// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use cell::Cell; use c_str::ToCStr; use cast::transmute; use io::{Writer, WriterUtil}; use io; use libc::{c_char, size_t, STDERR_FILENO}; use option::{Option, None, Some}; use ptr::RawPtr; use rt::env; use rt::local::Local; use rt::task::Task; use str::{OwnedStr, StrSlice}; use str; use sys; use uint; use unstable::raw; use vec::ImmutableVector; pub static FROZEN_BIT: uint = 1 << (uint::bits - 1); pub static MUT_BIT: uint = 1 << (uint::bits - 2); static ALL_BITS: uint = FROZEN_BIT | MUT_BIT; #[deriving(Eq)] pub struct BorrowRecord { box: *mut raw::Box<()>, file: *c_char, line: size_t } fn try_take_task_borrow_list() -> Option<~[BorrowRecord]> { do Local::borrow |task: &mut Task| { task.borrow_list.take() } } fn swap_task_borrow_list(f: &fn(~[BorrowRecord]) -> ~[BorrowRecord]) { let borrows = match try_take_task_borrow_list() { Some(l) => l, None => ~[] }; let borrows = f(borrows); let borrows = Cell::new(borrows); do Local::borrow |task: &mut Task| { task.borrow_list = Some(borrows.take()); } } pub fn clear_task_borrow_list() { // pub because it is used by the box annihilator. let _ = try_take_task_borrow_list(); } unsafe fn fail_borrowed(box: *mut raw::Box<()>, file: *c_char, line: size_t) { debug_borrow("fail_borrowed: ", box, 0, 0, file, line); match try_take_task_borrow_list() { None => { // not recording borrows let msg = "borrowed"; do msg.with_c_str |msg_p| { sys::begin_unwind_(msg_p, file, line); } } Some(borrow_list) => { // recording borrows let mut msg = ~"borrowed"; let mut sep = " at "; for entry in borrow_list.rev_iter() { if entry.box == box { msg.push_str(sep); let filename = str::raw::from_c_str(entry.file); msg.push_str(filename); msg.push_str(fmt!(":%u", entry.line as uint)); sep = " and at "; } } do msg.with_c_str |msg_p| { sys::begin_unwind_(msg_p, file, line) } } } } /// Because this code is so perf. sensitive, use a static constant so that /// debug printouts are compiled out most of the time. static ENABLE_DEBUG: bool = false; #[inline] unsafe fn debug_borrow>(tag: &'static str, p: P, old_bits: uint, new_bits: uint, filename: *c_char, line: size_t) { //! A useful debugging function that prints a pointer + tag + newline //! without allocating memory. if ENABLE_DEBUG && env::debug_borrow() { debug_borrow_slow(tag, p, old_bits, new_bits, filename, line); } unsafe fn debug_borrow_slow>(tag: &'static str, p: P, old_bits: uint, new_bits: uint, filename: *c_char, line: size_t) { let dbg = STDERR_FILENO as io::fd_t; dbg.write_str(tag); dbg.write_hex(p.to_uint()); dbg.write_str(" "); dbg.write_hex(old_bits); dbg.write_str(" "); dbg.write_hex(new_bits); dbg.write_str(" "); dbg.write_cstr(filename); dbg.write_str(":"); dbg.write_hex(line as uint); dbg.write_str("\n"); } } trait DebugPrints { fn write_hex(&self, val: uint); unsafe fn write_cstr(&self, str: *c_char); } impl DebugPrints for io::fd_t { fn write_hex(&self, mut i: uint) { let letters = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']; static UINT_NIBBLES: uint = ::uint::bytes << 1; let mut buffer = [0_u8, ..UINT_NIBBLES+1]; let mut c = UINT_NIBBLES; while c > 0 { c -= 1; buffer[c] = letters[i & 0xF] as u8; i >>= 4; } self.write(buffer.slice(0, UINT_NIBBLES)); } unsafe fn write_cstr(&self, p: *c_char) { #[fixed_stack_segment]; #[inline(never)]; use libc::strlen; use vec; let len = strlen(p); let p: *u8 = transmute(p); do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(p, len as uint) |s| { self.write(s); } } } #[inline] pub unsafe fn borrow_as_imm(a: *u8, file: *c_char, line: size_t) -> uint { let a = a as *mut raw::Box<()>; let old_ref_count = (*a).ref_count; let new_ref_count = old_ref_count | FROZEN_BIT; debug_borrow("borrow_as_imm:", a, old_ref_count, new_ref_count, file, line); if (old_ref_count & MUT_BIT) != 0 { fail_borrowed(a, file, line); } (*a).ref_count = new_ref_count; old_ref_count } #[inline] pub unsafe fn borrow_as_mut(a: *u8, file: *c_char, line: size_t) -> uint { let a = a as *mut raw::Box<()>; let old_ref_count = (*a).ref_count; let new_ref_count = old_ref_count | MUT_BIT | FROZEN_BIT; debug_borrow("borrow_as_mut:", a, old_ref_count, new_ref_count, file, line); if (old_ref_count & (MUT_BIT|FROZEN_BIT)) != 0 { fail_borrowed(a, file, line); } (*a).ref_count = new_ref_count; old_ref_count } pub unsafe fn record_borrow(a: *u8, old_ref_count: uint, file: *c_char, line: size_t) { if (old_ref_count & ALL_BITS) == 0 { // was not borrowed before let a = a as *mut raw::Box<()>; debug_borrow("record_borrow:", a, old_ref_count, 0, file, line); do swap_task_borrow_list |borrow_list| { let mut borrow_list = borrow_list; borrow_list.push(BorrowRecord {box: a, file: file, line: line}); borrow_list } } } pub unsafe fn unrecord_borrow(a: *u8, old_ref_count: uint, file: *c_char, line: size_t) { if (old_ref_count & ALL_BITS) == 0 { // was not borrowed before, so we should find the record at // the end of the list let a = a as *mut raw::Box<()>; debug_borrow("unrecord_borrow:", a, old_ref_count, 0, file, line); do swap_task_borrow_list |borrow_list| { let mut borrow_list = borrow_list; assert!(!borrow_list.is_empty()); let br = borrow_list.pop(); if br.box != a || br.file != file || br.line != line { let err = fmt!("wrong borrow found, br=%?", br); do err.with_c_str |msg_p| { sys::begin_unwind_(msg_p, file, line) } } borrow_list } } } #[inline] pub unsafe fn return_to_mut(a: *u8, orig_ref_count: uint, file: *c_char, line: size_t) { // Sometimes the box is null, if it is conditionally frozen. // See e.g. #4904. if !a.is_null() { let a = a as *mut raw::Box<()>; let old_ref_count = (*a).ref_count; let new_ref_count = (old_ref_count & !ALL_BITS) | (orig_ref_count & ALL_BITS); debug_borrow("return_to_mut:", a, old_ref_count, new_ref_count, file, line); (*a).ref_count = new_ref_count; } } #[inline] pub unsafe fn check_not_borrowed(a: *u8, file: *c_char, line: size_t) { let a = a as *mut raw::Box<()>; let ref_count = (*a).ref_count; debug_borrow("check_not_borrowed:", a, ref_count, 0, file, line); if (ref_count & FROZEN_BIT) != 0 { fail_borrowed(a, file, line); } }