//! lint on enum variants that are prefixed or suffixed by the same characters use crate::utils::{camel_case, is_present_in_source}; use crate::utils::{span_help_and_lint, span_lint}; use rustc::lint::{EarlyContext, EarlyLintPass, Lint, LintArray, LintPass}; use rustc::{declare_tool_lint, impl_lint_pass}; use syntax::ast::*; use syntax::source_map::Span; use syntax::symbol::Symbol; declare_clippy_lint! { /// **What it does:** Detects enumeration variants that are prefixed or suffixed /// by the same characters. /// /// **Why is this bad?** Enumeration variant names should specify their variant, /// not repeat the enumeration name. /// /// **Known problems:** None. /// /// **Example:** /// ```rust /// enum Cake { /// BlackForestCake, /// HummingbirdCake, /// BattenbergCake, /// } /// ``` pub ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES, style, "enums where all variants share a prefix/postfix" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// **What it does:** Detects enumeration variants that are prefixed or suffixed /// by the same characters. /// /// **Why is this bad?** Enumeration variant names should specify their variant, /// not repeat the enumeration name. /// /// **Known problems:** None. /// /// **Example:** /// ```rust /// enum Cake { /// BlackForestCake, /// HummingbirdCake, /// BattenbergCake, /// } /// ``` pub PUB_ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES, pedantic, "enums where all variants share a prefix/postfix" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// **What it does:** Detects type names that are prefixed or suffixed by the /// containing module's name. /// /// **Why is this bad?** It requires the user to type the module name twice. /// /// **Known problems:** None. /// /// **Example:** /// ```rust /// mod cake { /// struct BlackForestCake; /// } /// ``` pub MODULE_NAME_REPETITIONS, pedantic, "type names prefixed/postfixed with their containing module's name" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// **What it does:** Checks for modules that have the same name as their /// parent module /// /// **Why is this bad?** A typical beginner mistake is to have `mod foo;` and /// again `mod foo { .. /// }` in `foo.rs`. /// The expectation is that items inside the inner `mod foo { .. }` are then /// available /// through `foo::x`, but they are only available through /// `foo::foo::x`. /// If this is done on purpose, it would be better to choose a more /// representative module name. /// /// **Known problems:** None. /// /// **Example:** /// ```ignore /// // lib.rs /// mod foo; /// // foo.rs /// mod foo { /// ... /// } /// ``` pub MODULE_INCEPTION, style, "modules that have the same name as their parent module" } pub struct EnumVariantNames { modules: Vec<(Symbol, String)>, threshold: u64, } impl EnumVariantNames { #[must_use] pub fn new(threshold: u64) -> Self { Self { modules: Vec::new(), threshold, } } } impl_lint_pass!(EnumVariantNames => [ ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES, PUB_ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES, MODULE_NAME_REPETITIONS, MODULE_INCEPTION ]); /// Returns the number of chars that match from the start #[must_use] fn partial_match(pre: &str, name: &str) -> usize { let mut name_iter = name.chars(); let _ = name_iter.next_back(); // make sure the name is never fully matched pre.chars().zip(name_iter).take_while(|&(l, r)| l == r).count() } /// Returns the number of chars that match from the end #[must_use] fn partial_rmatch(post: &str, name: &str) -> usize { let mut name_iter = name.chars(); let _ = name_iter.next(); // make sure the name is never fully matched post.chars() .rev() .zip(name_iter.rev()) .take_while(|&(l, r)| l == r) .count() } fn check_variant( cx: &EarlyContext<'_>, threshold: u64, def: &EnumDef, item_name: &str, item_name_chars: usize, span: Span, lint: &'static Lint, ) { if (def.variants.len() as u64) < threshold { return; } for var in &def.variants { let name = var.ident.name.as_str(); if partial_match(item_name, &name) == item_name_chars && name.chars().nth(item_name_chars).map_or(false, |c| !c.is_lowercase()) && name.chars().nth(item_name_chars + 1).map_or(false, |c| !c.is_numeric()) { span_lint(cx, lint, var.span, "Variant name starts with the enum's name"); } if partial_rmatch(item_name, &name) == item_name_chars { span_lint(cx, lint, var.span, "Variant name ends with the enum's name"); } } let first = &def.variants[0].ident.name.as_str(); let mut pre = &first[..camel_case::until(&*first)]; let mut post = &first[camel_case::from(&*first)..]; for var in &def.variants { let name = var.ident.name.as_str(); let pre_match = partial_match(pre, &name); pre = &pre[..pre_match]; let pre_camel = camel_case::until(pre); pre = &pre[..pre_camel]; while let Some((next, last)) = name[pre.len()..].chars().zip(pre.chars().rev()).next() { if next.is_numeric() { return; } if next.is_lowercase() { let last = pre.len() - last.len_utf8(); let last_camel = camel_case::until(&pre[..last]); pre = &pre[..last_camel]; } else { break; } } let post_match = partial_rmatch(post, &name); let post_end = post.len() - post_match; post = &post[post_end..]; let post_camel = camel_case::from(post); post = &post[post_camel..]; } let (what, value) = match (pre.is_empty(), post.is_empty()) { (true, true) => return, (false, _) => ("pre", pre), (true, false) => ("post", post), }; span_help_and_lint( cx, lint, span, &format!("All variants have the same {}fix: `{}`", what, value), &format!( "remove the {}fixes and use full paths to \ the variants instead of glob imports", what ), ); } #[must_use] fn to_camel_case(item_name: &str) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); let mut up = true; for c in item_name.chars() { if c.is_uppercase() { // we only turn snake case text into CamelCase return item_name.to_string(); } if c == '_' { up = true; continue; } if up { up = false; s.extend(c.to_uppercase()); } else { s.push(c); } } s } impl EarlyLintPass for EnumVariantNames { fn check_item_post(&mut self, _cx: &EarlyContext<'_>, _item: &Item) { let last = self.modules.pop(); assert!(last.is_some()); } #[allow(clippy::similar_names)] fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &EarlyContext<'_>, item: &Item) { let item_name = item.ident.name.as_str(); let item_name_chars = item_name.chars().count(); let item_camel = to_camel_case(&item_name); if !item.span.from_expansion() && is_present_in_source(cx, item.span) { if let Some(&(ref mod_name, ref mod_camel)) = self.modules.last() { // constants don't have surrounding modules if !mod_camel.is_empty() { if mod_name == &item.ident.name { if let ItemKind::Mod(..) = item.kind { span_lint( cx, MODULE_INCEPTION, item.span, "module has the same name as its containing module", ); } } if item.vis.node.is_pub() { let matching = partial_match(mod_camel, &item_camel); let rmatching = partial_rmatch(mod_camel, &item_camel); let nchars = mod_camel.chars().count(); let is_word_beginning = |c: char| c == '_' || c.is_uppercase() || c.is_numeric(); if matching == nchars { match item_camel.chars().nth(nchars) { Some(c) if is_word_beginning(c) => span_lint( cx, MODULE_NAME_REPETITIONS, item.span, "item name starts with its containing module's name", ), _ => (), } } if rmatching == nchars { span_lint( cx, MODULE_NAME_REPETITIONS, item.span, "item name ends with its containing module's name", ); } } } } } if let ItemKind::Enum(ref def, _) = item.kind { let lint = match item.vis.node { VisibilityKind::Public => PUB_ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES, _ => ENUM_VARIANT_NAMES, }; check_variant(cx, self.threshold, def, &item_name, item_name_chars, item.span, lint); } self.modules.push((item.ident.name, item_camel)); } }