use ide_db::imports::insert_use::ImportScope; use syntax::{ ast::{self, make, AstNode, HasArgList}, TextRange, }; use crate::{AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists}; // Assist: unqualify_method_call // // Transforms universal function call syntax into a method call. // // ``` // fn main() { // std::ops::Add::add$0(1, 2); // } // # mod std { pub mod ops { pub trait Add { fn add(self, _: Self) {} } impl Add for i32 {} } } // ``` // -> // ``` // use std::ops::Add; // // fn main() { // 1.add(2); // } // # mod std { pub mod ops { pub trait Add { fn add(self, _: Self) {} } impl Add for i32 {} } } // ``` pub(crate) fn unqualify_method_call(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let call = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let ast::Expr::PathExpr(path_expr) = call.expr()? else { return None }; let path = path_expr.path()?; let cursor_in_range = path.syntax().text_range().contains_range(ctx.selection_trimmed()); if !cursor_in_range { return None; } let args = call.arg_list()?; let l_paren = args.l_paren_token()?; let mut args_iter = args.args(); let first_arg =; let second_arg =; let qualifier = path.qualifier()?; let method_name = path.segment()?.name_ref()?; let res = ctx.sema.resolve_path(&path)?; let hir::PathResolution::Def(hir::ModuleDef::Function(fun)) = res else { return None }; if !fun.has_self_param(ctx.sema.db) { return None; } // `core::ops::Add::add(` -> `` let delete_path = TextRange::new(path.syntax().text_range().start(), l_paren.text_range().end()); // Parens around `expr` if needed let parens = needs_parens_as_receiver(&first_arg).then(|| { let range = first_arg.syntax().text_range(); (range.start(), range.end()) }); // `, ` -> `.add(` let replace_comma = TextRange::new( first_arg.syntax().text_range().end(), second_arg .map(|a| a.syntax().text_range().start()) .unwrap_or_else(|| first_arg.syntax().text_range().end()), ); acc.add( AssistId("unqualify_method_call", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Unqualify method call", call.syntax().text_range(), |edit| { edit.delete(delete_path); if let Some((open, close)) = parens { edit.insert(open, "("); edit.insert(close, ")"); } edit.replace(replace_comma, format!(".{method_name}(")); add_import(qualifier, ctx, edit); }, ) } fn add_import( qualifier: ast::Path, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, edit: &mut ide_db::source_change::SourceChangeBuilder, ) { if let Some(path_segment) = qualifier.segment() { // for `` let path_type = path_segment.syntax().children().filter_map(ast::PathType::cast).last(); let import = match path_type { Some(it) => { if let Some(path) = it.path() { path } else { return; } } None => qualifier, }; // in case for `<_>` if import.coloncolon_token().is_none() { return; } let scope = ide_db::imports::insert_use::ImportScope::find_insert_use_container( import.syntax(), &ctx.sema, ); if let Some(scope) = scope { let scope = match scope { ImportScope::File(it) => ImportScope::File(edit.make_mut(it)), ImportScope::Module(it) => ImportScope::Module(edit.make_mut(it)), ImportScope::Block(it) => ImportScope::Block(edit.make_mut(it)), }; ide_db::imports::insert_use::insert_use(&scope, import, &ctx.config.insert_use); } } } fn needs_parens_as_receiver(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool { // Make `(expr).dummy()` let dummy_call = make::expr_method_call( make::expr_paren(expr.clone()), make::name_ref("dummy"), make::arg_list([]), ); // Get the `expr` clone with the right parent back // (unreachable!s are fine since we've just constructed the expression) let ast::Expr::MethodCallExpr(call) = &dummy_call else { unreachable!() }; let Some(receiver) = call.receiver() else { unreachable!() }; let ast::Expr::ParenExpr(parens) = receiver else { unreachable!() }; let Some(expr) = parens.expr() else { unreachable!() }; expr.needs_parens_in(dummy_call.syntax().clone()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; use super::*; #[test] fn unqualify_method_call_simple() { check_assist( unqualify_method_call, r#" struct S; impl S { fn f(self, S: S) {} } fn f() { S::$0f(S, S); }"#, r#" struct S; impl S { fn f(self, S: S) {} } fn f() { S.f(S); }"#, ); } #[test] fn unqualify_method_call_trait() { check_assist( unqualify_method_call, r#" //- minicore: add fn f() { ::$0add(2, 2); }"#, r#" use core::ops::Add; fn f() { 2.add(2); }"#, ); check_assist( unqualify_method_call, r#" //- minicore: add fn f() { core::ops::Add::$0add(2, 2); }"#, r#" use core::ops::Add; fn f() { 2.add(2); }"#, ); check_assist( unqualify_method_call, r#" //- minicore: add use core::ops::Add; fn f() { <_>::$0add(2, 2); }"#, r#" use core::ops::Add; fn f() { 2.add(2); }"#, ); } #[test] fn unqualify_method_call_single_arg() { check_assist( unqualify_method_call, r#" struct S; impl S { fn f(self) {} } fn f() { S::$0f(S); }"#, r#" struct S; impl S { fn f(self) {} } fn f() { S.f(); }"#, ); } #[test] fn unqualify_method_call_parens() { check_assist( unqualify_method_call, r#" //- minicore: deref struct S; impl core::ops::Deref for S { type Target = S; fn deref(&self) -> &S { self } } fn f() { core::ops::Deref::$0deref(&S); }"#, r#" use core::ops::Deref; struct S; impl core::ops::Deref for S { type Target = S; fn deref(&self) -> &S { self } } fn f() { (&S).deref(); }"#, ); } #[test] fn unqualify_method_call_doesnt_apply_with_cursor_not_on_path() { check_assist_not_applicable( unqualify_method_call, r#" //- minicore: add fn f() { core::ops::Add::add(2,$0 2); }"#, ); } #[test] fn unqualify_method_call_doesnt_apply_with_no_self() { check_assist_not_applicable( unqualify_method_call, r#" struct S; impl S { fn assoc(S: S, S: S) {} } fn f() { S::assoc$0(S, S); }"#, ); } }