import result::result; import either::{either, left, right}; import std::map::{hashmap, str_hash}; import token::{can_begin_expr, is_ident, is_plain_ident}; import codemap::{span,fss_none}; import util::interner; import ast::spanned; import ast_util::{mk_sp, ident_to_path}; import lexer::reader; import prec::{op_spec, as_prec}; import attr::{parse_outer_attrs_or_ext, parse_inner_attrs_and_next, parse_outer_attributes, parse_optional_meta}; import common::*; export expect; export file_type; export mk_item; export restriction; export parser; export parse_crate_directives; export parse_crate_mod; export parse_expr; export parse_item; export parse_mod_items; export parse_pat; export parse_seq; export parse_stmt; export parse_ty; export parse_lit; export parse_syntax_ext_naked; // FIXME: #ast expects to find this here but it's actually defined in `parse` // Fixing this will be easier when we have export decls on individual items -- // then parse can export this publicly, and everything else crate-visibly. // (See #1893) import parse_from_source_str; export parse_from_source_str; enum restriction { UNRESTRICTED, RESTRICT_STMT_EXPR, RESTRICT_NO_CALL_EXPRS, RESTRICT_NO_BAR_OP, } enum file_type { CRATE_FILE, SOURCE_FILE, } type parser = @{ sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, file_type: file_type, mut token: token::token, mut span: span, mut last_span: span, mut buffer: [{tok: token::token, span: span}], mut restriction: restriction, reader: reader, binop_precs: @[op_spec], keywords: hashmap, bad_expr_words: hashmap }; impl parser for parser { fn bump() { self.last_span = self.span; if vec::len(self.buffer) == 0u { let next = lexer::next_token(self.reader); self.token = next.tok; self.span = ast_util::mk_sp(next.chpos, self.reader.chpos); } else { let next = vec::pop(self.buffer); self.token = next.tok; self.span = next.span; } } fn swap(next: token::token, lo: uint, hi: uint) { self.token = next; self.span = ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi); } fn look_ahead(distance: uint) -> token::token { while vec::len(self.buffer) < distance { let next = lexer::next_token(self.reader); let sp = ast_util::mk_sp(next.chpos, self.reader.chpos); self.buffer = [{tok: next.tok, span: sp}] + self.buffer; } ret self.buffer[distance - 1u].tok; } fn fatal(m: str) -> ! { self.sess.span_diagnostic.span_fatal(self.span, m) } fn span_fatal(sp: span, m: str) -> ! { self.sess.span_diagnostic.span_fatal(sp, m) } fn bug(m: str) -> ! { self.sess.span_diagnostic.span_bug(self.span, m) } fn warn(m: str) { self.sess.span_diagnostic.span_warn(self.span, m) } fn get_str(i: token::str_num) -> str { interner::get(*self.reader.interner, i) } fn get_id() -> node_id { next_node_id(self.sess) } } fn parse_ty_fn(p: parser) -> ast::fn_decl { fn parse_fn_input_ty(p: parser) -> ast::arg { let mode = parse_arg_mode(p); let name = if is_plain_ident(p.token) && p.look_ahead(1u) == token::COLON { let name = parse_value_ident(p); p.bump(); name } else { "" }; ret {mode: mode, ty: parse_ty(p, false), ident: name, id: p.get_id()}; } let inputs = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_fn_input_ty, p); // FIXME: constrs is empty because right now, higher-order functions // can't have constrained types. // Not sure whether that would be desirable anyway. See #34 for the // story on constrained types. let constrs: [@ast::constr] = []; let (ret_style, ret_ty) = parse_ret_ty(p); ret {inputs: inputs.node, output: ret_ty, purity: ast::impure_fn, cf: ret_style, constraints: constrs}; } fn parse_ty_methods(p: parser) -> [ast::ty_method] { parse_seq(token::LBRACE, token::RBRACE, seq_sep_none(), {|p| let attrs = parse_outer_attributes(p); let flo = p.span.lo; let pur = parse_fn_purity(p); let ident = parse_method_name(p); let tps = parse_ty_params(p); let d = parse_ty_fn(p), fhi = p.last_span.hi; expect(p, token::SEMI); {ident: ident, attrs: attrs, decl: {purity: pur with d}, tps: tps, span: ast_util::mk_sp(flo, fhi)} }, p).node } fn parse_mt(p: parser) -> ast::mt { let mutbl = parse_mutability(p); let t = parse_ty(p, false); ret {ty: t, mutbl: mutbl}; } fn parse_ty_field(p: parser) -> ast::ty_field { let lo = p.span.lo; let mutbl = parse_mutability(p); let id = parse_ident(p); expect(p, token::COLON); let ty = parse_ty(p, false); ret spanned(lo, ty.span.hi, {ident: id, mt: {ty: ty, mutbl: mutbl}}); } // if i is the jth ident in args, return j // otherwise, fail fn ident_index(p: parser, args: [ast::arg], i: ast::ident) -> uint { let mut j = 0u; for args.each {|a| if a.ident == i { ret j; } j += 1u; } p.fatal("unbound variable `" + i + "` in constraint arg"); } fn parse_type_constr_arg(p: parser) -> @ast::ty_constr_arg { let sp = p.span; let mut carg = ast::carg_base; expect(p, token::BINOP(token::STAR)); if p.token == token::DOT { // "*..." notation for record fields p.bump(); let pth = parse_path(p); carg = ast::carg_ident(pth); } // No literals yet, I guess? ret @{node: carg, span: sp}; } fn parse_constr_arg(args: [ast::arg], p: parser) -> @ast::constr_arg { let sp = p.span; let mut carg = ast::carg_base; if p.token == token::BINOP(token::STAR) { p.bump(); } else { let i: ast::ident = parse_value_ident(p); carg = ast::carg_ident(ident_index(p, args, i)); } ret @{node: carg, span: sp}; } fn parse_ty_constr(fn_args: [ast::arg], p: parser) -> @ast::constr { let lo = p.span.lo; let path = parse_path(p); let args: {node: [@ast::constr_arg], span: span} = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), {|p| parse_constr_arg(fn_args, p)}, p); ret @spanned(lo, args.span.hi, {path: path, args: args.node, id: p.get_id()}); } fn parse_constr_in_type(p: parser) -> @ast::ty_constr { let lo = p.span.lo; let path = parse_path(p); let args: [@ast::ty_constr_arg] = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_type_constr_arg, p).node; let hi = p.span.lo; let tc: ast::ty_constr_ = {path: path, args: args, id: p.get_id()}; ret @spanned(lo, hi, tc); } fn parse_constrs(pser: fn(parser) -> @ast::constr_general, p: parser) -> [@ast::constr_general] { let mut constrs: [@ast::constr_general] = []; loop { let constr = pser(p); constrs += [constr]; if p.token == token::COMMA { p.bump(); } else { ret constrs; } }; } fn parse_type_constraints(p: parser) -> [@ast::ty_constr] { ret parse_constrs(parse_constr_in_type, p); } fn parse_ty_postfix(orig_t: ast::ty_, p: parser, colons_before_params: bool, lo: uint) -> @ast::ty { fn mk_ty(p: parser, t: ast::ty_, lo: uint, hi: uint) -> @ast::ty { @{id: p.get_id(), node: t, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)} } if p.token == token::BINOP(token::SLASH) { let orig_hi = p.last_span.hi; alt maybe_parse_vstore(p) { none { } some(v) { let t = ast::ty_vstore(mk_ty(p, orig_t, lo, orig_hi), v); ret mk_ty(p, t, lo, p.last_span.hi); } } } if colons_before_params && p.token == token::MOD_SEP { p.bump(); expect(p, token::LT); } else if !colons_before_params && p.token == token::LT { p.bump(); } else { ret mk_ty(p, orig_t, lo, p.last_span.hi); } // If we're here, we have explicit type parameter instantiation. let seq = parse_seq_to_gt(some(token::COMMA), {|p| parse_ty(p, false)}, p); alt orig_t { ast::ty_path(pth, ann) { ret mk_ty(p, ast::ty_path(@spanned(lo, p.last_span.hi, {global:, idents: pth.node.idents, types: seq}), ann), lo, p.last_span.hi); } _ { p.fatal("type parameter instantiation only allowed for paths"); } } } fn parse_ret_ty(p: parser) -> (ast::ret_style, @ast::ty) { ret if eat(p, token::RARROW) { let lo = p.span.lo; if eat(p, token::NOT) { (ast::noreturn, @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_bot, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, p.last_span.hi)}) } else { (ast::return_val, parse_ty(p, false)) } } else { let pos = p.span.lo; (ast::return_val, @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_nil, span: ast_util::mk_sp(pos, pos)}) } } fn region_from_name(p: parser, s: option) -> ast::region { let r = alt s { some (string) { // FIXME: To be consistent with our type resolution, the // static region should probably be resolved during type // checking, not in the parser. (Issue #2256) if string == "static" { ast::re_static } else { ast::re_named(string) } } none { ast::re_anon } }; {id: p.get_id(), node: r} } fn parse_region(p: parser) -> ast::region { let name = alt p.token { token::IDENT(sid, _) if p.look_ahead(1u) == token::DOT { p.bump(); p.bump(); some(p.get_str(sid)) } _ { none } }; region_from_name(p, name) } fn parse_ty(p: parser, colons_before_params: bool) -> @ast::ty { let lo = p.span.lo; alt have_dollar(p) { some(e) { ret @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_mac(spanned(lo, p.span.hi, e)), span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, p.span.hi)}; } none {} } let t = if p.token == token::LPAREN { p.bump(); if p.token == token::RPAREN { p.bump(); ast::ty_nil } else { let mut ts = [parse_ty(p, false)]; while p.token == token::COMMA { p.bump(); ts += [parse_ty(p, false)]; } let t = if vec::len(ts) == 1u { ts[0].node } else { ast::ty_tup(ts) }; expect(p, token::RPAREN); t } } else if p.token == token::AT { p.bump(); ast::ty_box(parse_mt(p)) } else if p.token == token::TILDE { p.bump(); ast::ty_uniq(parse_mt(p)) } else if p.token == token::BINOP(token::STAR) { p.bump(); ast::ty_ptr(parse_mt(p)) } else if p.token == token::LBRACE { let elems = parse_seq(token::LBRACE, token::RBRACE, seq_sep_opt(token::COMMA), parse_ty_field, p); if vec::len(elems.node) == 0u { unexpected_last(p, token::RBRACE); } let hi = elems.span.hi; let t = ast::ty_rec(elems.node); if p.token == token::COLON { p.bump(); ast::ty_constr(@{id: p.get_id(), node: t, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}, parse_type_constraints(p)) } else { t } } else if p.token == token::LBRACKET { expect(p, token::LBRACKET); let t = ast::ty_vec(parse_mt(p)); expect(p, token::RBRACKET); t } else if p.token == token::BINOP(token::AND) { p.bump(); let region = parse_region(p); let mt = parse_mt(p); ast::ty_rptr(region, mt) } else if eat_word(p, "fn") { let proto = parse_fn_ty_proto(p); alt proto { ast::proto_bare { p.warn("fn is deprecated, use native fn"); } _ { /* fallthrough */ } } ast::ty_fn(proto, parse_ty_fn(p)) } else if eat_word(p, "native") { expect_word(p, "fn"); ast::ty_fn(ast::proto_bare, parse_ty_fn(p)) } else if p.token == token::MOD_SEP || is_ident(p.token) { let path = parse_path(p); ast::ty_path(path, p.get_id()) } else { p.fatal("expecting type"); }; ret parse_ty_postfix(t, p, colons_before_params, lo); } fn parse_arg_mode(p: parser) -> ast::mode { if eat(p, token::BINOP(token::AND)) { ast::expl(ast::by_mutbl_ref) } else if eat(p, token::BINOP(token::MINUS)) { ast::expl(ast::by_move) } else if eat(p, token::ANDAND) { ast::expl(ast::by_ref) } else if eat(p, token::BINOP(token::PLUS)) { if eat(p, token::BINOP(token::PLUS)) { ast::expl(ast::by_val) } else { ast::expl(ast::by_copy) } } else { ast::infer(p.get_id()) } } fn parse_arg(p: parser) -> ast::arg { let m = parse_arg_mode(p); let i = parse_value_ident(p); expect(p, token::COLON); let t = parse_ty(p, false); ret {mode: m, ty: t, ident: i, id: p.get_id()}; } fn parse_fn_block_arg(p: parser) -> ast::arg { let m = parse_arg_mode(p); let i = parse_value_ident(p); let t = if eat(p, token::COLON) { parse_ty(p, false) } else { @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_infer, span: ast_util::mk_sp(p.span.lo, p.span.hi)} }; ret {mode: m, ty: t, ident: i, id: p.get_id()}; } fn have_dollar(p: parser) -> option { alt p.token { token::DOLLAR_NUM(num) { p.bump(); some(ast::mac_var(num)) } token::DOLLAR_LPAREN { let lo = p.span.lo; p.bump(); let e = parse_expr(p); expect(p, token::RPAREN); let hi = p.last_span.hi; some(ast::mac_aq(ast_util::mk_sp(lo,hi), e)) } _ {none} } } fn maybe_parse_vstore(p: parser) -> option { if p.token == token::BINOP(token::SLASH) { p.bump(); alt p.token { token::AT { p.bump(); some(ast::vstore_box) } token::TILDE { p.bump(); some(ast::vstore_uniq) } token::UNDERSCORE { p.bump(); some(ast::vstore_fixed(none)) } token::LIT_INT(i, ast::ty_i) if i >= 0i64 { p.bump(); some(ast::vstore_fixed(some(i as uint))) } token::BINOP(token::AND) { p.bump(); alt p.token { token::IDENT(sid, _) { p.bump(); let n = p.get_str(sid); some(ast::vstore_slice(region_from_name(p, some(n)))) } _ { some(ast::vstore_slice(region_from_name(p, none))) } } } _ { none } } } else { none } } fn lit_from_token(p: parser, tok: token::token) -> ast::lit_ { alt tok { token::LIT_INT(i, it) { ast::lit_int(i, it) } token::LIT_UINT(u, ut) { ast::lit_uint(u, ut) } token::LIT_FLOAT(s, ft) { ast::lit_float(p.get_str(s), ft) } token::LIT_STR(s) { ast::lit_str(p.get_str(s)) } token::LPAREN { expect(p, token::RPAREN); ast::lit_nil } _ { unexpected_last(p, tok); } } } fn parse_lit(p: parser) -> ast::lit { let lo = p.span.lo; let lit = if eat_word(p, "true") { ast::lit_bool(true) } else if eat_word(p, "false") { ast::lit_bool(false) } else { let tok = p.token; p.bump(); lit_from_token(p, tok) }; ret {node: lit, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, p.last_span.hi)}; } fn parse_path(p: parser) -> @ast::path { let lo = p.span.lo; let global = eat(p, token::MOD_SEP); let mut ids = [parse_ident(p)]; while p.look_ahead(1u) != token::LT && eat(p, token::MOD_SEP) { ids += [parse_ident(p)]; } ret @spanned(lo, p.last_span.hi, {global: global, idents: ids, types: []}); } fn parse_value_path(p: parser) -> @ast::path { let pt = parse_path(p); let last_word = pt.node.idents[vec::len(pt.node.idents)-1u]; if p.bad_expr_words.contains_key(last_word) { p.fatal("found " + last_word + " in expression position"); } pt } fn parse_path_and_ty_param_substs(p: parser, colons: bool) -> @ast::path { let lo = p.span.lo; let path = parse_path(p); let b = if colons { eat(p, token::MOD_SEP) } else { p.token == token::LT }; if b { let seq = parse_seq_lt_gt(some(token::COMMA), {|p| parse_ty(p, false)}, p); @spanned(lo, seq.span.hi, {types: seq.node with path.node}) } else { path } } fn parse_mutability(p: parser) -> ast::mutability { if eat_word(p, "mut") { ast::m_mutbl } else if eat_word(p, "mut") { ast::m_mutbl } else if eat_word(p, "const") { ast::m_const } else { ast::m_imm } } fn parse_field(p: parser, sep: token::token) -> ast::field { let lo = p.span.lo; let m = parse_mutability(p); let i = parse_ident(p); expect(p, sep); let e = parse_expr(p); ret spanned(lo, e.span.hi, {mutbl: m, ident: i, expr: e}); } fn mk_expr(p: parser, lo: uint, hi: uint, node: ast::expr_) -> @ast::expr { ret @{id: p.get_id(), node: node, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}; } fn mk_mac_expr(p: parser, lo: uint, hi: uint, m: ast::mac_) -> @ast::expr { ret @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::expr_mac({node: m, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}), span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}; } fn mk_lit_u32(p: parser, i: u32) -> @ast::expr { let span = p.span; let lv_lit = @{node: ast::lit_uint(i as u64, ast::ty_u32), span: span}; ret @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::expr_lit(lv_lit), span: span}; } // We don't allow single-entry tuples in the true AST; that indicates a // parenthesized expression. However, we preserve them temporarily while // parsing because `(while{...})+3` parses differently from `while{...}+3`. // // To reflect the fact that the @ast::expr is not a true expr that should be // part of the AST, we wrap such expressions in the pexpr enum. They // can then be converted to true expressions by a call to `to_expr()`. enum pexpr { pexpr(@ast::expr), } fn mk_pexpr(p: parser, lo: uint, hi: uint, node: ast::expr_) -> pexpr { ret pexpr(mk_expr(p, lo, hi, node)); } fn to_expr(e: pexpr) -> @ast::expr { alt e.node { ast::expr_tup(es) if vec::len(es) == 1u { es[0u] } _ { *e } } } fn parse_bottom_expr(p: parser) -> pexpr { let lo = p.span.lo; let mut hi = p.span.hi; let mut ex: ast::expr_; alt have_dollar(p) { some(x) {ret pexpr(mk_mac_expr(p, lo, p.span.hi, x));} _ {} } if p.token == token::LPAREN { p.bump(); if p.token == token::RPAREN { hi = p.span.hi; p.bump(); let lit = @spanned(lo, hi, ast::lit_nil); ret mk_pexpr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_lit(lit)); } let mut es = [parse_expr(p)]; while p.token == token::COMMA { p.bump(); es += [parse_expr(p)]; } hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::RPAREN); // Note: we retain the expr_tup() even for simple // parenthesized expressions, but only for a "little while". // This is so that wrappers around parse_bottom_expr() // can tell whether the expression was parenthesized or not, // which affects expr_is_complete(). ret mk_pexpr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_tup(es)); } else if p.token == token::LBRACE { p.bump(); if is_word(p, "mut") || is_plain_ident(p.token) && p.look_ahead(1u) == token::COLON { let mut fields = [parse_field(p, token::COLON)]; let mut base = none; while p.token != token::RBRACE { if eat_word(p, "with") { base = some(parse_expr(p)); break; } expect(p, token::COMMA); if p.token == token::RBRACE { // record ends by an optional trailing comma break; } fields += [parse_field(p, token::COLON)]; } hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::RBRACE); ex = ast::expr_rec(fields, base); } else if token::is_bar(p.token) { ret pexpr(parse_fn_block_expr(p)); } else { let blk = parse_block_tail(p, lo, ast::default_blk); ret mk_pexpr(p, blk.span.lo, blk.span.hi, ast::expr_block(blk)); } } else if eat_word(p, "new") { expect(p, token::LPAREN); let r = parse_expr(p); expect(p, token::RPAREN); let v = parse_expr(p); ret mk_pexpr(p, lo, p.span.hi, ast::expr_new(r, p.get_id(), v)); } else if eat_word(p, "if") { ret pexpr(parse_if_expr(p)); } else if eat_word(p, "for") { ret pexpr(parse_for_expr(p)); } else if eat_word(p, "while") { ret pexpr(parse_while_expr(p)); } else if eat_word(p, "do") { ret pexpr(parse_do_while_expr(p)); } else if eat_word(p, "loop") { ret pexpr(parse_loop_expr(p)); } else if eat_word(p, "alt") { ret pexpr(parse_alt_expr(p)); } else if eat_word(p, "fn") { let proto = parse_fn_ty_proto(p); alt proto { ast::proto_bare { p.fatal("fn expr are deprecated, use fn@"); } ast::proto_any { p.fatal("fn* cannot be used in an expression"); } _ { /* fallthrough */ } } ret pexpr(parse_fn_expr(p, proto)); } else if eat_word(p, "unchecked") { ret pexpr(parse_block_expr(p, lo, ast::unchecked_blk)); } else if eat_word(p, "unsafe") { ret pexpr(parse_block_expr(p, lo, ast::unsafe_blk)); } else if p.token == token::LBRACKET { p.bump(); let mutbl = parse_mutability(p); let es = parse_seq_to_end(token::RBRACKET, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_expr, p); hi = p.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_vec(es, mutbl); } else if p.token == token::POUND_LT { p.bump(); let ty = parse_ty(p, false); expect(p, token::GT); /* hack: early return to take advantage of specialized function */ ret pexpr(mk_mac_expr(p, lo, p.span.hi, ast::mac_embed_type(ty))); } else if p.token == token::POUND_LBRACE { p.bump(); let blk = ast::mac_embed_block( parse_block_tail(p, lo, ast::default_blk)); ret pexpr(mk_mac_expr(p, lo, p.span.hi, blk)); } else if p.token == token::ELLIPSIS { p.bump(); ret pexpr(mk_mac_expr(p, lo, p.span.hi, ast::mac_ellipsis)); } else if eat_word(p, "bind") { let e = parse_expr_res(p, RESTRICT_NO_CALL_EXPRS); let es = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_expr_or_hole, p); hi = es.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_bind(e, es.node); } else if p.token == token::POUND { let ex_ext = parse_syntax_ext(p); hi = ex_ext.span.hi; ex = ex_ext.node; } else if eat_word(p, "fail") { if can_begin_expr(p.token) { let e = parse_expr(p); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_fail(some(e)); } else { ex = ast::expr_fail(none); } } else if eat_word(p, "log") { expect(p, token::LPAREN); let lvl = parse_expr(p); expect(p, token::COMMA); let e = parse_expr(p); ex = ast::expr_log(2, lvl, e); hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::RPAREN); } else if eat_word(p, "assert") { let e = parse_expr(p); ex = ast::expr_assert(e); hi = e.span.hi; } else if eat_word(p, "check") { /* Should be a predicate (pure boolean function) applied to arguments that are all either slot variables or literals. but the typechecker enforces that. */ let e = parse_expr(p); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_check(ast::checked_expr, e); } else if eat_word(p, "claim") { /* Same rules as check, except that if check-claims is enabled (a command-line flag), then the parser turns claims into check */ let e = parse_expr(p); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_check(ast::claimed_expr, e); } else if eat_word(p, "ret") { if can_begin_expr(p.token) { let e = parse_expr(p); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_ret(some(e)); } else { ex = ast::expr_ret(none); } } else if eat_word(p, "break") { ex = ast::expr_break; hi = p.span.hi; } else if eat_word(p, "cont") { ex = ast::expr_cont; hi = p.span.hi; } else if eat_word(p, "be") { let e = parse_expr(p); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_be(e); } else if eat_word(p, "copy") { let e = parse_expr(p); ex = ast::expr_copy(e); hi = e.span.hi; } else if p.token == token::MOD_SEP || is_ident(p.token) && !is_word(p, "true") && !is_word(p, "false") { check_bad_word(p); let pth = parse_path_and_ty_param_substs(p, true); hi = pth.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_path(pth); } else { let lit = parse_lit(p); hi = lit.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_lit(@lit); } // Vstore is legal following expr_lit(lit_str(...)) and expr_vec(...) // only. alt ex { ast::expr_lit(@{node: ast::lit_str(_), span: _}) | ast::expr_vec(_, _) { alt maybe_parse_vstore(p) { none { } some(v) { hi = p.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_vstore(mk_expr(p, lo, hi, ex), v); } } } _ { } } ret mk_pexpr(p, lo, hi, ex); } fn parse_block_expr(p: parser, lo: uint, blk_mode: ast::blk_check_mode) -> @ast::expr { expect(p, token::LBRACE); let blk = parse_block_tail(p, lo, blk_mode); ret mk_expr(p, blk.span.lo, blk.span.hi, ast::expr_block(blk)); } fn parse_syntax_ext(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.span.lo; expect(p, token::POUND); ret parse_syntax_ext_naked(p, lo); } fn parse_syntax_ext_naked(p: parser, lo: uint) -> @ast::expr { alt p.token { token::IDENT(_, _) {} _ { p.fatal("expected a syntax expander name"); } } let pth = parse_path(p); //temporary for a backwards-compatible cycle: let sep = seq_sep(token::COMMA); let mut e = none; if (p.token == token::LPAREN || p.token == token::LBRACKET) { let es = if p.token == token::LPAREN { parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, sep, parse_expr, p) } else { parse_seq(token::LBRACKET, token::RBRACKET, sep, parse_expr, p) }; let hi = es.span.hi; e = some(mk_expr(p, es.span.lo, hi, ast::expr_vec(es.node, ast::m_imm))); } let mut b = none; if p.token == token::LBRACE { p.bump(); let lo = p.span.lo; let mut depth = 1u; while (depth > 0u) { alt (p.token) { token::LBRACE {depth += 1u;} token::RBRACE {depth -= 1u;} token::EOF {p.fatal("unexpected EOF in macro body");} _ {} } p.bump(); } let hi = p.last_span.lo; b = some({span: mk_sp(lo,hi)}); } ret mk_mac_expr(p, lo, p.span.hi, ast::mac_invoc(pth, e, b)); } fn parse_dot_or_call_expr(p: parser) -> pexpr { let b = parse_bottom_expr(p); parse_dot_or_call_expr_with(p, b) } fn permits_call(p: parser) -> bool { ret p.restriction != RESTRICT_NO_CALL_EXPRS; } fn parse_dot_or_call_expr_with(p: parser, e0: pexpr) -> pexpr { let mut e = e0; let lo = e.span.lo; let mut hi = e.span.hi; loop { // expr.f if eat(p, token::DOT) { alt p.token { token::IDENT(i, _) { hi = p.span.hi; p.bump(); let tys = if eat(p, token::MOD_SEP) { expect(p, token::LT); parse_seq_to_gt(some(token::COMMA), {|p| parse_ty(p, false)}, p) } else { [] }; e = mk_pexpr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_field(to_expr(e), p.get_str(i), tys)); } _ { unexpected(p); } } cont; } if expr_is_complete(p, e) { break; } alt p.token { // expr(...) token::LPAREN if permits_call(p) { let es_opt = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_expr_or_hole, p); hi = es_opt.span.hi; let nd = if vec::any(es_opt.node, {|e| option::is_none(e) }) { ast::expr_bind(to_expr(e), es_opt.node) } else { let es = vec::map(es_opt.node) {|e| option::get(e) }; ast::expr_call(to_expr(e), es, false) }; e = mk_pexpr(p, lo, hi, nd); } // expr {|| ... } token::LBRACE if (token::is_bar(p.look_ahead(1u)) && permits_call(p)) { p.bump(); let blk = parse_fn_block_expr(p); alt e.node { ast::expr_call(f, args, false) { e = pexpr(@{node: ast::expr_call(f, args + [blk], true) with *to_expr(e)}); } _ { e = mk_pexpr(p, lo, p.last_span.hi, ast::expr_call(to_expr(e), [blk], true)); } } } // expr[...] token::LBRACKET { p.bump(); let ix = parse_expr(p); hi = ix.span.hi; expect(p, token::RBRACKET); p.get_id(); // see ast_util::op_expr_callee_id e = mk_pexpr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_index(to_expr(e), ix)); } _ { ret e; } } } ret e; } fn parse_prefix_expr(p: parser) -> pexpr { let lo = p.span.lo; let mut hi = p.span.hi; let mut ex; alt p.token { token::NOT { p.bump(); let e = to_expr(parse_prefix_expr(p)); hi = e.span.hi; p.get_id(); // see ast_util::op_expr_callee_id ex = ast::expr_unary(ast::not, e); } token::BINOP(b) { alt b { token::MINUS { p.bump(); let e = to_expr(parse_prefix_expr(p)); hi = e.span.hi; p.get_id(); // see ast_util::op_expr_callee_id ex = ast::expr_unary(ast::neg, e); } token::STAR { p.bump(); let e = to_expr(parse_prefix_expr(p)); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_unary(ast::deref, e); } token::AND { p.bump(); let m = parse_mutability(p); let e = to_expr(parse_prefix_expr(p)); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_addr_of(m, e); } _ { ret parse_dot_or_call_expr(p); } } } token::AT { p.bump(); let m = parse_mutability(p); let e = to_expr(parse_prefix_expr(p)); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_unary(ast::box(m), e); } token::TILDE { p.bump(); let m = parse_mutability(p); let e = to_expr(parse_prefix_expr(p)); hi = e.span.hi; ex = ast::expr_unary(ast::uniq(m), e); } _ { ret parse_dot_or_call_expr(p); } } ret mk_pexpr(p, lo, hi, ex); } fn parse_binops(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { ret parse_more_binops(p, parse_prefix_expr(p), 0); } fn parse_more_binops(p: parser, plhs: pexpr, min_prec: int) -> @ast::expr { let lhs = to_expr(plhs); if expr_is_complete(p, plhs) { ret lhs; } let peeked = p.token; if peeked == token::BINOP(token::OR) && p.restriction == RESTRICT_NO_BAR_OP { ret lhs; } for vec::each(*p.binop_precs) {|cur| if cur.prec > min_prec && cur.tok == peeked { p.bump(); let expr = parse_prefix_expr(p); let rhs = parse_more_binops(p, expr, cur.prec); p.get_id(); // see ast_util::op_expr_callee_id let bin = mk_pexpr(p, lhs.span.lo, rhs.span.hi, ast::expr_binary(cur.op, lhs, rhs)); ret parse_more_binops(p, bin, min_prec); } } if as_prec > min_prec && eat_word(p, "as") { let rhs = parse_ty(p, true); let _as = mk_pexpr(p, lhs.span.lo, rhs.span.hi, ast::expr_cast(lhs, rhs)); ret parse_more_binops(p, _as, min_prec); } ret lhs; } fn parse_assign_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.span.lo; let lhs = parse_binops(p); alt p.token { token::EQ { p.bump(); let rhs = parse_expr(p); ret mk_expr(p, lo, rhs.span.hi, ast::expr_assign(lhs, rhs)); } token::BINOPEQ(op) { p.bump(); let rhs = parse_expr(p); let mut aop; alt op { token::PLUS { aop = ast::add; } token::MINUS { aop = ast::subtract; } token::STAR { aop = ast::mul; } token::SLASH { aop = ast::div; } token::PERCENT { aop = ast::rem; } token::CARET { aop = ast::bitxor; } token::AND { aop = ast::bitand; } token::OR { aop = ast::bitor; } token::LSL { aop = ast::lsl; } token::LSR { aop = ast::lsr; } token::ASR { aop = ast::asr; } } p.get_id(); // see ast_util::op_expr_callee_id ret mk_expr(p, lo, rhs.span.hi, ast::expr_assign_op(aop, lhs, rhs)); } token::LARROW { p.bump(); let rhs = parse_expr(p); ret mk_expr(p, lo, rhs.span.hi, ast::expr_move(lhs, rhs)); } token::DARROW { p.bump(); let rhs = parse_expr(p); ret mk_expr(p, lo, rhs.span.hi, ast::expr_swap(lhs, rhs)); } _ {/* fall through */ } } ret lhs; } fn parse_if_expr_1(p: parser) -> {cond: @ast::expr, then: ast::blk, els: option<@ast::expr>, lo: uint, hi: uint} { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let cond = parse_expr(p); let thn = parse_block(p); let mut els: option<@ast::expr> = none; let mut hi = thn.span.hi; if eat_word(p, "else") { let elexpr = parse_else_expr(p); els = some(elexpr); hi = elexpr.span.hi; } ret {cond: cond, then: thn, els: els, lo: lo, hi: hi}; } fn parse_if_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { if eat_word(p, "check") { let q = parse_if_expr_1(p); ret mk_expr(p, q.lo, q.hi, ast::expr_if_check(q.cond, q.then, q.els)); } else { let q = parse_if_expr_1(p); ret mk_expr(p, q.lo, q.hi, ast::expr_if(q.cond, q.then, q.els)); } } // Parses: // // CC := [copy ID*; move ID*] // // where any part is optional and trailing ; is permitted. fn parse_capture_clause(p: parser) -> @ast::capture_clause { fn expect_opt_trailing_semi(p: parser) { if !eat(p, token::SEMI) { if p.token != token::RBRACKET { p.fatal("expecting ; or ]"); } } } fn eat_ident_list(p: parser) -> [@ast::capture_item] { let mut res = []; loop { alt p.token { token::IDENT(_, _) { let id = p.get_id(); let sp = ast_util::mk_sp(p.span.lo, p.span.hi); let ident = parse_ident(p); res += [@{id:id, name:ident, span:sp}]; if !eat(p, token::COMMA) { ret res; } } _ { ret res; } } }; } let mut copies = []; let mut moves = []; if eat(p, token::LBRACKET) { while !eat(p, token::RBRACKET) { if eat_word(p, "copy") { copies += eat_ident_list(p); expect_opt_trailing_semi(p); } else if eat_word(p, "move") { moves += eat_ident_list(p); expect_opt_trailing_semi(p); } else { let s: str = "expecting send, copy, or move clause"; p.fatal(s); } } } ret @{copies: copies, moves: moves}; } fn parse_fn_expr(p: parser, proto: ast::proto) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let capture_clause = parse_capture_clause(p); let decl = parse_fn_decl(p, ast::impure_fn); let body = parse_block(p); ret mk_expr(p, lo, body.span.hi, ast::expr_fn(proto, decl, body, capture_clause)); } fn parse_fn_block_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let decl = parse_fn_block_decl(p); let body = parse_block_tail(p, lo, ast::default_blk); ret mk_expr(p, lo, body.span.hi, ast::expr_fn_block(decl, body)); } fn parse_else_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { if eat_word(p, "if") { ret parse_if_expr(p); } else { let blk = parse_block(p); ret mk_expr(p, blk.span.lo, blk.span.hi, ast::expr_block(blk)); } } fn parse_for_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.last_span; let call = parse_expr_res(p, RESTRICT_STMT_EXPR); alt call.node { ast::expr_call(f, args, true) { let b_arg = vec::last(args); let last = mk_expr(p, b_arg.span.lo, b_arg.span.hi, ast::expr_loop_body(b_arg)); @{node: ast::expr_call(f, vec::init(args) + [last], true) with *call} } _ { p.span_fatal(lo, "`for` must be followed by a block call"); } } } fn parse_while_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let cond = parse_expr(p); let body = parse_block_no_value(p); let mut hi = body.span.hi; ret mk_expr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_while(cond, body)); } fn parse_do_while_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let body = parse_block_no_value(p); expect_word(p, "while"); let cond = parse_expr(p); let mut hi = cond.span.hi; ret mk_expr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_do_while(body, cond)); } fn parse_loop_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let body = parse_block_no_value(p); let mut hi = body.span.hi; ret mk_expr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_loop(body)); } fn parse_alt_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let mode = if eat_word(p, "check") { ast::alt_check } else { ast::alt_exhaustive }; let discriminant = parse_expr(p); expect(p, token::LBRACE); let mut arms: [ast::arm] = []; while p.token != token::RBRACE { let pats = parse_pats(p); let mut guard = none; if eat_word(p, "if") { guard = some(parse_expr(p)); } let blk = parse_block(p); arms += [{pats: pats, guard: guard, body: blk}]; } let mut hi = p.span.hi; p.bump(); ret mk_expr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_alt(discriminant, arms, mode)); } fn parse_expr(p: parser) -> @ast::expr { ret parse_expr_res(p, UNRESTRICTED); } fn parse_expr_or_hole(p: parser) -> option<@ast::expr> { alt p.token { token::UNDERSCORE { p.bump(); ret none; } _ { ret some(parse_expr(p)); } } } fn parse_expr_res(p: parser, r: restriction) -> @ast::expr { let old = p.restriction; p.restriction = r; let e = parse_assign_expr(p); p.restriction = old; ret e; } fn parse_initializer(p: parser) -> option { alt p.token { token::EQ { p.bump(); ret some({op: ast::init_assign, expr: parse_expr(p)}); } token::LARROW { p.bump(); ret some({op: ast::init_move, expr: parse_expr(p)}); } // Now that the the channel is the first argument to receive, // combining it with an initializer doesn't really make sense. // case (token::RECV) { // p.bump(); // ret some(rec(op = ast::init_recv, // expr = parse_expr(p))); // } _ { ret none; } } } fn parse_pats(p: parser) -> [@ast::pat] { let mut pats = []; loop { pats += [parse_pat(p)]; if p.token == token::BINOP(token::OR) { p.bump(); } else { ret pats; } }; } fn parse_pat(p: parser) -> @ast::pat { let lo = p.span.lo; let mut hi = p.span.hi; let mut pat; alt p.token { token::UNDERSCORE { p.bump(); pat = ast::pat_wild; } token::AT { p.bump(); let sub = parse_pat(p); pat = ast::pat_box(sub); hi = sub.span.hi; } token::TILDE { p.bump(); let sub = parse_pat(p); pat = ast::pat_uniq(sub); hi = sub.span.hi; } token::LBRACE { p.bump(); let mut fields = []; let mut etc = false; let mut first = true; while p.token != token::RBRACE { if first { first = false; } else { expect(p, token::COMMA); } if p.token == token::UNDERSCORE { p.bump(); if p.token != token::RBRACE { p.fatal("expecting }, found " + token_to_str(p.reader, p.token)); } etc = true; break; } let lo1 = p.last_span.lo; let fieldname = parse_ident(p); let hi1 = p.last_span.lo; let fieldpath = ast_util::ident_to_path(ast_util::mk_sp(lo1, hi1), fieldname); let mut subpat; if p.token == token::COLON { p.bump(); subpat = parse_pat(p); } else { if p.bad_expr_words.contains_key(fieldname) { p.fatal("found " + fieldname + " in binding position"); } subpat = @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::pat_ident(fieldpath, none), span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}; } fields += [{ident: fieldname, pat: subpat}]; } hi = p.span.hi; p.bump(); pat = ast::pat_rec(fields, etc); } token::LPAREN { p.bump(); if p.token == token::RPAREN { hi = p.span.hi; p.bump(); let lit = @{node: ast::lit_nil, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}; let expr = mk_expr(p, lo, hi, ast::expr_lit(lit)); pat = ast::pat_lit(expr); } else { let mut fields = [parse_pat(p)]; while p.token == token::COMMA { p.bump(); fields += [parse_pat(p)]; } if vec::len(fields) == 1u { expect(p, token::COMMA); } hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::RPAREN); pat = ast::pat_tup(fields); } } tok { if !is_ident(tok) || is_word(p, "true") || is_word(p, "false") { let val = parse_expr_res(p, RESTRICT_NO_BAR_OP); if eat_word(p, "to") { let end = parse_expr_res(p, RESTRICT_NO_BAR_OP); hi = end.span.hi; pat = ast::pat_range(val, end); } else { hi = val.span.hi; pat = ast::pat_lit(val); } } else if is_plain_ident(p.token) && alt p.look_ahead(1u) { token::LPAREN | token::LBRACKET | token::LT { false } _ { true } } { let name = parse_value_path(p); let sub = if eat(p, token::AT) { some(parse_pat(p)) } else { none }; pat = ast::pat_ident(name, sub); } else { let enum_path = parse_path_and_ty_param_substs(p, true); hi = enum_path.span.hi; let mut args: [@ast::pat]; alt p.token { token::LPAREN { let a = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_pat, p); args = a.node; hi = a.span.hi; } _ { args = []; } } // at this point, we're not sure whether it's a enum or a bind if vec::len(args) == 0u && vec::len(enum_path.node.idents) == 1u { pat = ast::pat_ident(enum_path, none); } else { pat = ast::pat_enum(enum_path, args); } } } } ret @{id: p.get_id(), node: pat, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}; } fn parse_local(p: parser, is_mutbl: bool, allow_init: bool) -> @ast::local { let lo = p.span.lo; let pat = parse_pat(p); let mut ty = @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_infer, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, lo)}; if eat(p, token::COLON) { ty = parse_ty(p, false); } let init = if allow_init { parse_initializer(p) } else { none }; ret @spanned(lo, p.last_span.hi, {is_mutbl: is_mutbl, ty: ty, pat: pat, init: init, id: p.get_id()}); } fn parse_let(p: parser) -> @ast::decl { let is_mutbl = eat_word(p, "mut"); let lo = p.span.lo; let mut locals = [parse_local(p, is_mutbl, true)]; while eat(p, token::COMMA) { locals += [parse_local(p, is_mutbl, true)]; } ret @spanned(lo, p.last_span.hi, ast::decl_local(locals)); } /* assumes "let" token has already been consumed */ fn parse_instance_var(p:parser, pr: ast::privacy) -> @ast::class_member { let mut is_mutbl = ast::class_immutable; let lo = p.span.lo; if eat_word(p, "mut") || eat_word(p, "mutable") { is_mutbl = ast::class_mutable; } if !is_plain_ident(p.token) { p.fatal("expecting ident"); } let name = parse_ident(p); expect(p, token::COLON); let ty = parse_ty(p, false); ret @{node: ast::instance_var(name, ty, is_mutbl, p.get_id(), pr), span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, p.last_span.hi)}; } fn parse_stmt(p: parser, first_item_attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::stmt { fn check_expected_item(p: parser, current_attrs: [ast::attribute]) { // If we have attributes then we should have an item if vec::is_not_empty(current_attrs) { p.fatal("expected item"); } } let lo = p.span.lo; if is_word(p, "let") { check_expected_item(p, first_item_attrs); expect_word(p, "let"); let decl = parse_let(p); ret @spanned(lo, decl.span.hi, ast::stmt_decl(decl, p.get_id())); } else { let mut item_attrs; alt parse_outer_attrs_or_ext(p, first_item_attrs) { none { item_attrs = []; } some(left(attrs)) { item_attrs = attrs; } some(right(ext)) { ret @spanned(lo, ext.span.hi, ast::stmt_expr(ext, p.get_id())); } } let item_attrs = first_item_attrs + item_attrs; alt parse_item(p, item_attrs) { some(i) { let mut hi = i.span.hi; let decl = @spanned(lo, hi, ast::decl_item(i)); ret @spanned(lo, hi, ast::stmt_decl(decl, p.get_id())); } none() { /* fallthrough */ } } check_expected_item(p, item_attrs); // Remainder are line-expr stmts. let e = parse_expr_res(p, RESTRICT_STMT_EXPR); ret @spanned(lo, e.span.hi, ast::stmt_expr(e, p.get_id())); } } fn expr_is_complete(p: parser, e: pexpr) -> bool { log(debug, ("expr_is_complete", p.restriction, print::pprust::expr_to_str(*e), classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(*e))); ret p.restriction == RESTRICT_STMT_EXPR && !classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(*e); } fn parse_block(p: parser) -> ast::blk { let (attrs, blk) = parse_inner_attrs_and_block(p, false); assert vec::is_empty(attrs); ret blk; } fn parse_inner_attrs_and_block( p: parser, parse_attrs: bool) -> ([ast::attribute], ast::blk) { fn maybe_parse_inner_attrs_and_next( p: parser, parse_attrs: bool) -> {inner: [ast::attribute], next: [ast::attribute]} { if parse_attrs { parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p) } else { {inner: [], next: []} } } let lo = p.span.lo; if eat_word(p, "unchecked") { expect(p, token::LBRACE); let {inner, next} = maybe_parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p, parse_attrs); ret (inner, parse_block_tail_(p, lo, ast::unchecked_blk, next)); } else if eat_word(p, "unsafe") { expect(p, token::LBRACE); let {inner, next} = maybe_parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p, parse_attrs); ret (inner, parse_block_tail_(p, lo, ast::unsafe_blk, next)); } else { expect(p, token::LBRACE); let {inner, next} = maybe_parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p, parse_attrs); ret (inner, parse_block_tail_(p, lo, ast::default_blk, next)); } } fn parse_block_no_value(p: parser) -> ast::blk { // We parse blocks that cannot have a value the same as any other block; // the type checker will make sure that the tail expression (if any) has // unit type. ret parse_block(p); } // Precondition: already parsed the '{' or '#{' // I guess that also means "already parsed the 'impure'" if // necessary, and this should take a qualifier. // some blocks start with "#{"... fn parse_block_tail(p: parser, lo: uint, s: ast::blk_check_mode) -> ast::blk { parse_block_tail_(p, lo, s, []) } fn parse_block_tail_(p: parser, lo: uint, s: ast::blk_check_mode, first_item_attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> ast::blk { let mut stmts = []; let mut expr = none; let view_items = maybe_parse_view_import_only(p, first_item_attrs); let mut initial_attrs = first_item_attrs; if p.token == token::RBRACE && !vec::is_empty(initial_attrs) { p.fatal("expected item"); } while p.token != token::RBRACE { alt p.token { token::SEMI { p.bump(); // empty } _ { let stmt = parse_stmt(p, initial_attrs); initial_attrs = []; alt stmt.node { ast::stmt_expr(e, stmt_id) { // Expression without semicolon: alt p.token { token::SEMI { p.bump(); stmts += [@{node: ast::stmt_semi(e, stmt_id) with *stmt}]; } token::RBRACE { expr = some(e); } t { if classify::stmt_ends_with_semi(*stmt) { p.fatal("expected ';' or '}' after expression but \ found '" + token_to_str(p.reader, t) + "'"); } stmts += [stmt]; } } } _ { // All other kinds of statements: stmts += [stmt]; if classify::stmt_ends_with_semi(*stmt) { expect(p, token::SEMI); } } } } } } let mut hi = p.span.hi; p.bump(); let bloc = {view_items: view_items, stmts: stmts, expr: expr, id: p.get_id(), rules: s}; ret spanned(lo, hi, bloc); } fn parse_ty_param(p: parser) -> ast::ty_param { let mut bounds = []; let ident = parse_ident(p); if eat(p, token::COLON) { while p.token != token::COMMA && p.token != token::GT { if eat_word(p, "send") { bounds += [ast::bound_send]; } else if eat_word(p, "copy") { bounds += [ast::bound_copy]; } else { bounds += [ast::bound_iface(parse_ty(p, false))]; } } } ret {ident: ident, id: p.get_id(), bounds: @bounds}; } fn parse_ty_params(p: parser) -> [ast::ty_param] { if eat(p, token::LT) { parse_seq_to_gt(some(token::COMMA), parse_ty_param, p) } else { [] } } fn parse_fn_decl(p: parser, purity: ast::purity) -> ast::fn_decl { let inputs: ast::spanned<[ast::arg]> = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_arg, p); // Use the args list to translate each bound variable // mentioned in a constraint to an arg index. // Seems weird to do this in the parser, but I'm not sure how else to. let mut constrs = []; if p.token == token::COLON { p.bump(); constrs = parse_constrs({|x| parse_ty_constr(inputs.node, x) }, p); } let (ret_style, ret_ty) = parse_ret_ty(p); ret {inputs: inputs.node, output: ret_ty, purity: purity, cf: ret_style, constraints: constrs}; } fn parse_fn_block_decl(p: parser) -> ast::fn_decl { let inputs = if eat(p, token::OROR) { [] } else { parse_seq(token::BINOP(token::OR), token::BINOP(token::OR), seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_fn_block_arg, p).node }; let output = if eat(p, token::RARROW) { parse_ty(p, false) } else { @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_infer, span: p.span} }; ret {inputs: inputs, output: output, purity: ast::impure_fn, cf: ast::return_val, constraints: []}; } fn parse_fn_header(p: parser) -> {ident: ast::ident, tps: [ast::ty_param]} { let id = parse_value_ident(p); let ty_params = parse_ty_params(p); ret {ident: id, tps: ty_params}; } fn mk_item(p: parser, lo: uint, hi: uint, ident: ast::ident, node: ast::item_, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { ret @{ident: ident, attrs: attrs, id: p.get_id(), node: node, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}; } fn parse_item_fn(p: parser, purity: ast::purity, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let t = parse_fn_header(p); let decl = parse_fn_decl(p, purity); let (inner_attrs, body) = parse_inner_attrs_and_block(p, true); let attrs = attrs + inner_attrs; ret mk_item(p, lo, body.span.hi, t.ident, ast::item_fn(decl, t.tps, body), attrs); } fn parse_method_name(p: parser) -> ast::ident { alt p.token { token::BINOP(op) { p.bump(); token::binop_to_str(op) } token::NOT { p.bump(); "!" } token::LBRACKET { p.bump(); expect(p, token::RBRACKET); "[]" } _ { let id = parse_value_ident(p); if id == "unary" && eat(p, token::BINOP(token::MINUS)) { "unary-" } else { id } } } } fn parse_method(p: parser, pr: ast::privacy) -> @ast::method { let attrs = parse_outer_attributes(p); let lo = p.span.lo, pur = parse_fn_purity(p); let ident = parse_method_name(p); let tps = parse_ty_params(p); let decl = parse_fn_decl(p, pur); let (inner_attrs, body) = parse_inner_attrs_and_block(p, true); let attrs = attrs + inner_attrs; @{ident: ident, attrs: attrs, tps: tps, decl: decl, body: body, id: p.get_id(), span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, body.span.hi), self_id: p.get_id(), privacy: pr} } fn parse_item_iface(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo, ident = parse_ident(p), tps = parse_ty_params(p), meths = parse_ty_methods(p); ret mk_item(p, lo, p.last_span.hi, ident, ast::item_iface(tps, meths), attrs); } // Parses three variants (with the initial params always optional): // impl of to_str for [T] { ... } // impl name of to_str for [T] { ... } // impl name for [T] { ... } fn parse_item_impl(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; fn wrap_path(p: parser, pt: @ast::path) -> @ast::ty { @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_path(pt, p.get_id()), span: pt.span} } let mut (ident, tps) = if !is_word(p, "of") { if p.token == token::LT { (none, parse_ty_params(p)) } else { (some(parse_ident(p)), parse_ty_params(p)) } } else { (none, []) }; let ifce = if eat_word(p, "of") { let path = parse_path_and_ty_param_substs(p, false); if option::is_none(ident) { ident = some(path.node.idents[vec::len(path.node.idents) - 1u]); } some(wrap_path(p, path)) } else { none }; let ident = alt ident { some(name) { name } none { expect_word(p, "of"); fail; } }; expect_word(p, "for"); let ty = parse_ty(p, false); let mut meths = []; expect(p, token::LBRACE); while !eat(p, token::RBRACE) { meths += [parse_method(p, ast::pub)]; } ret mk_item(p, lo, p.last_span.hi, ident, ast::item_impl(tps, ifce, ty, meths), attrs); } fn parse_item_res(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let ident = parse_value_ident(p); let rp = parse_region_param(p); let ty_params = parse_ty_params(p); expect(p, token::LPAREN); let arg_ident = parse_value_ident(p); expect(p, token::COLON); let t = parse_ty(p, false); expect(p, token::RPAREN); let dtor = parse_block_no_value(p); let decl = {inputs: [{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref), ty: t, ident: arg_ident, id: p.get_id()}], output: @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_nil, span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, lo)}, purity: ast::impure_fn, cf: ast::return_val, constraints: []}; ret mk_item(p, lo, dtor.span.hi, ident, ast::item_res(decl, ty_params, dtor, p.get_id(), p.get_id(), rp), attrs); } // Instantiates ident with references to as arguments fn ident_to_path_tys(p: parser, i: ast::ident, typarams: [ast::ty_param]) -> @ast::path { let s = p.last_span; let p_: ast::path_ = {global: false, idents: [i], types: vec::map(typarams, {|tp| @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_path(ident_to_path(s, tp.ident), p.get_id()), span: s}})}; @spanned(s.lo, s.hi, p_) } fn parse_iface_ref_list(p:parser) -> [ast::iface_ref] { parse_seq_to_before_end(token::LBRACE, seq_sep(token::COMMA), {|p| {path: parse_path(p), id: p.get_id()}}, p) } fn parse_item_class(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let class_name = parse_value_ident(p); let rp = parse_region_param(p); let ty_params = parse_ty_params(p); let class_path = ident_to_path_tys(p, class_name, ty_params); let ifaces : [ast::iface_ref] = if eat_word(p, "implements") { parse_iface_ref_list(p) } else { [] }; expect(p, token::LBRACE); let mut ms: [@ast::class_member] = []; let ctor_id = p.get_id(); let mut the_ctor : option<(ast::fn_decl, ast::blk, codemap::span)> = none; while p.token != token::RBRACE { alt parse_class_item(p, class_path) { ctor_decl(a_fn_decl, blk, s) { the_ctor = some((a_fn_decl, blk, s)); } members(mms) { ms += mms; } } } p.bump(); alt the_ctor { some((ct_d, ct_b, ct_s)) { ret mk_item(p, lo, p.last_span.hi, class_name, ast::item_class(ty_params, ifaces, ms, {node: {id: ctor_id, self_id: p.get_id(), dec: ct_d, body: ct_b}, span: ct_s}, rp), attrs); } /* Is it strange for the parser to check this? */ none { p.fatal("class with no ctor"); } } } fn parse_single_class_item(p: parser, privcy: ast::privacy) -> @ast::class_member { if eat_word(p, "let") { let a_var = parse_instance_var(p, privcy); expect(p, token::SEMI); ret a_var; } else { let m = parse_method(p, privcy); ret @{node: ast::class_method(m), span: m.span}; } } // lets us identify the constructor declaration at // parse time enum class_contents { ctor_decl(ast::fn_decl, ast::blk, codemap::span), members([@ast::class_member]) } fn parse_class_item(p:parser, class_name_with_tps:@ast::path) -> class_contents { if eat_word(p, "new") { let lo = p.last_span.lo; // Can ctors have attrs? // result type is always the type of the class let decl_ = parse_fn_decl(p, ast::impure_fn); let decl = {output: @{id: p.get_id(), node: ast::ty_path(class_name_with_tps, p.get_id()), span: decl_.output.span} with decl_}; let body = parse_block(p); ret ctor_decl(decl, body, ast_util::mk_sp(lo, p.last_span.hi)); } else if eat_word(p, "priv") { expect(p, token::LBRACE); let mut results = []; while p.token != token::RBRACE { results += [parse_single_class_item(p, ast::priv)]; } p.bump(); ret members(results); } else { // Probably need to parse attrs ret members([parse_single_class_item(p, ast::pub)]); } } fn parse_mod_items(p: parser, term: token::token, first_item_attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> ast::_mod { // Shouldn't be any view items since we've already parsed an item attr let view_items = maybe_parse_view(p, first_item_attrs); let mut items: [@ast::item] = []; let mut initial_attrs = first_item_attrs; while p.token != term { let attrs = initial_attrs + parse_outer_attributes(p); #debug["parse_mod_items: parse_item(attrs=%?)", attrs]; alt parse_item(p, attrs) { some(i) { items += [i]; } _ { p.fatal("expected item but found '" + token_to_str(p.reader, p.token) + "'"); } } #debug["parse_mod_items: attrs=%?", attrs]; initial_attrs = []; } if vec::is_not_empty(initial_attrs) { // We parsed attributes for the first item but didn't find the item p.fatal("expected item"); } ret {view_items: view_items, items: items}; } fn parse_item_const(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let id = parse_value_ident(p); expect(p, token::COLON); let ty = parse_ty(p, false); expect(p, token::EQ); let e = parse_expr(p); let mut hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::SEMI); ret mk_item(p, lo, hi, id, ast::item_const(ty, e), attrs); } fn parse_item_mod(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let id = parse_ident(p); expect(p, token::LBRACE); let inner_attrs = parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p); let first_item_outer_attrs =; let m = parse_mod_items(p, token::RBRACE, first_item_outer_attrs); let mut hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::RBRACE); ret mk_item(p, lo, hi, id, ast::item_mod(m), attrs + inner_attrs.inner); } fn parse_item_native_fn(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute], purity: ast::purity) -> @ast::native_item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let t = parse_fn_header(p); let decl = parse_fn_decl(p, purity); let mut hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::SEMI); ret @{ident: t.ident, attrs: attrs, node: ast::native_item_fn(decl, t.tps), id: p.get_id(), span: ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi)}; } fn parse_fn_purity(p: parser) -> ast::purity { if eat_word(p, "fn") { ast::impure_fn } else if eat_word(p, "pure") { expect_word(p, "fn"); ast::pure_fn } else if eat_word(p, "unsafe") { expect_word(p, "fn"); ast::unsafe_fn } else { unexpected(p); } } fn parse_native_item(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::native_item { parse_item_native_fn(p, attrs, parse_fn_purity(p)) } fn parse_native_mod_items(p: parser, first_item_attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> ast::native_mod { // Shouldn't be any view items since we've already parsed an item attr let view_items = if vec::len(first_item_attrs) == 0u { parse_native_view(p) } else { [] }; let mut items: [@ast::native_item] = []; let mut initial_attrs = first_item_attrs; while p.token != token::RBRACE { let attrs = initial_attrs + parse_outer_attributes(p); initial_attrs = []; items += [parse_native_item(p, attrs)]; } ret {view_items: view_items, items: items}; } fn parse_item_native_mod(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; expect_word(p, "mod"); let id = parse_ident(p); expect(p, token::LBRACE); let more_attrs = parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p); let inner_attrs = more_attrs.inner; let first_item_outer_attrs =; let m = parse_native_mod_items(p, first_item_outer_attrs); let mut hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::RBRACE); ret mk_item(p, lo, hi, id, ast::item_native_mod(m), attrs + inner_attrs); } fn parse_type_decl(p: parser) -> {lo: uint, ident: ast::ident} { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let id = parse_ident(p); ret {lo: lo, ident: id}; } fn parse_item_type(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let t = parse_type_decl(p); let rp = parse_region_param(p); let tps = parse_ty_params(p); expect(p, token::EQ); let ty = parse_ty(p, false); let mut hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::SEMI); ret mk_item(p, t.lo, hi, t.ident, ast::item_ty(ty, tps, rp), attrs); } fn parse_region_param(p: parser) -> ast::region_param { if eat(p, token::BINOP(token::SLASH)) { expect(p, token::BINOP(token::AND)); ast::rp_self } else { ast::rp_none } } fn parse_item_enum(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item { let lo = p.last_span.lo; let id = parse_ident(p); let rp = parse_region_param(p); let ty_params = parse_ty_params(p); let mut variants: [ast::variant] = []; // Newtype syntax if p.token == token::EQ { if p.bad_expr_words.contains_key(id) { p.fatal("found " + id + " in enum constructor position"); } p.bump(); let ty = parse_ty(p, false); expect(p, token::SEMI); let variant = spanned(ty.span.lo, ty.span.hi, {name: id, attrs: [], args: [{ty: ty, id: p.get_id()}], id: p.get_id(), disr_expr: none}); ret mk_item(p, lo, ty.span.hi, id, ast::item_enum([variant], ty_params, rp), attrs); } expect(p, token::LBRACE); let mut all_nullary = true, have_disr = false; while p.token != token::RBRACE { let variant_attrs = parse_outer_attributes(p); let vlo = p.span.lo; let ident = parse_value_ident(p); let mut args = [], disr_expr = none; if p.token == token::LPAREN { all_nullary = false; let arg_tys = parse_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN, seq_sep(token::COMMA), {|p| parse_ty(p, false)}, p); for arg_tys.node.each {|ty| args += [{ty: ty, id: p.get_id()}]; } } else if eat(p, token::EQ) { have_disr = true; disr_expr = some(parse_expr(p)); } let vr = {name: ident, attrs: variant_attrs, args: args, id: p.get_id(), disr_expr: disr_expr}; variants += [spanned(vlo, p.last_span.hi, vr)]; if !eat(p, token::COMMA) { break; } } expect(p, token::RBRACE); if (have_disr && !all_nullary) { p.fatal("discriminator values can only be used with a c-like enum"); } ret mk_item(p, lo, p.last_span.hi, id, ast::item_enum(variants, ty_params, rp), attrs); } fn parse_fn_ty_proto(p: parser) -> ast::proto { alt p.token { token::AT { p.bump(); ast::proto_box } token::TILDE { p.bump(); ast::proto_uniq } token::BINOP(token::AND) { p.bump(); ast::proto_block } _ { ast::proto_any } } } fn fn_expr_lookahead(tok: token::token) -> bool { alt tok { token::LPAREN | token::AT | token::TILDE | token::BINOP(_) { true } _ { false } } } fn parse_item(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> option<@ast::item> { if eat_word(p, "const") { ret some(parse_item_const(p, attrs)); } else if is_word(p, "fn") && !fn_expr_lookahead(p.look_ahead(1u)) { p.bump(); ret some(parse_item_fn(p, ast::impure_fn, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "pure") { expect_word(p, "fn"); ret some(parse_item_fn(p, ast::pure_fn, attrs)); } else if is_word(p, "unsafe") && p.look_ahead(1u) != token::LBRACE { p.bump(); expect_word(p, "fn"); ret some(parse_item_fn(p, ast::unsafe_fn, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "crust") { expect_word(p, "fn"); ret some(parse_item_fn(p, ast::crust_fn, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "mod") { ret some(parse_item_mod(p, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "native") { ret some(parse_item_native_mod(p, attrs)); } if eat_word(p, "type") { ret some(parse_item_type(p, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "enum") { ret some(parse_item_enum(p, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "iface") { ret some(parse_item_iface(p, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "impl") { ret some(parse_item_impl(p, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "resource") { ret some(parse_item_res(p, attrs)); } else if eat_word(p, "class") { ret some(parse_item_class(p, attrs)); } else { ret none; } } fn parse_use(p: parser) -> ast::view_item_ { let ident = parse_ident(p); let metadata = parse_optional_meta(p); ret ast::view_item_use(ident, metadata, p.get_id()); } fn parse_view_path(p: parser) -> @ast::view_path { let lo = p.span.lo; let first_ident = parse_ident(p); let mut path = [first_ident]; #debug("parsed view_path: %s", first_ident); alt p.token { token::EQ { // x = foo::bar p.bump(); path = [parse_ident(p)]; while p.token == token::MOD_SEP { p.bump(); let id = parse_ident(p); path += [id]; } let mut hi = p.span.hi; ret @spanned(lo, hi, ast::view_path_simple(first_ident, @spanned(lo, hi, {global: false, idents: path, types: []}), p.get_id())); } token::MOD_SEP { // foo::bar or foo::{a,b,c} or foo::* while p.token == token::MOD_SEP { p.bump(); alt p.token { token::IDENT(i, _) { p.bump(); path += [p.get_str(i)]; } // foo::bar::{a,b,c} token::LBRACE { let idents = parse_seq(token::LBRACE, token::RBRACE, seq_sep(token::COMMA), parse_path_list_ident, p).node; let mut hi = p.span.hi; ret @spanned(lo, hi, ast::view_path_list(@spanned(lo, hi, {global: false, idents: path, types: []}), idents, p.get_id())); } // foo::bar::* token::BINOP(token::STAR) { p.bump(); let mut hi = p.span.hi; ret @spanned(lo, hi, ast::view_path_glob(@spanned(lo, hi, {global: false, idents: path, types: []}), p.get_id())); } _ { break; } } } } _ { } } let mut hi = p.span.hi; let last = path[vec::len(path) - 1u]; ret @spanned(lo, hi, ast::view_path_simple(last, @spanned(lo, hi, {global: false, idents: path, types: []}), p.get_id())); } fn parse_view_paths(p: parser) -> [@ast::view_path] { let mut vp = [parse_view_path(p)]; while p.token == token::COMMA { p.bump(); vp += [parse_view_path(p)]; } ret vp; } fn parse_view_item(p: parser) -> @ast::view_item { let lo = p.span.lo; let the_item = if eat_word(p, "use") { parse_use(p) } else if eat_word(p, "import") { ast::view_item_import(parse_view_paths(p)) } else if eat_word(p, "export") { ast::view_item_export(parse_view_paths(p)) } else { fail }; let mut hi = p.span.lo; expect(p, token::SEMI); ret @spanned(lo, hi, the_item); } fn is_view_item(p: parser) -> bool { is_word(p, "use") || is_word(p, "import") || is_word(p, "export") } fn maybe_parse_view( p: parser, first_item_attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> [@ast::view_item] { maybe_parse_view_while(p, first_item_attrs, is_view_item) } fn maybe_parse_view_import_only( p: parser, first_item_attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> [@ast::view_item] { maybe_parse_view_while(p, first_item_attrs, bind is_word(_, "import")) } fn maybe_parse_view_while( p: parser, first_item_attrs: [ast::attribute], f: fn@(parser) -> bool) -> [@ast::view_item] { if vec::len(first_item_attrs) == 0u { let mut items = []; while f(p) { items += [parse_view_item(p)]; } ret items; } else { // Shouldn't be any view items since we've already parsed an item attr ret []; } } fn parse_native_view(p: parser) -> [@ast::view_item] { maybe_parse_view_while(p, [], is_view_item) } // Parses a source module as a crate fn parse_crate_mod(p: parser, _cfg: ast::crate_cfg) -> @ast::crate { let lo = p.span.lo; let crate_attrs = parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p); let first_item_outer_attrs =; let m = parse_mod_items(p, token::EOF, first_item_outer_attrs); ret @spanned(lo, p.span.lo, {directives: [], module: m, attrs: crate_attrs.inner, config: p.cfg}); } fn parse_str(p: parser) -> str { alt p.token { token::LIT_STR(s) { p.bump(); p.get_str(s) } _ { p.fatal("expected string literal") } } } // Logic for parsing crate files (.rc) // // Each crate file is a sequence of directives. // // Each directive imperatively extends its environment with 0 or more items. fn parse_crate_directive(p: parser, first_outer_attr: [ast::attribute]) -> ast::crate_directive { // Collect the next attributes let outer_attrs = first_outer_attr + parse_outer_attributes(p); // In a crate file outer attributes are only going to apply to mods let expect_mod = vec::len(outer_attrs) > 0u; let lo = p.span.lo; if expect_mod || is_word(p, "mod") { expect_word(p, "mod"); let id = parse_ident(p); alt p.token { // mod x = ""; token::SEMI { let mut hi = p.span.hi; p.bump(); ret spanned(lo, hi, ast::cdir_src_mod(id, outer_attrs)); } // mod x = "foo_dir" { ...directives... } token::LBRACE { p.bump(); let inner_attrs = parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p); let mod_attrs = outer_attrs + inner_attrs.inner; let next_outer_attr =; let cdirs = parse_crate_directives(p, token::RBRACE, next_outer_attr); let mut hi = p.span.hi; expect(p, token::RBRACE); ret spanned(lo, hi, ast::cdir_dir_mod(id, cdirs, mod_attrs)); } _ { unexpected(p); } } } else if is_view_item(p) { let vi = parse_view_item(p); ret spanned(lo, vi.span.hi, ast::cdir_view_item(vi)); } else { ret p.fatal("expected crate directive"); } } fn parse_crate_directives(p: parser, term: token::token, first_outer_attr: [ast::attribute]) -> [@ast::crate_directive] { // This is pretty ugly. If we have an outer attribute then we can't accept // seeing the terminator next, so if we do see it then fail the same way // parse_crate_directive would if vec::len(first_outer_attr) > 0u && p.token == term { expect_word(p, "mod"); } let mut cdirs: [@ast::crate_directive] = []; let mut first_outer_attr = first_outer_attr; while p.token != term { let cdir = @parse_crate_directive(p, first_outer_attr); cdirs += [cdir]; first_outer_attr = []; } ret cdirs; } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: //