//! See [`complete_fn_param`]. use hir::HirDisplay; use ide_db::FxHashMap; use syntax::{ algo, ast::{self, HasModuleItem}, match_ast, AstNode, Direction, SyntaxKind, TextRange, TextSize, }; use crate::{ context::{ParamContext, ParamKind, PatternContext}, CompletionContext, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, Completions, }; // FIXME: Make this a submodule of [`pattern`] /// Complete repeated parameters, both name and type. For example, if all /// functions in a file have a `spam: &mut Spam` parameter, a completion with /// `spam: &mut Spam` insert text/label will be suggested. /// /// Also complete parameters for closure or local functions from the surrounding defined locals. pub(crate) fn complete_fn_param( acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>, pattern_ctx: &PatternContext, ) -> Option<()> { let (ParamContext { param_list, kind, .. }, impl_) = match pattern_ctx { PatternContext { param_ctx: Some(kind), impl_, .. } => (kind, impl_), _ => return None, }; let comma_wrapper = comma_wrapper(ctx); let mut add_new_item_to_acc = |label: &str| { let mk_item = |label: &str, range: TextRange| { CompletionItem::new(CompletionItemKind::Binding, range, label) }; let item = match &comma_wrapper { Some((fmt, range)) => mk_item(&fmt(label), *range), None => mk_item(label, ctx.source_range()), }; // Completion lookup is omitted intentionally here. // See the full discussion: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/12073 item.add_to(acc) }; match kind { ParamKind::Function(function) => { fill_fn_params(ctx, function, param_list, impl_, add_new_item_to_acc); } ParamKind::Closure(closure) => { let stmt_list = closure.syntax().ancestors().find_map(ast::StmtList::cast)?; params_from_stmt_list_scope(ctx, stmt_list, |name, ty| { add_new_item_to_acc(&format!("{name}: {ty}")); }); } } Some(()) } fn fill_fn_params( ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>, function: &ast::Fn, param_list: &ast::ParamList, impl_: &Option, mut add_new_item_to_acc: impl FnMut(&str), ) { let mut file_params = FxHashMap::default(); let mut extract_params = |f: ast::Fn| { f.param_list().into_iter().flat_map(|it| it.params()).for_each(|param| { if let Some(pat) = param.pat() { // FIXME: We should be able to turn these into SmolStr without having to allocate a String let whole_param = param.syntax().text().to_string(); let binding = pat.syntax().text().to_string(); file_params.entry(whole_param).or_insert(binding); } }); }; for node in ctx.token.parent_ancestors() { match_ast! { match node { ast::SourceFile(it) => it.items().filter_map(|item| match item { ast::Item::Fn(it) => Some(it), _ => None, }).for_each(&mut extract_params), ast::ItemList(it) => it.items().filter_map(|item| match item { ast::Item::Fn(it) => Some(it), _ => None, }).for_each(&mut extract_params), ast::AssocItemList(it) => it.assoc_items().filter_map(|item| match item { ast::AssocItem::Fn(it) => Some(it), _ => None, }).for_each(&mut extract_params), _ => continue, } }; } if let Some(stmt_list) = function.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::StmtList::cast) { params_from_stmt_list_scope(ctx, stmt_list, |name, ty| { file_params.entry(format!("{name}: {ty}")).or_insert(name.to_string()); }); } remove_duplicated(&mut file_params, param_list.params()); let self_completion_items = ["self", "&self", "mut self", "&mut self"]; if should_add_self_completions(ctx.token.text_range().start(), param_list, impl_) { self_completion_items.into_iter().for_each(|self_item| add_new_item_to_acc(self_item)); } file_params.keys().for_each(|whole_param| add_new_item_to_acc(whole_param)); } fn params_from_stmt_list_scope( ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>, stmt_list: ast::StmtList, mut cb: impl FnMut(hir::Name, String), ) { let syntax_node = match stmt_list.syntax().last_child() { Some(it) => it, None => return, }; if let Some(scope) = ctx.sema.scope_at_offset(stmt_list.syntax(), syntax_node.text_range().end()) { let module = scope.module().into(); scope.process_all_names(&mut |name, def| { if let hir::ScopeDef::Local(local) = def { if let Ok(ty) = local.ty(ctx.db).display_source_code(ctx.db, module) { cb(name, ty); } } }); } } fn remove_duplicated( file_params: &mut FxHashMap, fn_params: ast::AstChildren, ) { fn_params.for_each(|param| { let whole_param = param.syntax().text().to_string(); file_params.remove(&whole_param); match param.pat() { // remove suggestions for patterns that already exist // if the type is missing we are checking the current param to be completed // in which case this would find itself removing the suggestions due to itself Some(pattern) if param.ty().is_some() => { let binding = pattern.syntax().text().to_string(); file_params.retain(|_, v| v != &binding); } _ => (), } }) } fn should_add_self_completions( cursor: TextSize, param_list: &ast::ParamList, impl_: &Option, ) -> bool { if impl_.is_none() || param_list.self_param().is_some() { return false; } match param_list.params().next() { Some(first) => first.pat().map_or(false, |pat| pat.syntax().text_range().contains(cursor)), None => true, } } fn comma_wrapper(ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>) -> Option<(impl Fn(&str) -> String, TextRange)> { let param = ctx.token.parent_ancestors().find(|node| node.kind() == SyntaxKind::PARAM)?; let next_token_kind = { let t = param.last_token()?.next_token()?; let t = algo::skip_whitespace_token(t, Direction::Next)?; t.kind() }; let prev_token_kind = { let t = param.first_token()?.prev_token()?; let t = algo::skip_whitespace_token(t, Direction::Prev)?; t.kind() }; let has_trailing_comma = matches!(next_token_kind, SyntaxKind::COMMA | SyntaxKind::R_PAREN | SyntaxKind::PIPE); let trailing = if has_trailing_comma { "" } else { "," }; let has_leading_comma = matches!(prev_token_kind, SyntaxKind::COMMA | SyntaxKind::L_PAREN | SyntaxKind::PIPE); let leading = if has_leading_comma { "" } else { ", " }; Some((move |label: &_| (format!("{leading}{label}{trailing}")), param.text_range())) }