import std::option; import std::str; import std::vec; import util::common::span; import util::common::spanned; import util::common::ty_mach; import util::common::filename; type ident = str; type path_ = rec(vec[ident] idents, vec[@ty] types); type path = spanned[path_]; fn path_name(&path p) -> str { ret str::connect(p.node.idents, "::"); } type crate_num = int; const crate_num local_crate = 0; type def_num = int; type def_id = tup(crate_num, def_num); type ty_param = ident; type ann = rec(uint id); tag def { def_fn(def_id); def_obj(def_id); def_obj_field(def_id); def_mod(def_id); def_native_mod(def_id); def_const(def_id); def_arg(def_id); def_local(def_id); def_variant(def_id /* tag */, def_id /* variant */); def_ty(def_id); def_ty_arg(uint); def_binding(def_id); def_use(def_id); def_native_ty(def_id); def_native_fn(def_id); } fn variant_def_ids(&def d) -> tup(def_id, def_id) { alt (d) { case (def_variant(?tag_id, ?var_id)) { ret tup(tag_id, var_id); } } } fn def_id_of_def(def d) -> def_id { alt (d) { case (def_fn(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_obj(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_obj_field(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_mod(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_native_mod(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_const(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_arg(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_local(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_variant(_, ?id)) { ret id; } case (def_ty(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_ty_arg(_)) { fail; } case (def_binding(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_use(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_native_ty(?id)) { ret id; } case (def_native_fn(?id)) { ret id; } } fail; } type crate = spanned[crate_]; type crate_ = rec(vec[@crate_directive] directives, _mod module); tag meta_visibility { export_meta; local_meta; } tag crate_directive_ { cdir_expr(@expr); // FIXME: cdir_let should be eliminated // and redirected to the use of const stmt_decls inside // crate directive blocks. cdir_let(ident, @expr, vec[@crate_directive]); cdir_src_mod(ident, option::t[filename]); cdir_dir_mod(ident, option::t[filename], vec[@crate_directive]); cdir_view_item(@view_item); cdir_meta(meta_visibility, vec[@meta_item]); cdir_syntax(path); cdir_auth(path, _auth); } type crate_directive = spanned[crate_directive_]; type meta_item = spanned[meta_item_]; type meta_item_ = rec(ident key, str value); type block = spanned[block_]; type block_ = rec(vec[@stmt] stmts, option::t[@expr] expr, ann a); type pat = spanned[pat_]; tag pat_ { pat_wild(ann); pat_bind(ident, def_id, ann); pat_lit(@lit, ann); pat_tag(path, vec[@pat], ann); } tag mutability { mut; imm; maybe_mut; } tag layer { layer_value; layer_state; layer_gc; } tag _auth { auth_unsafe; } tag proto { proto_iter; proto_fn; } tag binop { add; sub; mul; div; rem; and; or; bitxor; bitand; bitor; lsl; lsr; asr; eq; lt; le; ne; ge; gt; } fn binop_to_str(binop op) -> str { alt (op) { case (add) {ret "+";} case (sub) {ret "-";} case (mul) {ret "*";} case (div) {ret "/";} case (rem) {ret "%";} case (and) {ret "&&";} case (or) {ret "||";} case (bitxor) {ret "^";} case (bitand) {ret "&";} case (bitor) {ret "|";} case (lsl) {ret "<<";} case (lsr) {ret ">>";} case (asr) {ret ">>>";} case (eq) {ret "==";} case (lt) {ret "<";} case (le) {ret "<=";} case (ne) {ret "!=";} case (ge) {ret ">=";} case (gt) {ret ">";} } } tag unop { box(mutability); deref; not; neg; } fn unop_to_str(unop op) -> str { alt (op) { case (box(?mt)) { if (mt == mut) { ret "@mutable "; } ret "@"; } case (deref) {ret "*";} case (not) {ret "!";} case (neg) {ret "-";} } } tag mode { val; alias(bool); } type stmt = spanned[stmt_]; tag stmt_ { stmt_decl(@decl, ann); stmt_expr(@expr, ann); // These only exist in crate-level blocks. stmt_crate_directive(@crate_directive); } tag init_op { init_assign; init_recv; init_move; } type initializer = rec(init_op op, @expr expr); type local = rec(option::t[@ty] ty, bool infer, ident ident, option::t[initializer] init, def_id id, ann ann); type decl = spanned[decl_]; tag decl_ { decl_local(@local); decl_item(@item); } type arm = rec(@pat pat, block block); type elt = rec(mutability mut, @expr expr); type field_ = rec(mutability mut, ident ident, @expr expr); type field = spanned[field_]; tag spawn_dom { dom_implicit; dom_thread; } // FIXME: temporary tag seq_kind { sk_unique; sk_rc; } type expr = spanned[expr_]; tag expr_ { expr_vec(vec[@expr], mutability, seq_kind, ann); expr_tup(vec[elt], ann); expr_rec(vec[field], option::t[@expr], ann); expr_call(@expr, vec[@expr], ann); expr_self_method(ident, ann); expr_bind(@expr, vec[option::t[@expr]], ann); expr_spawn(spawn_dom, option::t[str], @expr, vec[@expr], ann); expr_binary(binop, @expr, @expr, ann); expr_unary(unop, @expr, ann); expr_lit(@lit, ann); expr_cast(@expr, @ty, ann); expr_if(@expr, block, option::t[@expr], ann); expr_while(@expr, block, ann); expr_for(@decl, @expr, block, ann); expr_for_each(@decl, @expr, block, ann); expr_do_while(block, @expr, ann); expr_alt(@expr, vec[arm], ann); expr_block(block, ann); expr_move(@expr /* TODO: @expr|is_lval */, @expr, ann); expr_assign(@expr /* TODO: @expr|is_lval */, @expr, ann); expr_assign_op(binop, @expr /* TODO: @expr|is_lval */, @expr, ann); expr_send(@expr /* TODO: @expr|is_lval */, @expr, ann); expr_recv(@expr /* TODO: @expr|is_lval */, @expr, ann); expr_field(@expr, ident, ann); expr_index(@expr, @expr, ann); expr_path(path, ann); expr_ext(path, vec[@expr], option::t[str], @expr, ann); expr_fail(ann, option::t[str]); expr_break(ann); expr_cont(ann); expr_ret(option::t[@expr], ann); expr_put(option::t[@expr], ann); expr_be(@expr, ann); expr_log(int, @expr, ann); /* just an assert, no significance to typestate */ expr_assert(@expr, ann); /* preds that typestate is aware of */ expr_check(@expr, ann); expr_port(ann); expr_chan(@expr, ann); expr_anon_obj(anon_obj, vec[ty_param], obj_def_ids, ann); } type lit = spanned[lit_]; tag lit_ { lit_str(str, seq_kind); lit_char(char); lit_int(int); lit_uint(uint); lit_mach_int(ty_mach, int); lit_float(str); lit_mach_float(ty_mach, str); lit_nil; lit_bool(bool); } // NB: If you change this, you'll probably want to change the corresponding // type structure in middle/ as well. type mt = rec(@ty ty, mutability mut); type ty_field_ = rec(ident ident, mt mt); type ty_arg_ = rec(mode mode, @ty ty); type ty_method_ = rec(proto proto, ident ident, vec[ty_arg] inputs, @ty output, controlflow cf, vec[@constr] constrs); type ty_field = spanned[ty_field_]; type ty_arg = spanned[ty_arg_]; type ty_method = spanned[ty_method_]; type ty = spanned[ty_]; tag ty_ { ty_nil; ty_bot; /* return type of ! functions and type of ret/fail/break/cont. there is no syntax for this type. */ /* bot represents the value of functions that don't return a value locally to their context. in contrast, things like log that do return, but don't return a meaningful value, have result type nil. */ ty_bool; ty_int; ty_uint; ty_float; ty_machine(util::common::ty_mach); ty_char; ty_str; ty_istr; // interior string ty_box(mt); ty_vec(mt); ty_ivec(mt); // interior vector ty_ptr(mt); ty_task; ty_port(@ty); ty_chan(@ty); ty_tup(vec[mt]); ty_rec(vec[ty_field]); ty_fn(proto, vec[ty_arg], @ty, controlflow, vec[@constr]); ty_obj(vec[ty_method]); ty_path(path, ann); ty_type; ty_constr(@ty, vec[@constr]); } tag constr_arg_ { carg_base; carg_ident(ident); carg_lit(@lit); } type constr_arg = spanned[constr_arg_]; type constr_ = rec(path path, vec[@constr_arg] args); type constr = spanned[constr_]; type arg = rec(mode mode, @ty ty, ident ident, def_id id); type fn_decl = rec(vec[arg] inputs, @ty output, purity purity, controlflow cf, vec[@constr] constraints); tag purity { pure_fn; // declared with "pred" impure_fn; // declared with "fn" } tag controlflow { noreturn; // functions with return type _|_ that always // raise an error or exit (i.e. never return to the caller) return; // everything else } type _fn = rec(fn_decl decl, proto proto, block body); type method_ = rec(ident ident, _fn meth, def_id id, ann ann); type method = spanned[method_]; type obj_field = rec(@ty ty, ident ident, def_id id, ann ann); type _obj = rec(vec[obj_field] fields, vec[@method] methods, option::t[@method] dtor); type anon_obj = rec( // New fields and methods, if they exist. option::t[vec[obj_field]] fields, vec[@method] methods, // with_obj: the original object being extended, if it exists. option::t[@expr] with_obj); type _mod = rec(vec[@view_item] view_items, vec[@item] items); tag native_abi { native_abi_rust; native_abi_cdecl; native_abi_llvm; native_abi_rust_intrinsic; } type native_mod = rec(str native_name, native_abi abi, vec[@view_item] view_items, vec[@native_item] items); type variant_arg = rec(@ty ty, def_id id); type variant_ = rec(str name, vec[variant_arg] args, def_id id, ann ann); type variant = spanned[variant_]; type view_item = spanned[view_item_]; tag view_item_ { view_item_use(ident, vec[@meta_item], def_id, ann); view_item_import(ident, vec[ident], def_id); view_item_import_glob(vec[ident], def_id); view_item_export(ident); } type obj_def_ids = rec(def_id ty, def_id ctor); type item = spanned[item_]; tag item_ { item_const(ident, @ty, @expr, def_id, ann); item_fn(ident, _fn, vec[ty_param], def_id, ann); item_mod(ident, _mod, def_id); item_native_mod(ident, native_mod, def_id); item_ty(ident, @ty, vec[ty_param], def_id, ann); item_tag(ident, vec[variant], vec[ty_param], def_id, ann); item_obj(ident, _obj, vec[ty_param], obj_def_ids, ann); } fn item_ident(@item it) -> ident { ret alt (it.node) { case (item_const(?ident, _, _, _, _)) { ident } case (item_fn(?ident, _, _, _, _)) { ident } case (item_mod(?ident, _, _)) { ident } case (item_native_mod(?ident, _, _)) { ident } case (item_ty(?ident, _, _, _, _)) { ident } case (item_tag(?ident, _, _, _, _)) { ident } case (item_obj(?ident, _, _, _, _)) { ident } } } type native_item = spanned[native_item_]; tag native_item_ { native_item_ty(ident, def_id); native_item_fn(ident, option::t[str], fn_decl, vec[ty_param], def_id, ann); } fn is_exported(ident i, _mod m) -> bool { auto nonlocal = true; for (@ast::item it in m.items) { if (item_ident(it) == i) { nonlocal = false; } alt (it.node) { case (item_tag(_, ?variants, _, _, _)) { for (variant v in variants) { if ( == i) { nonlocal = false; } } } case (_) {} } } auto count = 0u; for (@ast::view_item vi in m.view_items) { alt (vi.node) { case (ast::view_item_export(?id)) { if (str::eq(i, id)) { // even if it's nonlocal (since it's explicit) ret true; } count += 1u; } case (_) { /* fall through */ } } } // If there are no declared exports then // everything not imported is exported if (count == 0u && !nonlocal) { ret true; } else { ret false; } } fn is_call_expr(@expr e) -> bool { alt (e.node) { case (expr_call(_, _, _)) { ret true; } case (_) { ret false; } } } fn is_constraint_arg(@expr e) -> bool { alt (e.node) { case (expr_lit(_,_)) { ret true; } case (expr_path(_, _)) { ret true; } case (_) { ret false; } } } fn eq_ty(&@ty a, &@ty b) -> bool { ret std::box::ptr_eq(a,b); } fn hash_ty(&@ty t) -> uint { ret t.span.lo << 16u + t.span.hi; } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //