#![warn(clippy::blocks_in_conditions)] #![allow(unused, clippy::let_and_return, clippy::needless_if)] #![warn(clippy::nonminimal_bool)] macro_rules! blocky { () => {{ true }}; } macro_rules! blocky_too { () => {{ let r = true; r }}; } fn macro_if() { if blocky!() {} if blocky_too!() {} } fn condition_has_block() -> i32 { let res = { //~^ ERROR: in an `if` condition, avoid complex blocks or closures with blocks; instead, move the block or closure higher and bind it with a `let` let x = 3; x == 3 }; if res { 6 } else { 10 } } fn condition_has_block_with_single_expression() -> i32 { if true { 6 } else { 10 } //~^ ERROR: omit braces around single expression condition } fn condition_is_normal() -> i32 { let x = 3; if x == 3 { 6 } else { 10 } } fn condition_is_unsafe_block() { let a: i32 = 1; // this should not warn because the condition is an unsafe block if unsafe { 1u32 == std::mem::transmute(a) } { println!("1u32 == a"); } } fn block_in_assert() { let opt = Some(42); assert!( opt.as_ref() .map(|val| { let mut v = val * 2; v -= 1; v * 3 }) .is_some() ); } // issue #11814 fn block_in_match_expr(num: i32) -> i32 { let res = { //~^ ERROR: in a `match` scrutinee, avoid complex blocks or closures with blocks; instead, move the block or closure higher and bind it with a `let` let opt = Some(2); opt }; match res { Some(0) => 1, Some(n) => num * 2, None => 0, }; match unsafe { let hearty_hearty_hearty = vec![240, 159, 146, 150]; String::from_utf8_unchecked(hearty_hearty_hearty).as_str() } { "💖" => 1, "what" => 2, _ => 3, } } // issue #12162 macro_rules! timed { ($name:expr, $body:expr $(,)?) => {{ let __scope = (); $body }}; } fn issue_12162() { if timed!("check this!", false) { println!(); } } fn main() {}