//! Fully type-check project and print various stats, like the number of type //! errors. use std::{ env, time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; use hir::{ db::{AstDatabase, DefDatabase, HirDatabase}, AssocItem, Crate, Function, HasSource, HirDisplay, ModuleDef, }; use hir_def::{ body::{BodySourceMap, SyntheticSyntax}, expr::ExprId, FunctionId, }; use hir_ty::{TyExt, TypeWalk}; use ide::{Analysis, AnalysisHost, LineCol, RootDatabase}; use ide_db::base_db::{ salsa::{self, debug::DebugQueryTable, ParallelDatabase}, SourceDatabase, SourceDatabaseExt, }; use itertools::Itertools; use oorandom::Rand32; use profile::{Bytes, StopWatch}; use project_model::{CargoConfig, ProjectManifest, ProjectWorkspace, RustcSource}; use rayon::prelude::*; use rustc_hash::FxHashSet; use stdx::format_to; use syntax::{AstNode, SyntaxNode}; use vfs::{AbsPathBuf, Vfs, VfsPath}; use crate::cli::{ flags::{self, OutputFormat}, load_cargo::{load_workspace, LoadCargoConfig}, print_memory_usage, progress_report::ProgressReport, report_metric, Result, Verbosity, }; /// Need to wrap Snapshot to provide `Clone` impl for `map_with` struct Snap(DB); impl Clone for Snap> { fn clone(&self) -> Snap> { Snap(self.0.snapshot()) } } impl flags::AnalysisStats { pub fn run(self, verbosity: Verbosity) -> Result<()> { let mut rng = { let seed = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_millis() as u64; Rand32::new(seed) }; let mut cargo_config = CargoConfig::default(); cargo_config.sysroot = match self.no_sysroot { true => None, false => Some(RustcSource::Discover), }; let load_cargo_config = LoadCargoConfig { load_out_dirs_from_check: !self.disable_build_scripts, with_proc_macro: !self.disable_proc_macros, prefill_caches: false, }; let no_progress = &|_| (); let mut db_load_sw = self.stop_watch(); let path = AbsPathBuf::assert(env::current_dir()?.join(&self.path)); let manifest = ProjectManifest::discover_single(&path)?; let mut workspace = ProjectWorkspace::load(manifest, &cargo_config, no_progress)?; let metadata_time = db_load_sw.elapsed(); let build_scripts_time = if self.disable_build_scripts { None } else { let mut build_scripts_sw = self.stop_watch(); let bs = workspace.run_build_scripts(&cargo_config, no_progress)?; workspace.set_build_scripts(bs); Some(build_scripts_sw.elapsed()) }; let (host, vfs, _proc_macro) = load_workspace(workspace, &cargo_config.extra_env, &load_cargo_config)?; let db = host.raw_database(); eprint!("{:<20} {}", "Database loaded:", db_load_sw.elapsed()); eprint!(" (metadata {}", metadata_time); if let Some(build_scripts_time) = build_scripts_time { eprint!("; build {}", build_scripts_time); } eprintln!(")"); let mut analysis_sw = self.stop_watch(); let mut num_crates = 0; let mut visited_modules = FxHashSet::default(); let mut visit_queue = Vec::new(); let mut krates = Crate::all(db); if self.randomize { shuffle(&mut rng, &mut krates); } for krate in krates { let module = krate.root_module(db); let file_id = module.definition_source(db).file_id; let file_id = file_id.original_file(db); let source_root = db.file_source_root(file_id); let source_root = db.source_root(source_root); if !source_root.is_library || self.with_deps { num_crates += 1; visit_queue.push(module); } } if self.randomize { shuffle(&mut rng, &mut visit_queue); } eprint!(" crates: {}", num_crates); let mut num_decls = 0; let mut funcs = Vec::new(); while let Some(module) = visit_queue.pop() { if visited_modules.insert(module) { visit_queue.extend(module.children(db)); for decl in module.declarations(db) { num_decls += 1; if let ModuleDef::Function(f) = decl { funcs.push(f); } } for impl_def in module.impl_defs(db) { for item in impl_def.items(db) { num_decls += 1; if let AssocItem::Function(f) = item { funcs.push(f); } } } } } eprintln!(", mods: {}, decls: {}, fns: {}", visited_modules.len(), num_decls, funcs.len()); eprintln!("{:<20} {}", "Item Collection:", analysis_sw.elapsed()); if self.randomize { shuffle(&mut rng, &mut funcs); } if !self.skip_inference { self.run_inference(&host, db, &vfs, &funcs, verbosity); } let total_span = analysis_sw.elapsed(); eprintln!("{:<20} {}", "Total:", total_span); report_metric("total time", total_span.time.as_millis() as u64, "ms"); if let Some(instructions) = total_span.instructions { report_metric("total instructions", instructions, "#instr"); } if let Some(memory) = total_span.memory { report_metric("total memory", memory.allocated.megabytes() as u64, "MB"); } if env::var("RA_COUNT").is_ok() { eprintln!("{}", profile::countme::get_all()); } if self.source_stats { let mut total_file_size = Bytes::default(); for e in ide_db::base_db::ParseQuery.in_db(db).entries::>() { total_file_size += syntax_len(db.parse(e.key).syntax_node()) } let mut total_macro_file_size = Bytes::default(); for e in hir::db::ParseMacroExpansionQuery.in_db(db).entries::>() { if let Some((val, _)) = db.parse_macro_expansion(e.key).value { total_macro_file_size += syntax_len(val.syntax_node()) } } eprintln!("source files: {}, macro files: {}", total_file_size, total_macro_file_size); } if self.memory_usage && verbosity.is_verbose() { print_memory_usage(host, vfs); } Ok(()) } fn run_inference( &self, host: &AnalysisHost, db: &RootDatabase, vfs: &Vfs, funcs: &[Function], verbosity: Verbosity, ) { let mut bar = match verbosity { Verbosity::Quiet | Verbosity::Spammy => ProgressReport::hidden(), _ if self.parallel || self.output.is_some() => ProgressReport::hidden(), _ => ProgressReport::new(funcs.len() as u64), }; if self.parallel { let mut inference_sw = self.stop_watch(); let snap = Snap(db.snapshot()); funcs .par_iter() .map_with(snap, |snap, &f| { let f_id = FunctionId::from(f); snap.0.body(f_id.into()); snap.0.infer(f_id.into()); }) .count(); eprintln!("{:<20} {}", "Parallel Inference:", inference_sw.elapsed()); } let mut inference_sw = self.stop_watch(); bar.tick(); let mut num_exprs = 0; let mut num_exprs_unknown = 0; let mut num_exprs_partially_unknown = 0; let mut num_type_mismatches = 0; let analysis = host.analysis(); for f in funcs.iter().copied() { let name = f.name(db); let full_name = f .module(db) .path_to_root(db) .into_iter() .rev() .filter_map(|it| it.name(db)) .chain(Some(f.name(db))) .join("::"); if let Some(only_name) = self.only.as_deref() { if name.to_string() != only_name && full_name != only_name { continue; } } let mut msg = format!("processing: {}", full_name); if verbosity.is_verbose() { if let Some(src) = f.source(db) { let original_file = src.file_id.original_file(db); let path = vfs.file_path(original_file); let syntax_range = src.value.syntax().text_range(); format_to!(msg, " ({} {:?})", path, syntax_range); } } if verbosity.is_spammy() { bar.println(msg.to_string()); } bar.set_message(&msg); let f_id = FunctionId::from(f); let (body, sm) = db.body_with_source_map(f_id.into()); let inference_result = db.infer(f_id.into()); let (previous_exprs, previous_unknown, previous_partially_unknown) = (num_exprs, num_exprs_unknown, num_exprs_partially_unknown); for (expr_id, _) in body.exprs.iter() { let ty = &inference_result[expr_id]; num_exprs += 1; let unknown_or_partial = if ty.is_unknown() { num_exprs_unknown += 1; if verbosity.is_spammy() { if let Some((path, start, end)) = expr_syntax_range(db, &analysis, vfs, &sm, expr_id) { bar.println(format!( "{} {}:{}-{}:{}: Unknown type", path, start.line + 1, start.col, end.line + 1, end.col, )); } else { bar.println(format!("{}: Unknown type", name,)); } } true } else { let mut is_partially_unknown = false; ty.walk(&mut |ty| { if ty.is_unknown() { is_partially_unknown = true; } }); if is_partially_unknown { num_exprs_partially_unknown += 1; } is_partially_unknown }; if self.only.is_some() && verbosity.is_spammy() { // in super-verbose mode for just one function, we print every single expression if let Some((_, start, end)) = expr_syntax_range(db, &analysis, vfs, &sm, expr_id) { bar.println(format!( "{}:{}-{}:{}: {}", start.line + 1, start.col, end.line + 1, end.col, ty.display(db) )); } else { bar.println(format!("unknown location: {}", ty.display(db))); } } if unknown_or_partial && self.output == Some(OutputFormat::Csv) { println!( r#"{},type,"{}""#, location_csv(db, &analysis, vfs, &sm, expr_id), ty.display(db) ); } if let Some(mismatch) = inference_result.type_mismatch_for_expr(expr_id) { num_type_mismatches += 1; if verbosity.is_verbose() { if let Some((path, start, end)) = expr_syntax_range(db, &analysis, vfs, &sm, expr_id) { bar.println(format!( "{} {}:{}-{}:{}: Expected {}, got {}", path, start.line + 1, start.col, end.line + 1, end.col, mismatch.expected.display(db), mismatch.actual.display(db) )); } else { bar.println(format!( "{}: Expected {}, got {}", name, mismatch.expected.display(db), mismatch.actual.display(db) )); } } if self.output == Some(OutputFormat::Csv) { println!( r#"{},mismatch,"{}","{}""#, location_csv(db, &analysis, vfs, &sm, expr_id), mismatch.expected.display(db), mismatch.actual.display(db) ); } } } if verbosity.is_spammy() { bar.println(format!( "In {}: {} exprs, {} unknown, {} partial", full_name, num_exprs - previous_exprs, num_exprs_unknown - previous_unknown, num_exprs_partially_unknown - previous_partially_unknown )); } bar.inc(1); } bar.finish_and_clear(); eprintln!( " exprs: {}, ??ty: {} ({}%), ?ty: {} ({}%), !ty: {}", num_exprs, num_exprs_unknown, percentage(num_exprs_unknown, num_exprs), num_exprs_partially_unknown, percentage(num_exprs_partially_unknown, num_exprs), num_type_mismatches ); report_metric("unknown type", num_exprs_unknown, "#"); report_metric("type mismatches", num_type_mismatches, "#"); eprintln!("{:<20} {}", "Inference:", inference_sw.elapsed()); } fn stop_watch(&self) -> StopWatch { StopWatch::start().memory(self.memory_usage) } } fn location_csv( db: &RootDatabase, analysis: &Analysis, vfs: &Vfs, sm: &BodySourceMap, expr_id: ExprId, ) -> String { let src = match sm.expr_syntax(expr_id) { Ok(s) => s, Err(SyntheticSyntax) => return "synthetic,,".to_string(), }; let root = db.parse_or_expand(src.file_id).unwrap(); let node = src.map(|e| e.to_node(&root).syntax().clone()); let original_range = node.as_ref().original_file_range(db); let path = vfs.file_path(original_range.file_id); let line_index = analysis.file_line_index(original_range.file_id).unwrap(); let text_range = original_range.range; let (start, end) = (line_index.line_col(text_range.start()), line_index.line_col(text_range.end())); format!("{},{}:{},{}:{}", path, start.line + 1, start.col, end.line + 1, end.col) } fn expr_syntax_range( db: &RootDatabase, analysis: &Analysis, vfs: &Vfs, sm: &BodySourceMap, expr_id: ExprId, ) -> Option<(VfsPath, LineCol, LineCol)> { let src = sm.expr_syntax(expr_id); if let Ok(src) = src { let root = db.parse_or_expand(src.file_id).unwrap(); let node = src.map(|e| e.to_node(&root).syntax().clone()); let original_range = node.as_ref().original_file_range(db); let path = vfs.file_path(original_range.file_id); let line_index = analysis.file_line_index(original_range.file_id).unwrap(); let text_range = original_range.range; let (start, end) = (line_index.line_col(text_range.start()), line_index.line_col(text_range.end())); Some((path, start, end)) } else { None } } fn shuffle(rng: &mut Rand32, slice: &mut [T]) { for i in 0..slice.len() { randomize_first(rng, &mut slice[i..]); } fn randomize_first(rng: &mut Rand32, slice: &mut [T]) { assert!(!slice.is_empty()); let idx = rng.rand_range(0..slice.len() as u32) as usize; slice.swap(0, idx); } } fn percentage(n: u64, total: u64) -> u64 { (n * 100).checked_div(total).unwrap_or(100) } fn syntax_len(node: SyntaxNode) -> usize { // Macro expanded code doesn't contain whitespace, so erase *all* whitespace // to make macro and non-macro code comparable. node.to_string().replace(|it: char| it.is_ascii_whitespace(), "").len() }