#!/usr/bin/env python # This script is for extracting the grammar from the rust docs. import fileinput collections = { "gram": [], "keyword": [], "reserved": [], "binop": [], "unop": [] } in_coll = False coll = "" for line in fileinput.input(openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded("utf-8")): if in_coll: if line.startswith("~~~~"): in_coll = False else: if coll in ["keyword", "reserved", "binop", "unop"]: for word in line.split(): if word not in collections[coll]: collections[coll].append(word) else: collections[coll].append(line) else: if line.startswith("~~~~"): for cname in collections: if ("." + cname) in line: coll = cname in_coll = True break # Define operator symbol-names here tokens = ["non_star", "non_slash", "non_eol", "non_single_quote", "non_double_quote", "ident" ] symnames = { ".": "dot", "+": "plus", "-": "minus", "/": "slash", "*": "star", "%": "percent", "~": "tilde", "@": "at", "!": "not", "&": "and", "|": "or", "^": "xor", "<<": "lsl", ">>": "lsr", ">>>": "asr", "&&": "andand", "||": "oror", "<" : "lt", "<=" : "le", "==" : "eqeq", ">=" : "ge", ">" : "gt", "=": "eq", "+=": "plusequal", "-=": "minusequal", "/=": "divequal", "*=": "starequal", "%=": "percentequal", "&=": "andequal", "|=": "orequal", "^=": "xorequal", ">>=": "lsrequal", ">>>=": "asrequal", "<<=": "lslequal", "::": "coloncolon", "->": "rightarrow", "<-": "leftarrow", "<->": "swaparrow", "//": "linecomment", "/*": "openblockcomment", "*/": "closeblockcomment" } lines = [] for line in collections["gram"]: line2 = "" for word in line.split(): # replace strings with keyword-names or symbol-names from table if word.startswith("\""): word = word[1:-1] if word in symnames: word = symnames[word] else: for ch in word: if not ch.isalpha(): raise Exception("non-alpha apparent keyword: " + word) if word not in tokens: if (word in collections["keyword"] or word in collections["reserved"]): tokens.append(word) else: raise Exception("unknown keyword/reserved word: " + word) line2 += " " + word lines.append(line2) for word in collections["keyword"] + collections["reserved"]: if word not in tokens: tokens.append(word) for sym in collections["unop"] + collections["binop"] + symnames.keys(): word = symnames[sym] if word not in tokens: tokens.append(word) print("%start parser, token;") print("%%token %s ;" % ("\n\t, ".join(tokens))) for coll in ["keyword", "reserved"]: print("%s: %s ; " % (coll, "\n\t| ".join(collections[coll]))); for coll in ["binop", "unop"]: print("%s: %s ; " % (coll, "\n\t| ".join([symnames[x] for x in collections[coll]]))); print("\n".join(lines));