//@ run-pass // Test that we can parse all the various places that a `for` keyword // can appear representing universal quantification. //@ pretty-expanded FIXME #23616 #![allow(unused_variables)] #![allow(dead_code)] trait Get { fn get(&self, arg: A) -> R; } // Parse HRTB with explicit `for` in a where-clause: fn foo00(t: T) where T : for<'a> Get<&'a i32, &'a i32> { } fn foo01 Get<&'a i32, &'a i32>>(t: T) { } // Parse HRTB with explicit `for` in various sorts of types: fn foo10(t: Box Get>) { } fn foo11(t: Box Fn(i32) -> i32>) { } fn foo20(t: for<'a> fn(i32) -> i32) { } fn foo21(t: for<'a> unsafe fn(i32) -> i32) { } fn foo22(t: for<'a> extern "C" fn(i32) -> i32) { } fn foo23(t: for<'a> unsafe extern "C" fn(i32) -> i32) { } fn main() { }