use syntax::ast::{self, BindingMode, FieldPat, Pat, PatKind, RangeEnd, RangeSyntax}; use syntax::ptr; use syntax::source_map::{BytePos, Span}; use crate::comment::{combine_strs_with_missing_comments, FindUncommented}; use crate::config::lists::*; use crate::expr::{can_be_overflowed_expr, rewrite_unary_prefix, wrap_struct_field}; use crate::lists::{ definitive_tactic, itemize_list, shape_for_tactic, struct_lit_formatting, struct_lit_shape, struct_lit_tactic, write_list, ListFormatting, ListItem, Separator, }; use crate::macros::{rewrite_macro, MacroPosition}; use crate::overflow; use crate::pairs::{rewrite_pair, PairParts}; use crate::rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext}; use crate::shape::Shape; use crate::source_map::SpanUtils; use crate::spanned::Spanned; use crate::types::{rewrite_path, PathContext}; use crate::utils::{format_mutability, mk_sp, rewrite_ident}; /// Returns `true` if the given pattern is "short". /// A short pattern is defined by the following grammar: /// /// [small, ntp]: /// - single token /// - `&[single-line, ntp]` /// /// [small]: /// - `[small, ntp]` /// - unary tuple constructor `([small, ntp])` /// - `&[small]` pub(crate) fn is_short_pattern(pat: &ast::Pat, pat_str: &str) -> bool { // We also require that the pattern is reasonably 'small' with its literal width. pat_str.len() <= 20 && !pat_str.contains('\n') && is_short_pattern_inner(pat) } fn is_short_pattern_inner(pat: &ast::Pat) -> bool { match pat.kind { ast::PatKind::Rest | ast::PatKind::Wild | ast::PatKind::Lit(_) => true, ast::PatKind::Ident(_, _, ref pat) => pat.is_none(), ast::PatKind::Struct(..) | ast::PatKind::Mac(..) | ast::PatKind::Slice(..) | ast::PatKind::Path(..) | ast::PatKind::Range(..) => false, ast::PatKind::Tuple(ref subpats) => subpats.len() <= 1, ast::PatKind::TupleStruct(ref path, ref subpats) => { path.segments.len() <= 1 && subpats.len() <= 1 } ast::PatKind::Box(ref p) | ast::PatKind::Ref(ref p, _) | ast::PatKind::Paren(ref p) => { is_short_pattern_inner(&*p) } PatKind::Or(ref pats) => pats.iter().all(|p| is_short_pattern_inner(p)), } } impl Rewrite for Pat { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option { match self.kind { PatKind::Or(ref pats) => { let pat_strs = pats .iter() .map(|p| p.rewrite(context, shape)) .collect::>>()?; let use_mixed_layout = pats .iter() .zip(pat_strs.iter()) .all(|(pat, pat_str)| is_short_pattern(pat, pat_str)); let items: Vec<_> = pat_strs.into_iter().map(ListItem::from_str).collect(); let tactic = if use_mixed_layout { DefinitiveListTactic::Mixed } else { definitive_tactic( &items, ListTactic::HorizontalVertical, Separator::VerticalBar, shape.width, ) }; let fmt = ListFormatting::new(shape, context.config) .tactic(tactic) .separator(" |") .separator_place(context.config.binop_separator()) .ends_with_newline(false); write_list(&items, &fmt) } PatKind::Box(ref pat) => rewrite_unary_prefix(context, "box ", &**pat, shape), PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ident, ref sub_pat) => { let (prefix, mutability) = match binding_mode { BindingMode::ByRef(mutability) => ("ref", mutability), BindingMode::ByValue(mutability) => ("", mutability), }; let mut_infix = format_mutability(mutability).trim(); let id_str = rewrite_ident(context, ident); let sub_pat = match *sub_pat { Some(ref p) => { // 2 - `@ `. let width = shape .width .checked_sub(prefix.len() + mut_infix.len() + id_str.len() + 2)?; let lo = context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "@"); combine_strs_with_missing_comments( context, "@", &p.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(width, shape.indent))?, mk_sp(lo, p.span.lo()), shape, true, )? } None => "".to_owned(), }; // combine prefix and mut let (first_lo, first) = if !prefix.is_empty() && !mut_infix.is_empty() { let hi = context.snippet_provider.span_before(self.span, "mut"); let lo = context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "ref"); ( context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "mut"), combine_strs_with_missing_comments( context, prefix, mut_infix, mk_sp(lo, hi), shape, true, )?, ) } else if !prefix.is_empty() { ( context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "ref"), prefix.to_owned(), ) } else if !mut_infix.is_empty() { ( context.snippet_provider.span_after(self.span, "mut"), mut_infix.to_owned(), ) } else { (self.span.lo(), "".to_owned()) }; let next = if !sub_pat.is_empty() { let hi = context.snippet_provider.span_before(self.span, "@"); combine_strs_with_missing_comments( context, id_str, &sub_pat, mk_sp(ident.span.hi(), hi), shape, true, )? } else { id_str.to_owned() }; combine_strs_with_missing_comments( context, &first, &next, mk_sp(first_lo, ident.span.lo()), shape, true, ) } PatKind::Wild => { if 1 <= shape.width { Some("_".to_owned()) } else { None } } PatKind::Rest => { if 1 <= shape.width { Some("..".to_owned()) } else { None } } PatKind::Range(ref lhs, ref rhs, ref end_kind) => { let infix = match end_kind.node { RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotDot) => "...", RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotEq) => "..=", RangeEnd::Excluded => "..", }; let infix = if context.config.spaces_around_ranges() { format!(" {} ", infix) } else { infix.to_owned() }; rewrite_pair( &**lhs, &**rhs, PairParts::infix(&infix), context, shape, SeparatorPlace::Front, ) } PatKind::Ref(ref pat, mutability) => { let prefix = format!("&{}", format_mutability(mutability)); rewrite_unary_prefix(context, &prefix, &**pat, shape) } PatKind::Tuple(ref items) => rewrite_tuple_pat(items, None, self.span, context, shape), PatKind::Path(ref q_self, ref path) => { rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, q_self.as_ref(), path, shape) } PatKind::TupleStruct(ref path, ref pat_vec) => { let path_str = rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, None, path, shape)?; rewrite_tuple_pat(pat_vec, Some(path_str), self.span, context, shape) } PatKind::Lit(ref expr) => expr.rewrite(context, shape), PatKind::Slice(ref slice_pat) => { let rw: Vec = slice_pat .iter() .map(|p| { if let Some(rw) = p.rewrite(context, shape) { rw } else { format!("{}", context.snippet(p.span)) } }) .collect(); Some(format!("[{}]", rw.join(", "))) } PatKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, ellipsis) => { rewrite_struct_pat(path, fields, ellipsis, self.span, context, shape) } PatKind::Mac(ref mac) => rewrite_macro(mac, None, context, shape, MacroPosition::Pat), PatKind::Paren(ref pat) => pat .rewrite(context, shape.offset_left(1)?.sub_width(1)?) .map(|inner_pat| format!("({})", inner_pat)), } } } fn rewrite_struct_pat( path: &ast::Path, fields: &[ast::FieldPat], ellipsis: bool, span: Span, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { // 2 = ` {` let path_shape = shape.sub_width(2)?; let path_str = rewrite_path(context, PathContext::Expr, None, path, path_shape)?; if fields.is_empty() && !ellipsis { return Some(format!("{} {{}}", path_str)); } let (ellipsis_str, terminator) = if ellipsis { (", ..", "..") } else { ("", "}") }; // 3 = ` { `, 2 = ` }`. let (h_shape, v_shape) = struct_lit_shape(shape, context, path_str.len() + 3, ellipsis_str.len() + 2)?; let items = itemize_list( context.snippet_provider, fields.iter(), terminator, ",", |f| { if f.attrs.is_empty() { f.span.lo() } else { f.attrs.first().unwrap().span.lo() } }, |f| f.span.hi(), |f| f.rewrite(context, v_shape), context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "{"), span.hi(), false, ); let item_vec = items.collect::>(); let tactic = struct_lit_tactic(h_shape, context, &item_vec); let nested_shape = shape_for_tactic(tactic, h_shape, v_shape); let fmt = struct_lit_formatting(nested_shape, tactic, context, false); let mut fields_str = write_list(&item_vec, &fmt)?; let one_line_width = h_shape.map_or(0, |shape| shape.width); if ellipsis { if fields_str.contains('\n') || fields_str.len() > one_line_width { // Add a missing trailing comma. if context.config.trailing_comma() == SeparatorTactic::Never { fields_str.push_str(","); } fields_str.push_str("\n"); fields_str.push_str(&nested_shape.indent.to_string(context.config)); fields_str.push_str(".."); } else { if !fields_str.is_empty() { // there are preceding struct fields being matched on if tactic == DefinitiveListTactic::Vertical { // if the tactic is Vertical, write_list already added a trailing , fields_str.push_str(" "); } else { fields_str.push_str(", "); } } fields_str.push_str(".."); } } // ast::Pat doesn't have attrs so use &[] let fields_str = wrap_struct_field(context, &[], &fields_str, shape, v_shape, one_line_width)?; Some(format!("{} {{{}}}", path_str, fields_str)) } impl Rewrite for FieldPat { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option { let hi_pos = if let Some(last) = self.attrs.last() { last.span.hi() } else { self.pat.span.lo() }; let attrs_str = if self.attrs.is_empty() { String::from("") } else { self.attrs.rewrite(context, shape)? }; let pat_str = self.pat.rewrite(context, shape)?; if self.is_shorthand { combine_strs_with_missing_comments( context, &attrs_str, &pat_str, mk_sp(hi_pos, self.pat.span.lo()), shape, false, ) } else { let nested_shape = shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces()); let id_str = rewrite_ident(context, self.ident); let one_line_width = id_str.len() + 2 + pat_str.len(); let pat_and_id_str = if one_line_width <= shape.width { format!("{}: {}", id_str, pat_str) } else { format!( "{}:\n{}{}", id_str, nested_shape.indent.to_string(context.config), self.pat.rewrite(context, nested_shape)? ) }; combine_strs_with_missing_comments( context, &attrs_str, &pat_and_id_str, mk_sp(hi_pos, self.pat.span.lo()), nested_shape, false, ) } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum TuplePatField<'a> { Pat(&'a ptr::P), Dotdot(Span), } impl<'a> Rewrite for TuplePatField<'a> { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option { match *self { TuplePatField::Pat(p) => p.rewrite(context, shape), TuplePatField::Dotdot(_) => Some("..".to_string()), } } } impl<'a> Spanned for TuplePatField<'a> { fn span(&self) -> Span { match *self { TuplePatField::Pat(p) => p.span(), TuplePatField::Dotdot(span) => span, } } } impl<'a> TuplePatField<'a> { fn is_dotdot(&self) -> bool { match self { TuplePatField::Pat(pat) => match pat.kind { ast::PatKind::Rest => true, _ => false, }, TuplePatField::Dotdot(_) => true, } } } pub(crate) fn can_be_overflowed_pat( context: &RewriteContext<'_>, pat: &TuplePatField<'_>, len: usize, ) -> bool { match *pat { TuplePatField::Pat(pat) => match pat.kind { ast::PatKind::Path(..) | ast::PatKind::Tuple(..) | ast::PatKind::Struct(..) | ast::PatKind::TupleStruct(..) => context.use_block_indent() && len == 1, ast::PatKind::Ref(ref p, _) | ast::PatKind::Box(ref p) => { can_be_overflowed_pat(context, &TuplePatField::Pat(p), len) } ast::PatKind::Lit(ref expr) => can_be_overflowed_expr(context, expr, len), _ => false, }, TuplePatField::Dotdot(..) => false, } } fn rewrite_tuple_pat( pats: &[ptr::P], path_str: Option, span: Span, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape, ) -> Option { let mut pat_vec: Vec<_> = pats.iter().map(|x| TuplePatField::Pat(x)).collect(); if pat_vec.is_empty() { return Some(format!("{}()", path_str.unwrap_or_default())); } let wildcard_suffix_len = count_wildcard_suffix_len(context, &pat_vec, span, shape); let (pat_vec, span) = if context.config.condense_wildcard_suffixes() && wildcard_suffix_len >= 2 { let new_item_count = 1 + pat_vec.len() - wildcard_suffix_len; let sp = pat_vec[new_item_count - 1].span(); let snippet = context.snippet(sp); let lo = sp.lo() + BytePos(snippet.find_uncommented("_").unwrap() as u32); pat_vec[new_item_count - 1] = TuplePatField::Dotdot(mk_sp(lo, lo + BytePos(1))); ( &pat_vec[..new_item_count], mk_sp(span.lo(), lo + BytePos(1)), ) } else { (&pat_vec[..], span) }; let is_last_pat_dotdot = pat_vec.last().map_or(false, |p| p.is_dotdot()); let add_comma = path_str.is_none() && pat_vec.len() == 1 && !is_last_pat_dotdot; let path_str = path_str.unwrap_or_default(); overflow::rewrite_with_parens( &context, &path_str, pat_vec.iter(), shape, span, context.config.max_width(), if add_comma { Some(SeparatorTactic::Always) } else { None }, ) } fn count_wildcard_suffix_len( context: &RewriteContext<'_>, patterns: &[TuplePatField<'_>], span: Span, shape: Shape, ) -> usize { let mut suffix_len = 0; let items: Vec<_> = itemize_list( context.snippet_provider, patterns.iter(), ")", ",", |item| item.span().lo(), |item| item.span().hi(), |item| item.rewrite(context, shape), context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "("), span.hi() - BytePos(1), false, ) .collect(); for item in items.iter().rev().take_while(|i| match i.item { Some(ref internal_string) if internal_string == "_" => true, _ => false, }) { suffix_len += 1; if item.has_comment() { break; } } suffix_len }