]); } else { fx.bcx.ins().brnz(cond, target, &[]); } fx.bcx.ins().trap(TrapCode::User(!0)); } TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { discr, switch_ty, values, targets } => { let discr_ty = discr.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx); let discr = trans_operand(fx, discr).load_value(fx, discr_ty); let mut jt_data = JumpTableData::new(); for (i, value) in values.iter().enumerate() { let ebb = fx.get_ebb(targets[i]); jt_data.set_entry(*value as usize, ebb); } let mut jump_table = fx.bcx.create_jump_table(jt_data); fx.bcx.ins().br_table(discr, jump_table); let otherwise_ebb = fx.get_ebb(targets[targets.len() - 1]); fx.bcx.ins().jump(otherwise_ebb, &[]); } TerminatorKind::Call { func, args, destination, cleanup: _ } => { let func_ty = func.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx); let func = trans_operand(fx, func); let return_place = if let Some((place, _)) = destination { trans_place(fx, place).expect_addr() } else { fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I64, 0) }; let args = Some(return_place) .into_iter() .chain( args .into_iter() .map(|arg| { let ty = arg.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx); let arg = trans_operand(fx, arg); if let Some(_) = fx.cton_type(ty) { arg.load_value(fx, ty) } else { arg.force_stack(fx, ty) } }) ).collect::>(); match func { CValue::Func(func) => { fx.bcx.ins().call(func, &args); } func => { let func = func.load_value(fx, func_ty); let sig = match func_ty.sty { TypeVariants::TyFnDef(def_id, _substs) => fx.tcx.fn_sig(def_id), TypeVariants::TyFnPtr(fn_sig) => fn_sig, _ => bug!("Calling non function type {:?}", func_ty), }; let sig = fx.bcx.import_signature(cton_sig_from_fn_sig(fx.tcx, sig, fx.param_substs)); fx.bcx.ins().call_indirect(sig, func, &args); } } if let Some((_, dest)) = *destination { let ret_ebb = fx.get_ebb(dest); fx.bcx.ins().jump(ret_ebb, &[]); } else { fx.bcx.ins().trap(TrapCode::User(!0)); } } TerminatorKind::Resume | TerminatorKind::Abort | TerminatorKind::Unreachable => { fx.bcx.ins().trap(TrapCode::User(!0)); } TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } | TerminatorKind::FalseEdges { .. } | TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. } => { bug!("shouldn't exist at trans {:?}", bb_data.terminator()); } TerminatorKind::Drop { .. } | TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { .. } | TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop { .. } => { unimplemented!("terminator {:?}", bb_data.terminator()); } } } fx.bcx.seal_all_blocks(); fx.bcx.finalize(); } fn trans_stmt<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx>, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) { match &stmt.kind { /*StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { place, variant_index } => { if self.layout.for_variant(, variant_index).abi == layout::Abi::Uninhabited { return; } match self.layout.variants { layout::Variants::Single { index } => { assert_eq!(index, variant_index); } layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } => { let ptr = self.project_field(bx, 0); let to = self.layout.ty.ty_adt_def().unwrap() .discriminant_for_variant(bx.tcx(), variant_index) .val; C_uint_big(ptr.layout.llvm_type(, to), ptr.llval, ptr.align); } layout::Variants::NicheFilling { dataful_variant, ref niche_variants, niche_start, .. } => { if variant_index != dataful_variant { if bx.sess() == "arm" || bx.sess() == "aarch64" { // Issue #34427: As workaround for LLVM bug on ARM, // use memset of 0 before assigning niche value. let llptr = bx.pointercast(self.llval, Type::i8(; let fill_byte = C_u8(, 0); let (size, align) = self.layout.size_and_align(); let size = C_usize(, size.bytes()); let align = C_u32(, align.abi() as u32); base::call_memset(bx, llptr, fill_byte, size, align, false); } let niche = self.project_field(bx, 0); let niche_llty = niche.layout.immediate_llvm_type(; let niche_value = ((variant_index - *niche_variants.start()) as u128) .wrapping_add(niche_start); // FIXME(eddyb) Check the actual primitive type here. let niche_llval = if niche_value == 0 { // HACK(eddyb) Using `C_null` as it works on all types. C_null(niche_llty) } else { C_uint_big(niche_llty, niche_value) }; OperandValue::Immediate(niche_llval).store(bx, niche); } } } }*/ StatementKind::Assign(to_place, rval) => { let dest_ty = fx.monomorphize(&to_place.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx).to_ty(fx.tcx)); let lval = trans_place(fx, to_place); match rval { Rvalue::Use(operand) => { let val = trans_operand(fx, operand); lval.write_cvalue(fx, val, &dest_ty); }, Rvalue::BinaryOp(bin_op, lhs, rhs) => { let ty = fx.monomorphize(&lhs.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx)); let lhs_ty = fx.monomorphize(&lhs.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx)); let lhs = trans_operand(fx, lhs).load_value(fx, lhs_ty); let rhs_ty = fx.monomorphize(&rhs.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx)); let rhs = trans_operand(fx, rhs).load_value(fx, rhs_ty); let res = match ty.sty { TypeVariants::TyUint(_) => { match bin_op { BinOp::Add => fx.bcx.ins().iadd(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Sub => fx.bcx.ins().isub(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Mul => fx.bcx.ins().imul(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Div => fx.bcx.ins().udiv(lhs, rhs), bin_op => unimplemented!("checked uint bin op {:?} {:?} {:?}", bin_op, lhs, rhs), } } TypeVariants::TyInt(_) => { match bin_op { BinOp::Add => fx.bcx.ins().iadd(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Sub => fx.bcx.ins().isub(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Mul => fx.bcx.ins().imul(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Div => fx.bcx.ins().sdiv(lhs, rhs), bin_op => unimplemented!("checked int bin op {:?} {:?} {:?}", bin_op, lhs, rhs), } } _ => unimplemented!(), }; lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res), ty); } Rvalue::CheckedBinaryOp(bin_op, lhs, rhs) => { // TODO correctly write output tuple let ty = fx.monomorphize(&lhs.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx)); let lhs_ty = fx.monomorphize(&lhs.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx)); let lhs = trans_operand(fx, lhs).load_value(fx, lhs_ty); let rhs_ty = fx.monomorphize(&rhs.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx)); let rhs = trans_operand(fx, rhs).load_value(fx, rhs_ty); let res = match ty.sty { TypeVariants::TyUint(_) => { match bin_op { BinOp::Add => fx.bcx.ins().iadd(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Sub => fx.bcx.ins().isub(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Mul => fx.bcx.ins().imul(lhs, rhs), BinOp::Div => fx.bcx.ins().udiv(lhs, rhs), bin_op => unimplemented!("checked uint bin op {:?} {:?} {:?}", bin_op, lhs, rhs), } } _ => unimplemented!(), }; lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res), ty); unimplemented!("checked bin op {:?}", bin_op); } Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::ReifyFnPointer, operand, ty) => { let operand = trans_operand(fx, operand); lval.write_cvalue(fx, operand, &dest_ty); } Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::UnsafeFnPointer, operand, ty) => { let operand = trans_operand(fx, operand); lval.write_cvalue(fx, operand, &dest_ty); } Rvalue::Discriminant(place) => { let dest_cton_ty = fx.cton_type(&dest_ty).unwrap(); let place_ty = fx.monomorphize(&place.ty(&fx.mir.local_decls, fx.tcx).to_ty(fx.tcx)); let cton_place_ty = fx.cton_type(&place_ty); let layout = fx.layout_of(place_ty); if layout.abi == layout::Abi::Uninhabited { fx.bcx.ins().trap(TrapCode::User(!0)); } match layout.variants { layout::Variants::Single { index } => { let discr_val = layout.ty.ty_adt_def().map_or( index as u128, |def| def.discriminant_for_variant(fx.tcx, index).val); let val = CValue::const_val(fx, &dest_ty, discr_val as u64 as i64); lval.write_cvalue(fx, val, &dest_ty); } layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } | layout::Variants::NicheFilling { .. } => {}, } let discr = lval.to_cvalue(fx).value_field(fx, mir::Field::new(0), place_ty); let discr_ty = layout.field(layout::LayoutCx { tcx: fx.tcx, param_env: ParamEnv::reveal_all() }, 0).unwrap().ty; let lldiscr = discr.load_value(fx, discr_ty); match layout.variants { layout::Variants::Single { .. } => bug!(), layout::Variants::Tagged { ref tag, .. } => { let signed = match tag.value { layout::Int(_, signed) => signed, _ => false }; let val = cton_intcast(fx, lldiscr, discr_ty, &dest_ty, signed); lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(val), &dest_ty); } layout::Variants::NicheFilling { dataful_variant, ref niche_variants, niche_start, .. } => { let niche_llty = fx.cton_type(discr_ty).unwrap(); if niche_variants.start() == niche_variants.end() { let b = fx.bcx.ins().icmp_imm(IntCC::Equal, lldiscr, niche_start as u64 as i64); let if_true = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(dest_cton_ty, *niche_variants.start() as u64 as i64); let if_false = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(dest_cton_ty, dataful_variant as u64 as i64); let val = fx.bcx.ins().select(b, if_true, if_false); lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(val), &dest_ty); } else { // Rebase from niche values to discriminant values. let delta = niche_start.wrapping_sub(*niche_variants.start() as u128); let delta = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(niche_llty, delta as u64 as i64); let lldiscr = fx.bcx.ins().isub(lldiscr, delta); let lldiscr_max = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(niche_llty, *niche_variants.end() as u64 as i64); let b = fx.bcx.ins().icmp_imm(IntCC::UnsignedLessThanOrEqual, lldiscr, *niche_variants.end() as u64 as i64); let if_true = cton_intcast(fx, lldiscr, discr_ty, &dest_ty, false); let if_false = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(niche_llty, dataful_variant as u64 as i64); let val = fx.bcx.ins().select(b, if_true, if_false); lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(val), &dest_ty); } } } } rval => unimplemented!("rval {:?}", rval), } } StatementKind::StorageLive(_) | StatementKind::StorageDead(_) | StatementKind::Nop => {} _ => unimplemented!("stmt {:?}", stmt), } } fn trans_place<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx>, place: &Place<'tcx>) -> CPlace { match place { Place::Local(local) => fx.get_local_place(*local), Place::Projection(projection) => { let base = trans_place(fx, &projection.base); let place_ty = fx.monomorphize(&place.ty(&*fx.mir, fx.tcx)).to_ty(fx.tcx); match projection.elem { ProjectionElem::Deref => { CPlace::Addr(base.to_cvalue(fx).load_value(fx, place_ty)) } ProjectionElem::Field(field, ty) => { base.place_field(fx, field, ty).0 } ProjectionElem::Downcast(_ty, _field) => { base } _ => unimplemented!("projection {:?}", projection), } } place => unimplemented!("place {:?}", place), } } fn trans_operand<'a, 'tcx>(fx: &mut FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx>, operand: &Operand<'tcx>) -> CValue { match operand { Operand::Move(place) | Operand::Copy(place) => { let cplace = trans_place(fx, place); cplace.to_cvalue(fx) }, Operand::Constant(const_) => { match const_.literal { Literal::Value { value } => { let layout = fx.layout_of(const_.ty); match const_.ty.sty { TypeVariants::TyUint(_) => { let bits = value.to_scalar().unwrap().to_bits(layout.size).unwrap(); let cton_ty = fx.cton_type(const_.ty).unwrap(); let iconst = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(cton_ty, bits as u64 as i64); CValue::ByVal(iconst) } TypeVariants::TyInt(_) => { let bits = value.to_scalar().unwrap().to_bits(layout.size).unwrap(); let cton_ty = fx.cton_type(const_.ty).unwrap(); let iconst = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(cton_ty, bits as i128 as i64); CValue::ByVal(iconst) } TypeVariants::TyFnDef(def_id, substs) => { let func_ref = fx.get_function_ref(Instance::new(def_id, substs)); CValue::Func(func_ref) } _ => unimplemented!("value {:?} ty {:?}", value, const_.ty), } } _ => unimplemented!() } } } }