import std::option; import std::getopts; import std::test; import std::fs; import std::str; import std::vec; import std::ivec; import std::io; import std::generic_os::setenv; import std::generic_os::getenv; import std::os; import std::run; tag mode { mode_compile_fail; mode_run_fail; mode_run_pass; } type config = rec(// The library paths required for running the compiler str compile_lib_path, // The library paths required for running compiled programs str run_lib_path, // The rustc executable str rustc_path, // The directory containing the tests to run str src_base, // The directory where programs should be built str build_base, // The name of the stage being built (stage1, etc) str stage_id, // The test mode, compile-fail, run-fail, run-pass mode mode, // Run ignored tests bool run_ignored, // Only run tests that match this filter option::t[str] filter, // A command line to prefix program execution with, // for running under valgrind option::t[str] runtool, // Flags to pass to the compiler option::t[str] rustcflags, // Explain what's going on bool verbose); fn main(vec[str] args) { auto ivec_args = { auto ivec_args = ~[]; for (str arg in args) { ivec_args += ~[arg]; } ivec_args }; auto config = parse_config(ivec_args); log_config(config); run_tests(config); } fn parse_config(&str[] args) -> config { auto opts = ~[getopts::reqopt("compile-lib-path"), getopts::reqopt("run-lib-path"), getopts::reqopt("rustc-path"), getopts::reqopt("src-base"), getopts::reqopt("build-base"), getopts::reqopt("stage-id"), getopts::reqopt("mode"), getopts::optflag("ignored"), getopts::optopt("runtool"), getopts::optopt("rustcflags"), getopts::optflag("verbose")]; check ivec::is_not_empty(args); auto args_ = ivec::tail(args); auto match = alt (getopts::getopts_ivec(args_, opts)) { getopts::success(?m) { m } getopts::failure(?f) { fail getopts::fail_str(f) } }; ret rec(compile_lib_path = getopts::opt_str(match, "compile-lib-path"), run_lib_path = getopts::opt_str(match, "run-lib-path"), rustc_path = getopts::opt_str(match, "rustc-path"), src_base = getopts::opt_str(match, "src-base"), build_base = getopts::opt_str(match, "build-base"), stage_id = getopts::opt_str(match, "stage-id"), mode = alt getopts::opt_str(match, "mode") { "compile-fail" { mode_compile_fail } "run-fail" { mode_run_fail } "run-pass" { mode_run_pass } _ { fail "invalid mode" } }, run_ignored = getopts::opt_present(match, "ignored"), filter = if vec::len( > 0u { option::some( } else { option::none }, runtool = getopts::opt_maybe_str(match, "runtool"), rustcflags = getopts::opt_maybe_str(match, "rustcflags"), verbose = getopts::opt_present(match, "verbose")); } fn log_config(&config config) { auto c = config; logv(c, #fmt("configuration:")); logv(c, #fmt("compile_lib_path: %s", config.compile_lib_path)); logv(c, #fmt("run_lib_path: %s", config.run_lib_path)); logv(c, #fmt("rustc_path: %s", config.rustc_path)); logv(c, #fmt("src_base: %s", config.src_base));; logv(c, #fmt("build_base: %s", config.build_base)); logv(c, #fmt("stage_id: %s", config.stage_id)); logv(c, #fmt("mode: %s", mode_str(config.mode))); logv(c, #fmt("run_ignored: %b", config.run_ignored)); logv(c, #fmt("filter: %s", alt (config.filter) { option::some(?f) { f } option::none { "(none)" } })); logv(c, #fmt("runtool: %s", alt (config.runtool) { option::some(?s) { s } option::none { "(none)" } })); logv(c, #fmt("rustcflags: %s", alt (config.rustcflags) { option::some(?s) { s } option::none { "(none)" } })); logv(c, #fmt("verbose: %b", config.verbose)); logv(c, #fmt("\n")); } fn mode_str(mode mode) -> str { alt (mode) { mode_compile_fail { "compile-fail" } mode_run_fail { "run-fail" } mode_run_pass { "run-pass" } } } fn run_tests(&config config) { auto opts = test_opts(config); auto tests = make_tests(config); test::run_tests_console(opts, tests); } fn test_opts(&config config) -> test::test_opts { rec(filter = config.filter, run_ignored = config.run_ignored) } fn make_tests(&config config) -> test::test_desc[] { log #fmt("making tests from %s", config.src_base); auto tests = ~[]; for (str file in fs::list_dir(config.src_base)) { log #fmt("inspecting file %s", file); if (is_test(file)) { tests += ~[make_test(config, file)]; } } ret tests; } fn is_test(&str testfile) -> bool { auto name = fs::basename(testfile); (str::ends_with(name, ".rs") || str::ends_with(name, ".rc")) && !(str::starts_with(name, ".") || str::starts_with(name, "#") || str::starts_with(name, "~")) } fn make_test(&config config, &str testfile) -> test::test_desc { rec(name = testfile, fn = make_test_fn(config, testfile), ignore = is_test_ignored(config, testfile)) } fn is_test_ignored(&config config, &str testfile) -> bool { auto found = false; for each (str ln in iter_header(testfile)) { // FIXME: Can't return or break from iterator found = found || parse_name_directive(ln, "xfail-" + config.stage_id); } ret found; } iter iter_header(&str testfile) -> str { auto rdr = io::file_reader(testfile); while !rdr.eof() { auto ln = rdr.read_line(); // Assume that any directives will be found before the // first module or function. This doesn't seem to be an optimization // with a warm page cache. Maybe with a cold one. if str::starts_with(ln, "fn") || str::starts_with(ln, "mod") { break; } else { put ln; } } } fn make_test_fn(&config config, &str testfile) -> test::test_fn { bind run_test(config, testfile) } fn run_test(config config, str testfile) { log #fmt("running %s", testfile); auto props = load_props(testfile); alt (config.mode) { mode_compile_fail { run_cfail_test(config, props, testfile); } mode_run_fail { run_rfail_test(config, props, testfile); } mode_run_pass { run_rpass_test(config, props, testfile); } } } type test_props = rec(str[] error_patterns, option::t[str] compile_flags); // Load any test directives embedded in the file fn load_props(&str testfile) -> test_props { auto error_patterns = ~[]; auto compile_flags = option::none; for each (str ln in iter_header(testfile)) { alt parse_error_pattern(ln) { option::some(?ep) { error_patterns += ~[ep]; } option::none { } } if option::is_none(compile_flags) { compile_flags = parse_compile_flags(ln); } } ret rec(error_patterns = error_patterns, compile_flags = compile_flags); } fn parse_error_pattern(&str line) -> option::t[str] { parse_name_value_directive(line, "error-pattern") } fn parse_compile_flags(&str line) -> option::t[str] { parse_name_value_directive(line, "compile-flags") } fn parse_name_directive(&str line, &str directive) -> bool { str::find(line, directive) >= 0 } fn parse_name_value_directive(&str line, &str directive) -> option::t[str] { auto keycolon = directive + ":"; if str::find(line, keycolon) >= 0 { auto colon = str::find(line, keycolon) as uint; auto value = str::slice(line, colon + str::byte_len(keycolon), str::byte_len(line)); log #fmt("%s: %s", directive, value); option::some(value) } else { option::none } } fn run_cfail_test(&config config, &test_props props, &str testfile) { auto procres = compile_test(config, props, testfile); if (procres.status == 0) { fatal_procres("compile-fail test compiled successfully!", procres); } check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres); } fn run_rfail_test(&config config, &test_props props, &str testfile) { auto procres = compile_test(config, props, testfile); if (procres.status != 0) { fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); } procres = exec_compiled_test(config, testfile); if (procres.status == 0) { fatal_procres("run-fail test didn't produce an error!", procres); } check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres); } fn run_rpass_test(&config config, &test_props props, &str testfile) { auto procres = compile_test(config, props, testfile); if (procres.status != 0) { fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); } procres = exec_compiled_test(config, testfile); if (procres.status != 0) { fatal_procres("test run failed!", procres); } } fn check_error_patterns(&test_props props, &str testfile, &procres procres) { if ivec::is_empty(props.error_patterns) { fatal("no error pattern specified in " + testfile); } auto next_err_idx = 0u; auto next_err_pat = props.error_patterns.(next_err_idx); for (str line in str::split(procres.out, '\n' as u8)) { if (str::find(line, next_err_pat) > 0) { log #fmt("found error pattern %s", next_err_pat); next_err_idx += 1u; if next_err_idx == ivec::len(props.error_patterns) { log "found all error patterns"; ret; } next_err_pat = props.error_patterns.(next_err_idx); } } auto missing_patterns = ivec::slice(props.error_patterns, next_err_idx, ivec::len(props.error_patterns)); if (ivec::len(missing_patterns) == 1u) { fatal_procres(#fmt("error pattern '%s' not found!", missing_patterns.(0)), procres); } else { for (str pattern in missing_patterns) { error(#fmt("error pattern '%s' not found!", pattern)); } fatal_procres("multiple error patterns not found", procres); } } type procargs = rec(str prog, vec[str] args); type procres = rec(int status, str out, str cmdline); fn compile_test(&config config, &test_props props, &str testfile) -> procres { compose_and_run(config, testfile, bind make_compile_args(_, props, _), config.compile_lib_path) } fn exec_compiled_test(&config config, &str testfile) -> procres { compose_and_run(config, testfile, make_run_args, config.run_lib_path) } fn compose_and_run(&config config, &str testfile, fn(&config, &str) -> procargs make_args, &str lib_path) -> procres { auto procargs = make_args(config, testfile); ret program_output(config, testfile, lib_path, procargs.prog, procargs.args); } fn make_compile_args(&config config, &test_props props, &str testfile) -> procargs { auto prog = config.rustc_path; auto args = [testfile, "-o", make_exe_name(config, testfile)]; args += split_maybe_args(config.rustcflags); args += split_maybe_args(props.compile_flags); ret rec(prog = prog, args = args); } fn make_run_args(&config config, &str testfile) -> procargs { // If we've got another tool to run under (valgrind), // then split apart its command auto args = split_maybe_args(config.runtool) + [make_exe_name(config, testfile)]; ret rec(prog = args.(0), args = vec::slice(args, 1u, vec::len(args))); } fn split_maybe_args(&option::t[str] argstr) -> vec[str] { alt (argstr) { option::some(?s) { str::split(s, ' ' as u8) } option::none { [] } } } fn program_output(&config config, &str testfile, &str lib_path, &str prog, &vec[str] args) -> procres { auto cmdline = { auto cmdline = make_cmdline(lib_path, prog, args); logv(config, #fmt("running %s", cmdline)); cmdline }; auto res = with_lib_path(lib_path, bind run::program_output(prog, args)); dump_output(config, testfile, res.out); ret rec(status = res.status, out = res.out, cmdline = cmdline); } fn make_cmdline(&str libpath, &str prog, &vec[str] args) -> str { #fmt("%s %s %s", lib_path_cmd_prefix(libpath), prog, str::connect(args, " ")) } // Build the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as it would be seen on the command line // for diagnostic purposes fn lib_path_cmd_prefix(&str path) -> str { #fmt("%s=\"%s\"", lib_path_env_var(), make_new_path(path)) } fn with_lib_path[T](&str path, fn() -> T f) -> T { auto maybe_oldpath = getenv(lib_path_env_var()); append_lib_path(path); auto res = f(); if option::is_some(maybe_oldpath) { export_lib_path(option::get(maybe_oldpath)); } else { // FIXME: This should really be unset but we don't have that yet export_lib_path(""); } ret res; } fn append_lib_path(&str path) { export_lib_path(make_new_path(path)); } fn make_new_path(&str path) -> str { // Windows just uses PATH as the library search path, so we have to // maintain the current value while adding our own alt getenv(lib_path_env_var()) { option::some(?curr) { #fmt("%s:%s", path, curr) } option::none { path } } } fn export_lib_path(&str path) { setenv(lib_path_env_var(), path); } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn lib_path_env_var() -> str { "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] fn lib_path_env_var() -> str { "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" } #[cfg(target_os = "win32")] fn lib_path_env_var() -> str { "PATH" } fn make_exe_name(&config config, &str testfile) -> str { output_base_name(config, testfile) + os::exec_suffix() } fn output_base_name(&config config, &str testfile) -> str { auto base = config.build_base; auto filename = { auto parts = str::split(fs::basename(testfile), '.' as u8); parts = vec::slice(parts, 0u, vec::len(parts) - 1u); str::connect(parts, ".") }; #fmt("%s%s.%s", base, filename, config.stage_id) } #[cfg(target_os = "win32")] #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn dump_output(&config config, &str testfile, &str out) { auto outfile = make_out_name(config, testfile); auto writer = io::file_writer(outfile, [io::create, io::truncate]); writer.write_str(out); } // FIXME (726): Can't use file_writer on mac #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] fn dump_output(&config config, &str testfile, &str out) { } fn make_out_name(&config config, &str testfile) -> str { output_base_name(config, testfile) + ".out" } fn error(&str err) { io::stdout().write_line(#fmt("\nerror: %s", err)); } fn fatal(&str err) -> ! { error(err); fail; } fn fatal_procres(&str err, procres procres) -> ! { auto msg = #fmt("\n\ error: %s\n\ command: %s\n\ output:\n\ ------------------------------------------\n\ %s\n\ ------------------------------------------\n\ \n", err, procres.cmdline, procres.out); io::stdout().write_str(msg); fail; } fn logv(&config config, &str s) { log s; if (config.verbose) { io::stdout().write_line(s); } } // Local Variables: // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: