- // MIR for `foo` before MatchBranchSimplification + // MIR for `foo` after MatchBranchSimplification fn foo(_1: [u8; 16]) -> Option<[u8; 4]> { debug bytes => _1; let mut _0: std::option::Option<[u8; 4]>; let _2: [u32; 4]; let mut _3: [u8; 16]; let mut _5: [u8; 4]; let mut _6: u32; scope 1 { debug dwords => _2; scope 3 { debug ip => _4; let _4: u32; scope 4 { } } } scope 2 { } bb0: { StorageLive(_2); StorageLive(_3); _3 = _1; _2 = move _3 as [u32; 4] (Transmute); StorageDead(_3); switchInt(_2[0 of 4]) -> [0: bb1, otherwise: bb4]; } bb1: { switchInt(_2[1 of 4]) -> [0: bb2, otherwise: bb4]; } bb2: { switchInt(_2[2 of 4]) -> [0: bb3, 4294901760: bb3, otherwise: bb4]; } bb3: { StorageLive(_4); _4 = _2[3 of 4]; StorageLive(_5); StorageLive(_6); _6 = _4; _5 = move _6 as [u8; 4] (Transmute); StorageDead(_6); _0 = Option::<[u8; 4]>::Some(move _5); StorageDead(_5); StorageDead(_4); goto -> bb5; } bb4: { _0 = Option::<[u8; 4]>::None; goto -> bb5; } bb5: { StorageDead(_2); return; } }