macro_rules! float_rounding_test { { $vector:ident, $scalar:tt, $int_scalar:tt } => { mod $scalar { type Vector = core_simd::$vector; type Scalar = $scalar; type IntScalar = $int_scalar; #[cfg(feature = "std")] test_helpers::test_lanes! { fn ceil() { test_helpers::test_unary_elementwise( &Vector::::ceil, &Scalar::ceil, &|_| true, ) } fn floor() { test_helpers::test_unary_elementwise( &Vector::::floor, &Scalar::floor, &|_| true, ) } } test_helpers::test_lanes! { fn from_int() { test_helpers::test_unary_elementwise( &Vector::::round_from_int, &|x| x as Scalar, &|_| true, ) } fn to_int_unchecked() { // The maximum integer that can be represented by the equivalently sized float has // all of the mantissa digits set to 1, pushed up to the MSB. const ALL_MANTISSA_BITS: IntScalar = ((1 << ::MANTISSA_DIGITS) - 1); const MAX_REPRESENTABLE_VALUE: Scalar = (ALL_MANTISSA_BITS << (core::mem::size_of::() * 8 - ::MANTISSA_DIGITS as usize - 1)) as Scalar; let mut runner = proptest::test_runner::TestRunner::default(); &test_helpers::array::UniformArrayStrategy::new(-MAX_REPRESENTABLE_VALUE..MAX_REPRESENTABLE_VALUE), |x| { let result_1 = unsafe { Vector::from_array(x).to_int_unchecked().to_array() }; let result_2 = { let mut result = [0; LANES]; for (i, o) in x.iter().zip(result.iter_mut()) { *o = unsafe { i.to_int_unchecked() }; } result }; test_helpers::prop_assert_biteq!(result_1, result_2); Ok(()) }, ).unwrap(); } } } } } float_rounding_test! { SimdF32, f32, i32 } float_rounding_test! { SimdF64, f64, i64 }