//! Breaks rustdocs into sections according to their headers export mk_pass; fn mk_pass() -> pass { { name: ~"sectionalize", f: run } } fn run(_srv: astsrv::srv, doc: doc::doc) -> doc::doc { let fold = fold::fold({ fold_item: fold_item, fold_trait: fold_trait, fold_impl: fold_impl with *fold::default_any_fold(()) }); fold.fold_doc(fold, doc) } fn fold_item(fold: fold::fold<()>, doc: doc::itemdoc) -> doc::itemdoc { let doc = fold::default_seq_fold_item(fold, doc); let (desc, sections) = sectionalize(doc.desc); { desc: desc, sections: sections with doc } } fn fold_trait(fold: fold::fold<()>, doc: doc::traitdoc) -> doc::traitdoc { let doc = fold::default_seq_fold_trait(fold, doc); { methods: do par::map(doc.methods) |method| { let (desc, sections) = sectionalize(method.desc); { desc: desc, sections: sections with method } } with doc } } fn fold_impl(fold: fold::fold<()>, doc: doc::impldoc) -> doc::impldoc { let doc = fold::default_seq_fold_impl(fold, doc); { methods: do par::map(doc.methods) |method| { let (desc, sections) = sectionalize(method.desc); { desc: desc, sections: sections with method } } with doc } } fn sectionalize(desc: option<~str>) -> (option<~str>, ~[doc::section]) { /*! * Take a description of the form * * General text * * # Section header * * Section text * * # Section header * * Section text * * and remove each header and accompanying text into section records. */ if option::is_none(desc) { ret (none, ~[]); } let lines = str::lines(option::get(desc)); let mut new_desc = none::<~str>; let mut current_section = none; let mut sections = ~[]; for lines.each |line| { alt parse_header(line) { some(header) { if option::is_some(current_section) { sections += ~[option::get(current_section)]; } current_section = some({ header: header, body: ~"" }); } none { alt copy current_section { some(section) { current_section = some({ body: section.body + ~"\n" + line with section }); } none { new_desc = alt new_desc { some(desc) { some(desc + ~"\n" + line) } none { some(line) } }; } } } } } if option::is_some(current_section) { sections += ~[option::get(current_section)]; } (new_desc, sections) } fn parse_header(line: ~str) -> option<~str> { if str::starts_with(line, ~"# ") { some(str::slice(line, 2u, str::len(line))) } else { none } } #[test] fn should_create_section_headers() { let doc = test::mk_doc( ~"#[doc = \"\ # Header\n\ Body\"]\ mod a { }"); assert str::contains( doc.cratemod().mods()[0].item.sections[0].header, ~"Header"); } #[test] fn should_create_section_bodies() { let doc = test::mk_doc( ~"#[doc = \"\ # Header\n\ Body\"]\ mod a { }"); assert str::contains( doc.cratemod().mods()[0].item.sections[0].body, ~"Body"); } #[test] fn should_not_create_sections_from_indented_headers() { let doc = test::mk_doc( ~"#[doc = \"\n\ Text\n # Header\n\ Body\"]\ mod a { }"); assert vec::is_empty(doc.cratemod().mods()[0].item.sections); } #[test] fn should_remove_section_text_from_main_desc() { let doc = test::mk_doc( ~"#[doc = \"\ Description\n\n\ # Header\n\ Body\"]\ mod a { }"); assert !str::contains( option::get(doc.cratemod().mods()[0].desc()), ~"Header"); assert !str::contains( option::get(doc.cratemod().mods()[0].desc()), ~"Body"); } #[test] fn should_eliminate_desc_if_it_is_just_whitespace() { let doc = test::mk_doc( ~"#[doc = \"\ # Header\n\ Body\"]\ mod a { }"); assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].desc() == none; } #[test] fn should_sectionalize_trait_methods() { let doc = test::mk_doc( ~"iface i { #[doc = \"\ # Header\n\ Body\"]\ fn a(); }"); assert doc.cratemod().traits()[0].methods[0].sections.len() == 1u; } #[test] fn should_sectionalize_impl_methods() { let doc = test::mk_doc( ~"impl i for bool { #[doc = \"\ # Header\n\ Body\"]\ fn a() { } }"); assert doc.cratemod().impls()[0].methods[0].sections.len() == 1u; } #[cfg(test)] mod test { fn mk_doc(source: ~str) -> doc::doc { do astsrv::from_str(source) |srv| { let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, ~""); let doc = attr_pass::mk_pass().f(srv, doc); run(srv, doc) } } }