// Verifies that ThreadSanitizer is able to detect a data race in heap allocated // memory block. // // Test case minimizes the use of the standard library to avoid its ambiguous // status with respect to instrumentation (it could vary depending on whatever // a function call is inlined or not). // // The conflicting data access is de-facto synchronized with a special TSAN // barrier, which does not introduce synchronization from TSAN perspective, but // is necessary to make the test robust. Without the barrier data race detection // would occasionally fail, making test flaky. // //@ needs-sanitizer-support //@ needs-sanitizer-thread // //@ compile-flags: -Z sanitizer=thread -O // //@ run-fail //@ error-pattern: WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race //@ error-pattern: Location is heap block of size 4 //@ error-pattern: allocated by main thread #![feature(raw_ref_op)] #![feature(rustc_private)] extern crate libc; use std::mem; use std::ptr; static mut BARRIER: u64 = 0; extern "C" { fn __tsan_testonly_barrier_init(barrier: *mut u64, count: u32); fn __tsan_testonly_barrier_wait(barrier: *mut u64); } extern "C" fn start(c: *mut libc::c_void) -> *mut libc::c_void { unsafe { let c: *mut u32 = c.cast(); *c += 1; __tsan_testonly_barrier_wait(&raw mut BARRIER); ptr::null_mut() } } fn main() { unsafe { __tsan_testonly_barrier_init(&raw mut BARRIER, 2); let c: *mut u32 = Box::into_raw(Box::new(1)); let mut t: libc::pthread_t = mem::zeroed(); libc::pthread_create(&mut t, ptr::null(), start, c.cast()); __tsan_testonly_barrier_wait(&raw mut BARRIER); *c += 1; libc::pthread_join(t, ptr::null_mut()); Box::from_raw(c); } }