#![allow(clippy::redundant_clone)] #![feature(custom_inner_attributes)] #![clippy::msrv = "1.0.0"] use std::ops::{Deref, RangeFrom}; fn option_as_ref_deref() { let mut opt = Some(String::from("123")); let _ = opt.as_ref().map(String::as_str); let _ = opt.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_str()); let _ = opt.as_mut().map(String::as_mut_str); let _ = opt.as_mut().map(|x| x.as_mut_str()); } fn match_like_matches() { let _y = match Some(5) { Some(0) => true, _ => false, }; } fn match_same_arms() { match (1, 2, 3) { (1, .., 3) => 42, (.., 3) => 42, //~ ERROR match arms have same body _ => 0, }; } fn match_same_arms2() { let _ = match Some(42) { Some(_) => 24, None => 24, //~ ERROR match arms have same body }; } pub fn manual_strip_msrv() { let s = "hello, world!"; if s.starts_with("hello, ") { assert_eq!(s["hello, ".len()..].to_uppercase(), "WORLD!"); } } pub fn redundant_fieldnames() { let start = 0; let _ = RangeFrom { start: start }; } pub fn redundant_static_lifetime() { const VAR_ONE: &'static str = "Test constant #1"; } pub fn checked_conversion() { let value: i64 = 42; let _ = value <= (u32::max_value() as i64) && value >= 0; let _ = value <= (u32::MAX as i64) && value >= 0; } pub fn filter_map_next() { let a = ["1", "lol", "3", "NaN", "5"]; #[rustfmt::skip] let _: Option = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] .into_iter() .filter_map(|x| { if x == 2 { Some(x * 2) } else { None } }) .next(); } pub fn manual_range_contains() { x >= 8 && x < 12; } pub fn use_self() { struct Foo {} impl Foo { fn new() -> Foo { Foo {} } fn test() -> Foo { Foo::new() } } } fn replace_with_default() { let mut s = String::from("foo"); let _ = std::mem::replace(s, String::default()); } fn map_unwrap_or() { let opt = Some(1); // Check for `option.map(_).unwrap_or(_)` use. // Single line case. let _ = opt .map(|x| x + 1) // Should lint even though this call is on a separate line. .unwrap_or(0); } fn main() { filter_map_next(); checked_conversion(); redundant_fieldnames(); redundant_static_lifetime(); option_as_ref_deref(); match_like_matches(); match_same_arms(); match_same_arms2(); manual_strip_msrv(); manual_range_contains(); use_self(); replace_with_default(); map_unwrap_or(); } mod meets_msrv { #![feature(custom_inner_attributes)] #![clippy::msrv = "1.45.0"] fn main() { let s = "hello, world!"; if s.starts_with("hello, ") { assert_eq!(s["hello, ".len()..].to_uppercase(), "WORLD!"); } } } mod just_under_msrv { #![feature(custom_inner_attributes)] #![clippy::msrv = "1.46.0"] fn main() { let s = "hello, world!"; if s.starts_with("hello, ") { assert_eq!(s["hello, ".len()..].to_uppercase(), "WORLD!"); } } } mod just_above_msrv { #![feature(custom_inner_attributes)] #![clippy::msrv = "1.44.0"] fn main() { let s = "hello, world!"; if s.starts_with("hello, ") { assert_eq!(s["hello, ".len()..].to_uppercase(), "WORLD!"); } } }