use crate::{LexedStr, PrefixEntryPoint, Step}; #[test] fn vis() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::Vis, "pub(crate) fn foo() {}", "pub(crate)"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Vis, "fn foo() {}", ""); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Vis, "pub(fn foo() {}", "pub"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Vis, "pub(crate fn foo() {}", "pub(crate"); } #[test] fn block() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::Block, "{}, 92", "{}"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Block, "{, 92)", "{, 92)"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Block, "()", ""); } #[test] fn stmt() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "92; fn", "92"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "let _ = 92; 1", "let _ = 92"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "pub fn f() {} = 92", "pub fn f() {}"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "struct S;;", "struct S;"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "fn f() {};", "fn f() {}"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, ";;;", ";"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "+", "+"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "@", "@"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt, "loop {} - 1", "loop {}"); } #[test] fn pat() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::Pat, "x y", "x"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Pat, "fn f() {}", "fn"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Pat, ".. ..", ".."); } #[test] fn ty() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::Ty, "fn() foo", "fn()"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Ty, "Clone + Copy + fn", "Clone + Copy +"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Ty, "struct f", "struct"); } #[test] fn expr() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "92 92", "92"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "+1", "+"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "-1", "-1"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "fn foo() {}", "fn"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "#[attr] ()", "#[attr] ()"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "foo.0", "foo.0"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "foo.0.1", "foo.0.1"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Expr, "foo.0. foo", "foo.0. foo"); } #[test] fn path() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::Path, "foo::bar baz", "foo::bar"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Path, "foo::<> baz", "foo::<>"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Path, "foo<> baz", "foo<>"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Path, "Fn() -> i32?", "Fn() -> i32"); // FIXME: This shouldn't be accepted as path actually. check(PrefixEntryPoint::Path, "<_>::foo", "<_>::foo"); } #[test] fn item() { // FIXME: This shouldn't consume the semicolon. check(PrefixEntryPoint::Item, "fn foo() {};", "fn foo() {};"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Item, "#[attr] pub struct S {} 92", "#[attr] pub struct S {}"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Item, "item!{}?", "item!{}"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::Item, "????", "?"); } #[test] fn meta_item() { check(PrefixEntryPoint::MetaItem, "attr, ", "attr"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::MetaItem, "attr(some token {stream});", "attr(some token {stream})"); check(PrefixEntryPoint::MetaItem, "path::attr = 2 * 2!", "path::attr = 2 * 2"); } #[track_caller] fn check(entry: PrefixEntryPoint, input: &str, prefix: &str) { let lexed = LexedStr::new(input); let input = lexed.to_input(); let mut n_tokens = 0; for step in entry.parse(&input).iter() { match step { Step::Token { n_input_tokens, .. } => n_tokens += n_input_tokens as usize, Step::FloatSplit { .. } => n_tokens += 1, Step::Enter { .. } | Step::Exit | Step::Error { .. } => (), } } let mut i = 0; loop { if n_tokens == 0 { break; } if !lexed.kind(i).is_trivia() { n_tokens -= 1; } i += 1; } let buf = &lexed.as_str()[..lexed.text_start(i)]; assert_eq!(buf, prefix); }