#[doc = "Converts the Rust AST to the rustdoc document model"]; import syntax::ast; export from_srv, extract; fn from_srv( srv: astsrv::srv, default_name: str ) -> doc::doc { #[doc = "Use the AST service to create a document tree"]; astsrv::exec(srv) {|ctxt| extract(ctxt.ast, default_name) } } fn extract( crate: @ast::crate, default_name: str ) -> doc::doc { { pages: [ doc::cratepage({ topmod: top_moddoc_from_crate(crate, default_name), }) ]/~ } } fn top_moddoc_from_crate( crate: @ast::crate, default_name: str ) -> doc::moddoc { moddoc_from_mod(mk_itemdoc(ast::crate_node_id, @default_name), crate.node.module) } fn mk_itemdoc(id: ast::node_id, name: ast::ident) -> doc::itemdoc { { id: id, name: *name, path: []/~, brief: none, desc: none, sections: []/~, reexport: false } } fn moddoc_from_mod( itemdoc: doc::itemdoc, module: ast::_mod ) -> doc::moddoc { { item: itemdoc, items: vec::filter_map(module.items) {|item| let itemdoc = mk_itemdoc(item.id, item.ident); alt item.node { ast::item_mod(m) { some(doc::modtag( moddoc_from_mod(itemdoc, m) )) } ast::item_native_mod(nm) { some(doc::nmodtag( nmoddoc_from_mod(itemdoc, nm) )) } ast::item_fn(_, _, _) { some(doc::fntag( fndoc_from_fn(itemdoc) )) } ast::item_const(_, _) { some(doc::consttag( constdoc_from_const(itemdoc) )) } ast::item_enum(variants, _, _) { some(doc::enumtag( enumdoc_from_enum(itemdoc, variants) )) } ast::item_iface(_, _, methods) { some(doc::ifacetag( ifacedoc_from_iface(itemdoc, methods) )) } ast::item_impl(_, _, _, _, methods) { some(doc::impltag( impldoc_from_impl(itemdoc, methods) )) } ast::item_ty(_, _, _) { some(doc::tytag( tydoc_from_ty(itemdoc) )) } _ { none } } }, index: none } } fn nmoddoc_from_mod( itemdoc: doc::itemdoc, module: ast::native_mod ) -> doc::nmoddoc { { item: itemdoc, fns: par::seqmap(module.items) {|item| let itemdoc = mk_itemdoc(item.id, item.ident); alt item.node { ast::native_item_fn(_, _) { fndoc_from_fn(itemdoc) } } }, index: none } } fn fndoc_from_fn(itemdoc: doc::itemdoc) -> doc::fndoc { { item: itemdoc, sig: none } } fn constdoc_from_const(itemdoc: doc::itemdoc) -> doc::constdoc { { item: itemdoc, sig: none } } #[test] fn should_extract_const_name_and_id() { let doc = test::mk_doc("const a: int = 0;"); assert doc.cratemod().consts()[0].id() != 0; assert doc.cratemod().consts()[0].name() == "a"; } fn enumdoc_from_enum( itemdoc: doc::itemdoc, variants: [ast::variant]/~ ) -> doc::enumdoc { { item: itemdoc, variants: variantdocs_from_variants(variants) } } fn variantdocs_from_variants( variants: [ast::variant]/~ ) -> [doc::variantdoc]/~ { par::seqmap(variants, variantdoc_from_variant) } fn variantdoc_from_variant(variant: ast::variant) -> doc::variantdoc { { name: *variant.node.name, desc: none, sig: none } } #[test] fn should_extract_enums() { let doc = test::mk_doc("enum e { v }"); assert doc.cratemod().enums()[0].id() != 0; assert doc.cratemod().enums()[0].name() == "e"; } #[test] fn should_extract_enum_variants() { let doc = test::mk_doc("enum e { v }"); assert doc.cratemod().enums()[0].variants[0].name == "v"; } fn ifacedoc_from_iface( itemdoc: doc::itemdoc, methods: [ast::ty_method]/~ ) -> doc::ifacedoc { { item: itemdoc, methods: par::seqmap(methods) {|method| { name: *method.ident, brief: none, desc: none, sections: []/~, sig: none } } } } #[test] fn should_extract_ifaces() { let doc = test::mk_doc("iface i { fn f(); }"); assert doc.cratemod().ifaces()[0].name() == "i"; } #[test] fn should_extract_iface_methods() { let doc = test::mk_doc("iface i { fn f(); }"); assert doc.cratemod().ifaces()[0].methods[0].name == "f"; } fn impldoc_from_impl( itemdoc: doc::itemdoc, methods: [@ast::method]/~ ) -> doc::impldoc { { item: itemdoc, iface_ty: none, self_ty: none, methods: par::seqmap(methods) {|method| { name: *method.ident, brief: none, desc: none, sections: []/~, sig: none } } } } #[test] fn should_extract_impls_with_names() { let doc = test::mk_doc("impl i for int { fn a() { } }"); assert doc.cratemod().impls()[0].name() == "i"; } #[test] fn should_extract_impls_without_names() { let doc = test::mk_doc("impl of i for int { fn a() { } }"); assert doc.cratemod().impls()[0].name() == "i"; } #[test] fn should_extract_impl_methods() { let doc = test::mk_doc("impl i for int { fn f() { } }"); assert doc.cratemod().impls()[0].methods[0].name == "f"; } fn tydoc_from_ty( itemdoc: doc::itemdoc ) -> doc::tydoc { { item: itemdoc, sig: none } } #[test] fn should_extract_tys() { let doc = test::mk_doc("type a = int;"); assert doc.cratemod().types()[0].name() == "a"; } #[cfg(test)] mod test { fn mk_doc(source: str) -> doc::doc { let ast = parse::from_str(source); extract(ast, "") } #[test] fn extract_empty_crate() { let doc = mk_doc(""); assert vec::is_empty(doc.cratemod().mods()); assert vec::is_empty(doc.cratemod().fns()); } #[test] fn extract_mods() { let doc = mk_doc("mod a { mod b { } mod c { } }"); assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].name() == "a"; assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].mods()[0].name() == "b"; assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].mods()[1].name() == "c"; } #[test] fn extract_native_mods() { let doc = mk_doc("native mod a { }"); assert doc.cratemod().nmods()[0].name() == "a"; } #[test] fn extract_fns_from_native_mods() { let doc = mk_doc("native mod a { fn a(); }"); assert doc.cratemod().nmods()[0].fns[0].name() == "a"; } #[test] fn extract_mods_deep() { let doc = mk_doc("mod a { mod b { mod c { } } }"); assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].mods()[0].mods()[0].name() == "c"; } #[test] fn extract_should_set_mod_ast_id() { let doc = mk_doc("mod a { }"); assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].id() != 0; } #[test] fn extract_fns() { let doc = mk_doc( "fn a() { } \ mod b { fn c() { } }"); assert doc.cratemod().fns()[0].name() == "a"; assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].fns()[0].name() == "c"; } #[test] fn extract_should_set_fn_ast_id() { let doc = mk_doc("fn a() { }"); assert doc.cratemod().fns()[0].id() != 0; } #[test] fn extract_should_use_default_crate_name() { let source = ""; let ast = parse::from_str(source); let doc = extract(ast, "burp"); assert doc.cratemod().name() == "burp"; } #[test] fn extract_from_seq_srv() { let source = ""; astsrv::from_str(source) {|srv| let doc = from_srv(srv, "name"); assert doc.cratemod().name() == "name"; } } }