import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as path from "path"; import * as os from "os"; import { promises as fs } from "fs"; import * as commands from './commands'; import { activateInlayHints } from './inlay_hints'; import { activateStatusDisplay } from './status_display'; import { Ctx } from './ctx'; import { activateHighlighting } from './highlighting'; import { Config, NIGHTLY_TAG } from './config'; import { log, assert } from './util'; import { PersistentState } from './persistent_state'; import { fetchRelease, download } from './net'; import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'; import { activateTaskProvider } from './tasks'; let ctx: Ctx | undefined; export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { // Register a "dumb" onEnter command for the case where server fails to // start. // // FIXME: refactor command registration code such that commands are // **always** registered, even if the server does not start. Use API like // this perhaps? // // ```TypeScript // registerCommand( // factory: (Ctx) => ((Ctx) => any), // fallback: () => any = () => vscode.window.showErrorMessage( // "rust-analyzer is not available" // ), // ) const defaultOnEnter = vscode.commands.registerCommand( 'rust-analyzer.onEnter', () => vscode.commands.executeCommand('default:type', { text: '\n' }), ); context.subscriptions.push(defaultOnEnter); const config = new Config(context); const state = new PersistentState(context.globalState); const serverPath = await bootstrap(config, state); const workspaceFolder = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.[0]; if (workspaceFolder === undefined) { const err = "Cannot activate rust-analyzer when no folder is opened"; void vscode.window.showErrorMessage(err); throw new Error(err); } // Note: we try to start the server before we activate type hints so that it // registers its `onDidChangeDocument` handler before us. // // This a horribly, horribly wrong way to deal with this problem. ctx = await Ctx.create(config, context, serverPath, workspaceFolder); // Commands which invokes manually via command palette, shortcut, etc. // Reloading is inspired by @DanTup maneuver: ctx.registerCommand('reload', _ => async () => { void vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Reloading rust-analyzer...'); await deactivate(); while (context.subscriptions.length > 0) { try { context.subscriptions.pop()!.dispose(); } catch (err) { log.error("Dispose error:", err); } } await activate(context).catch(log.error); }); ctx.registerCommand('analyzerStatus', commands.analyzerStatus); ctx.registerCommand('collectGarbage', commands.collectGarbage); ctx.registerCommand('matchingBrace', commands.matchingBrace); ctx.registerCommand('joinLines', commands.joinLines); ctx.registerCommand('parentModule', commands.parentModule); ctx.registerCommand('syntaxTree', commands.syntaxTree); ctx.registerCommand('expandMacro', commands.expandMacro); ctx.registerCommand('run',; defaultOnEnter.dispose(); ctx.registerCommand('onEnter', commands.onEnter); ctx.registerCommand('ssr', commands.ssr); ctx.registerCommand('serverVersion', commands.serverVersion); // Internal commands which are invoked by the server. ctx.registerCommand('runSingle', commands.runSingle); ctx.registerCommand('debugSingle', commands.debugSingle); ctx.registerCommand('showReferences', commands.showReferences); ctx.registerCommand('applySourceChange', commands.applySourceChange); ctx.registerCommand('selectAndApplySourceChange', commands.selectAndApplySourceChange); ctx.pushCleanup(activateTaskProvider(workspaceFolder)); activateStatusDisplay(ctx); if (!ctx.config.highlightingSemanticTokens) { activateHighlighting(ctx); } activateInlayHints(ctx); vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration( _ => ctx?.client?.sendNotification('workspace/didChangeConfiguration', { settings: "" }), null, ctx.subscriptions, ); } export async function deactivate() { await ctx?.client.stop(); ctx = undefined; } async function bootstrap(config: Config, state: PersistentState): Promise { await fs.mkdir(config.globalStoragePath, { recursive: true }); await bootstrapExtension(config, state); const path = await bootstrapServer(config, state); return path; } async function bootstrapExtension(config: Config, state: PersistentState): Promise { if (config.package.releaseTag === null) return; if ( === "stable") { if (config.package.releaseTag === NIGHTLY_TAG) { void vscode.window.showWarningMessage( `You are running a nightly version of rust-analyzer extension. ` + `To switch to stable, uninstall the extension and re-install it from the marketplace` ); } return; }; const lastCheck = state.lastCheck; const now =; const anHour = 60 * 60 * 1000; const shouldDownloadNightly = state.releaseId === undefined || (now - (lastCheck ?? 0)) > anHour; if (!shouldDownloadNightly) return; const release = await fetchRelease("nightly").catch((e) => { log.error(e); if (state.releaseId === undefined) { // Show error only for the initial download vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Failed to download rust-analyzer nightly ${e}`); } return undefined; }); if (release === undefined || === state.releaseId) return; const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage( "New version of rust-analyzer (nightly) is available (requires reload).", "Update" ); if (userResponse !== "Update") return; const artifact = release.assets.find(artifact => === "rust-analyzer.vsix"); assert(!!artifact, `Bad release: ${JSON.stringify(release)}`); const dest = path.join(config.globalStoragePath, "rust-analyzer.vsix"); await download(artifact.browser_download_url, dest, "Downloading rust-analyzer extension"); await vscode.commands.executeCommand("workbench.extensions.installExtension", vscode.Uri.file(dest)); await fs.unlink(dest); await state.updateReleaseId(; await state.updateLastCheck(now); await vscode.commands.executeCommand("workbench.action.reloadWindow"); } async function bootstrapServer(config: Config, state: PersistentState): Promise { const path = await getServer(config, state); if (!path) { throw new Error( "Rust Analyzer Language Server is not available. " + "Please, ensure its [proper installation](" ); } const res = spawnSync(path, ["--version"], { encoding: 'utf8' }); log.debug("Checked binary availability via --version", res); log.debug(res, "--version output:", res.output); if (res.status !== 0) { throw new Error(`Failed to execute ${path} --version`); } return path; } async function getServer(config: Config, state: PersistentState): Promise { const explicitPath = process.env.__RA_LSP_SERVER_DEBUG ?? config.serverPath; if (explicitPath) { if (explicitPath.startsWith("~/")) { return os.homedir() + explicitPath.slice("~".length); } return explicitPath; }; if (config.package.releaseTag === null) return "rust-analyzer"; let binaryName: string | undefined = undefined; if (process.arch === "x64" || process.arch === "ia32") { if (process.platform === "linux") binaryName = "rust-analyzer-linux"; if (process.platform === "darwin") binaryName = "rust-analyzer-mac"; if (process.platform === "win32") binaryName = "rust-analyzer-windows.exe"; } if (binaryName === undefined) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage( "Unfortunately we don't ship binaries for your platform yet. " + "You need to manually clone rust-analyzer repository and " + "run `cargo xtask install --server` to build the language server from sources. " + "If you feel that your platform should be supported, please create an issue " + "about that [here]( and we " + "will consider it." ); return undefined; } const dest = path.join(config.globalStoragePath, binaryName); const exists = await fs.stat(dest).then(() => true, () => false); if (!exists) { await state.updateServerVersion(undefined); } if (state.serverVersion === config.package.version) return dest; if (config.askBeforeDownload) { const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage( `Language server version ${config.package.version} for rust-analyzer is not installed.`, "Download now" ); if (userResponse !== "Download now") return dest; } const release = await fetchRelease(config.package.releaseTag); const artifact = release.assets.find(artifact => === binaryName); assert(!!artifact, `Bad release: ${JSON.stringify(release)}`); await download(artifact.browser_download_url, dest, "Downloading rust-analyzer server", { mode: 0o755 }); await state.updateServerVersion(config.package.version); return dest; }