//! AST walker. Each overridden visit method has full control over what //! happens with its node, it can do its own traversal of the node's children, //! call `visit::walk_*` to apply the default traversal algorithm, or prevent //! deeper traversal by doing nothing. //! //! Note: it is an important invariant that the default visitor walks the body //! of a function in "execution order" (more concretely, reverse post-order //! with respect to the CFG implied by the AST), meaning that if AST node A may //! execute before AST node B, then A is visited first. The borrow checker in //! particular relies on this property. //! //! Note: walking an AST before macro expansion is probably a bad idea. For //! instance, a walker looking for item names in a module will miss all of //! those that are created by the expansion of a macro. use crate::ast::*; use crate::token; use rustc_span::symbol::{Ident, Symbol}; use rustc_span::Span; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum AssocCtxt { Trait, Impl, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum FnCtxt { Free, Foreign, Assoc(AssocCtxt), } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum FnKind<'a> { /// E.g., `fn foo()`, `fn foo(&self)`, or `extern "Abi" fn foo()`. Fn(FnCtxt, Ident, &'a FnSig, &'a Visibility, Option<&'a Block>), /// E.g., `|x, y| body`. Closure(&'a FnDecl, &'a Expr), } impl<'a> FnKind<'a> { pub fn header(&self) -> Option<&'a FnHeader> { match *self { FnKind::Fn(_, _, sig, _, _) => Some(&sig.header), FnKind::Closure(_, _) => None, } } pub fn ident(&self) -> Option<&Ident> { match self { FnKind::Fn(_, ident, ..) => Some(ident), _ => None, } } pub fn decl(&self) -> &'a FnDecl { match self { FnKind::Fn(_, _, sig, _, _) => &sig.decl, FnKind::Closure(decl, _) => decl, } } pub fn ctxt(&self) -> Option { match self { FnKind::Fn(ctxt, ..) => Some(*ctxt), FnKind::Closure(..) => None, } } } /// Each method of the `Visitor` trait is a hook to be potentially /// overridden. Each method's default implementation recursively visits /// the substructure of the input via the corresponding `walk` method; /// e.g., the `visit_item` method by default calls `visit::walk_item`. /// /// If you want to ensure that your code handles every variant /// explicitly, you need to override each method. (And you also need /// to monitor future changes to `Visitor` in case a new method with a /// new default implementation gets introduced.) pub trait Visitor<'ast>: Sized { fn visit_name(&mut self, _span: Span, _name: Symbol) { // Nothing to do. } fn visit_ident(&mut self, ident: Ident) { walk_ident(self, ident); } fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, i: &'ast ForeignItem) { walk_foreign_item(self, i) } fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &'ast Item) { walk_item(self, i) } fn visit_local(&mut self, l: &'ast Local) { walk_local(self, l) } fn visit_block(&mut self, b: &'ast Block) { walk_block(self, b) } fn visit_stmt(&mut self, s: &'ast Stmt) { walk_stmt(self, s) } fn visit_param(&mut self, param: &'ast Param) { walk_param(self, param) } fn visit_arm(&mut self, a: &'ast Arm) { walk_arm(self, a) } fn visit_pat(&mut self, p: &'ast Pat) { walk_pat(self, p) } fn visit_anon_const(&mut self, c: &'ast AnonConst) { walk_anon_const(self, c) } fn visit_expr(&mut self, ex: &'ast Expr) { walk_expr(self, ex) } fn visit_expr_post(&mut self, _ex: &'ast Expr) {} fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: &'ast Ty) { walk_ty(self, t) } fn visit_generic_param(&mut self, param: &'ast GenericParam) { walk_generic_param(self, param) } fn visit_generics(&mut self, g: &'ast Generics) { walk_generics(self, g) } fn visit_where_predicate(&mut self, p: &'ast WherePredicate) { walk_where_predicate(self, p) } fn visit_fn(&mut self, fk: FnKind<'ast>, s: Span, _: NodeId) { walk_fn(self, fk, s) } fn visit_assoc_item(&mut self, i: &'ast AssocItem, ctxt: AssocCtxt) { walk_assoc_item(self, i, ctxt) } fn visit_trait_ref(&mut self, t: &'ast TraitRef) { walk_trait_ref(self, t) } fn visit_param_bound(&mut self, bounds: &'ast GenericBound) { walk_param_bound(self, bounds) } fn visit_poly_trait_ref(&mut self, t: &'ast PolyTraitRef, m: &'ast TraitBoundModifier) { walk_poly_trait_ref(self, t, m) } fn visit_variant_data(&mut self, s: &'ast VariantData) { walk_struct_def(self, s) } fn visit_field_def(&mut self, s: &'ast FieldDef) { walk_field_def(self, s) } fn visit_enum_def( &mut self, enum_definition: &'ast EnumDef, generics: &'ast Generics, item_id: NodeId, _: Span, ) { walk_enum_def(self, enum_definition, generics, item_id) } fn visit_variant(&mut self, v: &'ast Variant) { walk_variant(self, v) } fn visit_label(&mut self, label: &'ast Label) { walk_label(self, label) } fn visit_lifetime(&mut self, lifetime: &'ast Lifetime) { walk_lifetime(self, lifetime) } fn visit_mac_call(&mut self, mac: &'ast MacCall) { walk_mac(self, mac) } fn visit_mac_def(&mut self, _mac: &'ast MacroDef, _id: NodeId) { // Nothing to do } fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &'ast Path, _id: NodeId) { walk_path(self, path) } fn visit_use_tree(&mut self, use_tree: &'ast UseTree, id: NodeId, _nested: bool) { walk_use_tree(self, use_tree, id) } fn visit_path_segment(&mut self, path_span: Span, path_segment: &'ast PathSegment) { walk_path_segment(self, path_span, path_segment) } fn visit_generic_args(&mut self, path_span: Span, generic_args: &'ast GenericArgs) { walk_generic_args(self, path_span, generic_args) } fn visit_generic_arg(&mut self, generic_arg: &'ast GenericArg) { walk_generic_arg(self, generic_arg) } fn visit_assoc_ty_constraint(&mut self, constraint: &'ast AssocTyConstraint) { walk_assoc_ty_constraint(self, constraint) } fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &'ast Attribute) { walk_attribute(self, attr) } fn visit_vis(&mut self, vis: &'ast Visibility) { walk_vis(self, vis) } fn visit_fn_ret_ty(&mut self, ret_ty: &'ast FnRetTy) { walk_fn_ret_ty(self, ret_ty) } fn visit_fn_header(&mut self, _header: &'ast FnHeader) { // Nothing to do } fn visit_expr_field(&mut self, f: &'ast ExprField) { walk_expr_field(self, f) } fn visit_pat_field(&mut self, fp: &'ast PatField) { walk_pat_field(self, fp) } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! walk_list { ($visitor: expr, $method: ident, $list: expr) => { for elem in $list { $visitor.$method(elem) } }; ($visitor: expr, $method: ident, $list: expr, $($extra_args: expr),*) => { for elem in $list { $visitor.$method(elem, $($extra_args,)*) } } } pub fn walk_ident<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, ident: Ident) { visitor.visit_name(ident.span, ident.name); } pub fn walk_crate<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, krate: &'a Crate) { walk_list!(visitor, visit_item, &krate.items); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, &krate.attrs); } pub fn walk_local<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, local: &'a Local) { for attr in local.attrs.iter() { visitor.visit_attribute(attr); } visitor.visit_pat(&local.pat); walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty, &local.ty); if let Some((init, els)) = local.kind.init_else_opt() { visitor.visit_expr(init); walk_list!(visitor, visit_block, els); } } pub fn walk_label<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, label: &'a Label) { visitor.visit_ident(label.ident); } pub fn walk_lifetime<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, lifetime: &'a Lifetime) { visitor.visit_ident(lifetime.ident); } pub fn walk_poly_trait_ref<'a, V>( visitor: &mut V, trait_ref: &'a PolyTraitRef, _: &TraitBoundModifier, ) where V: Visitor<'a>, { walk_list!(visitor, visit_generic_param, &trait_ref.bound_generic_params); visitor.visit_trait_ref(&trait_ref.trait_ref); } pub fn walk_trait_ref<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, trait_ref: &'a TraitRef) { visitor.visit_path(&trait_ref.path, trait_ref.ref_id) } pub fn walk_item<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, item: &'a Item) { visitor.visit_vis(&item.vis); visitor.visit_ident(item.ident); match item.kind { ItemKind::ExternCrate(orig_name) => { if let Some(orig_name) = orig_name { visitor.visit_name(item.span, orig_name); } } ItemKind::Use(ref use_tree) => visitor.visit_use_tree(use_tree, item.id, false), ItemKind::Static(ref typ, _, ref expr) | ItemKind::Const(_, ref typ, ref expr) => { visitor.visit_ty(typ); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, expr); } ItemKind::Fn(box FnKind(_, ref sig, ref generics, ref body)) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); let kind = FnKind::Fn(FnCtxt::Free, item.ident, sig, &item.vis, body.as_deref()); visitor.visit_fn(kind, item.span, item.id) } ItemKind::Mod(_unsafety, ref mod_kind) => match mod_kind { ModKind::Loaded(items, _inline, _inner_span) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_item, items) } ModKind::Unloaded => {} }, ItemKind::ForeignMod(ref foreign_module) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_foreign_item, &foreign_module.items); } ItemKind::GlobalAsm(ref asm) => walk_inline_asm(visitor, asm), ItemKind::TyAlias(box TyAliasKind(_, ref generics, ref bounds, ref ty)) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty, ty); } ItemKind::Enum(ref enum_definition, ref generics) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); visitor.visit_enum_def(enum_definition, generics, item.id, item.span) } ItemKind::Impl(box ImplKind { unsafety: _, polarity: _, defaultness: _, constness: _, ref generics, ref of_trait, ref self_ty, ref items, }) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); walk_list!(visitor, visit_trait_ref, of_trait); visitor.visit_ty(self_ty); walk_list!(visitor, visit_assoc_item, items, AssocCtxt::Impl); } ItemKind::Struct(ref struct_definition, ref generics) | ItemKind::Union(ref struct_definition, ref generics) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); visitor.visit_variant_data(struct_definition); } ItemKind::Trait(box TraitKind(.., ref generics, ref bounds, ref items)) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); walk_list!(visitor, visit_assoc_item, items, AssocCtxt::Trait); } ItemKind::TraitAlias(ref generics, ref bounds) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); } ItemKind::MacCall(ref mac) => visitor.visit_mac_call(mac), ItemKind::MacroDef(ref ts) => visitor.visit_mac_def(ts, item.id), } walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, &item.attrs); } pub fn walk_enum_def<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>( visitor: &mut V, enum_definition: &'a EnumDef, _: &'a Generics, _: NodeId, ) { walk_list!(visitor, visit_variant, &enum_definition.variants); } pub fn walk_variant<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, variant: &'a Variant) where V: Visitor<'a>, { visitor.visit_ident(variant.ident); visitor.visit_vis(&variant.vis); visitor.visit_variant_data(&variant.data); walk_list!(visitor, visit_anon_const, &variant.disr_expr); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, &variant.attrs); } pub fn walk_expr_field<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, f: &'a ExprField) { visitor.visit_expr(&f.expr); visitor.visit_ident(f.ident); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, f.attrs.iter()); } pub fn walk_pat_field<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, fp: &'a PatField) { visitor.visit_ident(fp.ident); visitor.visit_pat(&fp.pat); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, fp.attrs.iter()); } pub fn walk_ty<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, typ: &'a Ty) { match typ.kind { TyKind::Slice(ref ty) | TyKind::Paren(ref ty) => visitor.visit_ty(ty), TyKind::Ptr(ref mutable_type) => visitor.visit_ty(&mutable_type.ty), TyKind::Rptr(ref opt_lifetime, ref mutable_type) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_lifetime, opt_lifetime); visitor.visit_ty(&mutable_type.ty) } TyKind::Tup(ref tuple_element_types) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty, tuple_element_types); } TyKind::BareFn(ref function_declaration) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_generic_param, &function_declaration.generic_params); walk_fn_decl(visitor, &function_declaration.decl); } TyKind::Path(ref maybe_qself, ref path) => { if let Some(ref qself) = *maybe_qself { visitor.visit_ty(&qself.ty); } visitor.visit_path(path, typ.id); } TyKind::Array(ref ty, ref length) => { visitor.visit_ty(ty); visitor.visit_anon_const(length) } TyKind::TraitObject(ref bounds, ..) | TyKind::ImplTrait(_, ref bounds) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); } TyKind::Typeof(ref expression) => visitor.visit_anon_const(expression), TyKind::Infer | TyKind::ImplicitSelf | TyKind::Err => {} TyKind::MacCall(ref mac) => visitor.visit_mac_call(mac), TyKind::Never | TyKind::CVarArgs => {} } } pub fn walk_path<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, path: &'a Path) { for segment in &path.segments { visitor.visit_path_segment(path.span, segment); } } pub fn walk_use_tree<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, use_tree: &'a UseTree, id: NodeId) { visitor.visit_path(&use_tree.prefix, id); match use_tree.kind { UseTreeKind::Simple(rename, ..) => { // The extra IDs are handled during HIR lowering. if let Some(rename) = rename { visitor.visit_ident(rename); } } UseTreeKind::Glob => {} UseTreeKind::Nested(ref use_trees) => { for &(ref nested_tree, nested_id) in use_trees { visitor.visit_use_tree(nested_tree, nested_id, true); } } } } pub fn walk_path_segment<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>( visitor: &mut V, path_span: Span, segment: &'a PathSegment, ) { visitor.visit_ident(segment.ident); if let Some(ref args) = segment.args { visitor.visit_generic_args(path_span, args); } } pub fn walk_generic_args<'a, V>(visitor: &mut V, _path_span: Span, generic_args: &'a GenericArgs) where V: Visitor<'a>, { match *generic_args { GenericArgs::AngleBracketed(ref data) => { for arg in &data.args { match arg { AngleBracketedArg::Arg(a) => visitor.visit_generic_arg(a), AngleBracketedArg::Constraint(c) => visitor.visit_assoc_ty_constraint(c), } } } GenericArgs::Parenthesized(ref data) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty, &data.inputs); walk_fn_ret_ty(visitor, &data.output); } } } pub fn walk_generic_arg<'a, V>(visitor: &mut V, generic_arg: &'a GenericArg) where V: Visitor<'a>, { match generic_arg { GenericArg::Lifetime(lt) => visitor.visit_lifetime(lt), GenericArg::Type(ty) => visitor.visit_ty(ty), GenericArg::Const(ct) => visitor.visit_anon_const(ct), } } pub fn walk_assoc_ty_constraint<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>( visitor: &mut V, constraint: &'a AssocTyConstraint, ) { visitor.visit_ident(constraint.ident); if let Some(ref gen_args) = constraint.gen_args { visitor.visit_generic_args(gen_args.span(), gen_args); } match constraint.kind { AssocTyConstraintKind::Equality { ref ty } => { visitor.visit_ty(ty); } AssocTyConstraintKind::Bound { ref bounds } => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); } } } pub fn walk_pat<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, pattern: &'a Pat) { match pattern.kind { PatKind::TupleStruct(ref opt_qself, ref path, ref elems) => { if let Some(ref qself) = *opt_qself { visitor.visit_ty(&qself.ty); } visitor.visit_path(path, pattern.id); walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, elems); } PatKind::Path(ref opt_qself, ref path) => { if let Some(ref qself) = *opt_qself { visitor.visit_ty(&qself.ty); } visitor.visit_path(path, pattern.id) } PatKind::Struct(ref opt_qself, ref path, ref fields, _) => { if let Some(ref qself) = *opt_qself { visitor.visit_ty(&qself.ty); } visitor.visit_path(path, pattern.id); walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat_field, fields); } PatKind::Box(ref subpattern) | PatKind::Ref(ref subpattern, _) | PatKind::Paren(ref subpattern) => visitor.visit_pat(subpattern), PatKind::Ident(_, ident, ref optional_subpattern) => { visitor.visit_ident(ident); walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, optional_subpattern); } PatKind::Lit(ref expression) => visitor.visit_expr(expression), PatKind::Range(ref lower_bound, ref upper_bound, _) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, lower_bound); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, upper_bound); } PatKind::Wild | PatKind::Rest => {} PatKind::Tuple(ref elems) | PatKind::Slice(ref elems) | PatKind::Or(ref elems) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_pat, elems); } PatKind::MacCall(ref mac) => visitor.visit_mac_call(mac), } } pub fn walk_foreign_item<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, item: &'a ForeignItem) { let Item { id, span, ident, ref vis, ref attrs, ref kind, tokens: _ } = *item; visitor.visit_vis(vis); visitor.visit_ident(ident); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, attrs); match kind { ForeignItemKind::Static(ty, _, expr) => { visitor.visit_ty(ty); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, expr); } ForeignItemKind::Fn(box FnKind(_, sig, generics, body)) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); let kind = FnKind::Fn(FnCtxt::Foreign, ident, sig, vis, body.as_deref()); visitor.visit_fn(kind, span, id); } ForeignItemKind::TyAlias(box TyAliasKind(_, generics, bounds, ty)) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty, ty); } ForeignItemKind::MacCall(mac) => { visitor.visit_mac_call(mac); } } } pub fn walk_param_bound<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, bound: &'a GenericBound) { match *bound { GenericBound::Trait(ref typ, ref modifier) => visitor.visit_poly_trait_ref(typ, modifier), GenericBound::Outlives(ref lifetime) => visitor.visit_lifetime(lifetime), } } pub fn walk_generic_param<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, param: &'a GenericParam) { visitor.visit_ident(param.ident); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, param.attrs.iter()); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, ¶m.bounds); match param.kind { GenericParamKind::Lifetime => (), GenericParamKind::Type { ref default } => walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty, default), GenericParamKind::Const { ref ty, ref default, .. } => { visitor.visit_ty(ty); if let Some(default) = default { visitor.visit_anon_const(default); } } } } pub fn walk_generics<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, generics: &'a Generics) { walk_list!(visitor, visit_generic_param, &generics.params); walk_list!(visitor, visit_where_predicate, &generics.where_clause.predicates); } pub fn walk_where_predicate<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, predicate: &'a WherePredicate) { match *predicate { WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(WhereBoundPredicate { ref bounded_ty, ref bounds, ref bound_generic_params, .. }) => { visitor.visit_ty(bounded_ty); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); walk_list!(visitor, visit_generic_param, bound_generic_params); } WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(WhereRegionPredicate { ref lifetime, ref bounds, .. }) => { visitor.visit_lifetime(lifetime); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); } WherePredicate::EqPredicate(WhereEqPredicate { ref lhs_ty, ref rhs_ty, .. }) => { visitor.visit_ty(lhs_ty); visitor.visit_ty(rhs_ty); } } } pub fn walk_fn_ret_ty<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, ret_ty: &'a FnRetTy) { if let FnRetTy::Ty(ref output_ty) = *ret_ty { visitor.visit_ty(output_ty) } } pub fn walk_fn_decl<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, function_declaration: &'a FnDecl) { for param in &function_declaration.inputs { visitor.visit_param(param); } visitor.visit_fn_ret_ty(&function_declaration.output); } pub fn walk_fn<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, kind: FnKind<'a>, _span: Span) { match kind { FnKind::Fn(_, _, sig, _, body) => { visitor.visit_fn_header(&sig.header); walk_fn_decl(visitor, &sig.decl); walk_list!(visitor, visit_block, body); } FnKind::Closure(decl, body) => { walk_fn_decl(visitor, decl); visitor.visit_expr(body); } } } pub fn walk_assoc_item<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, item: &'a AssocItem, ctxt: AssocCtxt) { let Item { id, span, ident, ref vis, ref attrs, ref kind, tokens: _ } = *item; visitor.visit_vis(vis); visitor.visit_ident(ident); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, attrs); match kind { AssocItemKind::Const(_, ty, expr) => { visitor.visit_ty(ty); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, expr); } AssocItemKind::Fn(box FnKind(_, sig, generics, body)) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); let kind = FnKind::Fn(FnCtxt::Assoc(ctxt), ident, sig, vis, body.as_deref()); visitor.visit_fn(kind, span, id); } AssocItemKind::TyAlias(box TyAliasKind(_, generics, bounds, ty)) => { visitor.visit_generics(generics); walk_list!(visitor, visit_param_bound, bounds); walk_list!(visitor, visit_ty, ty); } AssocItemKind::MacCall(mac) => { visitor.visit_mac_call(mac); } } } pub fn walk_struct_def<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, struct_definition: &'a VariantData) { walk_list!(visitor, visit_field_def, struct_definition.fields()); } pub fn walk_field_def<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, field: &'a FieldDef) { visitor.visit_vis(&field.vis); if let Some(ident) = field.ident { visitor.visit_ident(ident); } visitor.visit_ty(&field.ty); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, &field.attrs); } pub fn walk_block<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, block: &'a Block) { walk_list!(visitor, visit_stmt, &block.stmts); } pub fn walk_stmt<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, statement: &'a Stmt) { match statement.kind { StmtKind::Local(ref local) => visitor.visit_local(local), StmtKind::Item(ref item) => visitor.visit_item(item), StmtKind::Expr(ref expr) | StmtKind::Semi(ref expr) => visitor.visit_expr(expr), StmtKind::Empty => {} StmtKind::MacCall(ref mac) => { let MacCallStmt { ref mac, style: _, ref attrs, tokens: _ } = **mac; visitor.visit_mac_call(mac); for attr in attrs.iter() { visitor.visit_attribute(attr); } } } } pub fn walk_mac<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, mac: &'a MacCall) { visitor.visit_path(&mac.path, DUMMY_NODE_ID); } pub fn walk_anon_const<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, constant: &'a AnonConst) { visitor.visit_expr(&constant.value); } fn walk_inline_asm<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, asm: &'a InlineAsm) { for (op, _) in &asm.operands { match op { InlineAsmOperand::In { expr, .. } | InlineAsmOperand::Out { expr: Some(expr), .. } | InlineAsmOperand::InOut { expr, .. } | InlineAsmOperand::Sym { expr, .. } => visitor.visit_expr(expr), InlineAsmOperand::Out { expr: None, .. } => {} InlineAsmOperand::SplitInOut { in_expr, out_expr, .. } => { visitor.visit_expr(in_expr); if let Some(out_expr) = out_expr { visitor.visit_expr(out_expr); } } InlineAsmOperand::Const { anon_const, .. } => visitor.visit_anon_const(anon_const), } } } pub fn walk_expr<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, expression: &'a Expr) { walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, expression.attrs.iter()); match expression.kind { ExprKind::Box(ref subexpression) => visitor.visit_expr(subexpression), ExprKind::Array(ref subexpressions) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, subexpressions); } ExprKind::ConstBlock(ref anon_const) => visitor.visit_anon_const(anon_const), ExprKind::Repeat(ref element, ref count) => { visitor.visit_expr(element); visitor.visit_anon_const(count) } ExprKind::Struct(ref se) => { if let Some(ref qself) = se.qself { visitor.visit_ty(&qself.ty); } visitor.visit_path(&se.path, expression.id); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr_field, &se.fields); match &se.rest { StructRest::Base(expr) => visitor.visit_expr(expr), StructRest::Rest(_span) => {} StructRest::None => {} } } ExprKind::Tup(ref subexpressions) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, subexpressions); } ExprKind::Call(ref callee_expression, ref arguments) => { visitor.visit_expr(callee_expression); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, arguments); } ExprKind::MethodCall(ref segment, ref arguments, _span) => { visitor.visit_path_segment(expression.span, segment); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, arguments); } ExprKind::Binary(_, ref left_expression, ref right_expression) => { visitor.visit_expr(left_expression); visitor.visit_expr(right_expression) } ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, ref subexpression) | ExprKind::Unary(_, ref subexpression) => { visitor.visit_expr(subexpression) } ExprKind::Cast(ref subexpression, ref typ) | ExprKind::Type(ref subexpression, ref typ) => { visitor.visit_expr(subexpression); visitor.visit_ty(typ) } ExprKind::Let(ref pat, ref expr, _) => { visitor.visit_pat(pat); visitor.visit_expr(expr); } ExprKind::If(ref head_expression, ref if_block, ref optional_else) => { visitor.visit_expr(head_expression); visitor.visit_block(if_block); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, optional_else); } ExprKind::While(ref subexpression, ref block, ref opt_label) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_label, opt_label); visitor.visit_expr(subexpression); visitor.visit_block(block); } ExprKind::ForLoop(ref pattern, ref subexpression, ref block, ref opt_label) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_label, opt_label); visitor.visit_pat(pattern); visitor.visit_expr(subexpression); visitor.visit_block(block); } ExprKind::Loop(ref block, ref opt_label) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_label, opt_label); visitor.visit_block(block); } ExprKind::Match(ref subexpression, ref arms) => { visitor.visit_expr(subexpression); walk_list!(visitor, visit_arm, arms); } ExprKind::Closure(_, _, _, ref decl, ref body, _decl_span) => { visitor.visit_fn(FnKind::Closure(decl, body), expression.span, expression.id) } ExprKind::Block(ref block, ref opt_label) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_label, opt_label); visitor.visit_block(block); } ExprKind::Async(_, _, ref body) => { visitor.visit_block(body); } ExprKind::Await(ref expr) => visitor.visit_expr(expr), ExprKind::Assign(ref lhs, ref rhs, _) => { visitor.visit_expr(lhs); visitor.visit_expr(rhs); } ExprKind::AssignOp(_, ref left_expression, ref right_expression) => { visitor.visit_expr(left_expression); visitor.visit_expr(right_expression); } ExprKind::Field(ref subexpression, ident) => { visitor.visit_expr(subexpression); visitor.visit_ident(ident); } ExprKind::Index(ref main_expression, ref index_expression) => { visitor.visit_expr(main_expression); visitor.visit_expr(index_expression) } ExprKind::Range(ref start, ref end, _) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, start); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, end); } ExprKind::Underscore => {} ExprKind::Path(ref maybe_qself, ref path) => { if let Some(ref qself) = *maybe_qself { visitor.visit_ty(&qself.ty); } visitor.visit_path(path, expression.id) } ExprKind::Break(ref opt_label, ref opt_expr) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_label, opt_label); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, opt_expr); } ExprKind::Continue(ref opt_label) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_label, opt_label); } ExprKind::Ret(ref optional_expression) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, optional_expression); } ExprKind::MacCall(ref mac) => visitor.visit_mac_call(mac), ExprKind::Paren(ref subexpression) => visitor.visit_expr(subexpression), ExprKind::InlineAsm(ref asm) => walk_inline_asm(visitor, asm), ExprKind::LlvmInlineAsm(ref ia) => { for &(_, ref input) in &ia.inputs { visitor.visit_expr(input) } for output in &ia.outputs { visitor.visit_expr(&output.expr) } } ExprKind::Yield(ref optional_expression) => { walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, optional_expression); } ExprKind::Try(ref subexpression) => visitor.visit_expr(subexpression), ExprKind::TryBlock(ref body) => visitor.visit_block(body), ExprKind::Lit(_) | ExprKind::Err => {} } visitor.visit_expr_post(expression) } pub fn walk_param<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, param: &'a Param) { walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, param.attrs.iter()); visitor.visit_pat(¶m.pat); visitor.visit_ty(¶m.ty); } pub fn walk_arm<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, arm: &'a Arm) { visitor.visit_pat(&arm.pat); walk_list!(visitor, visit_expr, &arm.guard); visitor.visit_expr(&arm.body); walk_list!(visitor, visit_attribute, &arm.attrs); } pub fn walk_vis<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, vis: &'a Visibility) { if let VisibilityKind::Restricted { ref path, id } = vis.kind { visitor.visit_path(path, id); } } pub fn walk_attribute<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, attr: &'a Attribute) { match attr.kind { AttrKind::Normal(ref item, ref _tokens) => walk_mac_args(visitor, &item.args), AttrKind::DocComment(..) => {} } } pub fn walk_mac_args<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, args: &'a MacArgs) { match args { MacArgs::Empty => {} MacArgs::Delimited(_dspan, _delim, _tokens) => {} // The value in `#[key = VALUE]` must be visited as an expression for backward // compatibility, so that macros can be expanded in that position. MacArgs::Eq(_eq_span, token) => match &token.kind { token::Interpolated(nt) => match &**nt { token::NtExpr(expr) => visitor.visit_expr(expr), t => panic!("unexpected token in key-value attribute: {:?}", t), }, t => panic!("unexpected token in key-value attribute: {:?}", t), }, } }