use crate::rustc_info::get_rustc_path; use crate::utils::{ cargo_install, git_clone_root_dir, remove_file, run_command, run_command_with_output, walk_dir, }; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; fn prepare_libcore( sysroot_path: &Path, libgccjit12_patches: bool, cross_compile: bool, ) -> Result<(), String> { let rustc_path = match get_rustc_path() { Some(path) => path, None => return Err("`rustc` path not found".to_string()), }; let parent = match rustc_path.parent() { Some(path) => path, None => return Err(format!("No parent for `{}`", rustc_path.display())), }; let rustlib_dir = parent .join("../lib/rustlib/src/rust") .canonicalize() .map_err(|error| format!("Failed to canonicalize path: {:?}", error))?; if !rustlib_dir.is_dir() { return Err("Please install `rust-src` component".to_string()); } let sysroot_dir = sysroot_path.join("sysroot_src"); if sysroot_dir.is_dir() { if let Err(error) = fs::remove_dir_all(&sysroot_dir) { return Err(format!( "Failed to remove `{}`: {:?}", sysroot_dir.display(), error, )); } } let sysroot_library_dir = sysroot_dir.join("library"); fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot_library_dir).map_err(|error| { format!( "Failed to create folder `{}`: {:?}", sysroot_library_dir.display(), error, ) })?; run_command( &[&"cp", &"-r", &rustlib_dir.join("library"), &sysroot_dir], None, )?; println!("[GIT] init (cwd): `{}`", sysroot_dir.display()); run_command(&[&"git", &"init"], Some(&sysroot_dir))?; println!("[GIT] add (cwd): `{}`", sysroot_dir.display()); run_command(&[&"git", &"add", &"."], Some(&sysroot_dir))?; println!("[GIT] commit (cwd): `{}`", sysroot_dir.display()); // This is needed on systems where nothing is configured. // git really needs something here, or it will fail. // Even using --author is not enough. run_command( &[&"git", &"config", &"", &""], Some(&sysroot_dir), )?; run_command( &[&"git", &"config", &"", &"None"], Some(&sysroot_dir), )?; run_command( &[&"git", &"config", &"core.autocrlf", &"false"], Some(&sysroot_dir), )?; run_command( &[&"git", &"config", &"commit.gpgSign", &"false"], Some(&sysroot_dir), )?; run_command( &[&"git", &"commit", &"-m", &"Initial commit", &"-q"], Some(&sysroot_dir), )?; let mut patches = Vec::new(); walk_dir( "patches", |_| Ok(()), |file_path: &Path| { patches.push(file_path.to_path_buf()); Ok(()) }, )?; if cross_compile { walk_dir( "patches/cross_patches", |_| Ok(()), |file_path: &Path| { patches.push(file_path.to_path_buf()); Ok(()) }, )?; } if libgccjit12_patches { walk_dir( "patches/libgccjit12", |_| Ok(()), |file_path: &Path| { patches.push(file_path.to_path_buf()); Ok(()) }, )?; } patches.sort(); for file_path in patches { println!("[GIT] apply `{}`", file_path.display()); let path = Path::new("../..").join(file_path); run_command_with_output(&[&"git", &"apply", &path], Some(&sysroot_dir))?; run_command_with_output(&[&"git", &"add", &"-A"], Some(&sysroot_dir))?; run_command_with_output( &[ &"git", &"commit", &"--no-gpg-sign", &"-m", &format!("Patch {}", path.display()), ], Some(&sysroot_dir), )?; } println!("Successfully prepared libcore for building"); Ok(()) } // TODO: remove when we can ignore warnings in rustdoc tests. fn prepare_rand() -> Result<(), String> { // Apply patch for the rand crate. let file_path = "patches/crates/0001-Remove-deny-warnings.patch"; let rand_dir = Path::new("build/rand"); println!("[GIT] apply `{}`", file_path); let path = Path::new("../..").join(file_path); run_command_with_output(&[&"git", &"apply", &path], Some(rand_dir))?; run_command_with_output(&[&"git", &"add", &"-A"], Some(rand_dir))?; run_command_with_output( &[ &"git", &"commit", &"--no-gpg-sign", &"-m", &format!("Patch {}", path.display()), ], Some(rand_dir), )?; Ok(()) } // build with cg_llvm for perf comparison fn build_raytracer(repo_dir: &Path) -> Result<(), String> { run_command(&[&"cargo", &"build"], Some(repo_dir))?; let mv_target = repo_dir.join("raytracer_cg_llvm"); if mv_target.is_file() { remove_file(&mv_target)?; } run_command( &[&"mv", &"target/debug/main", &"raytracer_cg_llvm"], Some(repo_dir), )?; Ok(()) } fn clone_and_setup(repo_url: &str, checkout_commit: &str, extra: Option) -> Result<(), String> where F: Fn(&Path) -> Result<(), String>, { let clone_result = git_clone_root_dir(repo_url, &Path::new(crate::BUILD_DIR), false)?; if !clone_result.ran_clone { println!("`{}` has already been cloned", clone_result.repo_name); } let repo_path = Path::new(crate::BUILD_DIR).join(&clone_result.repo_name); run_command(&[&"git", &"checkout", &"--", &"."], Some(&repo_path))?; run_command(&[&"git", &"checkout", &checkout_commit], Some(&repo_path))?; if let Some(extra) = extra { extra(&repo_path)?; } Ok(()) } struct PrepareArg { cross_compile: bool, only_libcore: bool, libgccjit12_patches: bool, } impl PrepareArg { fn new() -> Result, String> { let mut only_libcore = false; let mut cross_compile = false; let mut libgccjit12_patches = false; for arg in std::env::args().skip(2) { match arg.as_str() { "--only-libcore" => only_libcore = true, "--cross" => cross_compile = true, "--libgccjit12-patches" => libgccjit12_patches = true, "--help" => { Self::usage(); return Ok(None); } a => return Err(format!("Unknown argument `{a}`")), } } Ok(Some(Self { cross_compile, only_libcore, libgccjit12_patches, })) } fn usage() { println!( r#" `prepare` command help: --only-libcore : Only setup libcore and don't clone other repositories --cross : Apply the patches needed to do cross-compilation --libgccjit12-patches : Apply patches needed for libgccjit12 --help : Show this help"# ) } } pub fn run() -> Result<(), String> { let args = match PrepareArg::new()? { Some(a) => a, None => return Ok(()), }; let sysroot_path = Path::new("build_sysroot"); prepare_libcore(sysroot_path, args.libgccjit12_patches, args.cross_compile)?; if !args.only_libcore { cargo_install("hyperfine")?; let to_clone = &[ ( "", "1f4507a8e1cf8050e4ceef95eeda8f64645b6719", None, ), ( "", "341f207c1071f7290e3f228c710817c280c8dca1", None, ), ( "", "804a7a21b9e673a482797aa289a18ed480e4d813", Some(build_raytracer), ), ]; for (repo_url, checkout_commit, cb) in to_clone { clone_and_setup(repo_url, checkout_commit, *cb)?; } prepare_rand()?; } println!("Successfully ran `prepare`"); Ok(()) }