language: rust rust: nightly os: - linux - osx - windows sudo: false branches: # Don't build these branches except: # Used by bors - trying.tmp - staging.tmp env: global: - RUST_BACKTRACE=1 before_install: - | # work-around for issue # might not be necessary in the future if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then command curl -sSL | gpg --import - rvm get stable fi install: - | if [ -z ${INTEGRATION} ]; then if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]; then . $HOME/.nvm/ nvm install stable nvm use stable npm install remark-cli remark-lint fi if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "windows" ]; then choco install windows-sdk-10.0 fi fi matrix: include: - os: osx # run base tests on both platforms env: BASE_TESTS=true - os: linux env: BASE_TESTS=true - os: windows env: BASE_TEST=true - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang/cargo - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/rand - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/failure - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/log - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/chalk - env: INTEGRATION=rust-lang-nursery/rls - env: INTEGRATION=chronotope/chrono - env: INTEGRATION=serde-rs/serde - env: INTEGRATION=Geal/nom # uncomment once is fixed # - env: INTEGRATION=hyperium/hyper allow_failures: - os: windows env: BASE_TEST=true # prevent these jobs with default env vars exclude: - os: linux - os: osx - os: windows script: - | rm rust-toolchain cargo install rustup-toolchain-install-master || echo "rustup-toolchain-install-master already installed" RUSTC_HASH=$(git ls-remote master | awk '{print $1}') travis_retry rustup-toolchain-install-master -f -n master $RUSTC_HASH rustup default master export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib - | if [ -z ${INTEGRATION} ]; then ./ci/ && sleep 5 else ./ci/ && sleep 5 fi after_success: | #!/bin/bash if [ $(uname) == Linux ]; then set -ex if [ -z ${INTEGRATION} ]; then ./.github/ else echo "Not deploying, because we're in an integration test run" fi set +e fi