use std::mem; use rustc::ty::{self, layout::{self, Size, Align}}; use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX}; use rustc::mir; use rand::RngCore; use crate::*; impl<'mir, 'tcx> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {} pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> { /// Gets an instance for a path. fn resolve_path(&self, path: &[&str]) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ty::Instance<'tcx>> { let this = self.eval_context_ref(); this.tcx .crates() .iter() .find(|&&krate| this.tcx.original_crate_name(krate).as_str() == path[0]) .and_then(|krate| { let krate = DefId { krate: *krate, index: CRATE_DEF_INDEX, }; let mut items = this.tcx.item_children(krate); let mut path_it = path.iter().skip(1).peekable(); while let Some(segment) = { for item in mem::replace(&mut items, Default::default()).iter() { if == *segment { if path_it.peek().is_none() { return Some(ty::Instance::mono(this.tcx.tcx, item.res.def_id())); } items = this.tcx.item_children(item.res.def_id()); break; } } } None }) .ok_or_else(|| { let path = path.iter().map(|&s| s.to_owned()).collect(); err_unsup!(PathNotFound(path)).into() }) } /// Write a 0 of the appropriate size to `dest`. fn write_null(&mut self, dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { self.eval_context_mut().write_scalar(Scalar::from_int(0, dest.layout.size), dest) } /// Test if this immediate equals 0. fn is_null(&self, val: Scalar) -> InterpResult<'tcx, bool> { let this = self.eval_context_ref(); let null = Scalar::from_int(0, this.memory().pointer_size()); this.ptr_eq(val, null) } /// Turn a Scalar into an Option fn test_null(&self, val: Scalar) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option>> { let this = self.eval_context_ref(); Ok(if this.is_null(val)? { None } else { Some(val) }) } /// Get the `Place` for a local fn local_place(&mut self, local: mir::Local) -> InterpResult<'tcx, PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let place = mir::Place { base: mir::PlaceBase::Local(local), projection: Box::new([]) }; this.eval_place(&place) } /// Generate some random bytes, and write them to `dest`. fn gen_random( &mut self, ptr: Scalar, len: usize, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { // Some programs pass in a null pointer and a length of 0 // to their platform's random-generation function (e.g. getrandom()) // on Linux. For compatibility with these programs, we don't perform // any additional checks - it's okay if the pointer is invalid, // since we wouldn't actually be writing to it. if len == 0 { return Ok(()); } let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let ptr = this.memory().check_ptr_access( ptr, Size::from_bytes(len as u64), Align::from_bytes(1).unwrap() )?.expect("we already checked for size 0"); let mut data = vec![0; len]; if this.machine.communicate { // Fill the buffer using the host's rng. getrandom::getrandom(&mut data) .map_err(|err| err_unsup_format!("getrandom failed: {}", err))?; } else { let rng = this.memory_mut().extra.rng.get_mut(); rng.fill_bytes(&mut data); } let tcx = &{this.tcx.tcx}; this.memory_mut().get_mut(ptr.alloc_id)?.write_bytes(tcx, ptr, &data) } /// Visits the memory covered by `place`, sensitive to freezing: the 3rd parameter /// will be true if this is frozen, false if this is in an `UnsafeCell`. fn visit_freeze_sensitive( &self, place: MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>, size: Size, mut action: impl FnMut(Pointer, Size, bool) -> InterpResult<'tcx>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { let this = self.eval_context_ref(); trace!("visit_frozen(place={:?}, size={:?})", *place, size); debug_assert_eq!(size, this.size_and_align_of_mplace(place)? .map(|(size, _)| size) .unwrap_or_else(|| place.layout.size) ); // Store how far we proceeded into the place so far. Everything to the left of // this offset has already been handled, in the sense that the frozen parts // have had `action` called on them. let mut end_ptr = place.ptr.assert_ptr(); // Called when we detected an `UnsafeCell` at the given offset and size. // Calls `action` and advances `end_ptr`. let mut unsafe_cell_action = |unsafe_cell_ptr: Scalar, unsafe_cell_size: Size| { let unsafe_cell_ptr = unsafe_cell_ptr.assert_ptr(); debug_assert_eq!(unsafe_cell_ptr.alloc_id, end_ptr.alloc_id); debug_assert_eq!(unsafe_cell_ptr.tag, end_ptr.tag); // We assume that we are given the fields in increasing offset order, // and nothing else changes. let unsafe_cell_offset = unsafe_cell_ptr.offset; let end_offset = end_ptr.offset; assert!(unsafe_cell_offset >= end_offset); let frozen_size = unsafe_cell_offset - end_offset; // Everything between the end_ptr and this `UnsafeCell` is frozen. if frozen_size != Size::ZERO { action(end_ptr, frozen_size, /*frozen*/true)?; } // This `UnsafeCell` is NOT frozen. if unsafe_cell_size != Size::ZERO { action(unsafe_cell_ptr, unsafe_cell_size, /*frozen*/false)?; } // Update end end_ptr. end_ptr = unsafe_cell_ptr.wrapping_offset(unsafe_cell_size, this); // Done Ok(()) }; // Run a visitor { let mut visitor = UnsafeCellVisitor { ecx: this, unsafe_cell_action: |place| { trace!("unsafe_cell_action on {:?}", place.ptr); // We need a size to go on. let unsafe_cell_size = this.size_and_align_of_mplace(place)? .map(|(size, _)| size) // for extern types, just cover what we can .unwrap_or_else(|| place.layout.size); // Now handle this `UnsafeCell`, unless it is empty. if unsafe_cell_size != Size::ZERO { unsafe_cell_action(place.ptr, unsafe_cell_size) } else { Ok(()) } }, }; visitor.visit_value(place)?; } // The part between the end_ptr and the end of the place is also frozen. // So pretend there is a 0-sized `UnsafeCell` at the end. unsafe_cell_action(place.ptr.ptr_wrapping_offset(size, this), Size::ZERO)?; // Done! return Ok(()); /// Visiting the memory covered by a `MemPlace`, being aware of /// whether we are inside an `UnsafeCell` or not. struct UnsafeCellVisitor<'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx, F> where F: FnMut(MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { ecx: &'ecx MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx>, unsafe_cell_action: F, } impl<'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx, F> ValueVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'tcx>> for UnsafeCellVisitor<'ecx, 'mir, 'tcx, F> where F: FnMut(MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { type V = MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>; #[inline(always)] fn ecx(&self) -> &MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> { &self.ecx } // Hook to detect `UnsafeCell`. fn visit_value(&mut self, v: MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { trace!("UnsafeCellVisitor: {:?} {:?}", *v, v.layout.ty); let is_unsafe_cell = match v.layout.ty.kind { ty::Adt(adt, _) => Some(adt.did) == self.ecx.tcx.lang_items().unsafe_cell_type(), _ => false, }; if is_unsafe_cell { // We do not have to recurse further, this is an `UnsafeCell`. (self.unsafe_cell_action)(v) } else if self.ecx.type_is_freeze(v.layout.ty) { // This is `Freeze`, there cannot be an `UnsafeCell` Ok(()) } else { // We want to not actually read from memory for this visit. So, before // walking this value, we have to make sure it is not a // `Variants::Multiple`. match v.layout.variants { layout::Variants::Multiple { .. } => { // A multi-variant enum, or generator, or so. // Treat this like a union: without reading from memory, // we cannot determine the variant we are in. Reading from // memory would be subject to Stacked Borrows rules, leading // to all sorts of "funny" recursion. // We only end up here if the type is *not* freeze, so we just call the // `UnsafeCell` action. (self.unsafe_cell_action)(v) } layout::Variants::Single { .. } => { // Proceed further, try to find where exactly that `UnsafeCell` // is hiding. self.walk_value(v) } } } } // Make sure we visit aggregrates in increasing offset order. fn visit_aggregate( &mut self, place: MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>, fields: impl Iterator>>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { match place.layout.fields { layout::FieldPlacement::Array { .. } => { // For the array layout, we know the iterator will yield sorted elements so // we can avoid the allocation. self.walk_aggregate(place, fields) } layout::FieldPlacement::Arbitrary { .. } => { // Gather the subplaces and sort them before visiting. let mut places = fields.collect::>>>()?; places.sort_by_key(|place| place.ptr.assert_ptr().offset); self.walk_aggregate(place, places.into_iter().map(Ok)) } layout::FieldPlacement::Union { .. } => { // Uh, what? bug!("a union is not an aggregate we should ever visit") } } } // We have to do *something* for unions. fn visit_union(&mut self, v: MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { // With unions, we fall back to whatever the type says, to hopefully be consistent // with LLVM IR. // FIXME: are we consistent, and is this really the behavior we want? let frozen = self.ecx.type_is_freeze(v.layout.ty); if frozen { Ok(()) } else { (self.unsafe_cell_action)(v) } } // We should never get to a primitive, but always short-circuit somewhere above. fn visit_primitive(&mut self, _v: MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { bug!("we should always short-circuit before coming to a primitive") } } } /// Helper function to get a `libc` constant as a `Scalar`. fn eval_libc(&mut self, name: &str) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar> { self.eval_context_mut() .eval_path_scalar(&["libc", name])? .ok_or_else(|| err_unsup_format!("Path libc::{} cannot be resolved.", name))? .not_undef() } /// Helper function to get a `libc` constant as an `i32`. fn eval_libc_i32(&mut self, name: &str) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { self.eval_libc(name)?.to_i32() } }