// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. #![allow(missing_doc)] use std::io; use std::str; // Simple Extensible Binary Markup Language (ebml) reader and writer on a // cursor model. See the specification here: // http://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/rfc/index.html // Common data structures #[deriving(Clone)] pub struct Doc<'a> { pub data: &'a [u8], pub start: uint, pub end: uint, } impl<'doc> Doc<'doc> { pub fn get<'a>(&'a self, tag: uint) -> Doc<'a> { reader::get_doc(*self, tag) } pub fn as_str_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str { str::from_utf8(self.data.slice(self.start, self.end)).unwrap() } pub fn as_str(&self) -> ~str { self.as_str_slice().to_owned() } } pub struct TaggedDoc<'a> { tag: uint, pub doc: Doc<'a>, } pub enum EbmlEncoderTag { EsUint, // 0 EsU64, // 1 EsU32, // 2 EsU16, // 3 EsU8, // 4 EsInt, // 5 EsI64, // 6 EsI32, // 7 EsI16, // 8 EsI8, // 9 EsBool, // 10 EsChar, // 11 EsStr, // 12 EsF64, // 13 EsF32, // 14 EsFloat, // 15 EsEnum, // 16 EsEnumVid, // 17 EsEnumBody, // 18 EsVec, // 19 EsVecLen, // 20 EsVecElt, // 21 EsMap, // 22 EsMapLen, // 23 EsMapKey, // 24 EsMapVal, // 25 EsOpaque, EsLabel, // Used only when debugging } #[deriving(Show)] pub enum Error { IntTooBig(uint), Expected(~str), IoError(io::IoError) } // -------------------------------------- pub mod reader { use std::char; use std::mem::transmute; use std::int; use std::option::{None, Option, Some}; use std::io::extensions::u64_from_be_bytes; use serialize; use super::{ EsVec, EsMap, EsEnum, EsVecLen, EsVecElt, EsMapLen, EsMapKey, EsEnumVid, EsU64, EsU32, EsU16, EsU8, EsInt, EsI64, EsI32, EsI16, EsI8, EsBool, EsF64, EsF32, EsChar, EsStr, EsMapVal, EsEnumBody, EsUint, EsOpaque, EsLabel, EbmlEncoderTag, Doc, TaggedDoc, Error, IntTooBig, Expected }; pub type DecodeResult = Result; // ebml reading macro_rules! try_or( ($e:expr, $r:expr) => ( match $e { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) => { debug!("ignored error: {}", e); return $r } } ) ) pub struct Res { pub val: uint, pub next: uint } #[inline(never)] fn vuint_at_slow(data: &[u8], start: uint) -> DecodeResult { let a = data[start]; if a & 0x80u8 != 0u8 { return Ok(Res {val: (a & 0x7fu8) as uint, next: start + 1u}); } if a & 0x40u8 != 0u8 { return Ok(Res {val: ((a & 0x3fu8) as uint) << 8u | (data[start + 1u] as uint), next: start + 2u}); } if a & 0x20u8 != 0u8 { return Ok(Res {val: ((a & 0x1fu8) as uint) << 16u | (data[start + 1u] as uint) << 8u | (data[start + 2u] as uint), next: start + 3u}); } if a & 0x10u8 != 0u8 { return Ok(Res {val: ((a & 0x0fu8) as uint) << 24u | (data[start + 1u] as uint) << 16u | (data[start + 2u] as uint) << 8u | (data[start + 3u] as uint), next: start + 4u}); } Err(IntTooBig(a as uint)) } pub fn vuint_at(data: &[u8], start: uint) -> DecodeResult { use std::mem::from_be32; if data.len() - start < 4 { return vuint_at_slow(data, start); } // Lookup table for parsing EBML Element IDs as per http://ebml.sourceforge.net/specs/ // The Element IDs are parsed by reading a big endian u32 positioned at data[start]. // Using the four most significant bits of the u32 we lookup in the table below how the // element ID should be derived from it. // // The table stores tuples (shift, mask) where shift is the number the u32 should be right // shifted with and mask is the value the right shifted value should be masked with. // If for example the most significant bit is set this means it's a class A ID and the u32 // should be right shifted with 24 and masked with 0x7f. Therefore we store (24, 0x7f) at // index 0x8 - 0xF (four bit numbers where the most significant bit is set). // // By storing the number of shifts and masks in a table instead of checking in order if // the most significant bit is set, the second most significant bit is set etc. we can // replace up to three "and+branch" with a single table lookup which gives us a measured // speedup of around 2x on x86_64. static SHIFT_MASK_TABLE: [(u32, u32), ..16] = [ (0, 0x0), (0, 0x0fffffff), (8, 0x1fffff), (8, 0x1fffff), (16, 0x3fff), (16, 0x3fff), (16, 0x3fff), (16, 0x3fff), (24, 0x7f), (24, 0x7f), (24, 0x7f), (24, 0x7f), (24, 0x7f), (24, 0x7f), (24, 0x7f), (24, 0x7f) ]; unsafe { let ptr = data.as_ptr().offset(start as int) as *u32; let val = from_be32(*ptr); let i = (val >> 28u) as uint; let (shift, mask) = SHIFT_MASK_TABLE[i]; Ok(Res { val: ((val >> shift) & mask) as uint, next: start + (((32 - shift) >> 3) as uint) }) } } pub fn Doc<'a>(data: &'a [u8]) -> Doc<'a> { Doc { data: data, start: 0u, end: data.len() } } pub fn doc_at<'a>(data: &'a [u8], start: uint) -> DecodeResult> { let elt_tag = try!(vuint_at(data, start)); let elt_size = try!(vuint_at(data, elt_tag.next)); let end = elt_size.next + elt_size.val; Ok(TaggedDoc { tag: elt_tag.val, doc: Doc { data: data, start: elt_size.next, end: end } }) } pub fn maybe_get_doc<'a>(d: Doc<'a>, tg: uint) -> Option> { let mut pos = d.start; while pos < d.end { let elt_tag = try_or!(vuint_at(d.data, pos), None); let elt_size = try_or!(vuint_at(d.data, elt_tag.next), None); pos = elt_size.next + elt_size.val; if elt_tag.val == tg { return Some(Doc { data: d.data, start: elt_size.next, end: pos }); } } None } pub fn get_doc<'a>(d: Doc<'a>, tg: uint) -> Doc<'a> { match maybe_get_doc(d, tg) { Some(d) => d, None => { error!("failed to find block with tag {}", tg); fail!(); } } } pub fn docs<'a>(d: Doc<'a>, it: |uint, Doc<'a>| -> bool) -> bool { let mut pos = d.start; while pos < d.end { let elt_tag = try_or!(vuint_at(d.data, pos), false); let elt_size = try_or!(vuint_at(d.data, elt_tag.next), false); pos = elt_size.next + elt_size.val; let doc = Doc { data: d.data, start: elt_size.next, end: pos }; if !it(elt_tag.val, doc) { return false; } } return true; } pub fn tagged_docs<'a>(d: Doc<'a>, tg: uint, it: |Doc<'a>| -> bool) -> bool { let mut pos = d.start; while pos < d.end { let elt_tag = try_or!(vuint_at(d.data, pos), false); let elt_size = try_or!(vuint_at(d.data, elt_tag.next), false); pos = elt_size.next + elt_size.val; if elt_tag.val == tg { let doc = Doc { data: d.data, start: elt_size.next, end: pos }; if !it(doc) { return false; } } } return true; } pub fn with_doc_data<'a, T>(d: Doc<'a>, f: |x: &'a [u8]| -> T) -> T { f(d.data.slice(d.start, d.end)) } pub fn doc_as_u8(d: Doc) -> u8 { assert_eq!(d.end, d.start + 1u); d.data[d.start] } pub fn doc_as_u16(d: Doc) -> u16 { assert_eq!(d.end, d.start + 2u); u64_from_be_bytes(d.data, d.start, 2u) as u16 } pub fn doc_as_u32(d: Doc) -> u32 { assert_eq!(d.end, d.start + 4u); u64_from_be_bytes(d.data, d.start, 4u) as u32 } pub fn doc_as_u64(d: Doc) -> u64 { assert_eq!(d.end, d.start + 8u); u64_from_be_bytes(d.data, d.start, 8u) } pub fn doc_as_i8(d: Doc) -> i8 { doc_as_u8(d) as i8 } pub fn doc_as_i16(d: Doc) -> i16 { doc_as_u16(d) as i16 } pub fn doc_as_i32(d: Doc) -> i32 { doc_as_u32(d) as i32 } pub fn doc_as_i64(d: Doc) -> i64 { doc_as_u64(d) as i64 } pub struct Decoder<'a> { parent: Doc<'a>, pos: uint, } pub fn Decoder<'a>(d: Doc<'a>) -> Decoder<'a> { Decoder { parent: d, pos: d.start } } impl<'doc> Decoder<'doc> { fn _check_label(&mut self, lbl: &str) -> DecodeResult<()> { if self.pos < self.parent.end { let TaggedDoc { tag: r_tag, doc: r_doc } = try!(doc_at(self.parent.data, self.pos)); if r_tag == (EsLabel as uint) { self.pos = r_doc.end; let str = r_doc.as_str_slice(); if lbl != str { return Err(Expected(format!("Expected label {} but found {}", lbl, str))); } } } Ok(()) } fn next_doc(&mut self, exp_tag: EbmlEncoderTag) -> DecodeResult> { debug!(". next_doc(exp_tag={:?})", exp_tag); if self.pos >= self.parent.end { return Err(Expected(format!("no more documents in current node!"))); } let TaggedDoc { tag: r_tag, doc: r_doc } = try!(doc_at(self.parent.data, self.pos)); debug!("self.parent={}-{} self.pos={} r_tag={} r_doc={}-{}", self.parent.start, self.parent.end, self.pos, r_tag, r_doc.start, r_doc.end); if r_tag != (exp_tag as uint) { return Err(Expected(format!("expected EBML doc with tag {:?} but found tag {:?}", exp_tag, r_tag))); } if r_doc.end > self.parent.end { return Err(Expected(format!("invalid EBML, child extends to {:#x}, parent to {:#x}", r_doc.end, self.parent.end))); } self.pos = r_doc.end; Ok(r_doc) } fn push_doc(&mut self, exp_tag: EbmlEncoderTag, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { let d = try!(self.next_doc(exp_tag)); let old_parent = self.parent; let old_pos = self.pos; self.parent = d; self.pos = d.start; let r = try!(f(self)); self.parent = old_parent; self.pos = old_pos; Ok(r) } fn _next_uint(&mut self, exp_tag: EbmlEncoderTag) -> DecodeResult { let r = doc_as_u32(try!(self.next_doc(exp_tag))); debug!("_next_uint exp_tag={:?} result={}", exp_tag, r); Ok(r as uint) } pub fn read_opaque(&mut self, op: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, Doc| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { let doc = try!(self.next_doc(EsOpaque)); let (old_parent, old_pos) = (self.parent, self.pos); self.parent = doc; self.pos = doc.start; let result = try!(op(self, doc)); self.parent = old_parent; self.pos = old_pos; Ok(result) } } impl<'doc> serialize::Decoder for Decoder<'doc> { fn read_nil(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<()> { Ok(()) } fn read_u64(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u64(try!(self.next_doc(EsU64)))) } fn read_u32(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u32(try!(self.next_doc(EsU32)))) } fn read_u16(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u16(try!(self.next_doc(EsU16)))) } fn read_u8 (&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u8 (try!(self.next_doc(EsU8 )))) } fn read_uint(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { let v = doc_as_u64(try!(self.next_doc(EsUint))); if v > (::std::uint::MAX as u64) { Err(IntTooBig(v as uint)) } else { Ok(v as uint) } } fn read_i64(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u64(try!(self.next_doc(EsI64))) as i64) } fn read_i32(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u32(try!(self.next_doc(EsI32))) as i32) } fn read_i16(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u16(try!(self.next_doc(EsI16))) as i16) } fn read_i8 (&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u8(try!(self.next_doc(EsI8 ))) as i8) } fn read_int(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { let v = doc_as_u64(try!(self.next_doc(EsInt))) as i64; if v > (int::MAX as i64) || v < (int::MIN as i64) { debug!("FIXME \\#6122: Removing this makes this function miscompile"); Err(IntTooBig(v as uint)) } else { Ok(v as int) } } fn read_bool(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(doc_as_u8(try!(self.next_doc(EsBool))) != 0) } fn read_f64(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { let bits = doc_as_u64(try!(self.next_doc(EsF64))); Ok(unsafe { transmute(bits) }) } fn read_f32(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { let bits = doc_as_u32(try!(self.next_doc(EsF32))); Ok(unsafe { transmute(bits) }) } fn read_char(&mut self) -> DecodeResult { Ok(char::from_u32(doc_as_u32(try!(self.next_doc(EsChar)))).unwrap()) } fn read_str(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<~str> { Ok(try!(self.next_doc(EsStr)).as_str()) } // Compound types: fn read_enum(&mut self, name: &str, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_enum({})", name); try!(self._check_label(name)); let doc = try!(self.next_doc(EsEnum)); let (old_parent, old_pos) = (self.parent, self.pos); self.parent = doc; self.pos = self.parent.start; let result = try!(f(self)); self.parent = old_parent; self.pos = old_pos; Ok(result) } fn read_enum_variant(&mut self, _: &[&str], f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, uint| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_enum_variant()"); let idx = try!(self._next_uint(EsEnumVid)); debug!(" idx={}", idx); let doc = try!(self.next_doc(EsEnumBody)); let (old_parent, old_pos) = (self.parent, self.pos); self.parent = doc; self.pos = self.parent.start; let result = try!(f(self, idx)); self.parent = old_parent; self.pos = old_pos; Ok(result) } fn read_enum_variant_arg(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_enum_variant_arg(idx={})", idx); f(self) } fn read_enum_struct_variant(&mut self, _: &[&str], f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, uint| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_enum_struct_variant()"); let idx = try!(self._next_uint(EsEnumVid)); debug!(" idx={}", idx); let doc = try!(self.next_doc(EsEnumBody)); let (old_parent, old_pos) = (self.parent, self.pos); self.parent = doc; self.pos = self.parent.start; let result = try!(f(self, idx)); self.parent = old_parent; self.pos = old_pos; Ok(result) } fn read_enum_struct_variant_field(&mut self, name: &str, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_enum_struct_variant_arg(name={}, idx={})", name, idx); f(self) } fn read_struct(&mut self, name: &str, _: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_struct(name={})", name); f(self) } fn read_struct_field(&mut self, name: &str, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_struct_field(name={}, idx={})", name, idx); try!(self._check_label(name)); f(self) } fn read_tuple(&mut self, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, uint| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_tuple()"); self.read_seq(f) } fn read_tuple_arg(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_tuple_arg(idx={})", idx); self.read_seq_elt(idx, f) } fn read_tuple_struct(&mut self, name: &str, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, uint| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_tuple_struct(name={})", name); self.read_tuple(f) } fn read_tuple_struct_arg(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_tuple_struct_arg(idx={})", idx); self.read_tuple_arg(idx, f) } fn read_option(&mut self, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, bool| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_option()"); self.read_enum("Option", |this| { this.read_enum_variant(["None", "Some"], |this, idx| { match idx { 0 => f(this, false), 1 => f(this, true), _ => Err(Expected(format!("Expected None or Some"))), } }) }) } fn read_seq(&mut self, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, uint| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_seq()"); self.push_doc(EsVec, |d| { let len = try!(d._next_uint(EsVecLen)); debug!(" len={}", len); f(d, len) }) } fn read_seq_elt(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_seq_elt(idx={})", idx); self.push_doc(EsVecElt, f) } fn read_map(&mut self, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>, uint| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_map()"); self.push_doc(EsMap, |d| { let len = try!(d._next_uint(EsMapLen)); debug!(" len={}", len); f(d, len) }) } fn read_map_elt_key(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_map_elt_key(idx={})", idx); self.push_doc(EsMapKey, f) } fn read_map_elt_val(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Decoder<'doc>| -> DecodeResult) -> DecodeResult { debug!("read_map_elt_val(idx={})", idx); self.push_doc(EsMapVal, f) } } } pub mod writer { use std::clone::Clone; use std::io::extensions::u64_to_be_bytes; use std::io::{Writer, Seek}; use std::io; use std::mem; use super::{ EsVec, EsMap, EsEnum, EsVecLen, EsVecElt, EsMapLen, EsMapKey, EsEnumVid, EsU64, EsU32, EsU16, EsU8, EsInt, EsI64, EsI32, EsI16, EsI8, EsBool, EsF64, EsF32, EsChar, EsStr, EsMapVal, EsEnumBody, EsUint, EsOpaque, EsLabel, EbmlEncoderTag }; use serialize; pub type EncodeResult = io::IoResult<()>; // ebml writing pub struct Encoder<'a, W> { pub writer: &'a mut W, size_positions: Vec, } fn write_sized_vuint(w: &mut W, n: uint, size: uint) -> EncodeResult { match size { 1u => w.write(&[0x80u8 | (n as u8)]), 2u => w.write(&[0x40u8 | ((n >> 8_u) as u8), n as u8]), 3u => w.write(&[0x20u8 | ((n >> 16_u) as u8), (n >> 8_u) as u8, n as u8]), 4u => w.write(&[0x10u8 | ((n >> 24_u) as u8), (n >> 16_u) as u8, (n >> 8_u) as u8, n as u8]), _ => Err(io::IoError { kind: io::OtherIoError, desc: "int too big", detail: Some(format!("{}", n)) }) } } fn write_vuint(w: &mut W, n: uint) -> EncodeResult { if n < 0x7f_u { return write_sized_vuint(w, n, 1u); } if n < 0x4000_u { return write_sized_vuint(w, n, 2u); } if n < 0x200000_u { return write_sized_vuint(w, n, 3u); } if n < 0x10000000_u { return write_sized_vuint(w, n, 4u); } Err(io::IoError { kind: io::OtherIoError, desc: "int too big", detail: Some(format!("{}", n)) }) } pub fn Encoder<'a, W: Writer + Seek>(w: &'a mut W) -> Encoder<'a, W> { Encoder { writer: w, size_positions: vec!(), } } // FIXME (#2741): Provide a function to write the standard ebml header. impl<'a, W: Writer + Seek> Encoder<'a, W> { /// FIXME(pcwalton): Workaround for badness in trans. DO NOT USE ME. pub unsafe fn unsafe_clone(&self) -> Encoder<'a, W> { Encoder { writer: mem::transmute_copy(&self.writer), size_positions: self.size_positions.clone(), } } pub fn start_tag(&mut self, tag_id: uint) -> EncodeResult { debug!("Start tag {}", tag_id); // Write the enum ID: try!(write_vuint(self.writer, tag_id)); // Write a placeholder four-byte size. self.size_positions.push(try!(self.writer.tell()) as uint); let zeroes: &[u8] = &[0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8]; self.writer.write(zeroes) } pub fn end_tag(&mut self) -> EncodeResult { let last_size_pos = self.size_positions.pop().unwrap(); let cur_pos = try!(self.writer.tell()); try!(self.writer.seek(last_size_pos as i64, io::SeekSet)); let size = cur_pos as uint - last_size_pos - 4; try!(write_sized_vuint(self.writer, size, 4u)); let r = try!(self.writer.seek(cur_pos as i64, io::SeekSet)); debug!("End tag (size = {})", size); Ok(r) } pub fn wr_tag(&mut self, tag_id: uint, blk: || -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self.start_tag(tag_id)); try!(blk()); self.end_tag() } pub fn wr_tagged_bytes(&mut self, tag_id: uint, b: &[u8]) -> EncodeResult { try!(write_vuint(self.writer, tag_id)); try!(write_vuint(self.writer, b.len())); self.writer.write(b) } pub fn wr_tagged_u64(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: u64) -> EncodeResult { u64_to_be_bytes(v, 8u, |v| { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, v) }) } pub fn wr_tagged_u32(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: u32) -> EncodeResult{ u64_to_be_bytes(v as u64, 4u, |v| { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, v) }) } pub fn wr_tagged_u16(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: u16) -> EncodeResult { u64_to_be_bytes(v as u64, 2u, |v| { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, v) }) } pub fn wr_tagged_u8(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: u8) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, &[v]) } pub fn wr_tagged_i64(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: i64) -> EncodeResult { u64_to_be_bytes(v as u64, 8u, |v| { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, v) }) } pub fn wr_tagged_i32(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: i32) -> EncodeResult { u64_to_be_bytes(v as u64, 4u, |v| { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, v) }) } pub fn wr_tagged_i16(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: i16) -> EncodeResult { u64_to_be_bytes(v as u64, 2u, |v| { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, v) }) } pub fn wr_tagged_i8(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: i8) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, &[v as u8]) } pub fn wr_tagged_str(&mut self, tag_id: uint, v: &str) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_bytes(tag_id, v.as_bytes()) } pub fn wr_bytes(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> EncodeResult { debug!("Write {} bytes", b.len()); self.writer.write(b) } pub fn wr_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> EncodeResult { debug!("Write str: {}", s); self.writer.write(s.as_bytes()) } } // FIXME (#2743): optionally perform "relaxations" on end_tag to more // efficiently encode sizes; this is a fixed point iteration // Set to true to generate more debugging in EBML code. // Totally lame approach. static DEBUG: bool = true; impl<'a, W: Writer + Seek> Encoder<'a, W> { // used internally to emit things like the vector length and so on fn _emit_tagged_uint(&mut self, t: EbmlEncoderTag, v: uint) -> EncodeResult { assert!(v <= 0xFFFF_FFFF_u); self.wr_tagged_u32(t as uint, v as u32) } fn _emit_label(&mut self, label: &str) -> EncodeResult { // There are various strings that we have access to, such as // the name of a record field, which do not actually appear in // the encoded EBML (normally). This is just for // efficiency. When debugging, though, we can emit such // labels and then they will be checked by decoder to // try and check failures more quickly. if DEBUG { self.wr_tagged_str(EsLabel as uint, label) } else { Ok(()) } } pub fn emit_opaque(&mut self, f: |&mut Encoder| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self.start_tag(EsOpaque as uint)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } } impl<'a, W: Writer + Seek> serialize::Encoder for Encoder<'a, W> { fn emit_nil(&mut self) -> EncodeResult { Ok(()) } fn emit_uint(&mut self, v: uint) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_u64(EsUint as uint, v as u64) } fn emit_u64(&mut self, v: u64) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_u64(EsU64 as uint, v) } fn emit_u32(&mut self, v: u32) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_u32(EsU32 as uint, v) } fn emit_u16(&mut self, v: u16) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_u16(EsU16 as uint, v) } fn emit_u8(&mut self, v: u8) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_u8(EsU8 as uint, v) } fn emit_int(&mut self, v: int) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_i64(EsInt as uint, v as i64) } fn emit_i64(&mut self, v: i64) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_i64(EsI64 as uint, v) } fn emit_i32(&mut self, v: i32) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_i32(EsI32 as uint, v) } fn emit_i16(&mut self, v: i16) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_i16(EsI16 as uint, v) } fn emit_i8(&mut self, v: i8) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_i8(EsI8 as uint, v) } fn emit_bool(&mut self, v: bool) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_u8(EsBool as uint, v as u8) } fn emit_f64(&mut self, v: f64) -> EncodeResult { let bits = unsafe { mem::transmute(v) }; self.wr_tagged_u64(EsF64 as uint, bits) } fn emit_f32(&mut self, v: f32) -> EncodeResult { let bits = unsafe { mem::transmute(v) }; self.wr_tagged_u32(EsF32 as uint, bits) } fn emit_char(&mut self, v: char) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_u32(EsChar as uint, v as u32) } fn emit_str(&mut self, v: &str) -> EncodeResult { self.wr_tagged_str(EsStr as uint, v) } fn emit_enum(&mut self, name: &str, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self._emit_label(name)); try!(self.start_tag(EsEnum as uint)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } fn emit_enum_variant(&mut self, _: &str, v_id: uint, _: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self._emit_tagged_uint(EsEnumVid, v_id)); try!(self.start_tag(EsEnumBody as uint)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } fn emit_enum_variant_arg(&mut self, _: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { f(self) } fn emit_enum_struct_variant(&mut self, v_name: &str, v_id: uint, cnt: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_enum_variant(v_name, v_id, cnt, f) } fn emit_enum_struct_variant_field(&mut self, _: &str, idx: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_enum_variant_arg(idx, f) } fn emit_struct(&mut self, _: &str, _len: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { f(self) } fn emit_struct_field(&mut self, name: &str, _: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self._emit_label(name)); f(self) } fn emit_tuple(&mut self, len: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_seq(len, f) } fn emit_tuple_arg(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_seq_elt(idx, f) } fn emit_tuple_struct(&mut self, _: &str, len: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_seq(len, f) } fn emit_tuple_struct_arg(&mut self, idx: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_seq_elt(idx, f) } fn emit_option(&mut self, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_enum("Option", f) } fn emit_option_none(&mut self) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_enum_variant("None", 0, 0, |_| Ok(())) } fn emit_option_some(&mut self, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { self.emit_enum_variant("Some", 1, 1, f) } fn emit_seq(&mut self, len: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self.start_tag(EsVec as uint)); try!(self._emit_tagged_uint(EsVecLen, len)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } fn emit_seq_elt(&mut self, _idx: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self.start_tag(EsVecElt as uint)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } fn emit_map(&mut self, len: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self.start_tag(EsMap as uint)); try!(self._emit_tagged_uint(EsMapLen, len)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } fn emit_map_elt_key(&mut self, _idx: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self.start_tag(EsMapKey as uint)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } fn emit_map_elt_val(&mut self, _idx: uint, f: |&mut Encoder<'a, W>| -> EncodeResult) -> EncodeResult { try!(self.start_tag(EsMapVal as uint)); try!(f(self)); self.end_tag() } } } // ___________________________________________________________________________ // Testing #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ebml::reader; use ebml::writer; use {Encodable, Decodable}; use std::io::MemWriter; use std::option::{None, Option, Some}; #[test] fn test_vuint_at() { let data = [ 0x80, 0xff, 0x40, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3f, 0xff, 0xff, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ]; let mut res: reader::Res; // Class A res = reader::vuint_at(data, 0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, 0); assert_eq!(res.next, 1); res = reader::vuint_at(data, res.next).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, (1 << 7) - 1); assert_eq!(res.next, 2); // Class B res = reader::vuint_at(data, res.next).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, 0); assert_eq!(res.next, 4); res = reader::vuint_at(data, res.next).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, (1 << 14) - 1); assert_eq!(res.next, 6); // Class C res = reader::vuint_at(data, res.next).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, 0); assert_eq!(res.next, 9); res = reader::vuint_at(data, res.next).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, (1 << 21) - 1); assert_eq!(res.next, 12); // Class D res = reader::vuint_at(data, res.next).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, 0); assert_eq!(res.next, 16); res = reader::vuint_at(data, res.next).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.val, (1 << 28) - 1); assert_eq!(res.next, 20); } #[test] fn test_option_int() { fn test_v(v: Option) { debug!("v == {:?}", v); let mut wr = MemWriter::new(); { let mut ebml_w = writer::Encoder(&mut wr); let _ = v.encode(&mut ebml_w); } let ebml_doc = reader::Doc(wr.get_ref()); let mut deser = reader::Decoder(ebml_doc); let v1 = Decodable::decode(&mut deser).unwrap(); debug!("v1 == {:?}", v1); assert_eq!(v, v1); } test_v(Some(22)); test_v(None); test_v(Some(3)); } } #[cfg(test)] mod bench { extern crate test; use self::test::Bencher; use ebml::reader; #[bench] pub fn vuint_at_A_aligned(b: &mut Bencher) { let data = Vec::from_fn(4*100, |i| { match i % 2 { 0 => 0x80u8, _ => i as u8, } }); let mut sum = 0u; b.iter(|| { let mut i = 0; while i < data.len() { sum += reader::vuint_at(data.as_slice(), i).unwrap().val; i += 4; } }); } #[bench] pub fn vuint_at_A_unaligned(b: &mut Bencher) { let data = Vec::from_fn(4*100+1, |i| { match i % 2 { 1 => 0x80u8, _ => i as u8 } }); let mut sum = 0u; b.iter(|| { let mut i = 1; while i < data.len() { sum += reader::vuint_at(data.as_slice(), i).unwrap().val; i += 4; } }); } #[bench] pub fn vuint_at_D_aligned(b: &mut Bencher) { let data = Vec::from_fn(4*100, |i| { match i % 4 { 0 => 0x10u8, 3 => i as u8, _ => 0u8 } }); let mut sum = 0u; b.iter(|| { let mut i = 0; while i < data.len() { sum += reader::vuint_at(data.as_slice(), i).unwrap().val; i += 4; } }); } #[bench] pub fn vuint_at_D_unaligned(b: &mut Bencher) { let data = Vec::from_fn(4*100+1, |i| { match i % 4 { 1 => 0x10u8, 0 => i as u8, _ => 0u8 } }); let mut sum = 0u; b.iter(|| { let mut i = 1; while i < data.len() { sum += reader::vuint_at(data.as_slice(), i).unwrap().val; i += 4; } }); } }