use clippy_config::msrvs::{self, Msrv}; use clippy_utils::diagnostics::{span_lint_and_help, span_lint_and_sugg}; use clippy_utils::source::{snippet, snippet_opt, snippet_with_applicability}; use clippy_utils::{is_from_proc_macro, SpanlessEq, SpanlessHash}; use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use itertools::Itertools; use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use rustc_data_structures::unhash::UnhashMap; use rustc_errors::Applicability; use rustc_hir::def::Res; use rustc_hir::{ GenericArg, GenericBound, Generics, Item, ItemKind, LangItem, Node, Path, PathSegment, PredicateOrigin, QPath, TraitBoundModifier, TraitItem, TraitRef, Ty, TyKind, WherePredicate, }; use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass}; use rustc_session::{declare_tool_lint, impl_lint_pass}; use rustc_span::{BytePos, Span}; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// This lint warns about unnecessary type repetitions in trait bounds /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// Repeating the type for every bound makes the code /// less readable than combining the bounds /// /// ### Example /// ```no_run /// pub fn foo(t: T) where T: Copy, T: Clone {} /// ``` /// /// Use instead: /// ```no_run /// pub fn foo(t: T) where T: Copy + Clone {} /// ``` #[clippy::version = "1.38.0"] pub TYPE_REPETITION_IN_BOUNDS, nursery, "types are repeated unnecessarily in trait bounds, use `+` instead of using `T: _, T: _`" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Checks for cases where generics or trait objects are being used and multiple /// syntax specifications for trait bounds are used simultaneously. /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// Duplicate bounds makes the code /// less readable than specifying them only once. /// /// ### Example /// ```no_run /// fn func(arg: T) where T: Clone + Default {} /// ``` /// /// Use instead: /// ```no_run /// # mod hidden { /// fn func(arg: T) {} /// # } /// /// // or /// /// fn func(arg: T) where T: Clone + Default {} /// ``` /// /// ```no_run /// fn foo(bar: T) {} /// ``` /// Use instead: /// ```no_run /// fn foo(bar: T) {} /// ``` /// /// ```no_run /// fn foo(bar: T) where T: Default + Default {} /// ``` /// Use instead: /// ```no_run /// fn foo(bar: T) where T: Default {} /// ``` #[clippy::version = "1.47.0"] pub TRAIT_DUPLICATION_IN_BOUNDS, nursery, "check if the same trait bounds are specified more than once during a generic declaration" } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TraitBounds { max_trait_bounds: u64, msrv: Msrv, } impl TraitBounds { #[must_use] pub fn new(max_trait_bounds: u64, msrv: Msrv) -> Self { Self { max_trait_bounds, msrv } } } impl_lint_pass!(TraitBounds => [TYPE_REPETITION_IN_BOUNDS, TRAIT_DUPLICATION_IN_BOUNDS]); impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for TraitBounds { fn check_generics(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, gen: &'tcx Generics<'_>) { self.check_type_repetition(cx, gen); check_trait_bound_duplication(cx, gen); } fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx Item<'tcx>) { // special handling for self trait bounds as these are not considered generics // ie. trait Foo: Display {} if let Item { kind: ItemKind::Trait(_, _, _, bounds, ..), .. } = item { rollup_traits(cx, bounds, "these bounds contain repeated elements"); } } fn check_trait_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx TraitItem<'tcx>) { let mut self_bounds_map = FxHashMap::default(); for predicate in item.generics.predicates { if let WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ref bound_predicate) = predicate && bound_predicate.origin != PredicateOrigin::ImplTrait && !bound_predicate.span.from_expansion() && let TyKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, Path { segments, .. })) = bound_predicate.bounded_ty.kind && let Some(PathSegment { res: Res::SelfTyParam { trait_: def_id }, .. }) = segments.first() && let Some(Node::Item(Item { kind: ItemKind::Trait(_, _, _, self_bounds, _), .. })) = cx.tcx.hir().get_if_local(*def_id) { if self_bounds_map.is_empty() { for bound in *self_bounds { let Some((self_res, self_segments, _)) = get_trait_info_from_bound(bound) else { continue; }; self_bounds_map.insert(self_res, self_segments); } } bound_predicate .bounds .iter() .filter_map(get_trait_info_from_bound) .for_each(|(trait_item_res, trait_item_segments, span)| { if let Some(self_segments) = self_bounds_map.get(&trait_item_res) { if SpanlessEq::new(cx).eq_path_segments(self_segments, trait_item_segments) { span_lint_and_help( cx, TRAIT_DUPLICATION_IN_BOUNDS, span, "this trait bound is already specified in trait declaration", None, "consider removing this trait bound", ); } } }); } } } fn check_ty(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, ty: &'tcx Ty<'tcx>) { if let TyKind::Ref(.., mut_ty) = &ty.kind && let TyKind::TraitObject(bounds, ..) = mut_ty.ty.kind && bounds.len() > 2 { // Build up a hash of every trait we've seen // When we see a trait for the first time, add it to unique_traits // so we can later use it to build a string of all traits exactly once, without duplicates let mut seen_def_ids = FxHashSet::default(); let mut unique_traits = Vec::new(); // Iterate the bounds and add them to our seen hash // If we haven't yet seen it, add it to the fixed traits for bound in bounds { let Some(def_id) = bound.trait_ref.trait_def_id() else { continue; }; let new_trait = seen_def_ids.insert(def_id); if new_trait { unique_traits.push(bound); } } // If the number of unique traits isn't the same as the number of traits in the bounds, // there must be 1 or more duplicates if bounds.len() != unique_traits.len() { let mut bounds_span = bounds[0].span; for bound in bounds.iter().skip(1) { bounds_span =; } let fixed_trait_snippet = unique_traits .iter() .filter_map(|b| snippet_opt(cx, b.span)) .collect::>() .join(" + "); span_lint_and_sugg( cx, TRAIT_DUPLICATION_IN_BOUNDS, bounds_span, "this trait bound is already specified in trait declaration", "try", fixed_trait_snippet, Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, ); } } } extract_msrv_attr!(LateContext); } impl TraitBounds { /// Is the given bound a `?Sized` bound, and is combining it (i.e. `T: X + ?Sized`) an error on /// this MSRV? See for details. fn cannot_combine_maybe_bound(&self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, bound: &GenericBound<'_>) -> bool { if !self.msrv.meets(msrvs::MAYBE_BOUND_IN_WHERE) && let GenericBound::Trait(tr, TraitBoundModifier::Maybe) = bound { cx.tcx.lang_items().get(LangItem::Sized) == tr.trait_ref.path.res.opt_def_id() } else { false } } fn check_type_repetition<'tcx>(&self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, gen: &'tcx Generics<'_>) { struct SpanlessTy<'cx, 'tcx> { ty: &'tcx Ty<'tcx>, cx: &'cx LateContext<'tcx>, } impl PartialEq for SpanlessTy<'_, '_> { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { let mut eq = SpanlessEq::new(; eq.inter_expr().eq_ty(self.ty, other.ty) } } impl Hash for SpanlessTy<'_, '_> { fn hash(&self, h: &mut H) { let mut t = SpanlessHash::new(; t.hash_ty(self.ty); h.write_u64(t.finish()); } } impl Eq for SpanlessTy<'_, '_> {} if gen.span.from_expansion() { return; } let mut map: UnhashMap, Vec<&GenericBound<'_>>> = UnhashMap::default(); let mut applicability = Applicability::MaybeIncorrect; for bound in gen.predicates { if let WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ref p) = bound && p.origin != PredicateOrigin::ImplTrait && p.bounds.len() as u64 <= self.max_trait_bounds && !p.span.from_expansion() && let bounds = p .bounds .iter() .filter(|b| !self.cannot_combine_maybe_bound(cx, b)) .collect::>() && !bounds.is_empty() && let Some(ref v) = map.insert(SpanlessTy { ty: p.bounded_ty, cx }, bounds) && !is_from_proc_macro(cx, p.bounded_ty) { let trait_bounds = v .iter() .copied() .chain(p.bounds.iter()) .filter_map(get_trait_info_from_bound) .map(|(_, _, span)| snippet_with_applicability(cx, span, "..", &mut applicability)) .join(" + "); let hint_string = format!( "consider combining the bounds: `{}: {trait_bounds}`", snippet(cx, p.bounded_ty.span, "_"), ); span_lint_and_help( cx, TYPE_REPETITION_IN_BOUNDS, p.span, "this type has already been used as a bound predicate", None, &hint_string, ); } } } } fn check_trait_bound_duplication(cx: &LateContext<'_>, gen: &'_ Generics<'_>) { if gen.span.from_expansion() { return; } // Explanation: // fn bad_foo(arg0: T, arg1: Z) // where T: Clone + Default, { unimplemented!(); } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // | // collects each of these where clauses into a set keyed by generic name and comparable trait // eg. (T, Clone) let where_predicates = gen .predicates .iter() .filter_map(|pred| { if pred.in_where_clause() && let WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(bound_predicate) = pred && let TyKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, path)) = bound_predicate.bounded_ty.kind { return Some( rollup_traits( cx, bound_predicate.bounds, "these where clauses contain repeated elements", ) .into_iter() .map(|(trait_ref, _)| (path.res, trait_ref)), ); } None }) .flatten() .collect::>(); // Explanation: // fn bad_foo(arg0: T, arg1: Z) ... // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ // | // compare trait bounds keyed by generic name and comparable trait to collected where // predicates eg. (T, Clone) for predicate in gen.predicates.iter().filter(|pred| !pred.in_where_clause()) { if let WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(bound_predicate) = predicate && bound_predicate.origin != PredicateOrigin::ImplTrait && !bound_predicate.span.from_expansion() && let TyKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, path)) = bound_predicate.bounded_ty.kind { let traits = rollup_traits(cx, bound_predicate.bounds, "these bounds contain repeated elements"); for (trait_ref, span) in traits { let key = (path.res, trait_ref); if where_predicates.contains(&key) { span_lint_and_help( cx, TRAIT_DUPLICATION_IN_BOUNDS, span, "this trait bound is already specified in the where clause", None, "consider removing this trait bound", ); } } } } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)] struct ComparableTraitRef(Res, Vec); impl Default for ComparableTraitRef { fn default() -> Self { Self(Res::Err, Vec::new()) } } fn get_trait_info_from_bound<'a>(bound: &'a GenericBound<'_>) -> Option<(Res, &'a [PathSegment<'a>], Span)> { if let GenericBound::Trait(t, tbm) = bound { let trait_path = t.trait_ref.path; let trait_span = { let path_span = trait_path.span; if let TraitBoundModifier::Maybe = tbm { path_span.with_lo(path_span.lo() - BytePos(1)) // include the `?` } else { path_span } }; Some((trait_path.res, trait_path.segments, trait_span)) } else { None } } // FIXME: ComparableTraitRef does not support nested bounds needed for associated_type_bounds fn into_comparable_trait_ref(trait_ref: &TraitRef<'_>) -> ComparableTraitRef { ComparableTraitRef( trait_ref.path.res, trait_ref .path .segments .iter() .filter_map(|segment| { // get trait bound type arguments Some(segment.args?.args.iter().filter_map(|arg| { if let GenericArg::Type(ty) = arg && let TyKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, path)) = ty.kind { return Some(path.res); } None })) }) .flatten() .collect(), ) } fn rollup_traits(cx: &LateContext<'_>, bounds: &[GenericBound<'_>], msg: &str) -> Vec<(ComparableTraitRef, Span)> { let mut map = FxHashMap::default(); let mut repeated_res = false; let only_comparable_trait_refs = |bound: &GenericBound<'_>| { if let GenericBound::Trait(t, _) = bound { Some((into_comparable_trait_ref(&t.trait_ref), t.span)) } else { None } }; let mut i = 0usize; for bound in bounds.iter().filter_map(only_comparable_trait_refs) { let (comparable_bound, span_direct) = bound; match map.entry(comparable_bound) { Entry::Occupied(_) => repeated_res = true, Entry::Vacant(e) => { e.insert((span_direct, i)); i += 1; }, } } // Put bounds in source order let mut comparable_bounds = vec![Default::default(); map.len()]; for (k, (v, i)) in map { comparable_bounds[i] = (k, v); } if repeated_res && let [first_trait, .., last_trait] = bounds { let all_trait_span = first_trait.span().to(last_trait.span()); let traits = comparable_bounds .iter() .filter_map(|&(_, span)| snippet_opt(cx, span)) .collect::>(); let traits = traits.join(" + "); span_lint_and_sugg( cx, TRAIT_DUPLICATION_IN_BOUNDS, all_trait_span, msg, "try", traits, Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } comparable_bounds }