# Miri [[slides](https://solson.me/miri-slides.pdf)] [[report](https://solson.me/miri-report.pdf)] [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/solson/miri.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/solson/miri) [![Windows build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/solson/miri?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/solson63299/miri) An experimental interpreter for [Rust][rust]'s [mid-level intermediate representation][mir] (MIR). This project began as part of my work for the undergraduate research course at the [University of Saskatchewan][usask]. ## Building Miri We recommend that you install [rustup][rustup] to obtain Rust. Then all you have to do is: ```sh cargo +nightly build ``` This uses the very latest Rust version. If you experience any problem, refer to the `rust-version` file which contains a particular Rust nightly version that has been tested against the version of miri you are using. Make sure to use that particular `nightly-YYYY-MM-DD` whenever the instructions just say `nightly`. To avoid repeating the nightly version all the time, you can use `rustup override set nightly` (or `rustup override set nightly-YYYY-MM-DD`), which means `nightly` Rust will automatically be used whenever you are working in this directory. ## Running Miri ```sh cargo +nightly run tests/run-pass/vecs.rs # Or whatever test you like. ``` ## Running Miri with full libstd Per default libstd does not contain the MIR of non-polymorphic functions. When Miri hits a call to such a function, execution terminates. To fix this, it is possible to compile libstd with full MIR: ```sh rustup component add --toolchain nightly rust-src cargo +nightly install xargo rustup run nightly xargo/build.sh ``` Now you can run Miri against the libstd compiled by xargo: ```sh MIRI_SYSROOT=~/.xargo/HOST cargo +nightly run tests/run-pass-fullmir/hashmap.rs ``` Notice that you will have to re-run the last step of the preparations above (`xargo/build.sh`) when your toolchain changes (e.g., when you update the nightly). ## Running Miri on your own project('s test suite) Install Miri as a cargo subcommand with `cargo install +nightly --all-features --path .`. Be aware that if you used `rustup override set` to fix a particular Rust version for the miri directory, that will *not* apply to your own project directory! You have to use a consistent Rust version for building miri and your project for this to work, so remember to either always specify the nightly version manually, overriding it in your project directory as well, or use `rustup default nightly` (or `rustup default nightly-YYYY-MM-DD`) to globally make `nightly` the default toolchain. We assume that you have prepared a MIR-enabled libstd as described above. Now compile your project and its dependencies against that libstd: 1. Run `cargo clean` to eliminate any cached dependencies that were built against the non-MIR `libstd`. 2. To run all tests in your project through, Miri, use `MIRI_SYSROOT=~/.xargo/HOST cargo +nightly miri test`. 3. If you have a binary project, you can run it through Miri using `MIRI_SYSROOT=~/.xargo/HOST cargo +nightly miri`. ### Common Problems When using the above instructions, you may encounter a number of confusing compiler errors. #### "constant evaluation error: no mir for ``" You may have forgotten to set `MIRI_SYSROOT` when calling `cargo miri`, and your program called into `std` or `core`. Be sure to set `MIRI_SYSROOT=~/.xargo/HOST`. #### "found possibly newer version of crate `std` which `` depends on" Your build directory may contain artifacts from an earlier build that did/did not have `MIRI_SYSROOT` set. Run `cargo clean` before switching from non-Miri to Miri builds and vice-versa. #### "found crate `std` compiled by an incompatible version of rustc" You may be running `cargo miri` with a different compiler version than the one used to build the MIR-enabled `std`. Be sure to consistently use the same toolchain, which should be the toolchain specified in the `rust-version` file. ## Miri `-Z` flags Several `-Z` flags are relevant for miri: * `-Zmir-opt-level` controls how many MIR optimizations are performed. miri overrides the default to be `0`; be advised that using any higher level can make miri miss bugs in your program because they got optimized away. * `-Zalways-encode-mir` makes rustc dump MIR even for completely monomorphic functions. This is needed so that miri can execute such functions, so miri sets this flag per default. * `-Zmiri-disable-validation` is a custom `-Z` flag added by miri. It disables enforcing the validity invariant, which is enforced by default. This is mostly useful for debugging; it means miri will miss bugs in your program. ## Development and Debugging Since the heart of Miri (the main interpreter engine) lives in rustc, working on Miri will often require using a locally built rustc. This includes getting a trace of the execution, as distributed rustc has `debug!` and `trace!` disabled. The first-time setup for a local rustc looks as follows: ```sh git clone https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/ rustc cd rustc cp config.toml.example config.toml # Now edit `config.toml` and set `debug-assertions = true` and `test-miri = true`. # The latter is important to build libstd with the right flags for miri. ./x.py build src/rustc # You may have to change the architecture in the next command rustup toolchain link custom build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2 # Now cd to your Miri directory rustup override set custom ``` The `build` step can take 30 minutes and more. Now you can `cargo build` Miri, and you can `cargo test --release` it. `cargo test --release FILTER` only runs those tests that contain `FILTER` in their filename (including the base directory, e.g. `cargo test --release fail` will run all compile-fail tests). We recommend using `--release` to make test running take less time. Notice that the "fullmir" tests only run if you have `MIRI_SYSROOT` set, the test runner does not realized that your libstd comes with full MIR. The following will set it correctly: ```sh MIRI_SYSROOT=$(rustc --print sysroot) cargo test --release ``` Moreover, you can now run Miri with a trace of all execution steps: ```sh MIRI_LOG=debug cargo run tests/run-pass/vecs.rs ``` Setting `MIRI_LOG` like this will configure logging for miri itself as well as the `rustc::mir::interpret` and `rustc_mir::interpret` modules in rustc. You can also do more targeted configuration, e.g. to debug the stacked borrows implementation: ```sh MIRI_LOG=rustc_mir::interpret=debug,miri::stacked_borrows cargo run tests/run-pass/vecs.rs ``` In addition, you can set `MIRI_BACKTRACE=1` to get a backtrace of where an evaluation error was originally created. If you changed something in rustc and want to re-build, run ``` ./x.py --keep-stage 0 build src/rustc ``` This avoids rebuilding the entire stage 0, which can save a lot of time. ## Contributing and getting help Check out the issues on this GitHub repository for some ideas. There's lots that needs to be done that I haven't documented in the issues yet, however. For more ideas or help with running or hacking on Miri, you can contact me (`scott`) on Mozilla IRC in any of the Rust IRC channels (`#rust`, `#rust-offtopic`, etc). ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. [rust]: https://www.rust-lang.org/ [mir]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1211-mir.md [usask]: https://www.usask.ca/ [rustup]: https://www.rustup.rs