use rustc::lint::*; use rustc::hir; use syntax::codemap; use utils::{snippet, span_lint_and_then}; /// **What it does:** Checks for variable declarations immediately followed by a /// conditional affectation. /// /// **Why is this bad?** This is not idiomatic Rust. /// /// **Known problems:** None. /// /// **Example:** /// ```rust,ignore /// let foo; /// /// if bar() { /// foo = 42; /// } else { /// foo = 0; /// } /// /// let mut baz = None; /// /// if bar() { /// baz = Some(42); /// } /// ``` /// /// should be written /// /// ```rust,ignore /// let foo = if bar() { /// 42 /// } else { /// 0 /// }; /// /// let baz = if bar() { /// Some(42) /// } else { /// None /// }; /// ``` declare_lint! { pub USELESS_LET_IF_SEQ, Warn, "unidiomatic `let mut` declaration followed by initialization in `if`" } #[derive(Copy,Clone)] pub struct LetIfSeq; impl LintPass for LetIfSeq { fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray { lint_array!(USELESS_LET_IF_SEQ) } } impl<'a, 'tcx> LateLintPass<'a, 'tcx> for LetIfSeq { fn check_block(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'a, 'tcx>, block: &'tcx hir::Block) { let mut it = block.stmts.iter().peekable(); while let Some(stmt) = { if_let_chain! {[ let Some(expr) = it.peek(), let hir::StmtDecl(ref decl, _) = stmt.node, let hir::DeclLocal(ref decl) = decl.node, let hir::PatKind::Binding(mode, def_id, ref name, None) = decl.pat.node, let hir::StmtExpr(ref if_, _) = expr.node, let hir::ExprIf(ref cond, ref then, ref else_) = if_.node, !used_in_expr(cx, def_id, cond), let Some(value) = check_assign(cx, def_id, then), !used_in_expr(cx, def_id, value), ], { let span = codemap::mk_sp(stmt.span.lo, if_.span.hi); let (default_multi_stmts, default) = if let Some(ref else_) = *else_ { if let hir::ExprBlock(ref else_) = else_.node { if let Some(default) = check_assign(cx, def_id, else_) { (else_.stmts.len() > 1, default) } else if let Some(ref default) = decl.init { (true, &**default) } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } else if let Some(ref default) = decl.init { (false, &**default) } else { continue; }; let mutability = match mode { hir::BindByRef(hir::MutMutable) | hir::BindByValue(hir::MutMutable) => " ", _ => "", }; // FIXME: this should not suggest `mut` if we can detect that the variable is not // use mutably after the `if` let sug = format!( "let {mut}{name} = if {cond} {{{then} {value} }} else {{{else} {default} }};", mut=mutability, name=name.node, cond=snippet(cx, cond.span, "_"), then=if then.stmts.len() > 1 { " ..;" } else { "" }, else=if default_multi_stmts { " ..;" } else { "" }, value=snippet(cx, value.span, ""), default=snippet(cx, default.span, ""), ); span_lint_and_then(cx, USELESS_LET_IF_SEQ, span, "`if _ { .. } else { .. }` is an expression", |db| { db.span_suggestion(span, "it is more idiomatic to write", sug); if !mutability.is_empty() { db.note("you might not need `mut` at all"); } }); }} } } } struct UsedVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> { cx: &'a LateContext<'a, 'tcx>, id: hir::def_id::DefId, used: bool, } impl<'a, 'tcx> hir::intravisit::Visitor<'tcx> for UsedVisitor<'a, 'tcx> { fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'tcx hir::Expr) { if_let_chain! {[ let hir::ExprPath(ref qpath) = expr.node, ==,, ], { self.used = true; return; }} hir::intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr); } fn nested_visit_map<'this>(&'this mut self) -> hir::intravisit::NestedVisitorMap<'this, 'tcx> { hir::intravisit::NestedVisitorMap::All(& } } fn check_assign<'a, 'tcx>( cx: &LateContext<'a, 'tcx>, decl: hir::def_id::DefId, block: &'tcx hir::Block ) -> Option<&'tcx hir::Expr> { if_let_chain! {[ block.expr.is_none(), let Some(expr) = block.stmts.iter().last(), let hir::StmtSemi(ref expr, _) = expr.node, let hir::ExprAssign(ref var, ref value) = expr.node, let hir::ExprPath(ref qpath) = var.node, decl == cx.tables.qpath_def(qpath,, ], { let mut v = UsedVisitor { cx: cx, id: decl, used: false, }; for s in block.stmts.iter().take(block.stmts.len()-1) { hir::intravisit::walk_stmt(&mut v, s); if v.used { return None; } } return Some(value); }} None } fn used_in_expr<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(cx: &LateContext<'a, 'tcx>, id: hir::def_id::DefId, expr: &'tcx hir::Expr) -> bool { let mut v = UsedVisitor { cx: cx, id: id, used: false, }; hir::intravisit::walk_expr(&mut v, expr); v.used }