use base_db::fixture::WithFixture; use chalk_ir::Substitution; use hir_def::db::DefDatabase; use crate::{ consteval::try_const_usize, db::HirDatabase, mir::pad16, test_db::TestDB, Const, ConstScalar, Interner, }; use super::{ super::mir::{MirEvalError, MirLowerError}, ConstEvalError, }; mod intrinsics; fn simplify(e: ConstEvalError) -> ConstEvalError { match e { ConstEvalError::MirEvalError(MirEvalError::InFunction(_, e)) => { simplify(ConstEvalError::MirEvalError(*e)) } _ => e, } } #[track_caller] fn check_fail(ra_fixture: &str, error: ConstEvalError) { assert_eq!(eval_goal(ra_fixture).map_err(simplify), Err(error)); } #[track_caller] fn check_number(ra_fixture: &str, answer: i128) { let r = eval_goal(ra_fixture).unwrap(); match & { chalk_ir::ConstValue::Concrete(c) => match &c.interned { ConstScalar::Bytes(b, _) => { assert_eq!( b, &answer.to_le_bytes()[0..b.len()], "Bytes differ. In decimal form: actual = {}, expected = {answer}", i128::from_le_bytes(pad16(b, true)) ); } x => panic!("Expected number but found {:?}", x), }, _ => panic!("result of const eval wasn't a concrete const"), } } fn eval_goal(ra_fixture: &str) -> Result { let (db, file_id) = TestDB::with_single_file(ra_fixture); let module_id = db.module_for_file(file_id); let def_map = module_id.def_map(&db); let scope = &def_map[module_id.local_id].scope; let const_id = scope .declarations() .find_map(|x| match x { hir_def::ModuleDefId::ConstId(x) => { if db.const_data(x).name.as_ref()?.to_string() == "GOAL" { Some(x) } else { None } } _ => None, }) .unwrap(); db.const_eval(const_id, Substitution::empty(Interner)) } #[test] fn add() { check_number(r#"const GOAL: usize = 2 + 2;"#, 4); check_number(r#"const GOAL: i32 = -2 + --5;"#, 3); check_number(r#"const GOAL: i32 = 7 - 5;"#, 2); check_number(r#"const GOAL: i32 = 7 + (1 - 5);"#, 3); } #[test] fn bit_op() { check_number(r#"const GOAL: u8 = !0 & !(!0 >> 1)"#, 128); check_number(r#"const GOAL: i8 = !0 & !(!0 >> 1)"#, 0); check_number(r#"const GOAL: i8 = 1 << 7"#, (1i8 << 7) as i128); // FIXME: report panic here check_number(r#"const GOAL: i8 = 1 << 8"#, 0); } #[test] fn casts() { check_number(r#"const GOAL: usize = 12 as *const i32 as usize"#, 12); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: i32 = { let a = [10, 20, 3, 15]; let x: &[i32] = &a; let y: *const [i32] = x; let z = y as *const i32; unsafe { *z } }; "#, 10, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: i16 = { let a = &mut 5; let z = a as *mut _; unsafe { *z } }; "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: usize = { let a = [10, 20, 3, 15]; let x: &[i32] = &a; let y: *const [i32] = x; let z = y as *const [u8]; // slice fat pointer cast don't touch metadata let w = unsafe { &*z }; w.len() }; "#, 4, ); } #[test] fn locals() { check_number( r#" const GOAL: usize = { let a = 3 + 2; let b = a * a; b }; "#, 25, ); } #[test] fn references() { check_number( r#" const GOAL: usize = { let x = 3; let y = &mut x; *y = 5; x }; "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" struct Foo(i32); impl Foo { fn method(&mut self, x: i32) { self.0 = 2 * self.0 + x; } } const GOAL: i32 = { let mut x = Foo(3); x.method(5); x.0 }; "#, 11, ); } #[test] fn reference_autoderef() { check_number( r#" const GOAL: usize = { let x = 3; let y = &mut x; let y: &mut usize = &mut y; *y = 5; x }; "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" const GOAL: usize = { let x = 3; let y = &&&&&&&x; let z: &usize = &y; *z }; "#, 3, ); check_number( r#" struct Foo { x: T } impl Foo { fn foo(&mut self) -> T { self.x } } fn f(i: &mut &mut Foo>) -> i32 { ((**i).x).foo() } fn g(i: Foo>) -> i32 { } const GOAL: i32 = f(&mut &mut Foo { x: Foo { x: 3 } }) + g(Foo { x: Foo { x: 5 } }); "#, 8, ); } #[test] fn overloaded_deref() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: deref_mut struct Foo; impl core::ops::Deref for Foo { type Target = i32; fn deref(&self) -> &i32 { &5 } } const GOAL: i32 = { let x = Foo; let y = &*x; *y + *x }; "#, 10, ); } #[test] fn overloaded_deref_autoref() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: deref_mut struct Foo; struct Bar; impl core::ops::Deref for Foo { type Target = Bar; fn deref(&self) -> &Bar { &Bar } } impl Bar { fn method(&self) -> i32 { 5 } } const GOAL: i32 = Foo.method(); "#, 5, ); } #[test] fn overloaded_index() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: index struct Foo; impl core::ops::Index for Foo { type Output = i32; fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &i32 { if index == 7 { &700 } else { &1000 } } } impl core::ops::IndexMut for Foo { fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut i32 { if index == 7 { &mut 7 } else { &mut 10 } } } const GOAL: i32 = { (Foo[2]) + (Foo[7]) + (*&Foo[2]) + (*&Foo[7]) + (*&mut Foo[2]) + (*&mut Foo[7]) }; "#, 3417, ); } #[test] fn function_call() { check_number( r#" const fn f(x: usize) -> usize { 2 * x + 5 } const GOAL: usize = f(3); "#, 11, ); check_number( r#" const fn add(x: usize, y: usize) -> usize { x + y } const GOAL: usize = add(add(1, 2), add(3, add(4, 5))); "#, 15, ); } #[test] fn trait_basic() { check_number( r#" trait Foo { fn f(&self) -> u8; } impl Foo for u8 { fn f(&self) -> u8 { *self + 33 } } const GOAL: u8 = { let x = 3; Foo::f(&x) }; "#, 36, ); } #[test] fn trait_method() { check_number( r#" trait Foo { fn f(&self) -> u8; } impl Foo for u8 { fn f(&self) -> u8 { *self + 33 } } const GOAL: u8 = { let x = 3; x.f() }; "#, 36, ); } #[test] fn generic_fn() { check_number( r#" trait Foo { fn f(&self) -> u8; } impl Foo for () { fn f(&self) -> u8 { 0 } } struct Succ(S); impl Foo for Succ { fn f(&self) -> u8 { self.0.f() + 1 } } const GOAL: u8 = Succ(Succ(())).f(); "#, 2, ); check_number( r#" trait Foo { fn f(&self) -> u8; } impl Foo for u8 { fn f(&self) -> u8 { *self + 33 } } fn foof(x: T, y: T) -> u8 { x.f() + y.f() } const GOAL: u8 = foof(2, 5); "#, 73, ); check_number( r#" fn bar(a: A, b: B) -> B { b } const GOAL: u8 = bar("hello", 12); "#, 12, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice fn bar(a: A, b: B) -> B { b } fn foo(x: [T; 2]) -> T { bar(x[0], x[1]) } const GOAL: u8 = foo([2, 5]); "#, 5, ); } #[test] fn impl_trait() { check_number( r#" trait Foo { fn f(&self) -> u8; } impl Foo for u8 { fn f(&self) -> u8 { *self + 33 } } fn foof(x: impl Foo, y: impl Foo) -> impl Foo { x.f() + y.f() } const GOAL: u8 = foof(2, 5).f(); "#, 106, ); check_number( r#" struct Foo(T, T, (T, T)); trait S { fn sum(&self) -> i64; } impl S for i64 { fn sum(&self) -> i64 { *self } } impl S for Foo { fn sum(&self) -> i64 { self.0.sum() + self.1.sum() + self.2 .0.sum() + self.2 .1.sum() } } fn foo() -> Foo { Foo( Foo(1i64, 2, (3, 4)), Foo(5, 6, (7, 8)), ( Foo(9, 10, (11, 12)), Foo(13, 14, (15, 16)), ), ) } const GOAL: i64 = foo().sum(); "#, 136, ); } #[test] fn ifs() { check_number( r#" const fn f(b: bool) -> u8 { if b { 1 } else { 10 } } const GOAL: u8 = f(true) + f(true) + f(false); "#, 12, ); check_number( r#" const fn max(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { if a < b { b } else { a } } const GOAL: i32 = max(max(1, max(10, 3)), 0-122); "#, 10, ); check_number( r#" const fn max(a: &i32, b: &i32) -> &i32 { if *a < *b { b } else { a } } const GOAL: i32 = *max(max(&1, max(&10, &3)), &5); "#, 10, ); } #[test] fn loops() { check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { let mut x = 0; loop { x = x + 1; while true { break; } x = x + 1; if x == 2 { continue; } break; } x }; "#, 4, ); check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { let mut x = 0; loop { x = x + 1; if x == 5 { break x + 2; } } }; "#, 7, ); check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { 'a: loop { let x = 'b: loop { let x = 'c: loop { let x = 'd: loop { let x = 'e: loop { break 'd 1; }; break 2 + x; }; break 3 + x; }; break 'a 4 + x; }; break 5 + x; } }; "#, 8, ); } #[test] fn for_loops() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: iterator struct Range { start: u8, end: u8, } impl Iterator for Range { type Item = u8; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.start >= self.end { None } else { let r = self.start; self.start = self.start + 1; Some(r) } } } const GOAL: u8 = { let mut sum = 0; let ar = Range { start: 1, end: 11 }; for i in ar { sum = sum + i; } sum }; "#, 55, ); } #[test] fn ranges() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: range const GOAL: i32 = (1..2).start + (20..10).end + (100..=200).start + (2000..=1000).end + (10000..).start + (..100000).end + (..=1000000).end; "#, 1111111, ); } #[test] fn recursion() { check_number( r#" const fn fact(k: i32) -> i32 { if k > 0 { fact(k - 1) * k } else { 1 } } const GOAL: i32 = fact(5); "#, 120, ); } #[test] fn structs() { check_number( r#" struct Point { x: i32, y: i32, } const GOAL: i32 = { let p = Point { x: 5, y: 2 }; let y = 1; let x = 3; let q = Point { y, x }; p.x + p.y + p.x + q.y + q.y + q.x }; "#, 17, ); check_number( r#" struct Point { x: i32, y: i32, } const GOAL: i32 = { let p = Point { x: 5, y: 2 }; let p2 = Point { x: 3, ..p }; p.x * 1000 + p.y * 100 + p2.x * 10 + p2.y }; "#, 5232, ); check_number( r#" struct Point { x: i32, y: i32, } const GOAL: i32 = { let p = Point { x: 5, y: 2 }; let Point { x, y } = p; let Point { x: x2, .. } = p; let Point { y: y2, .. } = p; x * 1000 + y * 100 + x2 * 10 + y2 }; "#, 5252, ); } #[test] fn unions() { check_number( r#" union U { f1: i64, f2: (i32, i32), } const GOAL: i32 = { let p = U { f1: 0x0123ABCD0123DCBA }; let p = unsafe { p.f2 }; p.0 + p.1 + p.1 }; "#, 0x0123ABCD * 2 + 0x0123DCBA, ); } #[test] fn tuples() { check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { let a = (10, 20, 3, 15); a.1 }; "#, 20, ); check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { let mut a = (10, 20, 3, 15); a.1 = 2; a.0 + a.1 + a.2 + a.3 }; "#, 30, ); check_number( r#" struct TupleLike(i32, i64, u8, u16); const GOAL: i64 = { let a = TupleLike(10, 20, 3, 15); let TupleLike(b, .., c) = a; a.1 * 100 + b as i64 + c as i64 }; "#, 2025, ); check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { match (&(2 + 2), &4) { (left_val, right_val) => { if !(*left_val == *right_val) { 2 } else { 5 } } } }; "#, 5, ); } #[test] fn path_pattern_matching() { check_number( r#" enum Season { Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, } use Season::*; const fn f(x: Season) -> i32 { match x { Spring => 1, Summer => 2, Fall => 3, Winter => 4, } } const GOAL: i32 = f(Spring) + 10 * f(Summer) + 100 * f(Fall) + 1000 * f(Winter); "#, 4321, ); } #[test] fn pattern_matching_literal() { check_number( r#" const fn f(x: i32) -> i32 { match x { -1 => 1, 1 => 10, _ => 100, } } const GOAL: i32 = f(-1) + f(1) + f(0) + f(-5); "#, 211, ); check_number( r#" const fn f(x: &str) -> u8 { match x { "foo" => 1, "bar" => 10, _ => 100, } } const GOAL: u8 = f("foo") + f("bar"); "#, 11, ); } #[test] fn pattern_matching_ergonomics() { check_number( r#" const fn f(x: &(u8, u8)) -> u8 { match x { (a, b) => *a + *b } } const GOAL: u8 = f(&(2, 3)); "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { let a = &(2, 3); let &(x, y) = a; x + y }; "#, 5, ); } #[test] fn let_else() { check_number( r#" const fn f(x: &(u8, u8)) -> u8 { let (a, b) = x; *a + *b } const GOAL: u8 = f(&(2, 3)); "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" enum SingleVariant { Var(u8, u8), } const fn f(x: &&&&&SingleVariant) -> u8 { let SingleVariant::Var(a, b) = x; *a + *b } const GOAL: u8 = f(&&&&&SingleVariant::Var(2, 3)); "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const fn f(x: Option) -> i32 { let Some(x) = x else { return 10 }; 2 * x } const GOAL: i32 = f(Some(1000)) + f(None); "#, 2010, ); } #[test] fn function_param_patterns() { check_number( r#" const fn f((a, b): &(u8, u8)) -> u8 { *a + *b } const GOAL: u8 = f(&(2, 3)); "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" const fn f(c @ (a, b): &(u8, u8)) -> u8 { *a + *b + c.0 + (*c).1 } const GOAL: u8 = f(&(2, 3)); "#, 10, ); check_number( r#" const fn f(ref a: u8) -> u8 { *a } const GOAL: u8 = f(2); "#, 2, ); check_number( r#" struct Foo(u8); impl Foo { const fn f(&self, (a, b): &(u8, u8)) -> u8 { self.0 + *a + *b } } const GOAL: u8 = Foo(4).f(&(2, 3)); "#, 9, ); } #[test] fn match_guards() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: option, eq impl PartialEq for Option { fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { match (self, other) { (Some(x), Some(y)) => x == y, (None, None) => true, _ => false, } } } fn f(x: Option) -> i32 { match x { y if y == Some(42) => 42000, Some(y) => y, None => 10 } } const GOAL: i32 = f(Some(42)) + f(Some(2)) + f(None); "#, 42012, ); } #[test] fn options() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const GOAL: u8 = { let x = Some(2); match x { Some(y) => 2 * y, _ => 10, } }; "#, 4, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: option fn f(x: Option>) -> i32 { if let Some(y) = x && let Some(z) = y { z } else if let Some(y) = x { 1 } else { 0 } } const GOAL: i32 = f(Some(Some(10))) + f(Some(None)) + f(None); "#, 11, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const GOAL: u8 = { let x = None; match x { Some(y) => 2 * y, _ => 10, } }; "#, 10, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const GOAL: Option<&u8> = None; "#, 0, ); } #[test] fn from_trait() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: from struct E1(i32); struct E2(i32); impl From for E2 { fn from(E1(x): E1) -> Self { E2(1000 * x) } } const GOAL: i32 = { let x: E2 = E1(2).into(); x.0 }; "#, 2000, ); } #[test] fn try_operator() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: option, try const fn f(x: Option, y: Option) -> Option { Some(x? * y?) } const fn g(x: Option, y: Option) -> i32 { match f(x, y) { Some(k) => k, None => 5, } } const GOAL: i32 = g(Some(10), Some(20)) + g(Some(30), None) + g(None, Some(40)) + g(None, None); "#, 215, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: result, try, from struct E1(i32); struct E2(i32); impl From for E2 { fn from(E1(x): E1) -> Self { E2(1000 * x) } } const fn f(x: Result) -> Result { Ok(x? * 10) } const fn g(x: Result) -> i32 { match f(x) { Ok(k) => 7 * k, Err(E2(k)) => 5 * k, } } const GOAL: i32 = g(Ok(2)) + g(Err(E1(3))); "#, 15140, ); } #[test] fn try_block() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: option, try const fn g(x: Option, y: Option) -> i32 { let r = try { x? * y? }; match r { Some(k) => k, None => 5, } } const GOAL: i32 = g(Some(10), Some(20)) + g(Some(30), None) + g(None, Some(40)) + g(None, None); "#, 215, ); } #[test] fn closures() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: fn, copy const GOAL: i32 = { let y = 5; let c = |x| x + y; c(2) }; "#, 7, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: fn, copy const GOAL: i32 = { let y = 5; let c = |(a, b): &(i32, i32)| *a + *b + y; c(&(2, 3)) }; "#, 10, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: fn, copy const GOAL: i32 = { let mut y = 5; let c = |x| { y = y + x; }; c(2); c(3); y }; "#, 10, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: fn, copy struct X(i32); impl X { fn mult(&mut self, n: i32) { self.0 = self.0 * n } } const GOAL: i32 = { let x = X(1); let c = || { x.mult(2); || { x.mult(3); || { || { x.mult(4); || { x.mult(x.0); || { x.0 } } } } } }; let r = c()()()()()(); r + x.0 }; "#, 24 * 24 * 2, ); } #[test] fn or_pattern() { check_number( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { let (a | a) = 2; a }; "#, 2, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const fn f(x: Option) -> i32 { let (Some(a) | Some(a)) = x else { return 2; }; a } const GOAL: i32 = f(Some(10)) + f(None); "#, 12, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const fn f(x: Option, y: Option) -> i32 { match (x, y) { (Some(x), Some(y)) => x * y, (Some(a), _) | (_, Some(a)) => a, _ => 10, } } const GOAL: i32 = f(Some(10), Some(20)) + f(Some(30), None) + f(None, Some(40)) + f(None, None); "#, 280, ); } #[test] fn function_pointer() { check_number( r#" fn add2(x: u8) -> u8 { x + 2 } const GOAL: u8 = { let plus2 = add2; plus2(3) }; "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" fn add2(x: u8) -> u8 { x + 2 } const GOAL: u8 = { let plus2: fn(u8) -> u8 = add2; plus2(3) }; "#, 5, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice fn add2(x: u8) -> u8 { x + 2 } fn mult3(x: u8) -> u8 { x * 3 } const GOAL: u8 = { let x = [add2, mult3]; x[0](1) + x[1](5) }; "#, 18, ); } #[test] fn enum_variant_as_function() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const GOAL: u8 = { let f = Some; f(3).unwrap_or(2) }; "#, 3, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: option const GOAL: u8 = { let f: fn(u8) -> Option = Some; f(3).unwrap_or(2) }; "#, 3, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice enum Foo { Add2(u8), Mult3(u8), } use Foo::*; const fn f(x: Foo) -> u8 { match x { Add2(x) => x + 2, Mult3(x) => x * 3, } } const GOAL: u8 = { let x = [Add2, Mult3]; f(x[0](1)) + f(x[1](5)) }; "#, 18, ); } #[test] fn function_traits() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: fn fn add2(x: u8) -> u8 { x + 2 } fn call(f: impl Fn(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } fn call_mut(mut f: impl FnMut(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } fn call_once(f: impl FnOnce(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } const GOAL: u8 = call(add2, 3) + call_mut(add2, 3) + call_once(add2, 3); "#, 15, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, fn fn add2(x: u8) -> u8 { x + 2 } fn call(f: &dyn Fn(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } fn call_mut(f: &mut dyn FnMut(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } const GOAL: u8 = call(&add2, 3) + call_mut(&mut add2, 3); "#, 10, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: fn fn add2(x: u8) -> u8 { x + 2 } fn call(f: impl Fn(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } fn call_mut(mut f: impl FnMut(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } fn call_once(f: impl FnOnce(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } const GOAL: u8 = { let add2: fn(u8) -> u8 = add2; call(add2, 3) + call_mut(add2, 3) + call_once(add2, 3) }; "#, 15, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: fn fn add2(x: u8) -> u8 { x + 2 } fn call(f: &&&&&impl Fn(u8) -> u8, x: u8) -> u8 { f(x) } const GOAL: u8 = call(&&&&&add2, 3); "#, 5, ); } #[test] fn dyn_trait() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice trait Foo { fn foo(&self) -> u8 { 10 } } struct S1; struct S2; struct S3; impl Foo for S1 { fn foo(&self) -> u8 { 1 } } impl Foo for S2 { fn foo(&self) -> u8 { 2 } } impl Foo for S3 {} const GOAL: u8 = { let x: &[&dyn Foo] = &[&S1, &S2, &S3]; x[0].foo() + x[1].foo() + x[2].foo() }; "#, 13, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice trait Foo { fn foo(&self) -> i32 { 10 } } trait Bar { fn bar(&self) -> i32 { 20 } } struct S; impl Foo for S { fn foo(&self) -> i32 { 200 } } impl Bar for dyn Foo { fn bar(&self) -> i32 { 700 } } const GOAL: i32 = { let x: &dyn Foo = &S; + }; "#, 900, ); } #[test] fn array_and_index() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: u8 = { let a = [10, 20, 3, 15]; let x: &[u8] = &a; x[1] }; "#, 20, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: usize = [1, 2, 3][2];"#, 3, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: usize = { let a = [1, 2, 3]; let x: &[i32] = &a; x.len() };"#, 3, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: usize = { let a = [1, 2, 3]; let x: &[i32] = &a; let y = &*x; y.len() };"#, 3, ); check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: usize = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].len();"#, 5, ); } #[test] fn byte_string() { check_number( r#" //- minicore: coerce_unsized, index, slice const GOAL: u8 = { let a = b"hello"; let x: &[u8] = a; x[0] }; "#, 104, ); } #[test] fn consts() { check_number( r#" const F1: i32 = 1; const F3: i32 = 3 * F2; const F2: i32 = 2 * F1; const GOAL: i32 = F3; "#, 6, ); } #[test] fn enums() { check_number( r#" enum E { F1 = 1, F2 = 2 * E::F1 as isize, // Rustc expects an isize here F3 = 3 * E::F2 as isize, } const GOAL: u8 = E::F3 as u8; "#, 6, ); check_number( r#" enum E { F1 = 1, F2, } const GOAL: u8 = E::F2 as u8; "#, 2, ); check_number( r#" enum E { F1, } const GOAL: u8 = E::F1 as u8; "#, 0, ); let r = eval_goal( r#" enum E { A = 1, B } const GOAL: E = E::A; "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(try_const_usize(&r), Some(1)); } #[test] fn const_loop() { check_fail( r#" const F1: i32 = 1 * F3; const F3: i32 = 3 * F2; const F2: i32 = 2 * F1; const GOAL: i32 = F3; "#, ConstEvalError::MirLowerError(MirLowerError::Loop), ); } #[test] fn const_transfer_memory() { check_number( r#" const A1: &i32 = &2; const A2: &i32 = &5; const GOAL: i32 = *A1 + *A2; "#, 7, ); } #[test] fn const_impl_assoc() { check_number( r#" struct U5; impl U5 { const VAL: usize = 5; } const GOAL: usize = U5::VAL; "#, 5, ); } #[test] fn const_generic_subst_fn() { check_number( r#" const fn f(x: usize) -> usize { A * x + 5 } const GOAL: usize = f::<2>(3); "#, 11, ); } #[test] fn const_generic_subst_assoc_const_impl() { check_number( r#" struct Adder; impl Adder { const VAL: usize = N + M; } const GOAL: usize = Adder::<2, 3>::VAL; "#, 5, ); } #[test] fn const_trait_assoc() { // FIXME: this should evaluate to 0 check_fail( r#" struct U0; trait ToConst { const VAL: usize; } impl ToConst for U0 { const VAL: usize = 0; } const GOAL: usize = U0::VAL; "#, ConstEvalError::MirLowerError(MirLowerError::IncompleteExpr), ); } #[test] fn exec_limits() { check_fail( r#" const GOAL: usize = loop {}; "#, ConstEvalError::MirEvalError(MirEvalError::ExecutionLimitExceeded), ); check_fail( r#" const fn f(x: i32) -> i32 { f(x + 1) } const GOAL: i32 = f(0); "#, ConstEvalError::MirEvalError(MirEvalError::StackOverflow), ); // Reasonable code should still work check_number( r#" const fn nth_odd(n: i32) -> i32 { 2 * n - 1 } const fn f(n: i32) -> i32 { let sum = 0; let i = 0; while i < n { i = i + 1; sum = sum + nth_odd(i); } sum } const GOAL: i32 = f(10000); "#, 10000 * 10000, ); } #[test] fn type_error() { let e = eval_goal( r#" const GOAL: u8 = { let x: u16 = 2; let y: (u8, u8) = x; y.0 }; "#, ); assert!(matches!(e, Err(ConstEvalError::MirLowerError(MirLowerError::TypeMismatch(_))))); }