use rustc_mir::interpret::InterpErrorInfo; use crate::*; pub fn report_err<'tcx, 'mir>( ecx: &InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'tcx>>, mut e: InterpErrorInfo<'tcx>, ) -> Option { // Special treatment for some error kinds let msg = match e.kind { InterpError::MachineStop(ref info) => { let info = info.downcast_ref::().expect("invalid MachineStop payload"); match info { TerminationInfo::Exit(code) => return Some(*code), TerminationInfo::PoppedTrackedPointerTag(item) => format!("popped tracked tag for item {:?}", item), TerminationInfo::Abort => format!("the evaluated program aborted execution"), } } err_unsup!(NoMirFor(..)) => format!( "{}. Did you set `MIRI_SYSROOT` to a Miri-enabled sysroot? You can prepare one with `cargo miri setup`.", e ), InterpError::InvalidProgram(_) => bug!("This error should be impossible in Miri: {}", e), _ => e.to_string(), }; e.print_backtrace(); if let Some(frame) = ecx.stack().last() { let span = frame.current_source_info().unwrap().span; let msg = format!("Miri evaluation error: {}", msg); let mut err = ecx.tcx.sess.struct_span_err(span, msg.as_str()); let frames = ecx.generate_stacktrace(None); err.span_label(span, msg); // We iterate with indices because we need to look at the next frame (the caller). for idx in 0..frames.len() { let frame_info = &frames[idx]; let call_site_is_local = frames .get(idx + 1) .map_or(false, |caller_info| caller_info.instance.def_id().is_local()); if call_site_is_local { err.span_note(frame_info.call_site, &frame_info.to_string()); } else { err.note(&frame_info.to_string()); } } err.emit(); } else { ecx.tcx.sess.err(&msg); } for (i, frame) in ecx.stack().iter().enumerate() { trace!("-------------------"); trace!("Frame {}", i); trace!(" return: {:?}",|p| *p)); for (i, local) in frame.locals.iter().enumerate() { trace!(" local {}: {:?}", i, local.value); } } // Let the reported error determine the return code. return None; } use std::cell::RefCell; thread_local! { static ECX: RefCell>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new()); } pub fn register_err(e: InterpErrorInfo<'static>) { ECX.with(|ecx| ecx.borrow_mut().push(e)); } impl<'mir, 'tcx> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {} pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> { fn process_errors(&self) { let this = self.eval_context_ref(); ECX.with(|ecx| { for e in ecx.borrow_mut().drain(..) { report_err(this, e); } }); } }