import os.libc; native "rust" mod rustrt { fn rust_get_stdin() -> os.libc.FILE; fn rust_get_stdout() -> os.libc.FILE; } // Reading // FIXME This is all buffered. We might need an unbuffered variant as well tag seek_style {seek_set; seek_end; seek_cur;} // The raw underlying reader class. All readers must implement this. type buf_reader = state obj { impure fn read(uint len) -> vec[u8]; impure fn read_byte() -> int; impure fn unread_byte(int byte); impure fn eof() -> bool; // FIXME: Seekable really should be orthogonal. We will need // inheritance. impure fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence); impure fn tell() -> uint; }; // Convenience methods for reading. type reader = state obj { // FIXME: This should inherit from buf_reader. impure fn get_buf_reader() -> buf_reader; impure fn read_byte() -> int; impure fn unread_byte(int byte); impure fn read_bytes(uint len) -> vec[u8]; impure fn read_char() -> char; impure fn eof() -> bool; impure fn read_line() -> str; impure fn read_c_str() -> str; impure fn read_le_uint(uint size) -> uint; impure fn read_le_int(uint size) -> int; impure fn read_be_uint(uint size) -> uint; impure fn read_whole_stream() -> vec[u8]; impure fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence); impure fn tell() -> uint; // FIXME: eventually u64 }; fn convert_whence(seek_style whence) -> int { alt (whence) { case (seek_set) {ret 0;} case (seek_cur) {ret 1;} case (seek_end) {ret 2;} } } state obj FILE_buf_reader(os.libc.FILE f, bool must_close) { impure fn read(uint len) -> vec[u8] { auto buf = _vec.alloc[u8](len); auto read = os.libc.fread(_vec.buf[u8](buf), 1u, len, f); _vec.len_set[u8](buf, read); ret buf; } impure fn read_byte() -> int { ret os.libc.fgetc(f); } impure fn unread_byte(int byte) { os.libc.ungetc(byte, f); } impure fn eof() -> bool { ret os.libc.feof(f) != 0; } impure fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence) { check (os.libc.fseek(f, offset, convert_whence(whence)) == 0); } impure fn tell() -> uint { ret os.libc.ftell(f) as uint; } drop { if (must_close) { os.libc.fclose(f); } } } // FIXME: Convert this into pseudomethods on buf_reader. state obj new_reader(buf_reader rdr) { impure fn get_buf_reader() -> buf_reader { ret rdr; } impure fn read_byte() -> int { ret rdr.read_byte(); } impure fn unread_byte(int byte) { ret rdr.unread_byte(byte); } impure fn read_bytes(uint len) -> vec[u8] { ret; } impure fn read_char() -> char { auto c0 = rdr.read_byte(); if (c0 == -1) {ret -1 as char;} // FIXME will this stay valid? auto b0 = c0 as u8; auto w = _str.utf8_char_width(b0); check(w > 0u); if (w == 1u) {ret b0 as char;} auto val = 0u; while (w > 1u) { w -= 1u; auto next = rdr.read_byte(); check(next > -1); check(next & 0xc0 == 0x80); val <<= 6u; val += (next & 0x3f) as uint; } // See _str.char_at val += ((b0 << ((w + 1u) as u8)) as uint) << ((w - 1u) * 6u - w - 1u); ret val as char; } impure fn eof() -> bool { ret rdr.eof(); } impure fn read_line() -> str { let vec[u8] buf = vec(); // No break yet in rustc auto go_on = true; while (go_on) { auto ch = rdr.read_byte(); if (ch == -1 || ch == 10) {go_on = false;} else {_vec.push[u8](buf, ch as u8);} } ret _str.unsafe_from_bytes(buf); } impure fn read_c_str() -> str { let vec[u8] buf = vec(); auto go_on = true; while (go_on) { auto ch = rdr.read_byte(); if (ch < 1) {go_on = false;} else {_vec.push[u8](buf, ch as u8);} } ret _str.unsafe_from_bytes(buf); } // FIXME deal with eof? impure fn read_le_uint(uint size) -> uint { auto val = 0u; auto pos = 0u; while (size > 0u) { val += (rdr.read_byte() as uint) << pos; pos += 8u; size -= 1u; } ret val; } impure fn read_le_int(uint size) -> int { auto val = 0u; auto pos = 0u; while (size > 0u) { val += (rdr.read_byte() as uint) << pos; pos += 8u; size -= 1u; } ret val as int; } // FIXME deal with eof? impure fn read_be_uint(uint size) -> uint { auto val = 0u; auto sz = size; // FIXME: bug workaround while (sz > 0u) { sz -= 1u; val += (rdr.read_byte() as uint) << (sz * 8u); } ret val; } impure fn read_whole_stream() -> vec[u8] { let vec[u8] buf = vec(); while (!rdr.eof()) { buf +=; } ret buf; } impure fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence) { ret, whence); } impure fn tell() -> uint { ret rdr.tell(); } } fn stdin() -> reader { ret new_reader(FILE_buf_reader(rustrt.rust_get_stdin(), false)); } fn file_reader(str path) -> reader { auto f = os.libc.fopen(_str.buf(path), _str.buf("r")); if (f as uint == 0u) { log "error opening " + path; fail; } ret new_reader(FILE_buf_reader(f, true)); } // FIXME: Remove me once objects are exported. fn new_reader_(buf_reader bufr) -> reader { ret new_reader(bufr); } // Byte buffer readers // TODO: mutable? u8, but this fails with rustboot. type byte_buf = @rec(vec[u8] buf, mutable uint pos); state obj byte_buf_reader(byte_buf bbuf) { impure fn read(uint len) -> vec[u8] { auto rest = _vec.len[u8](bbuf.buf) - bbuf.pos; auto to_read = len; if (rest < to_read) { to_read = rest; } auto range = _vec.slice[u8](bbuf.buf, bbuf.pos, bbuf.pos + to_read); bbuf.pos += to_read; ret range; } impure fn read_byte() -> int { if (bbuf.pos == _vec.len[u8](bbuf.buf)) {ret -1;} auto b = bbuf.buf.(bbuf.pos); bbuf.pos += 1u; ret b as int; } impure fn unread_byte(int byte) { log "TODO: unread_byte"; fail; } impure fn eof() -> bool { ret bbuf.pos == _vec.len[u8](bbuf.buf); } impure fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence) { auto pos = bbuf.pos; auto len = _vec.len[u8](bbuf.buf); bbuf.pos = seek_in_buf(offset, pos, len, whence); } impure fn tell() -> uint { ret bbuf.pos; } } fn new_byte_buf_reader(vec[u8] buf) -> byte_buf_reader { ret byte_buf_reader(@rec(buf=buf, mutable pos=0u)); } // Writing tag fileflag { append; create; truncate; none; } type buf_writer = state obj { fn write(vec[u8] v); // FIXME: Seekable really should be orthogonal. We will need inheritance. fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence); fn tell() -> uint; // FIXME: eventually u64 }; state obj FILE_writer(os.libc.FILE f, bool must_close) { fn write(vec[u8] v) { auto len = _vec.len[u8](v); auto vbuf = _vec.buf[u8](v); auto nout = os.libc.fwrite(vbuf, len, 1u, f); if (nout < 1u) { log "error dumping buffer"; } } fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence) { check(os.libc.fseek(f, offset, convert_whence(whence)) == 0); } fn tell() -> uint { ret os.libc.ftell(f) as uint; } drop { if (must_close) {os.libc.fclose(f);} } } state obj fd_buf_writer(int fd, bool must_close) { fn write(vec[u8] v) { auto len = _vec.len[u8](v); auto count = 0u; auto vbuf; while (count < len) { vbuf = _vec.buf_off[u8](v, count); auto nout = os.libc.write(fd, vbuf, len); if (nout < 0) { log "error dumping buffer"; log sys.rustrt.last_os_error(); fail; } count += nout as uint; } } fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence) { log "need 64-bit native calls for seek, sorry"; fail; } fn tell() -> uint { log "need 64-bit native calls for tell, sorry"; fail; } drop { if (must_close) {os.libc.close(fd);} } } fn file_buf_writer(str path, vec[fileflag] flags) -> buf_writer { let int fflags = os.libc_constants.O_WRONLY() | os.libc_constants.O_BINARY(); for (fileflag f in flags) { alt (f) { case (append) { fflags |= os.libc_constants.O_APPEND(); } case (create) { fflags |= os.libc_constants.O_CREAT(); } case (truncate) { fflags |= os.libc_constants.O_TRUNC(); } case (none) {} } } auto fd =, fflags, os.libc_constants.S_IRUSR() | os.libc_constants.S_IWUSR()); if (fd < 0) { log "error opening file for writing"; log sys.rustrt.last_os_error(); fail; } ret fd_buf_writer(fd, true); } type writer = state obj { fn get_buf_writer() -> buf_writer; // write_str will continue to do utf-8 output only. an alternative // function will be provided for general encoded string output impure fn write_str(str s); impure fn write_char(char ch); impure fn write_int(int n); impure fn write_uint(uint n); impure fn write_bytes(vec[u8] bytes); impure fn write_le_uint(uint n, uint size); impure fn write_le_int(int n, uint size); impure fn write_be_uint(uint n, uint size); }; fn uint_to_le_bytes(uint n, uint size) -> vec[u8] { let vec[u8] bytes = vec(); while (size > 0u) { bytes += vec((n & 255u) as u8); n >>= 8u; size -= 1u; } ret bytes; } fn uint_to_be_bytes(uint n, uint size) -> vec[u8] { let vec[u8] bytes = vec(); auto i = (size - 1u) as int; while (i >= 0) { bytes += vec(((n >> ((i * 8) as uint)) & 255u) as u8); i -= 1; } ret bytes; } state obj new_writer(buf_writer out) { fn get_buf_writer() -> buf_writer { ret out; } impure fn write_str(str s) { out.write(_str.bytes(s)); } impure fn write_char(char ch) { // FIXME needlessly consy out.write(_str.bytes(_str.from_char(ch))); } impure fn write_int(int n) { out.write(_str.bytes(_int.to_str(n, 10u))); } impure fn write_uint(uint n) { out.write(_str.bytes(_uint.to_str(n, 10u))); } impure fn write_bytes(vec[u8] bytes) { out.write(bytes); } impure fn write_le_uint(uint n, uint size) { out.write(uint_to_le_bytes(n, size)); } impure fn write_le_int(int n, uint size) { out.write(uint_to_le_bytes(n as uint, size)); } impure fn write_be_uint(uint n, uint size) { out.write(uint_to_be_bytes(n, size)); } } // FIXME: Remove me once objects are exported. fn new_writer_(buf_writer out) -> writer { ret new_writer(out); } fn file_writer(str path, vec[fileflag] flags) -> writer { ret new_writer(file_buf_writer(path, flags)); } // FIXME: fileflags fn buffered_file_buf_writer(str path) -> buf_writer { auto f = os.libc.fopen(_str.buf(path), _str.buf("w")); if (f as uint == 0u) { log "error opening " + path; fail; } ret FILE_writer(f, true); } // FIXME it would be great if this could be a const fn stdout() -> writer { ret new_writer(fd_buf_writer(1, false)); } type str_writer = state obj { fn get_writer() -> writer; fn get_str() -> str; }; type mutable_byte_buf = @rec(mutable vec[mutable u8] buf, mutable uint pos); state obj byte_buf_writer(mutable_byte_buf buf) { fn write(vec[u8] v) { // FIXME: optimize auto vlen = _vec.len[u8](v); auto vpos = 0u; while (vpos < vlen) { auto b = v.(vpos); if (buf.pos == _vec.len[mutable u8](buf.buf)) { buf.buf += vec(mutable b); } else { buf.buf.(buf.pos) = b; } buf.pos += 1u; vpos += 1u; } } fn seek(int offset, seek_style whence) { auto pos = buf.pos; auto len = _vec.len[mutable u8](buf.buf); buf.pos = seek_in_buf(offset, pos, len, whence); } fn tell() -> uint { ret buf.pos; } } fn string_writer() -> str_writer { // FIXME: yikes, this is bad. Needs fixing of mutable syntax. let vec[mutable u8] b = vec(mutable 0u8); _vec.pop[mutable u8](b); let mutable_byte_buf buf = @rec(mutable buf = b, mutable pos = 0u); state obj str_writer_wrap(writer wr, mutable_byte_buf buf) { fn get_writer() -> writer {ret wr;} fn get_str() -> str {ret _str.unsafe_from_mutable_bytes(buf.buf);} } ret str_writer_wrap(new_writer(byte_buf_writer(buf)), buf); } // Utility functions fn seek_in_buf(int offset, uint pos, uint len, seek_style whence) -> uint { auto bpos = pos as int; auto blen = len as int; alt (whence) { case (seek_set) { bpos = offset; } case (seek_cur) { bpos += offset; } case (seek_end) { bpos = blen + offset; } } if (bpos < 0) { bpos = 0; } else if (bpos > blen) { bpos = blen; } ret bpos as uint; } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C .. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //