import codemap::span; import ast::*; pure fn spanned(lo: uint, hi: uint, +t: T) -> spanned { respan(mk_sp(lo, hi), t) } pure fn respan(sp: span, +t: T) -> spanned { {node: t, span: sp} } pure fn dummy_spanned(+t: T) -> spanned { respan(dummy_sp(), t) } /* assuming that we're not in macro expansion */ pure fn mk_sp(lo: uint, hi: uint) -> span { {lo: lo, hi: hi, expn_info: none} } // make this a const, once the compiler supports it pure fn dummy_sp() -> span { return mk_sp(0u, 0u); } pure fn path_name(p: @path) -> ~str { path_name_i(p.idents) } pure fn path_name_i(idents: ~[ident]) -> ~str { // FIXME: Bad copies (#2543 -- same for everything else that says "bad") str::connect(|i|*i), ~"::") } pure fn path_to_ident(p: @path) -> ident { vec::last(p.idents) } pure fn local_def(id: node_id) -> def_id { {crate: local_crate, node: id} } pure fn is_local(did: ast::def_id) -> bool { did.crate == local_crate } pure fn stmt_id(s: stmt) -> node_id { match s.node { stmt_decl(_, id) => id, stmt_expr(_, id) => id, stmt_semi(_, id) => id } } fn variant_def_ids(d: def) -> {enm: def_id, var: def_id} { match d { def_variant(enum_id, var_id) => { return {enm: enum_id, var: var_id} } _ => fail ~"non-variant in variant_def_ids" } } pure fn def_id_of_def(d: def) -> def_id { match d { def_fn(id, _) | def_mod(id) | def_foreign_mod(id) | def_const(id) | def_variant(_, id) | def_ty(id) | def_ty_param(id, _) | def_use(id) | def_class(id, _) => { id } def_arg(id, _) | def_local(id, _) | def_self(id) | def_upvar(id, _, _) | def_binding(id, _) | def_region(id) | def_typaram_binder(id) => { local_def(id) } def_prim_ty(_) => fail } } pure fn binop_to_str(op: binop) -> ~str { match op { add => return ~"+", subtract => return ~"-", mul => return ~"*", div => return ~"/", rem => return ~"%", and => return ~"&&", or => return ~"||", bitxor => return ~"^", bitand => return ~"&", bitor => return ~"|", shl => return ~"<<", shr => return ~">>", eq => return ~"==", lt => return ~"<", le => return ~"<=", ne => return ~"!=", ge => return ~">=", gt => return ~">" } } pure fn binop_to_method_name(op: binop) -> option<~str> { match op { add => return some(~"add"), subtract => return some(~"sub"), mul => return some(~"mul"), div => return some(~"div"), rem => return some(~"modulo"), bitxor => return some(~"bitxor"), bitand => return some(~"bitand"), bitor => return some(~"bitor"), shl => return some(~"shl"), shr => return some(~"shr"), and | or | eq | lt | le | ne | ge | gt => return none } } pure fn lazy_binop(b: binop) -> bool { match b { and => true, or => true, _ => false } } pure fn is_shift_binop(b: binop) -> bool { match b { shl => true, shr => true, _ => false } } pure fn unop_to_str(op: unop) -> ~str { match op { box(mt) => if mt == m_mutbl { ~"@mut " } else { ~"@" }, uniq(mt) => if mt == m_mutbl { ~"~mut " } else { ~"~" }, deref => ~"*", not => ~"!", neg => ~"-" } } pure fn is_path(e: @expr) -> bool { return match e.node { expr_path(_) => true, _ => false }; } pure fn int_ty_to_str(t: int_ty) -> ~str { match t { ty_char => ~"u8", // ??? ty_i => ~"", ty_i8 => ~"i8", ty_i16 => ~"i16", ty_i32 => ~"i32", ty_i64 => ~"i64" } } pure fn int_ty_max(t: int_ty) -> u64 { match t { ty_i8 => 0x80u64, ty_i16 => 0x8000u64, ty_i | ty_char | ty_i32 => 0x80000000u64, // actually ni about ty_i ty_i64 => 0x8000000000000000u64 } } pure fn uint_ty_to_str(t: uint_ty) -> ~str { match t { ty_u => ~"u", ty_u8 => ~"u8", ty_u16 => ~"u16", ty_u32 => ~"u32", ty_u64 => ~"u64" } } pure fn uint_ty_max(t: uint_ty) -> u64 { match t { ty_u8 => 0xffu64, ty_u16 => 0xffffu64, ty_u | ty_u32 => 0xffffffffu64, // actually ni about ty_u ty_u64 => 0xffffffffffffffffu64 } } pure fn float_ty_to_str(t: float_ty) -> ~str { match t { ty_f => ~"f", ty_f32 => ~"f32", ty_f64 => ~"f64" } } fn is_exported(i: ident, m: _mod) -> bool { let mut local = false; let mut parent_enum : option = none; for m.items.each |it| { if it.ident == i { local = true; } match it.node { item_enum(variants, _) => for variants.each |v| { if == i { local = true; parent_enum = some(/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy it.ident); } }, _ => () } if local { break; } } let mut has_explicit_exports = false; for m.view_items.each |vi| { match vi.node { view_item_export(vps) => { has_explicit_exports = true; for vps.each |vp| { match vp.node { ast::view_path_simple(id, _, _) => { if id == i { return true; } match parent_enum { some(parent_enum_id) => { if id == parent_enum_id { return true; } } _ => () } } ast::view_path_list(path, ids, _) => { if vec::len(path.idents) == 1u { if i == path.idents[0] { return true; } for ids.each |id| { if == i { return true; } } } else { fail ~"export of path-qualified list"; } } // FIXME: glob-exports aren't supported yet. (#2006) _ => () } } } _ => () } } // If there are no declared exports then // everything not imported is exported // even if it's local (since it's explicit) return !has_explicit_exports && local; } pure fn is_call_expr(e: @expr) -> bool { match e.node { expr_call(_, _, _) => true, _ => false } } pure fn eq_ty(a: &@ty, b: &@ty) -> bool { box::ptr_eq(*a, *b) } pure fn hash_ty(t: &@ty) -> uint { let res = (t.span.lo << 16u) + t.span.hi; return res; } pure fn def_eq(a: &ast::def_id, b: &ast::def_id) -> bool { a.crate == b.crate && a.node == b.node } pure fn hash_def(d: &ast::def_id) -> uint { let mut h = 5381u; h = (h << 5u) + h ^ (d.crate as uint); h = (h << 5u) + h ^ (d.node as uint); return h; } fn new_def_hash() -> std::map::hashmap { let hasher: std::map::hashfn = hash_def; let eqer: std::map::eqfn = def_eq; return std::map::hashmap::(hasher, eqer); } fn block_from_expr(e: @expr) -> blk { let blk_ = default_block(~[], option::some::<@expr>(e),; return {node: blk_, span: e.span}; } fn default_block(+stmts1: ~[@stmt], expr1: option<@expr>, id1: node_id) -> blk_ { {view_items: ~[], stmts: stmts1, expr: expr1, id: id1, rules: default_blk} } fn ident_to_path(s: span, +i: ident) -> @path { @{span: s, global: false, idents: ~[i], rp: none, types: ~[]} } pure fn is_unguarded(&&a: arm) -> bool { match a.guard { none => true, _ => false } } pure fn unguarded_pat(a: arm) -> option<~[@pat]> { if is_unguarded(a) { some(/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy a.pats) } else { none } } pure fn class_item_ident(ci: @class_member) -> ident { match ci.node { instance_var(i,_,_,_,_) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy i, class_method(it) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy it.ident } } type ivar = {ident: ident, ty: @ty, cm: class_mutability, id: node_id, vis: visibility}; fn public_methods(ms: ~[@method]) -> ~[@method] { vec::filter(ms, |m| match m.vis { public => true, _ => false }) } fn split_class_items(cs: ~[@class_member]) -> (~[ivar], ~[@method]) { let mut vs = ~[], ms = ~[]; for cs.each |c| { match c.node { instance_var(i, t, cm, id, vis) => { vec::push(vs, {ident: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy i, ty: t, cm: cm, id: id, vis: vis}); } class_method(m) => vec::push(ms, m) } }; (vs, ms) } // extract a ty_method from a trait_method. if the trait_method is // a default, pull out the useful fields to make a ty_method fn trait_method_to_ty_method(method: trait_method) -> ty_method { match method { required(m) => m, provided(m) => { {ident: m.ident, attrs: m.attrs, decl: m.decl, tps: m.tps, self_ty: m.self_ty, id:, span: m.span} } } } fn split_trait_methods(trait_methods: ~[trait_method]) -> (~[ty_method], ~[@method]) { let mut reqd = ~[], provd = ~[]; for trait_methods.each |trt_method| { match trt_method { required(tm) => vec::push(reqd, tm), provided(m) => vec::push(provd, m) } }; (reqd, provd) } pure fn class_member_visibility(ci: @class_member) -> visibility { match ci.node { instance_var(_, _, _, _, vis) => vis, class_method(m) => m.vis } } trait inlined_item_utils { fn ident() -> ident; fn id() -> ast::node_id; fn accept(e: E, v: visit::vt); } impl inlined_item_methods of inlined_item_utils for inlined_item { fn ident() -> ident { match self { ii_item(i) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy i.ident, ii_foreign(i) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy i.ident, ii_method(_, m) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy m.ident, ii_ctor(_, nm, _, _) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy nm, ii_dtor(_, nm, _, _) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy nm } } fn id() -> ast::node_id { match self { ii_item(i) =>, ii_foreign(i) =>, ii_method(_, m) =>, ii_ctor(ctor, _, _, _) =>, ii_dtor(dtor, _, _, _) => } } fn accept(e: E, v: visit::vt) { match self { ii_item(i) => v.visit_item(i, e, v), ii_foreign(i) => v.visit_foreign_item(i, e, v), ii_method(_, m) => visit::visit_method_helper(m, e, v), ii_ctor(ctor, nm, tps, parent_id) => { visit::visit_class_ctor_helper(ctor, nm, tps, parent_id, e, v); } ii_dtor(dtor, nm, tps, parent_id) => { visit::visit_class_dtor_helper(dtor, tps, parent_id, e, v); } } } } /* True if d is either a def_self, or a chain of def_upvars referring to a def_self */ fn is_self(d: ast::def) -> bool { match d { def_self(_) => true, def_upvar(_, d, _) => is_self(*d), _ => false } } /// Maps a binary operator to its precedence fn operator_prec(op: ast::binop) -> uint { match op { mul | div | rem => 12u, // 'as' sits between here with 11 add | subtract => 10u, shl | shr => 9u, bitand => 8u, bitxor => 7u, bitor => 6u, lt | le | ge | gt => 4u, eq | ne => 3u, and => 2u, or => 1u } } fn dtor_dec() -> fn_decl { let nil_t = @{id: 0, node: ty_nil, span: dummy_sp()}; // dtor has one argument, of type () {inputs: ~[{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref), ty: nil_t, ident: @~"_", id: 0}], output: nil_t, purity: impure_fn, cf: return_val} } // ______________________________________________________________________ // Enumerating the IDs which appear in an AST #[auto_serialize] type id_range = {min: node_id, max: node_id}; fn empty(range: id_range) -> bool { range.min >= range.max } fn id_visitor(vfn: fn@(node_id)) -> visit::vt<()> { visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{ visit_mod: fn@(_m: _mod, _sp: span, id: node_id) { vfn(id) }, visit_view_item: fn@(vi: @view_item) { match vi.node { view_item_use(_, _, id) => vfn(id), view_item_import(vps) | view_item_export(vps) => { do vec::iter(vps) |vp| { match vp.node { view_path_simple(_, _, id) => vfn(id), view_path_glob(_, id) => vfn(id), view_path_list(_, _, id) => vfn(id) } } } } }, visit_foreign_item: fn@(ni: @foreign_item) { vfn( }, visit_item: fn@(i: @item) { vfn(; match i.node { item_enum(vs, _) => for vs.each |v| { vfn(; }, _ => () } }, visit_local: fn@(l: @local) { vfn(; }, visit_block: fn@(b: blk) { vfn(; }, visit_stmt: fn@(s: @stmt) { vfn(ast_util::stmt_id(*s)); }, visit_arm: fn@(_a: arm) { }, visit_pat: fn@(p: @pat) { vfn( }, visit_decl: fn@(_d: @decl) { }, visit_expr: fn@(e: @expr) { vfn(e.callee_id); vfn(; }, visit_expr_post: fn@(_e: @expr) { }, visit_ty: fn@(t: @ty) { match t.node { ty_path(_, id) => vfn(id), _ => { /* fall through */ } } }, visit_ty_params: fn@(ps: ~[ty_param]) { vec::iter(ps, |p| vfn( }, visit_fn: fn@(fk: visit::fn_kind, d: ast::fn_decl, _b: ast::blk, _sp: span, id: ast::node_id) { vfn(id); match fk { visit::fk_ctor(nm, _, tps, self_id, parent_id) => { vec::iter(tps, |tp| vfn(; vfn(id); vfn(self_id); vfn(parent_id.node); } visit::fk_dtor(tps, _, self_id, parent_id) => { vec::iter(tps, |tp| vfn(; vfn(id); vfn(self_id); vfn(parent_id.node); } visit::fk_item_fn(_, tps) => { vec::iter(tps, |tp| vfn(; } visit::fk_method(_, tps, m) => { vfn(m.self_id); vec::iter(tps, |tp| vfn(; } visit::fk_anon(_, capture_clause) | visit::fk_fn_block(capture_clause) => { for vec::each(*capture_clause) |clause| { vfn(; } } } do vec::iter(d.inputs) |arg| { vfn( } }, visit_ty_method: fn@(_ty_m: ty_method) { }, visit_trait_method: fn@(_ty_m: trait_method) { }, visit_struct_def: fn@(_sd: struct_def, _id: ident, _tps: ~[ty_param], _id: node_id) { }, visit_class_item: fn@(c: @class_member) { match c.node { instance_var(_, _, _, id,_) => vfn(id), class_method(_) => () } } }) } fn visit_ids_for_inlined_item(item: inlined_item, vfn: fn@(node_id)) { item.accept((), id_visitor(vfn)); } fn compute_id_range(visit_ids_fn: fn(fn@(node_id))) -> id_range { let min = @mut int::max_value; let max = @mut int::min_value; do visit_ids_fn |id| { *min = int::min(*min, id); *max = int::max(*max, id + 1); } return {min:*min, max:*max}; } fn compute_id_range_for_inlined_item(item: inlined_item) -> id_range { compute_id_range(|f| visit_ids_for_inlined_item(item, f)) } pure fn is_item_impl(item: @ast::item) -> bool { match item.node { item_impl(*) => true, _ => false } } fn walk_pat(pat: @pat, it: fn(@pat)) { it(pat); match pat.node { pat_ident(_, pth, some(p)) => walk_pat(p, it), pat_rec(fields, _) | pat_struct(_, fields, _) => for fields.each |f| { walk_pat(f.pat, it) }, pat_enum(_, some(s)) | pat_tup(s) => for s.each |p| { walk_pat(p, it) }, pat_box(s) | pat_uniq(s) => walk_pat(s, it), pat_wild | pat_lit(_) | pat_range(_, _) | pat_ident(_, _, _) | pat_enum(_, _) => () } } fn view_path_id(p: @view_path) -> node_id { match p.node { view_path_simple(_, _, id) | view_path_glob(_, id) | view_path_list(_, _, id) => id } } // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: