// rustfmt-normalize_comments: true
// Match expressions.

fn foo() {
    // A match expression.
    match x {
        // Some comment.
        a => foo(),
        b if 0 < 42 => foo(),
        c => { // Another comment.
            // Comment.
        Foo(ref bar) =>
        Pattern1 | Pattern2 | Pattern3 => false,
        Paternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
        Paternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn => {
        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn => meh,

        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn if looooooooooooooooooong_guard => meh,

        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn if looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong_guard =>

        // Test that earlier patterns can take the guard space
        (aaaa, bbbbb, ccccccc, aaaaa, bbbbbbbb, cccccc, aaaa, bbbbbbbb, cccccc, dddddd) |
        Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn if loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong_guard => {}

        _ => {}
        ast::PathParameters::AngleBracketedParameters(ref data) if data.lifetimes.len() > 0 ||
                                                                   data.types.len() > 0 ||
                                                                   data.bindings.len() > 0 => {}

    let whatever = match something {
        /// DOC COMMENT!
        Some(_) => 42,
        // Comment on an attribute.
        // Comment after an attribute.
        None => 0,
        Blurb     =>     {                  }

// Test that a match on an overflow line is laid out properly.
fn main() {
    let sub_span =
        match xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {
            Some(sub_span) => Some(sub_span),
            None => sub_span,

// Test that one-line bodies align.
fn main() {
    match r {
        Variableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee => (    "variable",
                                      vec!("id", "name", "qualname",
                                           "value", "type", "scopeid"),
        Enummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm => ("enum",
        Variantttttttttttttttttttttttt => ("variant",

    match  x{
    y=>{/*Block with comment. Preserve me.*/  }
    z=>{stmt();} }

fn matches() {
    match 1 {
        -1 => 10,
        1 => 1, // foo
        2 => 2,
        // bar
        3 => 3,
        _ => 0 // baz

fn match_skip() {
    let _ = match Some(1) {
        Some( n ) => n,
        None      => 1,

fn issue339() {
    match a {
        b => {}
        c => { }
        d => {
        e => {

        // collapsing here is safe
        ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff => {
        // collapsing here exceeds line length
        ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffg => {
        h => { // comment above block
        i => {
        } // comment below block
        j => {
            // comment inside block
        j2 => {
            // comments inside...
        } // ... and after
        // TODO uncomment when vertical whitespace is handled better
        // k => {
        //     // comment with WS above
        // }
        // l => {
        //     // comment with ws below
        // }
        m => {
        } n => { } o =>

        p => { // Dont collapse me
        } q => { } r =>

        s => 0, // s comment
        // t comment
        t => 1,
        u => 2,
        // TODO uncomment when block-support exists
        // v => {
        // } /* funky block
        //    * comment */
        // final comment

fn issue355() {
    match mac {
        a => println!("a", b),
        b => vec!(1, 2),
        c => vec!(3; 4),
        d => {
            println!("a", b)
        e => {
            vec!(1, 2)
        f => {
            vec!(3; 4)
        h => println!("a", b), // h comment
        i => vec!(1, 2), // i comment
        j => vec!(3; 4), // j comment
        // k comment
        k => println!("a", b),
        // l comment
        l => vec!(1, 2),
        // m comment
        m => vec!(3; 4),
        // Rewrite splits macro
        nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn => println!("a", b),
        // Rewrite splits macro
        oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo => vec!(1, 2),
        // Macro support fails to recognise this macro as splitable
        // We push the whole expr to a new line, TODO split this macro as well
        pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp => vec!(3; 4),
        // q, r and s: Rewrite splits match arm
        qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq => println!("a", b),
        rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr => vec!(1, 2),
        ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss => vec!(3; 4),
        // Funky bracketing styles
        t =>      println!{"a", b},
        u => vec!{1, 2},
        v => vec!{3; 4},
        w => println!["a", b],
        x =>      vec![1, 2],
        y =>vec![3; 4],
        // Brackets with comments
        tc => println!{"a", b}, // comment
        uc => vec!{1, 2}, // comment
        vc =>vec!{3; 4}, // comment
        wc =>println!["a", b], // comment
        xc => vec![1,2], // comment
        yc =>        vec![3; 4], // comment
        yd =>

fn issue280() {
        match x {
            CompressionMode::DiscardNewline | CompressionMode::CompressWhitespaceNewline => ch ==
            ast::ItemConst(ref typ, ref expr) => self.process_static_or_const_item(item,

fn issue383() {
    match resolution.last_private {LastImport{..} => false, _ => true};

fn issue507() {
    match 1 {
        1 => unsafe { std::intrinsics::abort() },
        _ => (),

fn issue508() {
    match s.type_id() {
                    HTMLElementTypeId::HTMLCanvasElement))) => true,
                        HTMLElementTypeId::HTMLObjectElement))) => s.has_object_data(),
        Some(NodeTypeId::Element(_)) => false,

fn issue496() {{{{
    match def {
        def::DefConst(def_id) | def::DefAssociatedConst(def_id) =>
            match const_eval::lookup_const_by_id(cx.tcx, def_id, Some(self.pat.id)) {
                Some(const_expr) => { x }}}}}}}

fn issue494() {
        match stmt.node {
             hir::StmtExpr(ref expr, id) | hir::StmtSemi(ref expr, id) =>
                        Box::new(Stmt { span: stmt.span,
                                        kind: StmtKind::Expr {
                                            scope: cx.tcx.region_maps.node_extent(id),
                                            expr: expr.to_ref() } }))),

fn issue386() {
    match foo {
        BiEq | BiLt | BiLe | BiNe | BiGt | BiGe =>
        BiAnd | BiOr | BiAdd | BiSub | BiMul | BiDiv | BiRem |
        BiBitXor | BiBitAnd | BiBitOr | BiShl | BiShr =>

fn guards() {
    match foo {
        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if foooooooooooooo && barrrrrrrrrrrr => {}
        aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if foooooooooooooo && barrrrrrrrrrrr => {}
            if fooooooooooooooooooooo &&
               (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb || cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc) => {}

fn issue1371() {
    Some(match type_ {
        sfEvtClosed => Closed,
        sfEvtResized => {
            let e = unsafe { *event.size.as_ref() };

            Resized {
                width: e.width,
                height: e.height,
        sfEvtLostFocus => LostFocus,
        sfEvtGainedFocus => GainedFocus,
        sfEvtTextEntered => {
            TextEntered {
                unicode: unsafe {
                        .expect("Invalid unicode encountered on TextEntered event")
        sfEvtKeyPressed => {
            let e = unsafe { event.key.as_ref() };

            KeyPressed {
                code: unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(e.code) },
                alt: e.alt.to_bool(),
                ctrl: e.control.to_bool(),
                shift: e.shift.to_bool(),
                system: e.system.to_bool(),
        sfEvtKeyReleased => {
            let e = unsafe { event.key.as_ref() };

            KeyReleased {
                code: unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(e.code) },
                alt: e.alt.to_bool(),
                ctrl: e.control.to_bool(),
                shift: e.shift.to_bool(),
                system: e.system.to_bool(),

fn issue1395() {
    let bar = Some(true);
    let foo = Some(true);
    let mut x = false;
    bar.and_then(|_| {
        match foo {
            None => None,
            Some(b) => {
                x = true;

fn issue1456() {
    Ok(Recording {
        artists: match reader.evaluate(".//mb:recording/mb:artist-credit/mb:name-credit")? {
            Nodeset(nodeset) => {
                let res: Result<Vec<ArtistRef>, ReadError> = nodeset
                    .map(|node| {
                        XPathNodeReader::new(node, &context).and_then(|r| ArtistRef::from_xml(&r))
            _ => Vec::new(),

fn issue1460() {
    let _ = match foo {
        REORDER_BUFFER_CHANGE_INTERNAL_SPEC_INSERT => "internal_spec_insert_internal_spec_insert_internal_spec_insert",
        _ => "reorder_something",

fn issue525() {
    foobar(f, "{}", match *self {
        TaskState::Started => "started",
        TaskState::Success => "success",
        TaskState::Failed => "failed",