import std::uint; import std::int; import std::vec; import std::str; import std::io; import std::option; import driver::session::session; import front::lexer; import front::codemap; import front::codemap::codemap; import front::ast; import middle::ty; import util::common; import option::some; import option::none; import pp::printer; import pp::break_offset; import pp::word; import pp::huge_word; import pp::zero_word; import pp::space; import pp::zerobreak; import pp::hardbreak; import pp::breaks; import pp::consistent; import pp::inconsistent; import pp::eof; import ppaux::*; fn print_crate(session sess, @ast::crate crate, str filename, io::writer out, mode mode) { let vec[pp::breaks] boxes = []; auto r = lexer::gather_comments_and_literals(sess, filename); auto s = @rec(s=pp::mk_printer(out, default_columns), cm=some(sess.get_codemap()), comments=some(r.cmnts), literals=some(r.lits), mutable cur_cmnt=0u, mutable cur_lit=0u, mutable boxes=boxes, mode=mode); print_inner_attributes(s, crate.node.attrs); print_mod(s, crate.node.module); eof(s.s); } fn ty_to_str(&ast::ty ty) -> str { be to_str(ty, print_type); } fn pat_to_str(&@ast::pat pat) -> str { be to_str(pat, print_pat); } fn expr_to_str(&@ast::expr e) -> str { be to_str(e, print_expr); } fn stmt_to_str(&ast::stmt s) -> str { be to_str(s, print_stmt); } fn item_to_str(&@ast::item i) -> str { be to_str(i, print_item); } fn path_to_str(&ast::path p) -> str { be to_str(p, print_path); } fn fun_to_str(&ast::_fn f, str name, vec[ast::ty_param] params) -> str { auto writer = io::string_writer(); auto s = rust_printer(writer.get_writer()); print_fn(s, f.decl, f.proto, name, params); eof(s.s); ret writer.get_str(); } fn block_to_str(&ast::block blk) -> str { auto writer = io::string_writer(); auto s = rust_printer(writer.get_writer()); // containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at } cbox(s, indent_unit); // head-ibox, will be closed by print-block after { ibox(s, 0u); print_block(s, blk); eof(s.s); ret writer.get_str(); } fn cbox(&ps s, uint u) { vec::push(s.boxes, pp::consistent); pp::cbox(s.s, u); } fn box(&ps s, uint u, pp::breaks b) { vec::push(s.boxes, b); pp::box(s.s, u, b); } fn word_nbsp(&ps s, str w) { word(s.s, w); word(s.s, " "); } fn word_space(&ps s, str w) { word(s.s, w); space(s.s); } fn popen(&ps s) { word(s.s, "("); } fn pclose(&ps s) { word(s.s, ")"); } fn head(&ps s, str w) { // outer-box is consistent cbox(s, indent_unit); // head-box is inconsistent ibox(s, str::char_len(w) + 1u); // keyword that starts the head word_nbsp(s, w); } fn bopen(&ps s) { word(s.s, "{"); end(s); // close the head-box } fn bclose(&ps s, common::span span) { maybe_print_comment(s, span.hi); break_offset(s.s, 1u, -(indent_unit as int)); word(s.s, "}"); end(s); // close the outer-box } fn hardbreak_if_not_bol(&ps s) { if (s.s.last_token() != pp::EOF && s.s.last_token() != pp::hardbreak_tok()) { hardbreak(s.s); } } fn space_if_not_hardbreak(&ps s) { if (s.s.last_token() != pp::hardbreak_tok()) { space(s.s); } } // Synthesizes a comment that was not textually present in the original source // file. fn synth_comment(&ps s, str text) { word(s.s, "/*"); space(s.s); word(s.s, text); space(s.s); word(s.s, "*/"); } fn commasep[IN](&ps s, breaks b, vec[IN] elts, fn(&ps, &IN) op) { box(s, 0u, b); auto first = true; for (IN elt in elts) { if (first) { first = false; } else { word_space(s, ","); } op(s, elt); } end(s); } fn commasep_cmnt[IN](&ps s, breaks b, vec[IN] elts, fn(&ps, &IN) op, fn(&IN) -> common::span get_span) { box(s, 0u, b); auto len = vec::len[IN](elts); auto i = 0u; for (IN elt in elts) { maybe_print_comment(s, get_span(elt).hi); op(s, elt); i += 1u; if (i < len) { word(s.s, ","); maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, get_span(elt), some(get_span(elts.(i)).hi)); space_if_not_hardbreak(s); } } end(s); } fn commasep_exprs(&ps s, breaks b, vec[@ast::expr] exprs) { fn expr_span(&@ast::expr expr) -> common::span { ret expr.span; } commasep_cmnt(s, b, exprs, print_expr, expr_span); } fn print_mod(&ps s, ast::_mod _mod) { for (@ast::view_item vitem in _mod.view_items) { print_view_item(s, vitem); } for (@ast::item item in _mod.items) { // Mod-level item printing we're a little more space-y about. hardbreak(s.s); hardbreak(s.s); print_item(s, item); } print_remaining_comments(s); } fn print_boxed_type(&ps s, &@ast::ty ty) { print_type(s, *ty); } fn print_type(&ps s, &ast::ty ty) { maybe_print_comment(s, ty.span.lo); ibox(s, 0u); alt (ty.node) { case (ast::ty_nil) { word(s.s, "()"); } case (ast::ty_bool) { word(s.s, "bool"); } case (ast::ty_bot) { word(s.s, "!"); } case (ast::ty_int) { word(s.s, "int"); } case (ast::ty_uint) { word(s.s, "uint"); } case (ast::ty_float) { word(s.s, "float"); } case (ast::ty_machine(?tm)) { word(s.s, common::ty_mach_to_str(tm)); } case (ast::ty_char) { word(s.s, "char"); } case (ast::ty_str) { word(s.s, "str"); } case (ast::ty_istr) { word(s.s, "istr"); } case (ast::ty_box(?mt)) { word(s.s, "@"); print_mt(s, mt); } case (ast::ty_vec(?mt)) { word(s.s, "vec["); print_mt(s, mt); word(s.s, "]"); } case (ast::ty_ivec(?mt)) { print_type(s, *mt.ty); word(s.s, "["); print_mutability(s, mt.mut); word(s.s, "]"); } case (ast::ty_ptr(?mt)) { word(s.s, "*"); print_mt(s, mt); } case (ast::ty_task) { word(s.s, "task"); } case (ast::ty_port(?t)) { word(s.s, "port["); print_type(s, *t); word(s.s, "]"); } case (ast::ty_chan(?t)) { word(s.s, "chan["); print_type(s, *t); word(s.s, "]"); } case (ast::ty_tup(?elts)) { word(s.s, "tup"); popen(s); commasep(s, inconsistent, elts, print_mt); pclose(s); } case (ast::ty_rec(?fields)) { word(s.s, "rec"); popen(s); fn print_field(&ps s, &ast::ty_field f) { cbox(s, indent_unit); print_mt(s,; space(s.s); word(s.s, f.node.ident); end(s); } fn get_span(&ast::ty_field f) -> common::span { ret f.span; } commasep_cmnt(s, consistent, fields, print_field, get_span); pclose(s); } case (ast::ty_fn(?proto, ?inputs, ?output, ?cf, ?constrs)) { print_ty_fn(s, proto, none[str], inputs, output, cf, constrs); } case (ast::ty_obj(?methods)) { head(s, "obj"); bopen(s); for (ast::ty_method m in methods) { hardbreak(s.s); cbox(s, indent_unit); maybe_print_comment(s, m.span.lo); print_ty_fn(s, m.node.proto, some(m.node.ident), m.node.inputs, m.node.output,, m.node.constrs); word(s.s, ";"); end(s); } bclose(s, ty.span); } case (ast::ty_path(?path, _)) { print_path(s, path); } case (ast::ty_type) { word(s.s, "type"); } case (ast::ty_constr(?t, ?cs)) { print_type(s, *t); space(s.s); word(s.s, ":"); space(s.s); word(s.s, ast_constrs_str(cs)); } } end(s); } fn print_item(&ps s, &@ast::item item) { hardbreak_if_not_bol(s); maybe_print_comment(s, item.span.lo); print_outer_attributes(s, item.attrs); alt (item.node) { case (ast::item_const(?ty, ?expr)) { head(s, "const"); print_type(s, *ty); space(s.s); word_space(s, item.ident); end(s); // end the head-ibox word_space(s, "="); print_expr(s, expr); word(s.s, ";"); end(s); // end the outer cbox } case (ast::item_fn(?_fn, ?typarams)) { print_fn(s, _fn.decl, _fn.proto, item.ident, typarams); word(s.s, " "); print_block(s, _fn.body); } case (ast::item_mod(?_mod)) { head(s, "mod"); word_nbsp(s, item.ident); bopen(s); print_inner_attributes(s, item.attrs); for (@ast::item itm in _mod.items) { print_item(s, itm); } bclose(s, item.span); } case (ast::item_native_mod(?nmod)) { head(s, "native"); alt (nmod.abi) { case (ast::native_abi_rust) { word_nbsp(s, "\"rust\""); } case (ast::native_abi_cdecl) { word_nbsp(s, "\"cdecl\""); } case (ast::native_abi_rust_intrinsic) { word_nbsp(s, "\"rust-intrinsic\""); } } word_nbsp(s, "mod"); word_nbsp(s, item.ident); bopen(s); for (@ast::native_item item in nmod.items) { hardbreak(s.s); ibox(s, indent_unit); maybe_print_comment(s, item.span.lo); alt (item.node) { case (ast::native_item_ty) { word_nbsp(s, "type"); word(s.s, item.ident); } case (ast::native_item_fn(?lname, ?decl, ?typarams)) { print_fn(s, decl, ast::proto_fn, item.ident, typarams); alt (lname) { case (none) { } case (some(?ss)) { space(s.s); word_space(s, "="); print_string(s, ss); } } end(s); // end head-ibox end(s); // end the outer fn box } } word(s.s, ";"); end(s); } bclose(s, item.span); } case (ast::item_ty(?ty, ?params)) { ibox(s, indent_unit); ibox(s, 0u); word_nbsp(s, "type"); word(s.s, item.ident); print_type_params(s, params); end(s); // end the inner ibox space(s.s); word_space(s, "="); print_type(s, *ty); word(s.s, ";"); end(s); // end the outer ibox break_offset(s.s, 0u, 0); } case (ast::item_tag(?variants, ?params)) { head(s, "tag"); word(s.s, item.ident); print_type_params(s, params); space(s.s); bopen(s); for (ast::variant v in variants) { space(s.s); maybe_print_comment(s, v.span.lo); word(s.s,; if (vec::len(v.node.args) > 0u) { popen(s); fn print_variant_arg(&ps s, &ast::variant_arg arg) { print_type(s, *arg.ty); } commasep(s, consistent, v.node.args, print_variant_arg); pclose(s); } word(s.s, ";"); maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, v.span, none[uint]); } bclose(s, item.span); } case (ast::item_obj(?_obj, ?params, _)) { head(s, "obj"); word(s.s, item.ident); print_type_params(s, params); popen(s); fn print_field(&ps s, &ast::obj_field field) { ibox(s, indent_unit); print_mutability(s, field.mut); print_type(s, *field.ty); space(s.s); word(s.s, field.ident); end(s); } fn get_span(&ast::obj_field f) -> common::span { ret f.ty.span; } commasep_cmnt(s, consistent, _obj.fields, print_field, get_span); pclose(s); space(s.s); bopen(s); for (@ast::method meth in _obj.methods) { let vec[ast::ty_param] typarams = []; hardbreak(s.s); maybe_print_comment(s, meth.span.lo); print_fn(s, meth.node.meth.decl, meth.node.meth.proto, meth.node.ident, typarams); word(s.s, " "); print_block(s, meth.node.meth.body); } alt (_obj.dtor) { case (some(?dtor)) { head(s, "drop"); print_block(s, dtor.node.meth.body); } case (_) { } } bclose(s, item.span); } } // Print the node ID if necessary. TODO: type as well. alt (s.mode) { case (mo_identified) { space(s.s); synth_comment(s, int::to_str(, 10u)); } case (_) {/* no-op */ } } } fn print_outer_attributes(&ps s, vec[ast::attribute] attrs) { auto count = 0; for (ast::attribute attr in attrs) { alt ( { case (ast::attr_outer) { print_attribute(s, attr); count += 1; } case (_) {/* fallthrough */ } } } if (count > 0) { hardbreak(s.s); } } fn print_inner_attributes(&ps s, vec[ast::attribute] attrs) { auto count = 0; for (ast::attribute attr in attrs) { alt ( { case (ast::attr_inner) { print_attribute(s, attr); word(s.s, ";"); count += 1; } case (_) { /* fallthrough */ } } } if (count > 0) { hardbreak(s.s); } } fn print_attribute(&ps s, &ast::attribute attr) { hardbreak(s.s); maybe_print_comment(s, attr.span.lo); word(s.s, "#["); print_meta_item(s, @attr.node.value); word(s.s, "]"); } fn print_stmt(&ps s, &ast::stmt st) { maybe_print_comment(s, st.span.lo); alt (st.node) { case (ast::stmt_decl(?decl, _)) { print_decl(s, decl); } case (ast::stmt_expr(?expr, _)) { space_if_not_hardbreak(s); print_expr(s, expr); } } if (front::parser::stmt_ends_with_semi(st)) { word(s.s, ";"); } maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, st.span, none[uint]); } fn print_block(&ps s, ast::block blk) { maybe_print_comment(s, blk.span.lo); bopen(s); for (@ast::stmt st in blk.node.stmts) { print_stmt(s, *st) } alt (blk.node.expr) { case (some(?expr)) { space_if_not_hardbreak(s); print_expr(s, expr); maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, expr.span, some(blk.span.hi)); } case (_) { } } bclose(s, blk.span); // Print the node ID if necessary: TODO: type as well. alt (s.mode) { case (mo_identified) { space(s.s); synth_comment(s, "block " + int::to_str(, 10u)); } case (_) {/* no-op */ } } } fn print_if(&ps s, &@ast::expr test, &ast::block block, &option::t[@ast::expr] elseopt, bool chk) { head(s, "if"); if (chk) { word_nbsp(s, "check"); } popen(s); print_expr(s, test); pclose(s); space(s.s); print_block(s, block); fn do_else(&ps s, option::t[@ast::expr] els) { alt (els) { case (some(?_else)) { alt (_else.node) { // "another else-if" case (ast::expr_if(?i, ?t, ?e)) { cbox(s, indent_unit - 1u); ibox(s, 0u); word(s.s, " else if "); popen(s); print_expr(s, i); pclose(s); space(s.s); print_block(s, t); do_else(s, e); } // "final else" case (ast::expr_block(?b)) { cbox(s, indent_unit - 1u); ibox(s, 0u); word(s.s, " else "); print_block(s, b); } } } case (_) {/* fall through */ } } } do_else(s, elseopt); } fn print_expr(&ps s, &@ast::expr expr) { maybe_print_comment(s, expr.span.lo); ibox(s, indent_unit); alt (s.mode) { case (mo_untyped) {/* no-op */ } case (mo_typed(_)) { popen(s); } case (mo_identified) { popen(s); } } alt (expr.node) { case (ast::expr_vec(?exprs, ?mut, ?kind)) { ibox(s, indent_unit); alt (kind) { case (ast::sk_rc) { word(s.s, "["); } case (ast::sk_unique) { word(s.s, "~["); } } if (mut == ast::mut) { word_nbsp(s, "mutable"); } commasep_exprs(s, inconsistent, exprs); word(s.s, "]"); end(s); } case (ast::expr_tup(?exprs)) { fn printElt(&ps s, &ast::elt elt) { ibox(s, indent_unit); if (elt.mut == ast::mut) { word_nbsp(s, "mutable"); } print_expr(s, elt.expr); end(s); } fn get_span(&ast::elt elt) -> common::span { ret elt.expr.span; } word(s.s, "tup"); popen(s); commasep_cmnt(s, inconsistent, exprs, printElt, get_span); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_rec(?fields, ?wth)) { fn print_field(&ps s, &ast::field field) { ibox(s, indent_unit); if (field.node.mut == ast::mut) { word_nbsp(s, "mutable"); } word(s.s, field.node.ident); word(s.s, "="); print_expr(s, field.node.expr); end(s); } fn get_span(&ast::field field) -> common::span { ret field.span; } word(s.s, "rec"); popen(s); commasep_cmnt(s, consistent, fields, print_field, get_span); alt (wth) { case (some(?expr)) { if (vec::len(fields) > 0u) { space(s.s); } ibox(s, indent_unit); word_space(s, "with"); print_expr(s, expr); end(s); } case (_) { } } pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_call(?func, ?args)) { print_expr(s, func); popen(s); commasep_exprs(s, inconsistent, args); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_self_method(?ident)) { word(s.s, "self."); print_ident(s, ident); } case (ast::expr_bind(?func, ?args)) { fn print_opt(&ps s, &option::t[@ast::expr] expr) { alt (expr) { case (some(?expr)) { print_expr(s, expr); } case (_) { word(s.s, "_"); } } } word_nbsp(s, "bind"); print_expr(s, func); popen(s); commasep(s, inconsistent, args, print_opt); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_spawn(_, _, ?e, ?es)) { word_nbsp(s, "spawn"); print_expr(s, e); popen(s); commasep_exprs(s, inconsistent, es); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_binary(?op, ?lhs, ?rhs)) { auto prec = operator_prec(op); print_maybe_parens(s, lhs, prec); space(s.s); word_space(s, ast::binop_to_str(op)); print_maybe_parens(s, rhs, prec + 1); } case (ast::expr_unary(?op, ?expr)) { word(s.s, ast::unop_to_str(op)); print_maybe_parens(s, expr, front::parser::unop_prec); } case (ast::expr_lit(?lit)) { print_literal(s, lit); } case (ast::expr_cast(?expr, ?ty)) { print_maybe_parens(s, expr, front::parser::as_prec); space(s.s); word_space(s, "as"); print_type(s, *ty); } case (ast::expr_if(?test, ?block, ?elseopt)) { print_if(s, test, block, elseopt, false); } case (ast::expr_if_check(?test, ?block, ?elseopt)) { print_if(s, test, block, elseopt, true); } case (ast::expr_while(?test, ?block)) { head(s, "while"); popen(s); print_expr(s, test); pclose(s); space(s.s); print_block(s, block); } case (ast::expr_for(?decl, ?expr, ?block)) { head(s, "for"); popen(s); print_for_decl(s, decl); space(s.s); word_space(s, "in"); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); space(s.s); print_block(s, block); } case (ast::expr_for_each(?decl, ?expr, ?block)) { head(s, "for each"); popen(s); print_for_decl(s, decl); space(s.s); word_space(s, "in"); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); space(s.s); print_block(s, block); } case (ast::expr_do_while(?block, ?expr)) { head(s, "do"); space(s.s); print_block(s, block); space(s.s); word_space(s, "while"); popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_alt(?expr, ?arms)) { head(s, "alt"); popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); space(s.s); bopen(s); for (ast::arm arm in arms) { space(s.s); head(s, "case"); popen(s); print_pat(s, arm.pat); pclose(s); space(s.s); print_block(s, arm.block); } bclose(s, expr.span); } case (ast::expr_fn(?f)) { head(s, "fn"); print_fn_args_and_ret(s, f.decl); space(s.s); print_block(s, f.body); } case (ast::expr_block(?block)) { // containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at } cbox(s, indent_unit); // head-box, will be closed by print-block after { ibox(s, 0u); print_block(s, block); } case (ast::expr_move(?lhs, ?rhs)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s.s); word_space(s, "<-"); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast::expr_assign(?lhs, ?rhs)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s.s); word_space(s, "="); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast::expr_swap(?lhs, ?rhs)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s.s); word_space(s, "<->"); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast::expr_assign_op(?op, ?lhs, ?rhs)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s.s); word(s.s, ast::binop_to_str(op)); word_space(s, "="); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast::expr_send(?lhs, ?rhs)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s.s); word_space(s, "<|"); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast::expr_recv(?lhs, ?rhs)) { print_expr(s, lhs); space(s.s); word_space(s, "|>"); print_expr(s, rhs); } case (ast::expr_field(?expr, ?id)) { print_expr(s, expr); word(s.s, "."); word(s.s, id); } case (ast::expr_index(?expr, ?index)) { print_expr(s, expr); word(s.s, "."); popen(s); print_expr(s, index); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_path(?path)) { print_path(s, path); } case (ast::expr_fail(?str)) { word(s.s, "fail"); alt (str) { case (some(?msg)) { word(s.s, #fmt("\"%s\"", msg)); } case (_) { } } } case (ast::expr_break) { word(s.s, "break"); } case (ast::expr_cont) { word(s.s, "cont"); } case (ast::expr_ret(?result)) { word(s.s, "ret"); alt (result) { case (some(?expr)) { word(s.s, " "); print_expr(s, expr); } case (_) { } } } case (ast::expr_put(?result)) { word(s.s, "put"); alt (result) { case (some(?expr)) { word(s.s, " "); print_expr(s, expr); } case (_) { } } } case (ast::expr_be(?result)) { word_nbsp(s, "be"); print_expr(s, result); } case (ast::expr_log(?lvl, ?expr)) { alt (lvl) { case (1) { word_nbsp(s, "log"); } case (0) { word_nbsp(s, "log_err"); } } print_expr(s, expr); } case (ast::expr_check(?expr)) { word_nbsp(s, "check"); popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_assert(?expr)) { word_nbsp(s, "assert"); popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_ext(?path, ?args, ?body, _)) { word(s.s, "#"); print_path(s, path); if (vec::len(args) > 0u) { popen(s); commasep_exprs(s, inconsistent, args); pclose(s); } // FIXME: extension 'body' } case (ast::expr_port) { word(s.s, "port"); popen(s); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_chan(?expr)) { word(s.s, "chan"); popen(s); print_expr(s, expr); pclose(s); } case (ast::expr_anon_obj(_, _, _)) { word(s.s, "anon obj"); // FIXME (issue #499): nicer pretty-printing of anon objs } } // Print the type or node ID if necessary. alt (s.mode) { case (mo_untyped) {/* no-op */ } case (mo_typed(?tcx)) { space(s.s); word(s.s, "as"); space(s.s); word(s.s, ppaux::ty_to_str(tcx, ty::expr_ty(tcx, expr))); pclose(s); } case (mo_identified) { space(s.s); synth_comment(s, int::to_str(, 10u)); pclose(s); } } end(s); } fn print_decl(&ps s, &@ast::decl decl) { maybe_print_comment(s, decl.span.lo); alt (decl.node) { case (ast::decl_local(?loc)) { space_if_not_hardbreak(s); ibox(s, indent_unit); alt (loc.node.ty) { case (some(?ty)) { word_nbsp(s, "let"); print_type(s, *ty); space(s.s); } case (_) { word_nbsp(s, "auto"); // Print the type or node ID if necessary. alt (s.mode) { case (mo_untyped) {/* no-op */ } case (mo_typed(?tcx)) { auto lty = ty::node_id_to_type(tcx,; word_space(s, ppaux::ty_to_str(tcx, lty)); } case (mo_identified) {/* no-op */ } } } } word(s.s, loc.node.ident); alt (loc.node.init) { case (some(?init)) { space(s.s); alt (init.op) { case (ast::init_assign) { word_space(s, "="); } case (ast::init_move) { word_space(s, "<-"); } case (ast::init_recv) { word_space(s, "|>"); } } print_expr(s, init.expr); } case (_) { } } end(s); } case (ast::decl_item(?item)) { print_item(s, item); } } } fn print_ident(&ps s, &ast::ident ident) { word(s.s, ident); } fn print_for_decl(&ps s, @ast::local loc) { print_type(s, *option::get(loc.node.ty)); space(s.s); word(s.s, loc.node.ident); } fn print_path(&ps s, &ast::path path) { maybe_print_comment(s, path.span.lo); auto first = true; for (str id in path.node.idents) { if (first) { first = false; } else { word(s.s, "::"); } word(s.s, id); } if (vec::len(path.node.types) > 0u) { word(s.s, "["); commasep(s, inconsistent, path.node.types, print_boxed_type); word(s.s, "]"); } } fn print_pat(&ps s, &@ast::pat pat) { maybe_print_comment(s, pat.span.lo); alt (pat.node) { case (ast::pat_wild(_)) { word(s.s, "_"); } case (ast::pat_bind(?id, _)) { word(s.s, "?" + id); } case (ast::pat_lit(?lit, _)) { print_literal(s, lit); } case (ast::pat_tag(?path, ?args, _)) { print_path(s, path); if (vec::len(args) > 0u) { popen(s); commasep(s, inconsistent, args, print_pat); pclose(s); } } } // Print the node ID if necessary. TODO: type as well. alt (s.mode) { case (mo_identified) { space(s.s); synth_comment(s, int::to_str(ty::pat_node_id(pat), 10u)); } case (_) {/* no-op */ } } } fn print_fn(&ps s, ast::fn_decl decl, ast::proto proto, str name, vec[ast::ty_param] typarams) { alt (decl.purity) { case (ast::impure_fn) { if (proto == ast::proto_iter) { head(s, "iter"); } else { head(s, "fn"); } } case (_) { head(s, "pred"); } } word(s.s, name); print_type_params(s, typarams); print_fn_args_and_ret(s, decl); } fn print_fn_args_and_ret(&ps s, &ast::fn_decl decl) { popen(s); fn print_arg(&ps s, &ast::arg x) { ibox(s, indent_unit); print_alias(s, x.mode); print_type(s, *x.ty); space(s.s); word(s.s, x.ident); end(s); } commasep(s, inconsistent, decl.inputs, print_arg); pclose(s); maybe_print_comment(s, decl.output.span.lo); if (decl.output.node != ast::ty_nil) { space_if_not_hardbreak(s); word_space(s, "->"); print_type(s, *decl.output); } } fn print_alias(&ps s, ast::mode m) { alt (m) { case (ast::alias(true)) { word_space(s, "&mutable"); } case (ast::alias(false)) { word(s.s, "&"); } case (ast::val) { } } } fn print_type_params(&ps s, &vec[ast::ty_param] params) { if (vec::len(params) > 0u) { word(s.s, "["); fn printParam(&ps s, &ast::ty_param param) { word(s.s, param); } commasep(s, inconsistent, params, printParam); word(s.s, "]"); } } fn print_meta_item(&ps s, &@ast::meta_item item) { ibox(s, indent_unit); // FIXME (#487): Print other meta item variants alt (item.node) { case (ast::meta_key_value(?key, ?value)) { word_space(s, key); word_space(s, "="); print_string(s, value); } case (_) { log_err "unimplemented meta_item variant"; fail; } } end(s); } fn print_view_item(&ps s, &@ast::view_item item) { hardbreak_if_not_bol(s); maybe_print_comment(s, item.span.lo); alt (item.node) { case (ast::view_item_use(?id, ?mta, _)) { head(s, "use"); word(s.s, id); if (vec::len(mta) > 0u) { popen(s); commasep(s, consistent, mta, print_meta_item); pclose(s); } } case (ast::view_item_import(?id, ?ids, _)) { head(s, "import"); if (!str::eq(id, ids.(vec::len(ids) - 1u))) { word_space(s, id); word_space(s, "="); } auto first = true; for (str elt in ids) { if (first) { first = false; } else { word(s.s, "::"); } word(s.s, elt); } } case (ast::view_item_import_glob(?ids, _)) { head(s, "import"); auto first = true; for (str elt in ids) { if (first) { first = false; } else { word(s.s, "::"); } word(s.s, elt); } word(s.s, "::*"); } case (ast::view_item_export(?id, _)) { head(s, "export"); word(s.s, id); } } word(s.s, ";"); end(s); // end inner head-block end(s); // end outer head-block } // FIXME: The fact that this builds up the table anew for every call is // not good. Eventually, table should be a const. fn operator_prec(ast::binop op) -> int { for (front::parser::op_spec spec in front::parser::prec_table()) { if (spec.op == op) { ret spec.prec; } } fail; } fn print_maybe_parens(&ps s, &@ast::expr expr, int outer_prec) { auto add_them; alt (expr.node) { case (ast::expr_binary(?op, _, _)) { add_them = operator_prec(op) < outer_prec; } case (ast::expr_cast(_, _)) { add_them = front::parser::as_prec < outer_prec; } case (_) { add_them = false; } } if (add_them) { popen(s); } print_expr(s, expr); if (add_them) { pclose(s); } } fn print_mutability(&ps s, &ast::mutability mut) { alt (mut) { case (ast::mut) { word_nbsp(s, "mutable"); } case (ast::maybe_mut) { word_nbsp(s, "mutable?"); } case (ast::imm) {/* nothing */ } } } fn print_mt(&ps s, &ast::mt mt) { print_mutability(s, mt.mut); print_type(s, *mt.ty); } fn print_ty_fn(&ps s, &ast::proto proto, &option::t[str] id, &vec[ast::ty_arg] inputs, &@ast::ty output, &ast::controlflow cf, &vec[@ast::constr] constrs) { ibox(s, indent_unit); if (proto == ast::proto_fn) { word(s.s, "fn"); } else { word(s.s, "iter"); } alt (id) { case (some(?id)) { word(s.s, " "); word(s.s, id); } case (_) { } } zerobreak(s.s); popen(s); fn print_arg(&ps s, &ast::ty_arg input) { print_alias(s, input.node.mode); print_type(s, *input.node.ty); } commasep(s, inconsistent, inputs, print_arg); pclose(s); maybe_print_comment(s, output.span.lo); if (output.node != ast::ty_nil) { space_if_not_hardbreak(s); ibox(s, indent_unit); word_space(s, "->"); alt (cf) { case (ast::return) { print_type(s, *output); } case (ast::noreturn) { word_nbsp(s, "!"); } } end(s); } word_space(s, ast_constrs_str(constrs)); end(s); } fn maybe_print_trailing_comment(&ps s, common::span span, option::t[uint] next_pos) { auto cm; alt ( { case (some(?ccm)) { cm = ccm; } case (_) { ret; } } alt (next_comment(s)) { case (some(?cmnt)) { if ( != lexer::trailing) { ret; } auto span_line = codemap::lookup_pos(cm, span.hi); auto comment_line = codemap::lookup_pos(cm, cmnt.pos); auto next = cmnt.pos + 1u; alt (next_pos) { case (none) { } case (some(?p)) { next = p; } } if (span.hi < cmnt.pos && cmnt.pos < next && span_line.line == comment_line.line) { print_comment(s, cmnt); s.cur_cmnt += 1u; } } case (_) { } } } fn print_remaining_comments(&ps s) { while (true) { alt (next_comment(s)) { case (some(?cmnt)) { print_comment(s, cmnt); s.cur_cmnt += 1u; } case (_) { break; } } } } fn in_cbox(&ps s) -> bool { auto len = vec::len(s.boxes); if (len == 0u) { ret false; } ret s.boxes.(len - 1u) == pp::consistent; } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //