//! The main loop of `rust-analyzer` responsible for dispatching LSP //! requests/replies and notifications back to the client. use std::{ env, fmt, panic, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use crossbeam_channel::{never, select, unbounded, RecvError, Sender}; use lsp_server::{Connection, ErrorCode, Notification, Request, RequestId, Response}; use lsp_types::{request::Request as _, NumberOrString}; use ra_db::VfsPath; use ra_ide::{Canceled, FileId}; use ra_prof::profile; use ra_project_model::{PackageRoot, ProjectWorkspace}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; use threadpool::ThreadPool; use crate::{ config::{Config, FilesWatcher, LinkedProject}, diagnostics::DiagnosticTask, from_proto, global_state::{file_id_to_url, GlobalState, GlobalStateSnapshot, Status}, handlers, lsp_ext, lsp_utils::{ apply_document_changes, is_canceled, notification_cast, notification_is, notification_new, show_message, }, request_metrics::RequestMetrics, LspError, Result, }; pub fn main_loop(config: Config, connection: Connection) -> Result<()> { log::info!("initial config: {:#?}", config); // Windows scheduler implements priority boosts: if thread waits for an // event (like a condvar), and event fires, priority of the thread is // temporary bumped. This optimization backfires in our case: each time the // `main_loop` schedules a task to run on a threadpool, the worker threads // gets a higher priority, and (on a machine with fewer cores) displaces the // main loop! We work-around this by marking the main loop as a // higher-priority thread. // // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/scheduling-priorities // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/priority-boosts // https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues/2835 #[cfg(windows)] unsafe { use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::*; let thread = GetCurrentThread(); let thread_priority_above_normal = 1; SetThreadPriority(thread, thread_priority_above_normal); } let mut global_state = { let workspaces = { if config.linked_projects.is_empty() && config.notifications.cargo_toml_not_found { show_message( lsp_types::MessageType::Error, "rust-analyzer failed to discover workspace".to_string(), &connection.sender, ); }; config .linked_projects .iter() .filter_map(|project| match project { LinkedProject::ProjectManifest(manifest) => { ra_project_model::ProjectWorkspace::load( manifest.clone(), &config.cargo, config.with_sysroot, ) .map_err(|err| { log::error!("failed to load workspace: {:#}", err); show_message( lsp_types::MessageType::Error, format!("rust-analyzer failed to load workspace: {:#}", err), &connection.sender, ); }) .ok() } LinkedProject::InlineJsonProject(it) => { Some(ra_project_model::ProjectWorkspace::Json { project: it.clone() }) } }) .collect::>() }; let mut req_queue = ReqQueue::default(); if let FilesWatcher::Client = config.files.watcher { let registration_options = lsp_types::DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions { watchers: workspaces .iter() .flat_map(ProjectWorkspace::to_roots) .filter(PackageRoot::is_member) .map(|root| format!("{}/**/*.rs", root.path().display())) .map(|glob_pattern| lsp_types::FileSystemWatcher { glob_pattern, kind: None }) .collect(), }; let registration = lsp_types::Registration { id: "file-watcher".to_string(), method: "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles".to_string(), register_options: Some(serde_json::to_value(registration_options).unwrap()), }; let params = lsp_types::RegistrationParams { registrations: vec![registration] }; let request = req_queue.outgoing.register( lsp_types::request::RegisterCapability::METHOD.to_string(), params, DO_NOTHING, ); connection.sender.send(request.into()).unwrap(); } GlobalState::new(workspaces, config.lru_capacity, config, req_queue) }; let pool = ThreadPool::default(); let (task_sender, task_receiver) = unbounded::(); log::info!("server initialized, serving requests"); { let task_sender = task_sender; loop { log::trace!("selecting"); let event = select! { recv(&connection.receiver) -> msg => match msg { Ok(msg) => Event::Lsp(msg), Err(RecvError) => return Err("client exited without shutdown".into()), }, recv(task_receiver) -> task => Event::Task(task.unwrap()), recv(global_state.task_receiver) -> task => match task { Ok(task) => Event::Vfs(task), Err(RecvError) => return Err("vfs died".into()), }, recv(global_state.flycheck.as_ref().map_or(&never(), |it| &it.1)) -> task => match task { Ok(task) => Event::Flycheck(task), Err(RecvError) => return Err("check watcher died".into()), }, }; if let Event::Lsp(lsp_server::Message::Request(req)) = &event { if connection.handle_shutdown(&req)? { break; }; } assert!(!global_state.vfs.read().0.has_changes()); loop_turn(&pool, &task_sender, &connection, &mut global_state, event)?; assert!(!global_state.vfs.read().0.has_changes()); } } global_state.analysis_host.request_cancellation(); log::info!("waiting for tasks to finish..."); task_receiver.into_iter().for_each(|task| on_task(task, &connection.sender, &mut global_state)); log::info!("...tasks have finished"); log::info!("joining threadpool..."); pool.join(); drop(pool); log::info!("...threadpool has finished"); let vfs = Arc::try_unwrap(global_state.vfs).expect("all snapshots should be dead"); drop(vfs); Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug)] enum Task { Respond(Response), Diagnostic(DiagnosticTask), } enum Event { Lsp(lsp_server::Message), Task(Task), Vfs(vfs::loader::Message), Flycheck(flycheck::Message), } impl fmt::Debug for Event { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let debug_verbose_not = |not: &Notification, f: &mut fmt::Formatter| { f.debug_struct("Notification").field("method", ¬.method).finish() }; match self { Event::Lsp(lsp_server::Message::Notification(not)) => { if notification_is::(not) || notification_is::(not) { return debug_verbose_not(not, f); } } Event::Task(Task::Respond(resp)) => { return f .debug_struct("Response") .field("id", &resp.id) .field("error", &resp.error) .finish(); } _ => (), } match self { Event::Lsp(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), Event::Task(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), Event::Vfs(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), Event::Flycheck(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), } } } pub(crate) type ReqHandler = fn(&mut GlobalState, Response); pub(crate) type ReqQueue = lsp_server::ReqQueue<(&'static str, Instant), ReqHandler>; const DO_NOTHING: ReqHandler = |_, _| (); fn loop_turn( pool: &ThreadPool, task_sender: &Sender, connection: &Connection, global_state: &mut GlobalState, event: Event, ) -> Result<()> { let loop_start = Instant::now(); // NOTE: don't count blocking select! call as a loop-turn time let _p = profile("main_loop_inner/loop-turn"); log::info!("loop turn = {:?}", event); let queue_count = pool.queued_count(); if queue_count > 0 { log::info!("queued count = {}", queue_count); } let mut became_ready = false; match event { Event::Task(task) => { on_task(task, &connection.sender, global_state); global_state.maybe_collect_garbage(); } Event::Vfs(task) => match task { vfs::loader::Message::Loaded { files } => { let vfs = &mut global_state.vfs.write().0; for (path, contents) in files { let path = VfsPath::from(path); if !global_state.mem_docs.contains(&path) { vfs.set_file_contents(path, contents) } } } vfs::loader::Message::Progress { n_total, n_done } => { let state = if n_done == 0 { Progress::Begin } else if n_done < n_total { Progress::Report } else { assert_eq!(n_done, n_total); global_state.status = Status::Ready; became_ready = true; Progress::End }; report_progress( global_state, &connection.sender, "roots scanned", state, Some(format!("{}/{}", n_done, n_total)), Some(percentage(n_done, n_total)), ) } }, Event::Flycheck(task) => { on_check_task(task, global_state, task_sender, &connection.sender)? } Event::Lsp(msg) => match msg { lsp_server::Message::Request(req) => { on_request(global_state, pool, task_sender, &connection.sender, loop_start, req)? } lsp_server::Message::Notification(not) => { on_notification(&connection.sender, global_state, not)?; } lsp_server::Message::Response(resp) => { let handler = global_state.req_queue.outgoing.complete(resp.id.clone()); handler(global_state, resp) } }, }; let state_changed = global_state.process_changes(); if became_ready { if let Some(flycheck) = &global_state.flycheck { flycheck.0.update(); } } if global_state.status == Status::Ready && (state_changed || became_ready) { let subscriptions = global_state .mem_docs .iter() .map(|path| global_state.vfs.read().0.file_id(&path).unwrap()) .collect::>(); update_file_notifications_on_threadpool( pool, global_state.snapshot(), task_sender.clone(), subscriptions.clone(), ); pool.execute({ let subs = subscriptions; let snap = global_state.snapshot(); move || snap.analysis.prime_caches(subs).unwrap_or_else(|_: Canceled| ()) }); } let loop_duration = loop_start.elapsed(); if loop_duration > Duration::from_millis(100) { log::error!("overly long loop turn: {:?}", loop_duration); if env::var("RA_PROFILE").is_ok() { show_message( lsp_types::MessageType::Error, format!("overly long loop turn: {:?}", loop_duration), &connection.sender, ); } } Ok(()) } fn on_task(task: Task, msg_sender: &Sender, global_state: &mut GlobalState) { match task { Task::Respond(response) => { if let Some((method, start)) = global_state.req_queue.incoming.complete(response.id.clone()) { let duration = start.elapsed(); log::info!("handled req#{} in {:?}", response.id, duration); global_state.complete_request(RequestMetrics { id: response.id.clone(), method: method.to_string(), duration, }); msg_sender.send(response.into()).unwrap(); } } Task::Diagnostic(task) => on_diagnostic_task(task, msg_sender, global_state), } } fn on_request( global_state: &mut GlobalState, pool: &ThreadPool, task_sender: &Sender, msg_sender: &Sender, request_received: Instant, req: Request, ) -> Result<()> { let mut pool_dispatcher = PoolDispatcher { req: Some(req), pool, global_state, task_sender, msg_sender, request_received, }; pool_dispatcher .on_sync::(|s, ()| Ok(s.collect_garbage()))? .on_sync::(|s, p| handlers::handle_join_lines(s.snapshot(), p))? .on_sync::(|s, p| handlers::handle_on_enter(s.snapshot(), p))? .on_sync::(|s, p| { handlers::handle_selection_range(s.snapshot(), p) })? .on_sync::(|s, p| handlers::handle_matching_brace(s.snapshot(), p))? .on::(handlers::handle_analyzer_status)? .on::(handlers::handle_syntax_tree)? .on::(handlers::handle_expand_macro)? .on::(handlers::handle_parent_module)? .on::(handlers::handle_runnables)? .on::(handlers::handle_inlay_hints)? .on::(handlers::handle_code_action)? .on::(handlers::handle_resolve_code_action)? .on::(handlers::handle_hover)? .on::(handlers::handle_on_type_formatting)? .on::(handlers::handle_document_symbol)? .on::(handlers::handle_workspace_symbol)? .on::(handlers::handle_goto_definition)? .on::(handlers::handle_goto_implementation)? .on::(handlers::handle_goto_type_definition)? .on::(handlers::handle_completion)? .on::(handlers::handle_code_lens)? .on::(handlers::handle_code_lens_resolve)? .on::(handlers::handle_folding_range)? .on::(handlers::handle_signature_help)? .on::(handlers::handle_prepare_rename)? .on::(handlers::handle_rename)? .on::(handlers::handle_references)? .on::(handlers::handle_formatting)? .on::(handlers::handle_document_highlight)? .on::(handlers::handle_call_hierarchy_prepare)? .on::( handlers::handle_call_hierarchy_incoming, )? .on::( handlers::handle_call_hierarchy_outgoing, )? .on::(handlers::handle_semantic_tokens)? .on::( handlers::handle_semantic_tokens_range, )? .on::(handlers::handle_ssr)? .finish(); Ok(()) } fn on_notification( msg_sender: &Sender, global_state: &mut GlobalState, not: Notification, ) -> Result<()> { let not = match notification_cast::(not) { Ok(params) => { let id: RequestId = match params.id { NumberOrString::Number(id) => id.into(), NumberOrString::String(id) => id.into(), }; if let Some(response) = global_state.req_queue.incoming.cancel(id) { msg_sender.send(response.into()).unwrap() } return Ok(()); } Err(not) => not, }; let not = match notification_cast::(not) { Ok(params) => { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::vfs_path(¶ms.text_document.uri) { if !global_state.mem_docs.insert(path.clone()) { log::error!("duplicate DidOpenTextDocument: {}", path) } global_state .vfs .write() .0 .set_file_contents(path, Some(params.text_document.text.into_bytes())); } return Ok(()); } Err(not) => not, }; let not = match notification_cast::(not) { Ok(params) => { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::vfs_path(¶ms.text_document.uri) { assert!(global_state.mem_docs.contains(&path)); let vfs = &mut global_state.vfs.write().0; let file_id = vfs.file_id(&path).unwrap(); let mut text = String::from_utf8(vfs.file_contents(file_id).to_vec()).unwrap(); apply_document_changes(&mut text, params.content_changes); vfs.set_file_contents(path, Some(text.into_bytes())) } return Ok(()); } Err(not) => not, }; let not = match notification_cast::(not) { Ok(params) => { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::vfs_path(¶ms.text_document.uri) { if !global_state.mem_docs.remove(&path) { log::error!("orphan DidCloseTextDocument: {}", path) } if let Some(path) = path.as_path() { global_state.loader.invalidate(path.to_path_buf()); } } let params = lsp_types::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: params.text_document.uri, diagnostics: Vec::new(), version: None, }; let not = notification_new::(params); msg_sender.send(not.into()).unwrap(); return Ok(()); } Err(not) => not, }; let not = match notification_cast::(not) { Ok(_params) => { if let Some(flycheck) = &global_state.flycheck { flycheck.0.update(); } return Ok(()); } Err(not) => not, }; let not = match notification_cast::(not) { Ok(_) => { // As stated in https://github.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/676, // this notification's parameters should be ignored and the actual config queried separately. let request = global_state.req_queue.outgoing.register( lsp_types::request::WorkspaceConfiguration::METHOD.to_string(), lsp_types::ConfigurationParams { items: vec![lsp_types::ConfigurationItem { scope_uri: None, section: Some("rust-analyzer".to_string()), }], }, |global_state, resp| { log::debug!("config update response: '{:?}", resp); let Response { error, result, .. } = resp; match (error, result) { (Some(err), _) => { log::error!("failed to fetch the server settings: {:?}", err) } (None, Some(configs)) => { if let Some(new_config) = configs.get(0) { let mut config = global_state.config.clone(); config.update(&new_config); global_state.update_configuration(config); } } (None, None) => { log::error!("received empty server settings response from the client") } } }, ); msg_sender.send(request.into())?; return Ok(()); } Err(not) => not, }; let not = match notification_cast::(not) { Ok(params) => { for change in params.changes { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::abs_path(&change.uri) { global_state.loader.invalidate(path) } } return Ok(()); } Err(not) => not, }; if not.method.starts_with("$/") { return Ok(()); } log::error!("unhandled notification: {:?}", not); Ok(()) } fn on_check_task( task: flycheck::Message, global_state: &mut GlobalState, task_sender: &Sender, msg_sender: &Sender, ) -> Result<()> { match task { flycheck::Message::ClearDiagnostics => { task_sender.send(Task::Diagnostic(DiagnosticTask::ClearCheck))?; } flycheck::Message::AddDiagnostic { workspace_root, diagnostic } => { let diagnostics = crate::diagnostics::to_proto::map_rust_diagnostic_to_lsp( &global_state.config.diagnostics, &diagnostic, &workspace_root, ); for diag in diagnostics { let path = from_proto::vfs_path(&diag.location.uri)?; let file_id = match global_state.vfs.read().0.file_id(&path) { Some(file) => FileId(file.0), None => { log::error!("File with cargo diagnostic not found in VFS: {}", path); return Ok(()); } }; task_sender.send(Task::Diagnostic(DiagnosticTask::AddCheck( file_id, diag.diagnostic, diag.fixes.into_iter().map(|it| it.into()).collect(), )))?; } } flycheck::Message::Progress(status) => { let (state, message) = match status { flycheck::Progress::Being => (Progress::Begin, None), flycheck::Progress::DidCheckCrate(target) => (Progress::Report, Some(target)), flycheck::Progress::End => (Progress::End, None), }; report_progress(global_state, msg_sender, "cargo check", state, message, None); } }; Ok(()) } fn on_diagnostic_task( task: DiagnosticTask, msg_sender: &Sender, state: &mut GlobalState, ) { let subscriptions = state.diagnostics.handle_task(task); for file_id in subscriptions { let url = file_id_to_url(&state.vfs.read().0, file_id); let diagnostics = state.diagnostics.diagnostics_for(file_id).cloned().collect(); let params = lsp_types::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: url, diagnostics, version: None }; let not = notification_new::(params); msg_sender.send(not.into()).unwrap(); } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] enum Progress { Begin, Report, End, } fn percentage(done: usize, total: usize) -> f64 { (done as f64 / total.max(1) as f64) * 100.0 } fn report_progress( global_state: &mut GlobalState, sender: &Sender, title: &str, state: Progress, message: Option, percentage: Option, ) { if !global_state.config.client_caps.work_done_progress { return; } let token = lsp_types::ProgressToken::String(format!("rustAnalyzer/{}", title)); let work_done_progress = match state { Progress::Begin => { let work_done_progress_create = global_state.req_queue.outgoing.register( lsp_types::request::WorkDoneProgressCreate::METHOD.to_string(), lsp_types::WorkDoneProgressCreateParams { token: token.clone() }, DO_NOTHING, ); sender.send(work_done_progress_create.into()).unwrap(); lsp_types::WorkDoneProgress::Begin(lsp_types::WorkDoneProgressBegin { title: title.into(), cancellable: None, message, percentage, }) } Progress::Report => { lsp_types::WorkDoneProgress::Report(lsp_types::WorkDoneProgressReport { cancellable: None, message, percentage, }) } Progress::End => { lsp_types::WorkDoneProgress::End(lsp_types::WorkDoneProgressEnd { message }) } }; let notification = notification_new::(lsp_types::ProgressParams { token, value: lsp_types::ProgressParamsValue::WorkDone(work_done_progress), }); sender.send(notification.into()).unwrap(); } struct PoolDispatcher<'a> { req: Option, pool: &'a ThreadPool, global_state: &'a mut GlobalState, msg_sender: &'a Sender, task_sender: &'a Sender, request_received: Instant, } impl<'a> PoolDispatcher<'a> { /// Dispatches the request onto the current thread fn on_sync( &mut self, f: fn(&mut GlobalState, R::Params) -> Result, ) -> Result<&mut Self> where R: lsp_types::request::Request + 'static, R::Params: DeserializeOwned + panic::UnwindSafe + 'static, R::Result: Serialize + 'static, { let (id, params) = match self.parse::() { Some(it) => it, None => { return Ok(self); } }; let world = panic::AssertUnwindSafe(&mut *self.global_state); let task = panic::catch_unwind(move || { let result = f(world.0, params); result_to_task::(id, result) }) .map_err(|_| format!("sync task {:?} panicked", R::METHOD))?; on_task(task, self.msg_sender, self.global_state); Ok(self) } /// Dispatches the request onto thread pool fn on( &mut self, f: fn(GlobalStateSnapshot, R::Params) -> Result, ) -> Result<&mut Self> where R: lsp_types::request::Request + 'static, R::Params: DeserializeOwned + Send + 'static, R::Result: Serialize + 'static, { let (id, params) = match self.parse::() { Some(it) => it, None => { return Ok(self); } }; self.pool.execute({ let world = self.global_state.snapshot(); let sender = self.task_sender.clone(); move || { let result = f(world, params); let task = result_to_task::(id, result); sender.send(task).unwrap(); } }); Ok(self) } fn parse(&mut self) -> Option<(RequestId, R::Params)> where R: lsp_types::request::Request + 'static, R::Params: DeserializeOwned + 'static, { let req = self.req.take()?; let (id, params) = match req.extract::(R::METHOD) { Ok(it) => it, Err(req) => { self.req = Some(req); return None; } }; self.global_state .req_queue .incoming .register(id.clone(), (R::METHOD, self.request_received)); Some((id, params)) } fn finish(&mut self) { match self.req.take() { None => (), Some(req) => { log::error!("unknown request: {:?}", req); let resp = Response::new_err( req.id, ErrorCode::MethodNotFound as i32, "unknown request".to_string(), ); self.msg_sender.send(resp.into()).unwrap(); } } } } fn result_to_task(id: RequestId, result: Result) -> Task where R: lsp_types::request::Request + 'static, R::Params: DeserializeOwned + 'static, R::Result: Serialize + 'static, { let response = match result { Ok(resp) => Response::new_ok(id, &resp), Err(e) => match e.downcast::() { Ok(lsp_error) => Response::new_err(id, lsp_error.code, lsp_error.message), Err(e) => { if is_canceled(&*e) { Response::new_err( id, ErrorCode::ContentModified as i32, "content modified".to_string(), ) } else { Response::new_err(id, ErrorCode::InternalError as i32, e.to_string()) } } }, }; Task::Respond(response) } fn update_file_notifications_on_threadpool( pool: &ThreadPool, world: GlobalStateSnapshot, task_sender: Sender, subscriptions: Vec, ) { log::trace!("updating notifications for {:?}", subscriptions); if world.config.publish_diagnostics { pool.execute(move || { for file_id in subscriptions { match handlers::publish_diagnostics(&world, file_id) { Err(e) => { if !is_canceled(&*e) { log::error!("failed to compute diagnostics: {:?}", e); } } Ok(task) => { task_sender.send(Task::Diagnostic(task)).unwrap(); } } } }) } }