import sys; import ptr; import unsafe; import task; export send; export recv; export chan; export port; native "rust" mod rustrt { type void; type rust_port; fn chan_id_send<~T>(target_task: task::task, target_port: port_id, data: -T); fn new_port(unit_sz: uint) -> *rust_port; fn del_port(po: *rust_port); fn drop_port(po: *rust_port); fn get_port_id(po: *rust_port) -> port_id; } native "rust-intrinsic" mod rusti { fn recv<~T>(port: *rustrt::rust_port) -> T; } type port_id = int; // It's critical that this only have one variant, so it has a record // layout, and will work in the rust_task structure in tag chan<~T> { chan_t(task::task, port_id); } resource port_ptr(po: *rustrt::rust_port) { rustrt::drop_port(po); rustrt::del_port(po); } tag port<~T> { port_t(@port_ptr); } fn send<~T>(ch: &chan, data: -T) { let chan_t(t, p) = ch; rustrt::chan_id_send(t, p, data); } fn port<~T>() -> port { port_t(@port_ptr(rustrt::new_port(sys::size_of::()))) } fn recv<~T>(p: &port) -> T { ret rusti::recv(***p) } fn chan<~T>(p: &port) -> chan { chan_t(task::get_task_id(), rustrt::get_port_id(***p)) }