use core::ops::*; // For types L and R, checks that a trait implementation exists for // * binary ops: L op R, L op &R, &L op R and &L op &R // * assign ops: &mut L op R, &mut L op &R macro_rules! impl_defined { ($op:ident, $method:ident($lhs:literal, $rhs:literal), $result:literal, $lt:ty, $rt:ty) => { let lhs = $lhs as $lt; let rhs = $rhs as $rt; assert_eq!($result as $lt, $op::$method(lhs, rhs)); assert_eq!($result as $lt, $op::$method(lhs, &rhs)); assert_eq!($result as $lt, $op::$method(&lhs, rhs)); assert_eq!($result as $lt, $op::$method(&lhs, &rhs)); }; ($op:ident, $method:ident(&mut $lhs:literal, $rhs:literal), $result:literal, $lt:ty, $rt:ty) => { let rhs = $rhs as $rt; let mut lhs = $lhs as $lt; $op::$method(&mut lhs, rhs); assert_eq!($result as $lt, lhs); let mut lhs = $lhs as $lt; $op::$method(&mut lhs, &rhs); assert_eq!($result as $lt, lhs); }; } // For all specified types T, checks that a trait implementation exists for // * binary ops: T op T, T op &T, &T op T and &T op &T // * assign ops: &mut T op T, &mut T op &T // * unary ops: op T and op &T macro_rules! impls_defined { ($op:ident, $method:ident($lhs:literal, $rhs:literal), $result:literal, $($t:ty),+) => {$( impl_defined!($op, $method($lhs, $rhs), $result, $t, $t); )+}; ($op:ident, $method:ident(&mut $lhs:literal, $rhs:literal), $result:literal, $($t:ty),+) => {$( impl_defined!($op, $method(&mut $lhs, $rhs), $result, $t, $t); )+}; ($op:ident, $method:ident($operand:literal), $result:literal, $($t:ty),+) => {$( let operand = $operand as $t; assert_eq!($result as $t, $op::$method(operand)); assert_eq!($result as $t, $op::$method(&operand)); )+}; } macro_rules! test_op { ($fn_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident($lhs:literal, $rhs:literal), $result:literal, $($t:ty),+) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { impls_defined!($op, $method($lhs, $rhs), $result, $($t),+); } }; ($fn_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident(&mut $lhs:literal, $rhs:literal), $result:literal, $($t:ty),+) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { impls_defined!($op, $method(&mut $lhs, $rhs), $result, $($t),+); } }; ($fn_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident($lhs:literal), $result:literal, $($t:ty),+) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { impls_defined!($op, $method($lhs), $result, $($t),+); } }; } test_op!(test_neg_defined, Neg::neg(0), 0, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] test_op!(test_neg_defined_128, Neg::neg(0), 0, i128); test_op!(test_not_defined_bool, Not::not(true), false, bool); macro_rules! test_arith_op { ($fn_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident($lhs:literal, $rhs:literal)) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { impls_defined!( $op, $method($lhs, $rhs), 0, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, f32, f64 ); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] impls_defined!($op, $method($lhs, $rhs), 0, i128, u128); } }; ($fn_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident(&mut $lhs:literal, $rhs:literal)) => { #[test] fn $fn_name() { impls_defined!( $op, $method(&mut $lhs, $rhs), 0, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize, f32, f64 ); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] impls_defined!($op, $method(&mut $lhs, $rhs), 0, i128, u128); } }; } test_arith_op!(test_add_defined, Add::add(0, 0)); test_arith_op!(test_add_assign_defined, AddAssign::add_assign(&mut 0, 0)); test_arith_op!(test_sub_defined, Sub::sub(0, 0)); test_arith_op!(test_sub_assign_defined, SubAssign::sub_assign(&mut 0, 0)); test_arith_op!(test_mul_defined, Mul::mul(0, 0)); test_arith_op!(test_mul_assign_defined, MulAssign::mul_assign(&mut 0, 0)); test_arith_op!(test_div_defined, Div::div(0, 1)); test_arith_op!(test_div_assign_defined, DivAssign::div_assign(&mut 0, 1)); test_arith_op!(test_rem_defined, Rem::rem(0, 1)); test_arith_op!(test_rem_assign_defined, RemAssign::rem_assign(&mut 0, 1)); macro_rules! test_bitop { ($test_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident) => { #[test] fn $test_name() { impls_defined!( $op, $method(0, 0), 0, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize ); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] impls_defined!($op, $method(0, 0), 0, i128, u128); impls_defined!($op, $method(false, false), false, bool); } }; } macro_rules! test_bitop_assign { ($test_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident) => { #[test] fn $test_name() { impls_defined!( $op, $method(&mut 0, 0), 0, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize ); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] impls_defined!($op, $method(&mut 0, 0), 0, i128, u128); impls_defined!($op, $method(&mut false, false), false, bool); } }; } test_bitop!(test_bitand_defined, BitAnd::bitand); test_bitop_assign!(test_bitand_assign_defined, BitAndAssign::bitand_assign); test_bitop!(test_bitor_defined, BitOr::bitor); test_bitop_assign!(test_bitor_assign_defined, BitOrAssign::bitor_assign); test_bitop!(test_bitxor_defined, BitXor::bitxor); test_bitop_assign!(test_bitxor_assign_defined, BitXorAssign::bitxor_assign); macro_rules! test_shift_inner { ($op:ident::$method:ident, $lt:ty, $($rt:ty),+) => { $(impl_defined!($op, $method(0,0), 0, $lt, $rt);)+ }; ($op:ident::$method:ident, $lt:ty) => { test_shift_inner!($op::$method, $lt, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] test_shift_inner!($op::$method, $lt, i128, u128); }; } macro_rules! test_shift { ($op:ident::$method:ident, $($lt:ty),+) => { $(test_shift_inner!($op::$method, $lt);)+ }; ($test_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident) => { #[test] fn $test_name() { test_shift!($op::$method, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] test_shift!($op::$method, i128, u128); } }; } macro_rules! test_shift_assign_inner { ($op:ident::$method:ident, $lt:ty, $($rt:ty),+) => { $(impl_defined!($op, $method(&mut 0,0), 0, $lt, $rt);)+ }; ($op:ident::$method:ident, $lt:ty) => { test_shift_assign_inner!($op::$method, $lt, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] test_shift_assign_inner!($op::$method, $lt, i128, u128); }; } macro_rules! test_shift_assign { ($op:ident::$method:ident, $($lt:ty),+) => { $(test_shift_assign_inner!($op::$method, $lt);)+ }; ($test_name:ident, $op:ident::$method:ident) => { #[test] fn $test_name() { test_shift_assign!($op::$method, i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize); #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))] test_shift_assign!($op::$method, i128, u128); } }; } test_shift!(test_shl_defined, Shl::shl); test_shift_assign!(test_shl_assign_defined, ShlAssign::shl_assign); test_shift!(test_shr_defined, Shr::shr); test_shift_assign!(test_shr_assign_defined, ShrAssign::shr_assign);