//! Resolves and rewrites links in markdown documentation for hovers/completion windows. use std::iter::once; use itertools::Itertools; use pulldown_cmark::{CowStr, Event, Options, Parser, Tag}; use pulldown_cmark_to_cmark::cmark; use url::Url; use hir::{Adt, AsName, AttrDef, Crate, Hygiene, ItemInNs, ModPath, ModuleDef}; use ra_hir_def::db::DefDatabase; use ra_ide_db::{defs::Definition, RootDatabase}; use ra_syntax::ast::Path; use ra_tt::{Ident, Leaf, Literal, TokenTree}; /// Rewrite documentation links in markdown to point to an online host (e.g. docs.rs) pub fn rewrite_links(db: &RootDatabase, markdown: &str, definition: &Definition) -> String { let doc = Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback( markdown, Options::empty(), Some(&|label, _| Some((/*url*/ label.to_string(), /*title*/ label.to_string()))), ); let doc = map_links(doc, |target, title: &str| { // This check is imperfect, there's some overlap between valid intra-doc links // and valid URLs so we choose to be too eager to try to resolve what might be // a URL. if target.contains("://") { (target.to_string(), title.to_string()) } else { // Two posibilities: // * path-based links: `../../module/struct.MyStruct.html` // * module-based links (AKA intra-doc links): `super::super::module::MyStruct` let resolved = try_resolve_intra(db, definition, title, &target).or_else(|| { try_resolve_path(db, definition, &target).map(|target| (target, title.to_string())) }); match resolved { Some((target, title)) => (target, title), None => (target.to_string(), title.to_string()), } } }); let mut out = String::new(); cmark(doc, &mut out, None).ok(); out } // Rewrites a markdown document, resolving links using `callback` and additionally striping prefixes/suffixes on link titles. fn map_links<'e>( events: impl Iterator>, callback: impl Fn(&str, &str) -> (String, String), ) -> impl Iterator> { let mut in_link = false; let mut link_target: Option = None; events.map(move |evt| match evt { Event::Start(Tag::Link(_link_type, ref target, _)) => { in_link = true; link_target = Some(target.clone()); evt } Event::End(Tag::Link(link_type, _target, _)) => { in_link = false; Event::End(Tag::Link(link_type, link_target.take().unwrap(), CowStr::Borrowed(""))) } Event::Text(s) if in_link => { let (link_target_s, link_name) = callback(&link_target.take().unwrap(), &s); link_target = Some(CowStr::Boxed(link_target_s.into())); Event::Text(CowStr::Boxed(link_name.into())) } Event::Code(s) if in_link => { let (link_target_s, link_name) = callback(&link_target.take().unwrap(), &s); link_target = Some(CowStr::Boxed(link_target_s.into())); Event::Code(CowStr::Boxed(link_name.into())) } _ => evt, }) } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum Namespace { Types, Values, Macros, } static TYPES: ([&str; 7], [&str; 0]) = (["type", "struct", "enum", "mod", "trait", "union", "module"], []); static VALUES: ([&str; 8], [&str; 1]) = (["value", "function", "fn", "method", "const", "static", "mod", "module"], ["()"]); static MACROS: ([&str; 1], [&str; 1]) = (["macro"], ["!"]); impl Namespace { /// Extract the specified namespace from an intra-doc-link if one exists. /// /// # Examples /// /// * `struct MyStruct` -> `Namespace::Types` /// * `panic!` -> `Namespace::Macros` /// * `fn@from_intra_spec` -> `Namespace::Values` fn from_intra_spec(s: &str) -> Option { [ (Namespace::Types, (TYPES.0.iter(), TYPES.1.iter())), (Namespace::Values, (VALUES.0.iter(), VALUES.1.iter())), (Namespace::Macros, (MACROS.0.iter(), MACROS.1.iter())), ] .iter() .filter(|(_ns, (prefixes, suffixes))| { prefixes .clone() .map(|prefix| { s.starts_with(*prefix) && s.chars() .nth(prefix.len() + 1) .map(|c| c == '@' || c == ' ') .unwrap_or(false) }) .any(|cond| cond) || suffixes .clone() .map(|suffix| { s.starts_with(*suffix) && s.chars() .nth(suffix.len() + 1) .map(|c| c == '@' || c == ' ') .unwrap_or(false) }) .any(|cond| cond) }) .map(|(ns, (_, _))| *ns) .next() } } // Strip prefixes, suffixes, and inline code marks from the given string. fn strip_prefixes_suffixes(mut s: &str) -> &str { s = s.trim_matches('`'); [ (TYPES.0.iter(), TYPES.1.iter()), (VALUES.0.iter(), VALUES.1.iter()), (MACROS.0.iter(), MACROS.1.iter()), ] .iter() .for_each(|(prefixes, suffixes)| { prefixes.clone().for_each(|prefix| s = s.trim_start_matches(*prefix)); suffixes.clone().for_each(|suffix| s = s.trim_end_matches(*suffix)); }); s.trim_start_matches("@").trim() } /// Try to resolve path to local documentation via intra-doc-links (i.e. `super::gateway::Shard`). /// /// See [RFC1946](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1946-intra-rustdoc-links.md). fn try_resolve_intra( db: &RootDatabase, definition: &Definition, link_text: &str, link_target: &str, ) -> Option<(String, String)> { // Set link_target for implied shortlinks let link_target = if link_target.is_empty() { link_text.trim_matches('`') } else { link_target }; // Namespace disambiguation let namespace = Namespace::from_intra_spec(link_target); // Strip prefixes/suffixes let link_target = strip_prefixes_suffixes(link_target); // Parse link as a module path let path = Path::parse(link_target).ok()?; let modpath = ModPath::from_src(path, &Hygiene::new_unhygienic()).unwrap(); // Resolve it relative to symbol's location (according to the RFC this should consider small scopes) let resolver = definition.resolver(db)?; let resolved = resolver.resolve_module_path_in_items(db, &modpath); let (defid, namespace) = match namespace { // FIXME: .or(resolved.macros) None => resolved .types .map(|t| (t.0, Namespace::Types)) .or(resolved.values.map(|t| (t.0, Namespace::Values)))?, Some(ns @ Namespace::Types) => (resolved.types?.0, ns), Some(ns @ Namespace::Values) => (resolved.values?.0, ns), // FIXME: Some(Namespace::Macros) => None?, }; // Get the filepath of the final symbol let def: ModuleDef = defid.into(); let module = def.module(db)?; let krate = module.krate(); let ns = match namespace { Namespace::Types => ItemInNs::Types(defid), Namespace::Values => ItemInNs::Values(defid), // FIXME: Namespace::Macros => None?, }; let import_map = db.import_map(krate.into()); let path = import_map.path_of(ns)?; Some(( get_doc_url(db, &krate)? .join(&format!("{}/", krate.display_name(db)?)) .ok()? .join(&path.segments.iter().map(|name| name.to_string()).join("/")) .ok()? .join(&get_symbol_filename(db, &Definition::ModuleDef(def))?) .ok()? .into_string(), strip_prefixes_suffixes(link_text).to_string(), )) } /// Try to resolve path to local documentation via path-based links (i.e. `../gateway/struct.Shard.html`). fn try_resolve_path(db: &RootDatabase, definition: &Definition, link: &str) -> Option { if !link.contains("#") && !link.contains(".html") { return None; } let ns = if let Definition::ModuleDef(moddef) = definition { ItemInNs::Types(moddef.clone().into()) } else { return None; }; let module = definition.module(db)?; let krate = module.krate(); let import_map = db.import_map(krate.into()); let base = once(format!("{}", krate.display_name(db)?)) .chain(import_map.path_of(ns)?.segments.iter().map(|name| format!("{}", name))) .join("/"); get_doc_url(db, &krate) .and_then(|url| url.join(&base).ok()) .and_then(|url| { get_symbol_filename(db, definition).as_deref().map(|f| url.join(f).ok()).flatten() }) .and_then(|url| url.join(link).ok()) .map(|url| url.into_string()) } /// Try to get the root URL of the documentation of a crate. fn get_doc_url(db: &RootDatabase, krate: &Crate) -> Option { // Look for #![doc(html_root_url = "...")] let attrs = db.attrs(AttrDef::from(krate.root_module(db)?).into()); let doc_attr_q = attrs.by_key("doc"); let doc_url = if doc_attr_q.exists() { doc_attr_q.tt_values().map(|tt| { let name = tt.token_trees.iter() .skip_while(|tt| !matches!(tt, TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Ident(Ident{text: ref ident, ..})) if ident == "html_root_url")) .skip(2) .next(); match name { Some(TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Literal(Literal{ref text, ..}))) => Some(text), _ => None } }).flat_map(|t| t).next().map(|s| s.to_string()) } else { // Fallback to docs.rs // FIXME: Specify an exact version here (from Cargo.lock) Some(format!("https://docs.rs/{}/*", krate.display_name(db)?)) }; doc_url .map(|s| s.trim_matches('"').trim_end_matches("/").to_owned() + "/") .and_then(|s| Url::parse(&s).ok()) } /// Get the filename and extension generated for a symbol by rustdoc. /// /// Example: `struct.Shard.html` fn get_symbol_filename(db: &RootDatabase, definition: &Definition) -> Option { Some(match definition { Definition::ModuleDef(def) => match def { ModuleDef::Adt(adt) => match adt { Adt::Struct(s) => format!("struct.{}.html", s.name(db)), Adt::Enum(e) => format!("enum.{}.html", e.name(db)), Adt::Union(u) => format!("union.{}.html", u.name(db)), }, ModuleDef::Module(_) => "index.html".to_string(), ModuleDef::Trait(t) => format!("trait.{}.html", t.name(db)), ModuleDef::TypeAlias(t) => format!("type.{}.html", t.name(db)), ModuleDef::BuiltinType(t) => format!("primitive.{}.html", t.as_name()), ModuleDef::Function(f) => format!("fn.{}.html", f.name(db)), ModuleDef::EnumVariant(ev) => { format!("enum.{}.html#variant.{}", ev.parent_enum(db).name(db), ev.name(db)) } ModuleDef::Const(c) => format!("const.{}.html", c.name(db)?), ModuleDef::Static(s) => format!("static.{}.html", s.name(db)?), }, Definition::Macro(m) => format!("macro.{}.html", m.name(db)?), _ => None?, }) }