//! `hir_expand` deals with macro expansion. //! //! Specifically, it implements a concept of `MacroFile` -- a file whose syntax //! tree originates not from the text of some `FileId`, but from some macro //! expansion. #![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes, semicolon_in_expressions_from_macros)] pub mod db; pub mod ast_id_map; pub mod name; pub mod hygiene; pub mod builtin_attr_macro; pub mod builtin_derive_macro; pub mod builtin_fn_macro; pub mod proc_macro; pub mod quote; pub mod eager; pub mod mod_path; pub mod attrs; mod fixup; use mbe::TokenMap; pub use mbe::{Origin, ValueResult}; use ::tt::token_id as tt; use triomphe::Arc; use std::{fmt, hash::Hash, iter}; use base_db::{ impl_intern_key, salsa::{self, InternId}, CrateId, FileId, FileRange, ProcMacroKind, }; use either::Either; use syntax::{ algo::{self, skip_trivia_token}, ast::{self, AstNode, HasDocComments}, AstPtr, Direction, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodePtr, SyntaxToken, }; use crate::{ ast_id_map::{AstIdNode, ErasedFileAstId, FileAstId}, attrs::AttrId, builtin_attr_macro::BuiltinAttrExpander, builtin_derive_macro::BuiltinDeriveExpander, builtin_fn_macro::{BuiltinFnLikeExpander, EagerExpander}, db::TokenExpander, mod_path::ModPath, proc_macro::ProcMacroExpander, }; pub type ExpandResult = ValueResult; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash)] pub enum ExpandError { UnresolvedProcMacro(CrateId), Mbe(mbe::ExpandError), RecursionOverflowPoisoned, Other(Box>), } impl ExpandError { pub fn other(msg: impl Into>) -> Self { ExpandError::Other(Box::new(msg.into())) } } impl From for ExpandError { fn from(mbe: mbe::ExpandError) -> Self { Self::Mbe(mbe) } } impl fmt::Display for ExpandError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { ExpandError::UnresolvedProcMacro(_) => f.write_str("unresolved proc-macro"), ExpandError::Mbe(it) => it.fmt(f), ExpandError::RecursionOverflowPoisoned => { f.write_str("overflow expanding the original macro") } ExpandError::Other(it) => f.write_str(it), } } } /// Input to the analyzer is a set of files, where each file is identified by /// `FileId` and contains source code. However, another source of source code in /// Rust are macros: each macro can be thought of as producing a "temporary /// file". To assign an id to such a file, we use the id of the macro call that /// produced the file. So, a `HirFileId` is either a `FileId` (source code /// written by user), or a `MacroCallId` (source code produced by macro). /// /// What is a `MacroCallId`? Simplifying, it's a `HirFileId` of a file /// containing the call plus the offset of the macro call in the file. Note that /// this is a recursive definition! However, the size_of of `HirFileId` is /// finite (because everything bottoms out at the real `FileId`) and small /// (`MacroCallId` uses the location interning. You can check details here: /// ). /// /// The two variants are encoded in a single u32 which are differentiated by the MSB. /// If the MSB is 0, the value represents a `FileId`, otherwise the remaining 31 bits represent a /// `MacroCallId`. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct HirFileId(u32); impl fmt::Debug for HirFileId { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.repr().fmt(f) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct MacroFile { pub macro_call_id: MacroCallId, } /// `MacroCallId` identifies a particular macro invocation, like /// `println!("Hello, {}", world)`. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct MacroCallId(salsa::InternId); impl_intern_key!(MacroCallId); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct MacroCallLoc { pub def: MacroDefId, pub(crate) krate: CrateId, /// Some if `def` is a builtin eager macro. eager: Option>, pub kind: MacroCallKind, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct MacroDefId { pub krate: CrateId, pub kind: MacroDefKind, pub local_inner: bool, pub allow_internal_unsafe: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum MacroDefKind { Declarative(AstId), BuiltIn(BuiltinFnLikeExpander, AstId), BuiltInAttr(BuiltinAttrExpander, AstId), BuiltInDerive(BuiltinDeriveExpander, AstId), BuiltInEager(EagerExpander, AstId), ProcMacro(ProcMacroExpander, ProcMacroKind, AstId), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] struct EagerCallInfo { /// NOTE: This can be *either* the expansion result, *or* the argument to the eager macro! arg: Arc<(tt::Subtree, TokenMap)>, /// call id of the eager macro's input file. If this is none, macro call containing this call info /// is an eager macro's input, otherwise it is its output. arg_id: Option, error: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum MacroCallKind { FnLike { ast_id: AstId, expand_to: ExpandTo, }, Derive { ast_id: AstId, /// Syntactical index of the invoking `#[derive]` attribute. /// /// Outer attributes are counted first, then inner attributes. This does not support /// out-of-line modules, which may have attributes spread across 2 files! derive_attr_index: AttrId, /// Index of the derive macro in the derive attribute derive_index: u32, }, Attr { ast_id: AstId, attr_args: Arc<(tt::Subtree, mbe::TokenMap)>, /// Syntactical index of the invoking `#[attribute]`. /// /// Outer attributes are counted first, then inner attributes. This does not support /// out-of-line modules, which may have attributes spread across 2 files! invoc_attr_index: AttrId, }, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] enum HirFileIdRepr { FileId(FileId), MacroFile(MacroFile), } impl From for HirFileId { fn from(FileId(id): FileId) -> Self { assert!(id < Self::MAX_FILE_ID); HirFileId(id) } } impl From for HirFileId { fn from(MacroFile { macro_call_id: MacroCallId(id) }: MacroFile) -> Self { let id = id.as_u32(); assert!(id < Self::MAX_FILE_ID); HirFileId(id | Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK) } } impl HirFileId { const MAX_FILE_ID: u32 = u32::MAX ^ Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK; const MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK: u32 = 1 << 31; /// For macro-expansion files, returns the file original source file the /// expansion originated from. pub fn original_file(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> FileId { let mut file_id = self; loop { match file_id.repr() { HirFileIdRepr::FileId(id) => break id, HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(MacroFile { macro_call_id }) => { let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_call_id); let is_include_expansion = loc.def.is_include() && matches!( loc.eager.as_deref(), Some(EagerCallInfo { arg_id: Some(_), .. }) ); file_id = match is_include_expansion.then(|| db.include_expand(macro_call_id)) { Some(Ok((_, file))) => file.into(), _ => loc.kind.file_id(), } } } } } pub fn expansion_level(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> u32 { let mut level = 0; let mut curr = self; while let Some(macro_file) = curr.macro_file() { let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id); level += 1; curr = loc.kind.file_id(); } level } /// If this is a macro call, returns the syntax node of the call. pub fn call_node(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option> { let macro_file = self.macro_file()?; let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id); Some(loc.to_node(db)) } /// If this is a macro call, returns the syntax node of the very first macro call this file resides in. pub fn original_call_node(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option<(FileId, SyntaxNode)> { let mut call = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(self.macro_file()?.macro_call_id).to_node(db); loop { match call.file_id.repr() { HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => break Some((file_id, call.value)), HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(MacroFile { macro_call_id }) => { call = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_call_id).to_node(db); } } } } /// Return expansion information if it is a macro-expansion file pub fn expansion_info(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option { let macro_file = self.macro_file()?; let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id); let arg_tt = loc.kind.arg(db)?; let macro_def = db.macro_def(loc.def).ok()?; let (parse, exp_map) = db.parse_macro_expansion(macro_file).value; let macro_arg = db.macro_arg(macro_file.macro_call_id).unwrap_or_else(|| { Arc::new(( tt::Subtree { delimiter: tt::Delimiter::UNSPECIFIED, token_trees: Vec::new() }, Default::default(), Default::default(), )) }); let def = loc.def.ast_id().left().and_then(|id| { let def_tt = match id.to_node(db) { ast::Macro::MacroRules(mac) => mac.token_tree()?, ast::Macro::MacroDef(_) if matches!(*macro_def, TokenExpander::BuiltinAttr(_)) => { return None } ast::Macro::MacroDef(mac) => mac.body()?, }; Some(InFile::new(id.file_id, def_tt)) }); let attr_input_or_mac_def = def.or_else(|| match loc.kind { MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, invoc_attr_index, .. } => { // FIXME: handle `cfg_attr` let tt = ast_id .to_node(db) .doc_comments_and_attrs() .nth(invoc_attr_index.ast_index()) .and_then(Either::left)? .token_tree()?; Some(InFile::new(ast_id.file_id, tt)) } _ => None, }); Some(ExpansionInfo { expanded: InFile::new(self, parse.syntax_node()), arg: InFile::new(loc.kind.file_id(), arg_tt), attr_input_or_mac_def, macro_arg_shift: mbe::Shift::new(¯o_arg.0), macro_arg, macro_def, exp_map, }) } pub fn as_builtin_derive_attr_node( &self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, ) -> Option> { let macro_file = self.macro_file()?; let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id); let attr = match loc.def.kind { MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(..) => loc.to_node(db), _ => return None, }; Some(attr.with_value(ast::Attr::cast(attr.value.clone())?)) } pub fn is_custom_derive(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> bool { match self.macro_file() { Some(macro_file) => { matches!( db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id).def.kind, MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(_, ProcMacroKind::CustomDerive, _) ) } None => false, } } pub fn is_builtin_derive(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> bool { match self.macro_file() { Some(macro_file) => { matches!( db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id).def.kind, MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(..) ) } None => false, } } /// Return whether this file is an include macro pub fn is_include_macro(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> bool { match self.macro_file() { Some(macro_file) => { db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id).def.is_include() } _ => false, } } pub fn is_eager(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> bool { match self.macro_file() { Some(macro_file) => { let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id); matches!(loc.eager.as_deref(), Some(EagerCallInfo { .. })) } _ => false, } } /// Return whether this file is an attr macro pub fn is_attr_macro(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> bool { match self.macro_file() { Some(macro_file) => { let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id); matches!(loc.kind, MacroCallKind::Attr { .. }) } _ => false, } } /// Return whether this file is the pseudo expansion of the derive attribute. /// See [`crate::builtin_attr_macro::derive_attr_expand`]. pub fn is_derive_attr_pseudo_expansion(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> bool { match self.macro_file() { Some(macro_file) => { let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id); loc.def.is_attribute_derive() } None => false, } } #[inline] pub fn is_macro(self) -> bool { self.0 & Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK != 0 } #[inline] pub fn macro_file(self) -> Option { match self.0 & Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK { 0 => None, _ => Some(MacroFile { macro_call_id: MacroCallId(InternId::from(self.0 ^ Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK)), }), } } #[inline] pub fn file_id(self) -> Option { match self.0 & Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK { 0 => Some(FileId(self.0)), _ => None, } } fn repr(self) -> HirFileIdRepr { match self.0 & Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK { 0 => HirFileIdRepr::FileId(FileId(self.0)), _ => HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(MacroFile { macro_call_id: MacroCallId(InternId::from(self.0 ^ Self::MACRO_FILE_TAG_MASK)), }), } } } impl MacroDefId { pub fn as_lazy_macro( self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, krate: CrateId, kind: MacroCallKind, ) -> MacroCallId { db.intern_macro_call(MacroCallLoc { def: self, krate, eager: None, kind }) } pub fn ast_id(&self) -> Either, AstId> { let id = match self.kind { MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(.., id) => return Either::Right(id), MacroDefKind::Declarative(id) | MacroDefKind::BuiltIn(_, id) | MacroDefKind::BuiltInAttr(_, id) | MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(_, id) | MacroDefKind::BuiltInEager(_, id) => id, }; Either::Left(id) } pub fn is_proc_macro(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.kind, MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(..)) } pub fn is_attribute(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.kind, MacroDefKind::BuiltInAttr(..) | MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(_, ProcMacroKind::Attr, _) ) } pub fn is_attribute_derive(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.kind, MacroDefKind::BuiltInAttr(expander, ..) if expander.is_derive()) } pub fn is_include(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.kind, MacroDefKind::BuiltInEager(expander, ..) if expander.is_include()) } } impl MacroCallLoc { pub fn to_node(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> InFile { match self.kind { MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, .. } => { ast_id.with_value(ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().clone()) } MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id, derive_attr_index, .. } => { // FIXME: handle `cfg_attr` ast_id.with_value(ast_id.to_node(db)).map(|it| { it.doc_comments_and_attrs() .nth(derive_attr_index.ast_index()) .and_then(|it| match it { Either::Left(attr) => Some(attr.syntax().clone()), Either::Right(_) => None, }) .unwrap_or_else(|| it.syntax().clone()) }) } MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, invoc_attr_index, .. } => { if self.def.is_attribute_derive() { // FIXME: handle `cfg_attr` ast_id.with_value(ast_id.to_node(db)).map(|it| { it.doc_comments_and_attrs() .nth(invoc_attr_index.ast_index()) .and_then(|it| match it { Either::Left(attr) => Some(attr.syntax().clone()), Either::Right(_) => None, }) .unwrap_or_else(|| it.syntax().clone()) }) } else { ast_id.with_value(ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().clone()) } } } } fn expand_to(&self) -> ExpandTo { match self.kind { MacroCallKind::FnLike { expand_to, .. } => expand_to, MacroCallKind::Derive { .. } => ExpandTo::Items, MacroCallKind::Attr { .. } if self.def.is_attribute_derive() => ExpandTo::Statements, MacroCallKind::Attr { .. } => { // is this always correct? ExpandTo::Items } } } } // FIXME: attribute indices do not account for nested `cfg_attr` impl MacroCallKind { /// Returns the file containing the macro invocation. fn file_id(&self) -> HirFileId { match *self { MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id: InFile { file_id, .. }, .. } | MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id: InFile { file_id, .. }, .. } | MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id: InFile { file_id, .. }, .. } => file_id, } } /// Returns the original file range that best describes the location of this macro call. /// /// Unlike `MacroCallKind::original_call_range`, this also spans the item of attributes and derives. pub fn original_call_range_with_body(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> FileRange { let mut kind = self; let file_id = loop { match kind.file_id().repr() { HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(file) => { kind = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(file.macro_call_id).kind; } HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => break file_id, } }; let range = match kind { MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, .. } => ast_id.to_ptr(db).text_range(), MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id, .. } => ast_id.to_ptr(db).text_range(), MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, .. } => ast_id.to_ptr(db).text_range(), }; FileRange { range, file_id } } /// Returns the original file range that best describes the location of this macro call. /// /// Here we try to roughly match what rustc does to improve diagnostics: fn-like macros /// get the whole `ast::MacroCall`, attribute macros get the attribute's range, and derives /// get only the specific derive that is being referred to. pub fn original_call_range(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> FileRange { let mut kind = self; let file_id = loop { match kind.file_id().repr() { HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(file) => { kind = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(file.macro_call_id).kind; } HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => break file_id, } }; let range = match kind { MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, .. } => ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().text_range(), MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id, derive_attr_index, .. } => { // FIXME: should be the range of the macro name, not the whole derive // FIXME: handle `cfg_attr` ast_id .to_node(db) .doc_comments_and_attrs() .nth(derive_attr_index.ast_index()) .expect("missing derive") .expect_left("derive is a doc comment?") .syntax() .text_range() } // FIXME: handle `cfg_attr` MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, invoc_attr_index, .. } => ast_id .to_node(db) .doc_comments_and_attrs() .nth(invoc_attr_index.ast_index()) .expect("missing attribute") .expect_left("attribute macro is a doc comment?") .syntax() .text_range(), }; FileRange { range, file_id } } fn arg(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option { match self { MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, .. } => { Some(ast_id.to_node(db).token_tree()?.syntax().clone()) } MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id, .. } => Some(ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().clone()), MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, .. } => Some(ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().clone()), } } } impl MacroCallId { pub fn as_file(self) -> HirFileId { MacroFile { macro_call_id: self }.into() } pub fn as_macro_file(self) -> MacroFile { MacroFile { macro_call_id: self } } } /// ExpansionInfo mainly describes how to map text range between src and expanded macro #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ExpansionInfo { expanded: InFile, /// The argument TokenTree or item for attributes arg: InFile, /// The `macro_rules!` or attribute input. attr_input_or_mac_def: Option>, macro_def: Arc, macro_arg: Arc<(tt::Subtree, mbe::TokenMap, fixup::SyntaxFixupUndoInfo)>, /// A shift built from `macro_arg`'s subtree, relevant for attributes as the item is the macro arg /// and as such we need to shift tokens if they are part of an attributes input instead of their item. macro_arg_shift: mbe::Shift, exp_map: Arc, } impl ExpansionInfo { pub fn expanded(&self) -> InFile { self.expanded.clone() } pub fn call_node(&self) -> Option> { Some(self.arg.with_value(self.arg.value.parent()?)) } /// Map a token down from macro input into the macro expansion. /// /// The inner workings of this function differ slightly depending on the type of macro we are dealing with: /// - declarative: /// For declarative macros, we need to accommodate for the macro definition site(which acts as a second unchanging input) /// , as tokens can mapped in and out of it. /// To do this we shift all ids in the expansion by the maximum id of the definition site giving us an easy /// way to map all the tokens. /// - attribute: /// Attributes have two different inputs, the input tokentree in the attribute node and the item /// the attribute is annotating. Similarly as for declarative macros we need to do a shift here /// as well. Currently this is done by shifting the attribute input by the maximum id of the item. /// - function-like and derives: /// Both of these only have one simple call site input so no special handling is required here. pub fn map_token_down( &self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, item: Option, token: InFile<&SyntaxToken>, ) -> Option> + '_> { assert_eq!(token.file_id, self.arg.file_id); let token_id_in_attr_input = if let Some(item) = item { // check if we are mapping down in an attribute input // this is a special case as attributes can have two inputs let call_id = self.expanded.file_id.macro_file()?.macro_call_id; let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(call_id); let token_range = token.value.text_range(); match &loc.kind { MacroCallKind::Attr { attr_args, invoc_attr_index, .. } => { // FIXME: handle `cfg_attr` let attr = item .doc_comments_and_attrs() .nth(invoc_attr_index.ast_index()) .and_then(Either::left)?; match attr.token_tree() { Some(token_tree) if token_tree.syntax().text_range().contains_range(token_range) => { let attr_input_start = token_tree.left_delimiter_token()?.text_range().start(); let relative_range = token.value.text_range().checked_sub(attr_input_start)?; // shift by the item's tree's max id let token_id = attr_args.1.token_by_range(relative_range)?; let token_id = if loc.def.is_attribute_derive() { // we do not shift for `#[derive]`, as we only need to downmap the derive attribute tokens token_id } else { self.macro_arg_shift.shift(token_id) }; Some(token_id) } _ => None, } } _ => None, } } else { None }; let token_id = match token_id_in_attr_input { Some(token_id) => token_id, // the token is not inside `an attribute's input so do the lookup in the macro_arg as usual None => { let relative_range = token.value.text_range().checked_sub(self.arg.value.text_range().start())?; let token_id = self.macro_arg.1.token_by_range(relative_range)?; // conditionally shift the id by a declaratives macro definition self.macro_def.map_id_down(token_id) } }; let tokens = self .exp_map .ranges_by_token(token_id, token.value.kind()) .flat_map(move |range| self.expanded.value.covering_element(range).into_token()); Some(tokens.map(move |token| self.expanded.with_value(token))) } /// Map a token up out of the expansion it resides in into the arguments of the macro call of the expansion. pub fn map_token_up( &self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, token: InFile<&SyntaxToken>, ) -> Option<(InFile, Origin)> { // Fetch the id through its text range, let token_id = self.exp_map.token_by_range(token.value.text_range())?; // conditionally unshifting the id to accommodate for macro-rules def site let (mut token_id, origin) = self.macro_def.map_id_up(token_id); let call_id = self.expanded.file_id.macro_file()?.macro_call_id; let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(call_id); // Special case: map tokens from `include!` expansions to the included file if loc.def.is_include() && matches!(loc.eager.as_deref(), Some(EagerCallInfo { arg_id: Some(_), .. })) { if let Ok((tt_and_map, file_id)) = db.include_expand(call_id) { let range = tt_and_map.1.first_range_by_token(token_id, token.value.kind())?; let source = db.parse(file_id); let token = source.syntax_node().covering_element(range).into_token()?; return Some((InFile::new(file_id.into(), token), Origin::Call)); } } // Attributes are a bit special for us, they have two inputs, the input tokentree and the annotated item. let (token_map, tt) = match &loc.kind { MacroCallKind::Attr { attr_args, .. } => { if loc.def.is_attribute_derive() { (&attr_args.1, self.attr_input_or_mac_def.clone()?.syntax().cloned()) } else { // try unshifting the token id, if unshifting fails, the token resides in the non-item attribute input // note that the `TokenExpander::map_id_up` earlier only unshifts for declarative macros, so we don't double unshift with this match self.macro_arg_shift.unshift(token_id) { Some(unshifted) => { token_id = unshifted; (&attr_args.1, self.attr_input_or_mac_def.clone()?.syntax().cloned()) } None => (&self.macro_arg.1, self.arg.clone()), } } } _ => match origin { mbe::Origin::Call => (&self.macro_arg.1, self.arg.clone()), mbe::Origin::Def => match (&*self.macro_def, &self.attr_input_or_mac_def) { (TokenExpander::DeclarativeMacro { def_site_token_map, .. }, Some(tt)) => { (def_site_token_map, tt.syntax().cloned()) } _ => panic!("`Origin::Def` used with non-`macro_rules!` macro"), }, }, }; let range = token_map.first_range_by_token(token_id, token.value.kind())?; let token = tt.value.covering_element(range + tt.value.text_range().start()).into_token()?; Some((tt.with_value(token), origin)) } } /// `AstId` points to an AST node in any file. /// /// It is stable across reparses, and can be used as salsa key/value. pub type AstId = InFile>; impl AstId { pub fn to_node(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> N { self.to_ptr(db).to_node(&db.parse_or_expand(self.file_id)) } pub fn to_ptr(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> AstPtr { db.ast_id_map(self.file_id).get(self.value) } } pub type ErasedAstId = InFile; impl ErasedAstId { pub fn to_node(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> SyntaxNode { self.to_ptr(db).to_node(&db.parse_or_expand(self.file_id)) } pub fn to_ptr(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> SyntaxNodePtr { db.ast_id_map(self.file_id).get_raw(self.value) } } /// `InFile` stores a value of `T` inside a particular file/syntax tree. /// /// Typical usages are: /// /// * `InFile` -- syntax node in a file /// * `InFile` -- ast node in a file /// * `InFile` -- offset in a file #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Hash)] pub struct InFile { pub file_id: HirFileId, pub value: T, } impl InFile { pub fn new(file_id: HirFileId, value: T) -> InFile { InFile { file_id, value } } pub fn with_value(&self, value: U) -> InFile { InFile::new(self.file_id, value) } pub fn map U, U>(self, f: F) -> InFile { InFile::new(self.file_id, f(self.value)) } pub fn as_ref(&self) -> InFile<&T> { self.with_value(&self.value) } pub fn file_syntax(&self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> SyntaxNode { db.parse_or_expand(self.file_id) } } impl InFile<&T> { pub fn cloned(&self) -> InFile { self.with_value(self.value.clone()) } } impl InFile> { pub fn transpose(self) -> Option> { let value = self.value?; Some(InFile::new(self.file_id, value)) } } impl InFile> { pub fn transpose(self) -> Either, InFile> { match self.value { Either::Left(l) => Either::Left(InFile::new(self.file_id, l)), Either::Right(r) => Either::Right(InFile::new(self.file_id, r)), } } } impl InFile<&SyntaxNode> { pub fn ancestors_with_macros( self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, ) -> impl Iterator> + Clone + '_ { iter::successors(Some(self.cloned()), move |node| match node.value.parent() { Some(parent) => Some(node.with_value(parent)), None => node.file_id.call_node(db), }) } /// Skips the attributed item that caused the macro invocation we are climbing up pub fn ancestors_with_macros_skip_attr_item( self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, ) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { let succ = move |node: &InFile| match node.value.parent() { Some(parent) => Some(node.with_value(parent)), None => { let parent_node = node.file_id.call_node(db)?; if node.file_id.is_attr_macro(db) { // macro call was an attributed item, skip it // FIXME: does this fail if this is a direct expansion of another macro? parent_node.map(|node| node.parent()).transpose() } else { Some(parent_node) } } }; iter::successors(succ(&self.cloned()), succ) } /// Falls back to the macro call range if the node cannot be mapped up fully. /// /// For attributes and derives, this will point back to the attribute only. /// For the entire item use [`InFile::original_file_range_full`]. pub fn original_file_range(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> FileRange { match self.file_id.repr() { HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() }, HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => { if let Some(res) = self.original_file_range_opt(db) { return res; } // Fall back to whole macro call. let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(mac_file.macro_call_id); loc.kind.original_call_range(db) } } } /// Falls back to the macro call range if the node cannot be mapped up fully. pub fn original_file_range_full(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> FileRange { match self.file_id.repr() { HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() }, HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => { if let Some(res) = self.original_file_range_opt(db) { return res; } // Fall back to whole macro call. let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(mac_file.macro_call_id); loc.kind.original_call_range_with_body(db) } } } /// Attempts to map the syntax node back up its macro calls. pub fn original_file_range_opt(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option { match ascend_node_border_tokens(db, self) { Some(InFile { file_id, value: (first, last) }) => { let original_file = file_id.original_file(db); let range = first.text_range().cover(last.text_range()); if file_id != original_file.into() { tracing::error!("Failed mapping up more for {:?}", range); return None; } Some(FileRange { file_id: original_file, range }) } _ if !self.file_id.is_macro() => Some(FileRange { file_id: self.file_id.original_file(db), range: self.value.text_range(), }), _ => None, } } pub fn original_syntax_node(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option> { // This kind of upmapping can only be achieved in attribute expanded files, // as we don't have node inputs otherwise and therefore can't find an `N` node in the input if !self.file_id.is_macro() { return Some(self.map(Clone::clone)); } else if !self.file_id.is_attr_macro(db) { return None; } if let Some(InFile { file_id, value: (first, last) }) = ascend_node_border_tokens(db, self) { if file_id.is_macro() { let range = first.text_range().cover(last.text_range()); tracing::error!("Failed mapping out of macro file for {:?}", range); return None; } // FIXME: This heuristic is brittle and with the right macro may select completely unrelated nodes let anc = algo::least_common_ancestor(&first.parent()?, &last.parent()?)?; let kind = self.value.kind(); let value = anc.ancestors().find(|it| it.kind() == kind)?; return Some(InFile::new(file_id, value)); } None } } impl InFile { pub fn upmap(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option> { let expansion = self.file_id.expansion_info(db)?; expansion.map_token_up(db, self.as_ref()).map(|(it, _)| it) } /// Falls back to the macro call range if the node cannot be mapped up fully. pub fn original_file_range(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> FileRange { match self.file_id.repr() { HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() }, HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => { if let Some(res) = self.original_file_range_opt(db) { return res; } // Fall back to whole macro call. let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(mac_file.macro_call_id); loc.kind.original_call_range(db) } } } /// Attempts to map the syntax node back up its macro calls. pub fn original_file_range_opt(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option { match self.file_id.repr() { HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => { Some(FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() }) } HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(_) => { let expansion = self.file_id.expansion_info(db)?; let InFile { file_id, value } = ascend_call_token(db, &expansion, self)?; let original_file = file_id.original_file(db); if file_id != original_file.into() { return None; } Some(FileRange { file_id: original_file, range: value.text_range() }) } } } pub fn ancestors_with_macros( self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, ) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { self.value.parent().into_iter().flat_map({ let file_id = self.file_id; move |parent| InFile::new(file_id, &parent).ancestors_with_macros(db) }) } } fn ascend_node_border_tokens( db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, InFile { file_id, value: node }: InFile<&SyntaxNode>, ) -> Option> { let expansion = file_id.expansion_info(db)?; let first_token = |node: &SyntaxNode| skip_trivia_token(node.first_token()?, Direction::Next); let last_token = |node: &SyntaxNode| skip_trivia_token(node.last_token()?, Direction::Prev); // FIXME: Once the token map rewrite is done, this shouldnt need to rely on syntax nodes and tokens anymore let first = first_token(node)?; let last = last_token(node)?; let first = ascend_call_token(db, &expansion, InFile::new(file_id, first))?; let last = ascend_call_token(db, &expansion, InFile::new(file_id, last))?; (first.file_id == last.file_id).then(|| InFile::new(first.file_id, (first.value, last.value))) } fn ascend_call_token( db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase, expansion: &ExpansionInfo, token: InFile, ) -> Option> { let mut mapping = expansion.map_token_up(db, token.as_ref())?; while let (mapped, Origin::Call) = mapping { match mapped.file_id.expansion_info(db) { Some(info) => mapping = info.map_token_up(db, mapped.as_ref())?, None => return Some(mapped), } } None } impl InFile { pub fn descendants(self) -> impl Iterator> { self.value.syntax().descendants().filter_map(T::cast).map(move |n| self.with_value(n)) } // FIXME: this should return `Option>` pub fn original_ast_node(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> Option> { // This kind of upmapping can only be achieved in attribute expanded files, // as we don't have node inputs otherwise and therefore can't find an `N` node in the input if !self.file_id.is_macro() { return Some(self); } else if !self.file_id.is_attr_macro(db) { return None; } if let Some(InFile { file_id, value: (first, last) }) = ascend_node_border_tokens(db, self.syntax()) { if file_id.is_macro() { let range = first.text_range().cover(last.text_range()); tracing::error!("Failed mapping out of macro file for {:?}", range); return None; } // FIXME: This heuristic is brittle and with the right macro may select completely unrelated nodes let anc = algo::least_common_ancestor(&first.parent()?, &last.parent()?)?; let value = anc.ancestors().find_map(N::cast)?; return Some(InFile::new(file_id, value)); } None } pub fn syntax(&self) -> InFile<&SyntaxNode> { self.with_value(self.value.syntax()) } } /// In Rust, macros expand token trees to token trees. When we want to turn a /// token tree into an AST node, we need to figure out what kind of AST node we /// want: something like `foo` can be a type, an expression, or a pattern. /// /// Naively, one would think that "what this expands to" is a property of a /// particular macro: macro `m1` returns an item, while macro `m2` returns an /// expression, etc. That's not the case -- macros are polymorphic in the /// result, and can expand to any type of the AST node. /// /// What defines the actual AST node is the syntactic context of the macro /// invocation. As a contrived example, in `let T![*] = T![*];` the first `T` /// expands to a pattern, while the second one expands to an expression. /// /// `ExpandTo` captures this bit of information about a particular macro call /// site. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum ExpandTo { Statements, Items, Pattern, Type, Expr, } impl ExpandTo { pub fn from_call_site(call: &ast::MacroCall) -> ExpandTo { use syntax::SyntaxKind::*; let syn = call.syntax(); let parent = match syn.parent() { Some(it) => it, None => return ExpandTo::Statements, }; // FIXME: macros in statement position are treated as expression statements, they should // probably be their own statement kind. The *grand*parent indicates what's valid. if parent.kind() == MACRO_EXPR && parent .parent() .map_or(false, |p| matches!(p.kind(), EXPR_STMT | STMT_LIST | MACRO_STMTS)) { return ExpandTo::Statements; } match parent.kind() { MACRO_ITEMS | SOURCE_FILE | ITEM_LIST => ExpandTo::Items, MACRO_STMTS | EXPR_STMT | STMT_LIST => ExpandTo::Statements, MACRO_PAT => ExpandTo::Pattern, MACRO_TYPE => ExpandTo::Type, ARG_LIST | ARRAY_EXPR | AWAIT_EXPR | BIN_EXPR | BREAK_EXPR | CALL_EXPR | CAST_EXPR | CLOSURE_EXPR | FIELD_EXPR | FOR_EXPR | IF_EXPR | INDEX_EXPR | LET_EXPR | MATCH_ARM | MATCH_EXPR | MATCH_GUARD | METHOD_CALL_EXPR | PAREN_EXPR | PATH_EXPR | PREFIX_EXPR | RANGE_EXPR | RECORD_EXPR_FIELD | REF_EXPR | RETURN_EXPR | TRY_EXPR | TUPLE_EXPR | WHILE_EXPR | MACRO_EXPR => ExpandTo::Expr, _ => { // Unknown , Just guess it is `Items` ExpandTo::Items } } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UnresolvedMacro { pub path: ModPath, } intern::impl_internable!(ModPath, attrs::AttrInput);